Old River Village
Good opening Map. I liked how at the start it showed the dialogue between the main character and the 3rd demon general.
A love story! Cannot wait to see how this ends.
Yan Huiling
Because of the narrowness of the bridges, it is really hard to dodge the enemy units (the one that will give you the choice of fighting or running away). The terrain of the region is great, showing us high up in the mountain with the clouds around us.
I really liked how the spell names are shown on the screen when enemies use their abilities.
Blue Stone Ridge
I think it is funny how we keep meeting the assassin, and he becomes stronger each time with no explanation as to why he is more powerful. It reminds me of playing the original pokemon gameboy, where Ash keeps fighting Professor Doc's grandson (Garry/Red), and he is always stronger each time we meet him, but there is no way he could increase so much in strength in such a short time.
White River Village
I really like how Vanspirit included some dialogue with some villagers who discussed some of the characters from the previous game (about the Black Water Town, and the one male hero surrounded by 2 powerful women who defeated Ghouls there previously (LIU SU ??)). It created a connection between the campaigns, which is very enjoyable for the players, since it gives a sense of continuity.
I wish the exact location of the statues needed for the quest were shown on the map, since I needed to search around for them for a long time.
It was nice to meet a person who from Qiong Hua faction, since in the past we only heard about this faction from NPCs, so it was good to have a chance to meet him. However, I would guess he is 100% a villain, but I have no proof yet (referring to Shou Zhen).
Underground Passage (Both Levels)
Ok, I think in every single one of Vanspirit's campaigns, the undead zombie model is used. I really think the choice of models could have been more diverse in the 4 campaigns so far. Warcraft 3 has so many different types of unit models, but in all 4 campaigns, we see many of the same models multiple times (not just the undead zombie model, also the jungle stalker model, and the forest treant model).
Ok. I think it was a good idea for Lan Feng to only appear in this campaign once. If he appeared too many times, it would feel unrealistic, since he could always save the main heroine no-matter what enemy she faced, because he is so powerful. So, I was happy he only appeared here once, as if giving us a sense that he will appear in later in the series (I am guessing Vanspirit will made more campaigns since this one is called Part 1).
(Unless Shen Qianyun is actually Lan Feng in disguise, in which case he appears a lot in this campaign). If Lan Feng is not Shen Qianyun, then will there be a love triangle between those three in the future?
Forest near White River Villageo
Ok, so Shen Qianyun never wears a shirt? If a love triangle occurs, there will be quite a lot of drama. Maybe this campaign could be turned into a soap opera.
Hidden Dragon Cave + Bonus Map
The snake models need to be a bit higher up, they almost become invisible because when they move their bodies go under the ground. Also, this map was frustrating because it was hard to find the exit.
Snake Ghoul Boss: How can that enemy even be defeated? It does impossibly high damage. Also, in the dialogue it mentioned that Elder Yi Pin defeated a very powerful Fox + Snake Ghoul here long ago, so why is this Snake Ghoul still alive?
Suzhou Outskirts
Ok, so the assassins lose for the last time, then they commit suicide. This assassin plot is interesting, because it shows there is something happening that we (the audience/players) do not know about. Do the assassins know the main heroine is the lover of the 3rd demon general, and is that the reason why they want to kill her? Or is this related to Bi Shui's parents, which Qi Xue hints at but never fully explains.
NPC dialogue here is good. This map reminds me of the city in the first chinese paladin campaign by Vanspirit, the one that Zhui Yu starts in during her spinoff (the 3rd last mission in that campaign).
Lin Family Fort
Ok, so we meet many new characters here, and I think they all have interesting personalities. I am 100% sure that one of the characters we meet here is the leader of the assassins that were targeting Bi Shui. It almost adds an element of political intrigue, since we are meeting all of these characters, yet one of them must be the enemy we will eventually face later.
I am going to guess the main enemy is Lin Zhiyuan, since it talks about him finding a sword that makes him very powerful, and maybe that threatens the balance of the world.
I was curious about the man and little girl we met at the end part of this mission, it seems there is something mysterious about them. Wait, is that girl Zhui Yu, and is the man the other Demon General?
Ok, so during the night scene, the Qi Xue asks Bi Shui if she likes the Shen Qianyun. I think in all 4 of Vanspirit's campaigns, night scenes are commonly used to advance some romantic plot line (During the 3 Liu Su campaigns, night-time scenes often involved Xiaoxie implying she likes Liu Su).
General Points
Anyway, the plot of this campaign is really good, and I think it foreshadows what will come in the future campaigns by Vanspirit. I really enjoy the plot aspect of these campaigns, though I think the fighting aspect could be improved.
Great music and great atmosphere.