AlienZ 1.0.0

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Hunters will hunt down Aliens, while the aliens try to hide, reproduce and mutate to eventually overwhelm and kill the hunters.

As Hunter your objective is simple: kill the aliens before they become strong enough to kill you.
Around the map you can find crates that dropped of the crashed spaceship. In these crates you will be able to find some of your equippment.

As Alien your objective is a little more challenging: hide and survive until you consumed enough lifeforms to mutate.
Each mutation will increase your power and abilities - at somepoint you will be able to fight back the hunters. Until then you can protect yourself by laying eggs and attack the hunters with your hatchlings.

Will the Hunters be able to hunt down the Aliens, or will the hunter become the hunted on this foreign planet?

Inspired by the concept of the "Evolve" game as well as simple "hide and seek"-games.

Made by Cryze_Hunter (Cryze666) within 3 hours for Cryze_Hunters MapJam#2 and updated later to be completely playable.

*You can test the map (without ai) in single player by typing "-test" during the first 20 seconds (only works on singleplayer and only works with the username "WorldEdit") - this was just for my testings and for you to have a look at the map but wont be very entertaining.


Viper MK VII - syc -
Konstrukt_SniperMissile01 - Talon the Mage -
Sentry Machinegun - Kitabatake -
Camera (edited Sentry Machinegun) - Kitabatake -
Artillery Strike - WILL THE ALMIGHTY -
OrcwortFruit - SuPa- -
Crate - Deolrin -
Laser - Mc ! -
Ammo Box - Thrikodius -
zerg ship - Pyritie, Pyritie & The_Silent -
Felucian Flora - Fingolfin -
Crystals - ??? - ???
Skull-Probe - ZODD -
Zerg Mutalisk - Dragonias -
SC2 Drone - Dragonias -
Starcraft 2 Ultralisk - Dragonias -
SC2 Zerg Baneling - Dragonias -
Jim Raynor Marine - Dragonias -
Carrier - Dragonias -
CleftHoove (WoW) - ??? - XGM: eXtreme Gamedev & Modmaking
Evolve - Main Theme (Music) - Turtle Rock Studios -
LoadingScreen (picture of Ultralisk fighting Marine) - Luke Macani -

AlienZ 1.0.0 (Map)

Okay, just tried this out in a lobby. 4 hunters vs 2 aliens. I played as the alien. Visuals: The terrain was well decorated and not boring. The setting fit the game's theme of being on an alien planet. The model choices for the aliens are good. The...
Regenerative Cells and Lay Eggs should switch positions since now R is the first spell. No information in the game (quest log). Stimpacks are to stimulate not regenerate. That is their logic in StarCraft. Alien Drone, the last mutation? Hunters have...
Level 7
Jun 28, 2017
i would to try this map on single player/solo instead of a little MP maybe?

But i can't, i don't wanna go back to playing my WC3 crap with the sci-fi to MW maps unless i have my required parts of me which my two main-but-50-75% real whatever online accounts that are urgent back which are from dA and Tumblr garbage sadly, bah. :pmeh:

I want my WC3 playing sci-fi to MW maps back to me! meh
Level 7
Jun 28, 2017
ah you can test it (but ofc without enemies as there is no ai) in single player by typing -test during the first 20 seconds (only works on singleplayer and only works with the username "WorldEdit")

i'll add it to the description
iddk, depending on a rough day to life, i'll test it though unless whenever i have my everything i lost from my 2017 to the future urgently by my time being. :")

i like playing maps whenever it sci-fi or MW or both on single-player to solo every day mostly.
Okay, just tried this out in a lobby. 4 hunters vs 2 aliens. I played as the alien.


The terrain was well decorated and not boring. The setting fit the game's theme of being on an alien planet. The model choices for the aliens are good. The hunter model choices fit as well.


Aliens have to go around the map killing wildlife and the unknown plants for mana which can be used for evolving the queen little by little. They must also lay eggs and try to build a large alien army. Aliens must also hide from the hunters whilst doing this. The hunters must find the aliens and kill them.

The aliens could have more complex gameplay by giving them different kinds of eggs to lay or by giving the basic alien an evolution path. The basic egg hatches a baby alien which could then choose to evolve into a proto-queen, stealthy alien, quick alien, or a combat alien. These lesser aliens could go to combat with the hunters making the game more interactive and exciting between the 2 teams. If you implement a system like this I would be wary to not make these lesser aliens stronger than the queen. The current basic alien does almost the same damage as a hunter does in terms of DPS.

Now for the hunters. I didn't play as the hunters but peer complaints were lack of scouting abilities and lack of damage. They should be given the skull drone or something similar but make it timed and not permanent and not invulnerable too. I would also consider making them heroes instead of regular units and perhaps giving the player a choice from a set of hunters they can play as when the game starts. For example, you could have scouts, fighters, engineers, etc. This will make the game more complex and allow for the game to be different every match. Their damage should also be increased as well. They struggle to kill a basic drone which moves faster than them and slows them with poison and does a good amount of damage to them before they die. A group of 3 basic aliens could probably near kill a hunter. I would also make the hunters have shared vision to make hunting aliens easier.

Bugs: Didn't run into any issues here.

Overall, the game was enjoyable playing it the first time but I have no reason to play it again due to the lack of complexity and choice. It has the potential to be really fun if you spend more time developing it more. You style and ideas are good, this project could benefit from more time and complexity.

Current Rating: Okay/Awesome

Replay: I played as red "UltraVioletWave"
Gametime: 16 minutes


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Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
  1. Regenerative Cells and Lay Eggs should switch positions since now R is the first spell.
  2. No information in the game (quest log).
  3. Stimpacks are to stimulate not regenerate. That is their logic in StarCraft.
  4. Alien Drone, the last mutation?
  5. Hunters have to kill animals and plants so that the aliens cannot evolve fast. That's kind of extreme. Can't use the sentry gun on them.
  6. Both have Blink? Talk about differences/originality. Maybe something like burrow instead for the aliens?
  7. So, shouldn't Lay Multiple Eggs replace Lay Egg? Are you supposed to use both abilities now for 4 eggs? More actually due to Lay Egg's shorter cooldown.
  8. There's this spam message on the screen with the number of hunters and queens but eggs are always shown as 0. What about alien infants+their mutations?
  9. Crates seem to be scarce compared to alien lifeforms and plants.
  10. Aliens can't destroy crates as hunters can plants and lifeforms.

Could make things more interesting than mostly a cat and mouse game.

Nothing really new but worth it.


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