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(8-12)Inner Temple v1.1

This bundle is marked as pending. It has not been reviewed by a staff member yet.
(12)Inner Temple, (8)Other Temple
Player Suggest: FFA, 6v6, Any team game
Map Creator: Zucth

Inner Temple - 12p

Other Temple - 8p

Map Description:
12p: An old temple just before it turn into a ruins and got lost.
8p: What else, they want more temple? you gotta be kidding me... Anyway, sorry! But the Lost Temple is in another universe!

Neutral Building:

37 Goldmines (Middle- 20500, toward mid expo - 18500, other - 15000)
8 Tavern
8 Mercenary Camp - Summer
6 Goblin Merchant
6 Goblin Lab
4 Fountain of Health

25 Goldmines (easy/main expo - 12500, Middle ring- 10500, Mid- 10500)
4 Tavern
10 Goblin Merchant
8 Goblin Lab
2 Fountain of Health
2 Marketplace

Creep Camp:
24 green
52 orange
5 red + (12 base)

-Map have a size [192x192], [152x152]
-Lost Temple x3 (decrease base cliff level by one)

>12p v1.1 - For the sake of future FFA game. For everyone health, decrease overall gold by 60%. :xxd:
>add 8p version. As Godfather & ToD was asked. It's not really the same map, but the idea is the same so I just packed both map as one.
>8p v1.1
-decrease overall gold.
-prevent charge 5 item from appear on market. Due to marketplace problem.
-change item drop/creep lv at main base expo.
-replace p6 with p5. Due to marketplace problem. -> more aura item Ingame
-replace FoH with Shop.
-block a few deep wisp spot.

Creator Note:
-Enough of a meme map shall we? xD
-last 12 map is more like a custom map so maybe we don't count that?
-Seriously is this really the right way to go? I hope they won't ask for more like 24p version of Lost Temple... It has become as meme at this point!

Inner Temple FFA (Map)

Inner Temple v1.1 (Map)

Other Temple FFA v1.1 (Map)

Other Temple v1.1 (Map)
