Terrain Gallery.
This gallery is a little small at the moment. More will come.
1- Sink Invasion. Terrain Contest #7 final entry. Theme - Small World.
2- Steam Punk Wasteland. Terrain Contest #8 Final entry. Theme - Steam Punk. Third Place.
3- Doom Machines. Modified version of Terrain Contest#8 entry.
4- Pre-Cataclysm. Terrain Contest #9 final entry, part 1. Theme - Cataclysm.
5- Post Cataclysm. Terrain Contest #9 final entry, part 2. Second Place.
6- Wooden village. Terrain Contest #10 unfinished. Theme - Surrealism.
7- Shadow Serpents. Terrain Mini Contest #1 final entry. Theme - The Picture. First Place
8- Boneyard. Terrain Contest #12 final entry. Theme - Horror/nightmare. Second Place
9- Surrealistic love Terrain contest #15 final entry. Theme - emotion

Wooden village - I never had time to finish this terrain. Thus, the reason why there is no surrealism in it. That part was to come. Now that the contest is over I have no desire to finish it. That being said, if there is anyone that would like the map, whether it be for a project of your own or just for the sake of seeing how it was made, here is the map. No pathing has yet been added so it isn't playable.
View attachment Terrain Contest Surrealism.w3x
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