Finished playing and I must say, that I enjoyed it. Yet there are some things I would change/repair:
- Grammar mistakes in dialogues - in almost every dialogue is a grammar mistake
- In every mission (exxcept for the last one), when a character said something in game (meaning not in the cinematic) there was the line, but also a line from the opening cutscene appeared
- Quests - Some quests had same requirements to accomplish, yet the description was different.
- Lastly, I would like to see a differentness among the factions. Eric´s knights, Pirates, they are both same in terms of mechaniscs and troops. Even the stats are same. Also in last chapter (Cenotaph), there are like 5 different soldiers (Templars, Silver city,...), yet again, they are completely same. So they could be also different in terms of stats and spells. Like templars could heal or Eric´s soldiers could throw spears, since they carry them.