Chinese Paladin: BSLF


This campaign was made by Vanspirit. She is the author of this campaign. The campaign is being posted on HiveWorkShop on her behalf with her express permission.

The campaign was originally posted here:


Chinese Paladin: Bishui Lanfeng I
Chinese Paladin: Bishui Lanfeng I
This campaign is part I of Vanspirit's Bishui Lanfeng series, and follows Bi Shui, the romantic partner of Lan Feng, one of the three Demon Generals. It is comprised of multiple maps that you can transition between.

Due to the conversion tool used to convert the campaign to the standard world editor, it is recommended to play the campaign using the most recent patch.

List of Vanspirit's Campaigns
List of Vanspirit's Campaigns


Bi Shui: A lay disciple from Shu Mountain.

Qi Xue: Bi Shui's Senior Sister, also from the Shu Mountain sect.

Shen Qianyun: The fourth direct descendant of the Shen Family, who until recently was living in the North Gobi region.

Lan Feng: One of the Three Demon Generals, and the romantic partner of Bi Shui.



Message from Vanspirit (creator): I want to thank all the people who have helped me, made models and pictures for me, those who love RPG campaigns, and those who have enjoyed my works.

These are the hiveworkshop resources in use, based on the automatic credit generator:
Resources in use by Chinese Paladin: BSLF

Tarrasque, JetFangInferno, exfyre, Bon_Jovi , WILL THE ALMIGHTY , ThEkInGoFdEaD, nGy, alreadyused , gondor rougue , Jas.per, UgoUgo , Callahan, epsilon, Kitabatake, sPy, Stanakin, epsilon , Chuchurute, valkemiere, Naga-Meister, Illidan(Evil)X , Daelin, Em!, ikillforeyou, Nasrudin , Kalkhran , martinisj , Soul Theft, Kehel, UgoUgo, nGy, Eusira, 00110000, Matilda_Knights, nhocklanhox6, Buster.

Chinese Paladin Series.
Channel Workshop.

Special Thanks

Message from Vanspirit (creator): I want to thank all the people who have helped me, made models and pictures for me, those who love RPG campaigns, and those who have enjoyed my works.

These people helped in various ways in bringing the campaign to hiveworkshop.
Ghostwolf- YDWE conversion tool, Quinten- map description title picture, Deepstrasz/Cleavinghammer- various things, Tuwnew- map template.

Change Log

PalB0.54 - Initial Upload
PalB0.57 - Fixed spelling/grammar mistakes/ missing translations pointed out by Cleavinghammer


Chinese Paladin: BSLF (Campaign)

Approved based on @cleavinghammer's feedback. If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange! R U L E S Site Rules Map Submission Rules M A P - D E S C R I P T I O N BB CODES BB Codes | HIVE MELEE MAPS...
Level 27
Jul 26, 2008
Just to remind you all: The author of this campaign is Vanspirit. The campaign is posted on hiveworkshop on her behalf with her express permission.
The campaign was originally posted here:


This is a campaign from the Chinese warcraft 3 community. Hopefully we can "give back" in the sense that by sharing many campaigns from their community, it will inspire Hiveworkshop creators to make more campaigns, and then the chinese language community can play those campaigns when the Chinese translators bring Hive campaigns to their community (so in this way, they can benefit also).

Because the maps are all considered one map, make sure to save often because you cannot just restart a mission from the custom campaign menu as it is all considered 1 big connected map mission.
One the lower level of the tomb below White River Village, before meeting the final boss, make sure to switch to Bi Shui, because if your character is Qi Xue when you meet him, you get stuck in the inventory box area permanently once Qi Xue leaves your party.
On the final map as you walk into the matrix, you need to press ESC multiple times to get the next messages before the campaign ends.
Last edited:


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
Well actually they are more like sword master/spell sword class since they don't serve any oath like D&D or historical paladins.
The historical paladin would probably be closer to that depiction. The fantasy one is only reminiscing the real one through the idea of chivalry, knighthood and good will. Other than that, there's no magic for the real one unless we consider the Christian related themes around them. They were however, an elite guard to the king, not adventurers or simple warriors as we can also infer from the etymology of the word: paladin - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
Level 5
Mar 27, 2019
Well, 'Chinese Paladin' is the official English title of 仙剑奇侠传 series produced by Softstar Entertainment, which also serves as the inspiration for this campaign. I guess that's the reason Tulee choose this name. A more direct translation of the original Chinese title would be ‘The Legend of Sword and Fairy’. I think 'Paladin' does bear some conceptual resemblance to the game's central theme of a sword-wielding hero and Softstar Enertainment meant to use that name to appeal western audiences. However, even as a native Chinese speaker I think that translation is hilarious.
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
The music transition sometimes works (out of order), but it feels like there's a missing file since you get the battle music, overworld music, victory music and the standard Warcraft music.

First level:

Intro: Arrg, so grainy!
Old Man NPC in the south area doesn't talk.
No translated items for heroes or shops.

Second level:

Cloud effect is too low, it doesn't look like water but like the place is floating.

Bosses have no name(s).

Third level:

Spirit Moon -> Moon Spirit? And why a Zergling (since it's already used for the Spirit Cat)?
Level 4
Mar 8, 2015
Well I quite liked it but here are few things that need to be improved in my opinion :
  • Many visual bugs, they walk in the bridge and not over, but Qi Xue also has the visual of the Paladin if you save and load
  • X (Nine-pointed star) of Bi Shui is bugged, the aoe damage is doing way more damage to surrounding units, probably 100 times more than intended. My guess is that 35% or 0.35 was meant to be put on aoe damage and went instead 35x.
  • Damage displayed on Shen's spell are wrong (and for good reasons, he would be too strong)
  • If you control Qi while facing the ghoul, you're stuck in the "x room" or the storage room. The reason is the control swap to Bi Shui that is already in the storage room, and message x just teleports you back in there.
  • The last 5 lvl (46 to 50) requires way less experience than the ones before, around 5 times less I would day.
  • The flee system is interesting, however I would make it work a bit like in pokemon, with higher success rate if you are high lvl. Or maybe a way to repel monsters ? It feels troublesome to go to one map to another being interupted permanently when you are just exploring
  • Sometimes (very rarely) all your heroes don't come to fight, happend like 3 times only in the whole playthrough
  • There are places that are not accessible. Better remove them until they are added into the campaign.
  • Sometimes there are fake walls and you can go anywhere
  • Some missing translations, on items mostly where I can only see numbers (probably chinese symbols ain't visible to me"
  • I feel some spells really could user more informative descriptions
    . It is even worse when learning the spell you get no information at all.
  • I often felt lost, the quest being "go meet X/ go to X" just feels like "run around until a cinematic occure randomly":thumbs_up:


  • 1737239323009.png
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Level 29
Apr 6, 2010

Camera ends up in the trees during the boss cutscene.

is bullies -> bullying


Shen Qianyun's orbs are centered on his origin so they keep disappearing into the ground.

Green snake is untranslated. Rattlesnake -> Cobra/use a non-cobra model.


Earth Rock Beasts and the assassins cast spells as soon as you're in battle.

Assassins have no name.


Several NPCs can't be talked to because there's a doodad in the way.

Buddha statue is way too low-res.

Lin Fort

NPCs and Qi Xue have no portraits when talking.

Mobi -> Gobi

Qi Xue is still on the map after the cutscene, clicking on her sets her as the playing character.

Items: Many untranslated tooltips and some romanized Chinese left, but I figure it must be the same as the other maps.

Ended up rather indifferent to this one, mostly due to how long everything takes. Heroes should move faster given the amount of backtracking, and there should be shorter walls on city maps.

Ending is a cliffhanger though, I do want to know what happens after.
Level 27
Jul 26, 2008
Fixed the grammar/spelling/missing translations Cleavinghammer mentioned.

Thought I would add some notes I wrote down from when I first played this campaign:

Old River Village
Good opening Map. I liked how at the start it showed the dialogue between the main character and the 3rd demon general.
A love story! Cannot wait to see how this ends.

Yan Huiling
Because of the narrowness of the bridges, it is really hard to dodge the enemy units (the one that will give you the choice of fighting or running away). The terrain of the region is great, showing us high up in the mountain with the clouds around us.
I really liked how the spell names are shown on the screen when enemies use their abilities.

Blue Stone Ridge
I think it is funny how we keep meeting the assassin, and he becomes stronger each time with no explanation as to why he is more powerful. It reminds me of playing the original pokemon gameboy, where Ash keeps fighting Professor Doc's grandson (Garry/Red), and he is always stronger each time we meet him, but there is no way he could increase so much in strength in such a short time.

White River Village
I really like how Vanspirit included some dialogue with some villagers who discussed some of the characters from the previous game (about the Black Water Town, and the one male hero surrounded by 2 powerful women who defeated Ghouls there previously (LIU SU ??)). It created a connection between the campaigns, which is very enjoyable for the players, since it gives a sense of continuity.

I wish the exact location of the statues needed for the quest were shown on the map, since I needed to search around for them for a long time.

It was nice to meet a person who from Qiong Hua faction, since in the past we only heard about this faction from NPCs, so it was good to have a chance to meet him. However, I would guess he is 100% a villain, but I have no proof yet (referring to Shou Zhen).

Underground Passage (Both Levels)
Ok, I think in every single one of Vanspirit's campaigns, the undead zombie model is used. I really think the choice of models could have been more diverse in the 4 campaigns so far. Warcraft 3 has so many different types of unit models, but in all 4 campaigns, we see many of the same models multiple times (not just the undead zombie model, also the jungle stalker model, and the forest treant model).

Ok. I think it was a good idea for Lan Feng to only appear in this campaign once. If he appeared too many times, it would feel unrealistic, since he could always save the main heroine no-matter what enemy she faced, because he is so powerful. So, I was happy he only appeared here once, as if giving us a sense that he will appear in later in the series (I am guessing Vanspirit will made more campaigns since this one is called Part 1).
(Unless Shen Qianyun is actually Lan Feng in disguise, in which case he appears a lot in this campaign). If Lan Feng is not Shen Qianyun, then will there be a love triangle between those three in the future?

Forest near White River Villageo
Ok, so Shen Qianyun never wears a shirt? If a love triangle occurs, there will be quite a lot of drama. Maybe this campaign could be turned into a soap opera.

Hidden Dragon Cave + Bonus Map
The snake models need to be a bit higher up, they almost become invisible because when they move their bodies go under the ground. Also, this map was frustrating because it was hard to find the exit.

Snake Ghoul Boss: How can that enemy even be defeated? It does impossibly high damage. Also, in the dialogue it mentioned that Elder Yi Pin defeated a very powerful Fox + Snake Ghoul here long ago, so why is this Snake Ghoul still alive?

Suzhou Outskirts
Ok, so the assassins lose for the last time, then they commit suicide. This assassin plot is interesting, because it shows there is something happening that we (the audience/players) do not know about. Do the assassins know the main heroine is the lover of the 3rd demon general, and is that the reason why they want to kill her? Or is this related to Bi Shui's parents, which Qi Xue hints at but never fully explains.

NPC dialogue here is good. This map reminds me of the city in the first chinese paladin campaign by Vanspirit, the one that Zhui Yu starts in during her spinoff (the 3rd last mission in that campaign).

Lin Family Fort
Ok, so we meet many new characters here, and I think they all have interesting personalities. I am 100% sure that one of the characters we meet here is the leader of the assassins that were targeting Bi Shui. It almost adds an element of political intrigue, since we are meeting all of these characters, yet one of them must be the enemy we will eventually face later.
I am going to guess the main enemy is Lin Zhiyuan, since it talks about him finding a sword that makes him very powerful, and maybe that threatens the balance of the world.
I was curious about the man and little girl we met at the end part of this mission, it seems there is something mysterious about them. Wait, is that girl Zhui Yu, and is the man the other Demon General?
Ok, so during the night scene, the Qi Xue asks Bi Shui if she likes the Shen Qianyun. I think in all 4 of Vanspirit's campaigns, night scenes are commonly used to advance some romantic plot line (During the 3 Liu Su campaigns, night-time scenes often involved Xiaoxie implying she likes Liu Su).

General Points
Anyway, the plot of this campaign is really good, and I think it foreshadows what will come in the future campaigns by Vanspirit. I really enjoy the plot aspect of these campaigns, though I think the fighting aspect could be improved.

Great music and great atmosphere.



Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
Approved based on @cleavinghammer's feedback.

If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange!


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  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

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