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[COMPLETED] Terraining Mini Contest Reload #1 - Mist

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Level 21
Mar 15, 2010
I'm joining too, loving the theme! :)

Here's my first WIP:
Terrain Contest - Fog - p1.png

WIP 2:
Terrain Contest - Fog - p2.png

My entry:

Terrain Contest - Fog - p3 v1.1.png

Objects used (20):
1 boat
1 cosmic effect
1 head
1 rainbow
2 stars
5 tentacles
9 clouds

Born2Modificate - Cloud (Cloud - Wc3C.net)
Buster - RuinHead (
Dhguardianes - Rainbow (
Hate - Star Blue (
Star Blue)
Judash - Cosmic Slam (
Purparisien - Fishing Boat (
Fishing Boat)

-H.P Lovecraft
-Angel's Egg OST (
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Level 11
Nov 25, 2014
I'm pretty sure there are more than 20 doodads on screen there >.>

@nightelfbuilder is correct. I did use ZangarmarshHutV1. I can send the file to you if you want =D. I enlarged the trees to make it look more too.

Here's the breakdown:
5 Underground Tree (blue mushroom)
1 Zangarmarsh Hut
1 Flame grate as window
2 Torches
1 Fountain of Health
2 Crystal lamp
2 Na'vi Faeries
1 Medivh
1 Crystal
1 Faerie Fire buff
17 Doodads
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Level 1
Jan 31, 2018
Not sure if this is legal or not... It contains more than 20 instances of the "Dust" doodad, which was mentioned as an obscuring factor in the rules, and the doodad count excluded 'fog and lighting'. If it's illegal, just go ahead and disregard.

Nonnative resources used: "Black Hole", by WILL THE ALMIGHTY, and "glittery stars", by tomv8. Both are hosted on this site.

Excluding "Dust", model count = 1x"Black Hole", 16x"glittery stars", and 1x "Wisp", the last owned by player 1, both for visibility and team color.

Also, i'm sorry, but i can't figure out how to make the screenshots display properly.


  • WIP.tga
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  • Submission.tga
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Level 18
Jun 15, 2012
Final entry:
ScreenFinal 0_1.jpg

Edit: did not have much time to refine it in the end, but it represents what I was thinking of.

About the models rule, I had to flip Medivh for the reflection (just a very simple vertex scaling: -1 in magos, it doesn't even really match the original tbh), does it count?
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Off-Topic Moderator
Level 39
Dec 27, 2006
Wow. Much WiP. Very fog. So water. Wow.
By the way, is there a way to raise only the Y (vertical) axis of the editor camera without changing the angle/outzooming? I kinda want the horizon line to go a bit lower.

EDIT: 2nd Wip. Wow.

EDIT: 3rd WiP. So very wow. Possibly final.

Blood Raven's Final Entry - Arrival

Doodad Count

5 Ships (+5 ship reflections)
2 Rocks (+2 rock reflections)
2 Fern
16 Doodads (excluding lighting and fog)
All resources used are ingame or extracted from the Ultimate Terraining Map 4.0, with the exception of Mr.Bob's Galleon.

P.S. Sorry for the double post, I waited the whole day for someone to post something so I could post my final entry :D
P.S.S I hate that "Game View Settings" text. I wish there was a way to turn it off.


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  • WowSuchWiP.PNG
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  • WowSoWiP.PNG
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I'm going to assume you're talking about my entry because I don't see another one that has 2-doodad cliffs.
It's two rock chunks models, the top one being upside down to create a sense of flatness ontop. You can see them more clearly in my second WiP before I tinted them darker. The thing between them is just a hole.
By the way were we supposed to upload our maps? Because I kinda forgot to do that (and looking back through the thread, not just I).
He was talking about a user who uploaded an entry with a map and said that he only used 2 doodads but the post was immediately deleted.


Off-Topic Moderator
Level 39
Dec 27, 2006


I like this. It's a pretty ballsy low angle shot and it works well to play up the size of the naga. The unit placement is well thought out too. The shine is a little too intense in some spots however (bottom right), and the gray dust clouds in the upper half of the scene don't coalesce with the warmer colors in the bottom half as well as they could. I won't say that your choice of models helped you out in the aesthetic department either, but I will say that you did a pretty great job with with what you had to work with, and that it doesn't look even remotely as bad as it could have done. Also, probably the best looking thumbnail in the contest.

Creatiity 9/10
Technique 6/10
Aesthetic 6/10

Total: 21/30


H̜͓̪̹̲̰̘E̱̤̻̭̯̤ ̣̞͕̺̼̲ͅC͓͖͇̪̤̘͎͠O͏̗̹̫͔͖̲M͍͝E͟S̟̠̰.̷̠̗̙,

Good, good, good. Great choice of scene, and a pretty decent execution too. It's too bad that the tentacles coming out of the fog can't be more smooth. e.g. the one just above the fishing boat. I think you could go darker though without losing details. By reducing the tint on the cloud models they could blend more seamlessly too I bet. Another thing to work with would be the water to sky transition.

Creativity 9/10
Technique 7/10
Aesthetic 7/10

Total: 23/30

Blood Raven

It's an alright scene. The scaling looks good, the water effects are nice, and the fog effects work okay as a whole while albeit lacking in some details. The sun looks good, but its reflection is not really working. Given the waves and fog it would be more distorted. Also not sure about the shape of the mountain to the right, or its place in the scene. If you build on it and maybe used your remaining doodads to construct the outlines of a shore, it could work.

Creativity 5/10
Technique 7/10
Aesthetic 6/10

Total: 18/30


The idea is nice and I like the lore inclusion, but the execution is lacking. Why do the tiles end straight after the foreground? You can see a faint tree and a floating rock behind the scene. I don't know mate, but I know you need more time and thought to get this up to par. Keep trying.

Creativity 6/10
Technique 3/10
Aesthetic 2/10

Total: 11/30


Oh I see what you did there. The foreground looks good, and I like how the ferns match the tiles perfectly. The tree placement works to frame the scene too. But you could have gotten waaaay more out of the fog/lighting. e.g. the lighthouse could have been a great light source to boost up the lacking contrast between the fog curtain in the backdrop and the fogless foreground. Also, while probably not your fault, the girl in the foreground is in a very awkward pose.

Creativity 5/10
Technique 6/10
Aesthetic 6/10

Total: 17/30


Take note, people. This is how you work the cloud model. All transitions are pretty much seamless and the tiny wave-like details around the boat are stellar. Personally I'm not sure about the inclusion of orange, but it works and doesn't take away from the whole I guess. The floating stars inside the fog bed are questionable though. Most of them are too dim and look weird. What are they supposed to be? Also, the lantern could have been a good lighting detail to play in with the mist colors.

Creatiity 9/10
Technique 10/10
Aesthetic 8/10

Total: 27/30


The smoldering effect you get with combining orange glows with the cloudfx model is very nice. As for the rest of the scene, I think your idea is working against you. It was a very creative idea to begin with, but with too many elements mixed into it. You can tell the process of creation changed many times over while you were working with it. Sometimes, simple ain't bad. I'm also not sure the Eiffel Tower was your strongest choice given how many steel beams there are and how much light they have to collide with. It also looks very flat and two dimensional this close up.

Creatiity 6/10
Technique 5/10
Aesthetic 5/10

Total: 16/30


This could have been pretty cool if you didn't mess things up with the light from above doodad. All the effects you gained from the blue lights are lost by the intensity of the white, and the details and focal points are blocked out and/or lost in the process. I'm not saying smooth is always better, but try to do smooth transitions at first and then play around with intensity later. It's also brave to use the underground mushroom trees, but they just don't work scaled up this big and definitely not in the foreground. It's a good try and it's great that you experiment with lighting, but you definitely need more practice with it.

Creatiity 5/10
Technique 5/10
Aesthetic 3/10

Total: 13/30


Nice one! The wall doesn't actually look half bad despite being so close to the camera, and the interior looks alright as a whole. The outside could do with some work though. Purple is the right way to go, but the intense white spots play down the spooky effect you probably want to go for. The trees block out too much of the view. In this case I think I'd substitute some pines for ground details like ferns/grass. It would work great with a darker backdrop. If you want to go next level, I'd try blacking out the scene with animated DNC light models and add light sources manually to the foreground. You could get some pretty cool shading effects out of that.

Creatiity 7/10
Technique 6/10
Aesthetic 6/10

Total: 19/30


The cave execution is actually not too bad. You need to watch out for the bad texture wrap on the felsen though (right hand side). The pine on your left is too big and too close to the camera. It could maybe work with a different model, but as a rule of thumb it's too close when it looks gross and pixelated. The use of tiles looks decent from what I can see, and the fog fade is alright if maybe a bit too sharp. Good attempt.

Creatiity 4/10
Technique 6/10
Aesthetic 5/10

Total: 15/30


I'm not completely sure what I'm looking at to be honest. Are those roots in the water? It's a foggy scene like asked for, and the lighting and water is actually nice, but it's pretty much just that. It looks good as a whole, but it has no spice. On a technical note, the tree choice works against you. They look too pixelated like silhouettes. I'd go for pines with a thicker foilage, e.g. the Stone & Sword versions.

Creatiity 4/10
Technique 7/10
Aesthetic 7/10

Total: 18/30

Good job, people. Good to see some fresh blood in this joint.

The winner this time around is @Keiji

Sorry newcomers, but keep gunning for it and you'll hit home in no time. I honestly wasn't expecting any real involvement, but this turned out great!

I'll have the next one up soon.

Level 36
Nov 24, 2007
I'm not sure about the inclusion of orange, but it works and doesn't take away from the whole I guess.

Tried going for some diversity in the composition, going outside my comfort zone.

What are they supposed to be?

Magic glitter? Your guess is as good as mine, I just liked them there is all.

Also, the lantern could have been a good lighting detail to play in with the mist colors.

Yeah, I realise that, but the lantern was a sort of last minute throw-in, after I'd done the fog and lighting and all.

I didn't want to go through the bitch of redoing it.


Anyway, thanks for the judging, thanks for hosting and damn, I agree, I'd never imagined we'd get this much traction.

Looking forward to the next one.
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