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Gamescom 2015: spark for WarCraft IV?

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Level 30
Jul 31, 2010

Blizzard has revealed its RTS team may indeed revisit the Warcraft franchise once the last chapter in the StarCraft II story is complete.

Speaking to IGN at Gamescom, StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void producer Tim Morten admitted that while the potential is certainly there for StarCraft III focusing on all-new characters, it's not the only option available to them.

"This isn’t the end of StarCraft, but it’s the end of this story for these characters. We don’t have any specific plans, but I’ll say that the universe has so much potential for more stories, clearly other stories could be told."

"It’s very rewarding for us to hear that there’s demand out there for more RTS content in the Warcraft universe so once we’re done with Void I think we’ll get together as a team and talk about what would inspire us to work on next. There’s no question, though, that we’ll consider Warcraft, StarCraft, or even new ideas. Anything is possible."

Though far from an airtight confirmation, it certainly seems Blizzard is keener on the idea than it once was. Until recently the company had asserted MMO World of Warcraft was the future of the franchise - it now seems we could see a new RTS after all. :grin:

Of course even if a full game doesn't materialise, it's not necessarily the end of the world. Heroes of the Storm game director Dustin Browder teased a new mode that could come to the company's MOBA in the future bearing similarities to the much-loved Warcraft III.

[*This News is based from the post IGN made; Aug 12 2015]
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Level 40
Jul 26, 2004
I wrote this in the Official Warcraft IV too, I really believe that the best thing for Blizzard to do with Warcraft IV would be to completely reboot the storyline. Start from scratch. The lore in WoW is so unbelievably messed up it would make no sense to continue it in a new RTS. Not to mention that they've killed off any remotely interesting characters.

Rebooting the storyline would allow us to play the old storylines (WC1+2, those games had great lore but no way to actually tell it ingame) in a superior engine with better cutscenes, and it would also make sense since they are already kind of rebooting it with the upcoming film. The RTS could simply follow the movie canon.
Level 56
Dec 29, 2014
They could always use the same units in a HD version plus adding some new. The units from Starcraft 2 would go nicely. They could bring the storylines from the Warcraft 1 and 2. Anyway I hope there will be a Warcraft 4. They screwed my childhood with WoW. :p
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
If they haven't even started talking about making Warcraft IV internally, it's at least 15 years away. "It's done when it's perfect."
... wow... So the MMO genre dying made Blizzard go back to it's roots?

Woooooooorth it!

Let's be honest, though: I'd rather have a completely new RTS franchise from Blizzard. As much as I would love Warcraft IV... it's just that after the amazing Overwatch trailers, I'd love to see what other surprises they have in store...

One serious question though:
Why not just add a map editor to Heroes of the Storm? Boom. Completely new game!
Level 3
Apr 23, 2009
One serious question though:
Why not just add a map editor to Heroes of the Storm? Boom. Completely new game!

Because then Blizzard couldn't get more money out of you. The only reason Heroes of the Storm is free to play, is that Dota and League are around, and nobody in their right mind would have spent money on an easier, maybe-sorta-could-be-fun looking version of those two just to check it out. They not gonna ad such a feature without making you pay for it.

While I don't agree with all they choices during WoW, I still did like the lore over all, or at least found it interesting. If it is a reboot its a reboot. If it is a continuation of the WoW lore, as long as it remotely makes some sense, its a continuation of the WoW lore. I honestly don't care.

All I want is a new version of my favorite game with some improved graphics and a better and improved editor.
Rebooting the storyline would allow us to play the old storylines (WC1+2, those games had great lore but no way to actually tell it ingame) in a superior engine with better cutscenes, and it would also make sense since they are already kind of rebooting it with the upcoming film. The RTS could simply follow the movie canon.

Wow lore is something 'special' when it comes to wild imagination and fucked up characters. Yeah, I could live up with a reboot instead of a messed up mmo lore.
Also Blizz, pick up the cliffhanger from the end of TFT, I'm starving to know what would've happened afterwards.

It's a big IF but it's all we've got so far.
One serious question though:
Why not just add a map editor to Heroes of the Storm? Boom. Completely new game!

But isn't Heroes made with the Starcraft II engine? lol
Might as well just use the Starcraft II editor then, I think the Heroes of the Storm models and other resources have already been ripped by some.
Wow lore is something 'special' when it comes to wild imagination and fucked up characters. Yeah, I could live up with a reboot instead of a messed up mmo lore.
Also Blizz, pick up the cliffhanger from the end of TFT, I'm starving to know what would've happened afterwards.

It's a big IF but it's all we've got so far.

They did say that they had several guys working to remake War1, War2, War3 already. It is very unlikely that SC2 team (team who worked on Warcraft strategy games) will reboot the games.. I'm hoping they would tough..
Level 40
Jul 26, 2004
They did say that they had several guys working to remake War1, War2, War3 already. It is very unlikely that SC2 team (team who worked on Warcraft strategy games) will reboot the games.. I'm hoping they would tough..

Afaik this was never really confirmed. What they really said was they they were bringing the old games to modern platforms. Which basically means making them compatible with newer OS, maybe even mobile. Nothing in what they said suggested remakes in my opinion.

People just took those news and blew them completely out of proportion.
i actually asked that question on sc2mapster.com and it was denied by a blizzard employee.

sc2mapster.com has no Blizzard employees.. Blizzard does not affiliate itself with it.

"SC2Mapster is a community for map makers and enthusiasts.

We want to provide the best solution for those who want to create and host maps.

We operate strictly within Blizzard's Terms of Service."

Stop spreading false news.
He is a community manager and has been posting helpful information (launch of PTR tests, contests, answering questions etc). on that forum for some time now. Why is so hard to believe that a community manager would visit the biggest sc2-mapping-fansite? At least have a look at some of his posts...

Because what he writes there is absolutely in no comparison to what Blizzard actually does. You don't have proof that he works for Blizzard.

Besides, his role as a authenticated person does not exist in a non affiliated sites.

Blizzard has official forums made for Starcraft 2, community managers work there.
Level 29
Sep 28, 2004
His posts speak for themselves. But then again they're probably hard to judge if you are not a SC2Mapster/Starcraft 2 community member. I trust sc2mapster enough when they trust a random guy posing as Traysent (which is a known nickname for a blizzard employee who posts news on www.battle.net) to give him the title "blizzard employee" and that guy posts information about small things (PTR tests, events) that haven't happened yet. In my eyes he doesn't need to do it "officially" and I see no problem why a blizzard employee wouldn't also be a member of a fansite (I didn't say employee of the fansite!) and do some extra community service (lol :D).
Level 40
Jul 26, 2004
i actually asked that question on sc2mapster.com and it was denied by a blizzard employee.

Which one was denied? Remakes or compatibility for newer OS? Or both?

sc2mapster.com has no Blizzard employees.. Blizzard does not affiliate itself with it.

"SC2Mapster is a community for map makers and enthusiasts.

We want to provide the best solution for those who want to create and host maps.

We operate strictly within Blizzard's Terms of Service."

Stop spreading false news.

It's perfectly possible for a Blizzard employee to be a member of a fan site. Also, you were kinda the one spreading false news in the first place.
Level 29
Sep 28, 2004
Yeah, my question was about remakes for old WC games, and he said no. My personal assumption is is that they actually did have someone work on a remake but figured that it wasn't worth it as the community might do a better job with their WC remake für SC2 or that there were too many technical difficulties (Undead blight). Another theory is that they just deny things when they aren't sure if/when something will be released. Another theory could be that Traysent actually doesn't know. Another theory is that Polygon (or other sites) misinterpreted Brack's comment. What's funny is that I've been looking for my question on sc2mapster.com yesterday and I just can't find it. Might be they deleted it but I believe it's actually the forum search engine of sc2mapster that is just that bad.
Level 40
Jul 26, 2004
False news? My sources were: Polygon.


Quote from the article you posted:

At the World of Warcraft question and answer panel at BlizzCon 2013, Brack revealed the "side project" to a fan who asked if Blizzard would consider making the older Warcraft games compatible with modern computers.

"So, we actually have a guy on our team — actually several guys on our team — who are actually working on a side project to do something like that in some form or fashion,"

Making them compatible with modern computers != remaking them. Nothing in what they said suggested remakes, yet people continue to spread these rumours as if it's confirmed.

They probably mean something along the lines of the enhanced edition that was made for Baldur's Gate, which is not a remake but rather an update to the existing game to make it compatible with modern systems. Or it could be as a mod to HotS. Who knows? But expecting them to fully remake 3 whole games is wishful thinking in my opinion.

OutsiderXE just pointed out something that he had heard from a respected user from SC2Mapster who's confirmed to work for Blizzard, yet you were so quick to disregard it as false rumours despite the fact that you yourself are the one spreading rumours.

Yeah, my question was about remakes for old WC games, and he said no. My personal assumption is is that they actually did have someone work on a remake but figured that it wasn't worth it as the community might do a better job with their WC remake für SC2 or that there were too many technical difficulties (Undead blight). Another theory is that they just deny things when they aren't sure if/when something will be released. Another theory could be that Traysent actually doesn't know. Another theory is that Polygon (or other sites) misinterpreted Brack's comment. What's funny is that I've been looking for my question on sc2mapster.com yesterday and I just can't find it. Might be they deleted it but I believe it's actually the forum search engine of sc2mapster that is just that bad.

Cool. I think the problem is that they definately misinterpreted what was being said. Looking at the article I honestly cannot see where people get the idea of a remake from. The only thing they said was that they had a couple of guys working on bringing the old games to modern computers. But once rumours like this take hold they are impossible to get rid of it seems.
Level 14
Jul 27, 2007
A Void, I think that's wishful thinking on your side. Don't expect them to "remake" the games any time—not only would this take a lot of time, man power, and money, but it also has limited customers, since it's targeted at people who've already played those games and are willing to pay another $15 or so to replay them.

It's not like they would be pushing the boundaries of gameplay, like they did with all three installments—they will be selling decade-old games with an absurdly expensive package.

Now, what I can see happening, is them remastering the games, just like Age of Empires II was remastered two or three years ago. This includes not only enhancement of the original graphics, but improvement of the UX. Better mouse support for WC1 and WC2, for example. And definitely a little bit better graphics for WC1, maybe on the level of WC2.

Another thing I could see them doing is updating the WC3 engine, since they are still using it (for WoW), and I guess some old libraries can easily be implemented. Things like better lighting and similar stuff. Still, I doubt it because WC3 is still a very popular game for its age, with a strong fanbase, and many active players. There are even PvP streams on Twitch. It's also a much more complex game, which requires more investment to get impressive results. If they do anything with the graphics, they would probably reuse old assets from WoW, and that'd be all. But again—I highly doubt it. They've released Warcraft art assets for StarCraft 2, and they've expressed desire to implement a story mode in Heroes of the Storm. Why would they move back to the (admittedly) inferior engine and graphic of WC3, when they have not one, but two much more powerful alternatives?

Now, I am a pragmatic person. What I do want to see is within the realm of possibility—an "Classic games" tab on my Battle.net launcher, with Diablo II, Starcraft, Warcraft 1—3, and maybe, just maybe, Lost Vikings.
Level 40
Jul 26, 2004
A Void, I think that's wishful thinking on your side. Don't expect them to "remake" the games any time—not only would this take a lot of time, man power, and money, but it also has limited customers, since it's targeted at people who've already played those games and are willing to pay another $15 or so to replay them.

It's not like they would be pushing the boundaries of gameplay, like they did with all three installments—they will be selling decade-old games with an absurdly expensive package.

Now, what I can see happening, is them remastering the games, just like Age of Empires II was remastered two or three years ago. This includes not only enhancement of the original graphics, but improvement of the UX. Better mouse support for WC1 and WC2, for example. And definitely a little bit better graphics for WC1, maybe on the level of WC2.

Another thing I could see them doing is updating the WC3 engine, since they are still using it (for WoW), and I guess some old libraries can easily be implemented. Things like better lighting and similar stuff. Still, I doubt it because WC3 is still a very popular game for its age, with a strong fanbase, and many active players. There are even PvP streams on Twitch. It's also a much more complex game, which requires more investment to get impressive results. If they do anything with the graphics, they would probably reuse old assets from WoW, and that'd be all. But again—I highly doubt it.

Now, I am a pragmatic person. What I do want to see is within the realm of possibility—an "Classic games" tab on my Battle.net launcher, with Diablo II, Starcraft, Warcraft 1—3, and maybe, just maybe, Lost Vikings.

Agreed. Remastered versions is the best that we can hope for. Even that would be a miracle honestly.

I would love to see some engine upgrades on Warcraft 3. Better lighting and real-time shadows alone would make a huge impact. Because of the game's hand painted art style, the graphics aren't actually that dated. Better lighting and shaders could make the game feel much fresher and even up to par with new RTS games. But I also doubt that they would do this. I would be ecstatic if they did though. It would help keep the game alive for many years to come, at least graphically.

Warcraft 1 and 2 would probably be remastered to make them compatible with HD resolutions, like AoE2 and Baldur's Gate. But a remake? No way.
Level 16
Jul 16, 2007
I wrote this in the Official Warcraft IV too, I really believe that the best thing for Blizzard to do with Warcraft IV would be to completely reboot the storyline. Start from scratch. The lore in WoW is so unbelievably messed up it would make no sense to continue it in a new RTS. Not to mention that they've killed off any remotely interesting characters.

Rebooting the storyline would allow us to play the old storylines (WC1+2, those games had great lore but no way to actually tell it ingame) in a superior engine with better cutscenes, and it would also make sense since they are already kind of rebooting it with the upcoming film. The RTS could simply follow the movie canon.

^Very well thought
Level 1
Sep 18, 2015
Wowww. Good News :) V777VIP จัดอันดับเว็บ empire777 happyluke dafabet vwin365 w88 เป็น เว็บ บาคาร่าออนไลน์ เว็บตรง ไม่ผ่านเอเย่นต์ ฝากถอนทุกธนาคาร บริการ 24 ชั่วโมง เชื่อถือได้ ปลอดภัย Gclub Sbobet
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Level 25
May 11, 2007
The next rts game made by Blizzard will be Starcraft 3: The Reborn.
It will feature the Terrans, the Protoss, the Zerg as they are all created by the Xel'Naga and fight in a medieval setting to be the first to control the secret artifact that will allow them to control spaceflight, according to an ancient prophecy.

After that, Warcraft 4: The Ascension will feature the five groups, the Alliance, the Horde, the Scourge, the Sentinel and the Burning Legion as they fight amongst the stars for control of the universe after Archimonde was defeated revealing the spaceflight artifact in his possession.

Source: Battle.Net News
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