
  1. Makkad

    [Crash] Warcraft III: Desync on Bridges Due to Vision Processing

    The video shows that as the bear descends the slope, a skeleton positioned in the upper right part of the slope remains visible for one player but goes out of sight for another. When an attack command is issued on the skeleton, this vision discrepancy causes the game clients to desynchronize...
  2. moddiemads

    TIL The Length Operator (#) can cause a time-bomb desync.

    Basically the title. I've been helping the CoE map by modernizing its implementation and translating it to LUA, and this gnarly desync started happening after 30min or more of game time. It turns out that, after a lot of bug hunting, the # operator in LUA does not behave consistently across...
  3. SNIper of DARKness

    [Crash] Desync Logic Conundrum

    Hello, so recently my map started to desync because of a researchable *[I don't know why it started to desync, they were in the map since the beginning (dummy ability based on IronForgedSwords)], it had nothing to do with the triggers related to it but with the upgrade itself. The desync was...
  4. Ytrec

    Desync issue: Evevators + GetlocationZ / GetTerrainCliffLevel

    I found a desynchronization problem in reforged, which is reproduced in 100% of cases. It can be reproduced on one computer in a local network, completely in SD graphics. The problem with the GetLocationZ() has been known for a long time, but it was previously believed that desync was caused by...
  5. GenoHacker

    Consistent desync at 20 seconds game time.

    My map is consistently desyncing multiple players at 20 seconds of game time. Ive gone through most of the known causes of desyncs and tried my best to change my triggers, i changed multiple triggers that were activating at the 20 second mark, mostly periodic events. Some of these changes have...
  6. anufis

    Unidentified desync problem

    I've got an unidentified desync problem which happens in one same place but is really inconsistent. Checked all instances of GetLocalPlayer before you suggest that. After checking desync logs from different players, differences are only and always in the same block. 1768977253 equals to...
  7. Luashine

    [Mapping] Explaining Warcraft's lockstep architecture for mapping (avoid desyncs)

    I haven't seen Warcraft 3's concepts explained anywhere in a condensed manner, let me try it here. Who is this tutorial for? The beggin beginners in War3 modding, though the explanation will probably require some prior programming knowledge or a little experience with World Editor. Lockstep...
  8. Bloodheaven_

    [Lua] Does this desync?

    Hi there, I'm trying to implement my UI while also fiddling with GetLocalPlayer(), I wonder if this method of doing it causes any desync. Is it unnecessary to do it like that, can I just use "BlzFrameSetTexture(backdrop, s, 0, true)" in the GetLocalPlayer() block? How do I test if any...
  9. SwissDerd

    SetBlight Desync Issues

    I haven't seen anyone post about this but thanks to the guys working on W3CE it's been revealed that the SetBlight native has a major problem: it will remove blight (regardless of the value of the addBlight argument) for any player that is holding down the shift key. This can easily cause a...
  10. mattimo

    [Crash] Desync - map works for v1.38, identical codebase w/ only name changed to v1.39 desyncs when I build, but no desync when other dev bumps to v1.39??

    Hey all, Ive recently teamed up with creator of Risk Europe to take over development on the map. Im new to map making but been in software dev for 8yrs now. Ive browsed the forums and uncovered several possible causes for desyncs, but we uncovered something very strange last night.. with zero...
  11. stargazer

    [Solved] Custom Map Desync Help Needed

    Hi, Im new to this hiveworkshop but I've been playing Warcraft since I was 5 years old and more to that I'm a female. So please don't be mad at me and I apologize if anything is done wrong with this post/thread because I'm new to hiveworkshop. Ok, so, I've been working on my RPG map and glad to...
  12. coconut

    desync after start

    i don't understand why my map is so bugged, but desync is real problem. When match was started, 1 player desync always! 1 time desync is not happened and 1 time desync 2 players. desync occurs about second after the start, mainly triggers on initialization or after a long time has elapsed. Could...
  13. Dark-Zalor

    Desync Frames Problem

    I made a Map called Pokemon World, in this map I got the great idea to use frames... And it's really confusing. One of my system that I put below create a transition with a music (like in game boy pokemon) it work in 3 phases 1\ cover the screen of hidden frames ans store them into an array...
  14. HerlySQR

    How get the information of an item just with the type-id? (Or at least help me with the function)

    Hello, I'm creating a save-load system, also a menu for that, it shows what items have, for the charged items I wanna also show how many charges have, the thing is I don't know how to get if a item is charged only with the type-id so I opted to create the item for get that information, the thing...
  15. Ricola3D

    Desync produces a log folder : anybody knows how to read/understand it ?

    Hello, I have been looking for the random desync cause of the map I am editing (Xnd Hero Siege). I have searched all the potential causes documented on this forum, and also tried logging almost all trigger executions in the map, but it does not help me anymore.. Recently I discovered that on...
  16. Accelerator12

    Replay desync

    maybe some ppls not met that,but it happened on me,i played this game yesterday night,so i knew what exactly happen in game. But when i watch the replay,it desynced and begin at 10 mins,everyone not doing the right thing or it should happened in replay. Just like the Multiverse,my team won this...
  17. HerlySQR


    I already asked for help to this before, but nobody gave me an answer so again I wanna ask you, why my map have desyncs?
  18. HerlySQR

    [Crash] My map has bugs

    I made a map in the 1.26, but I played it in a 1.27 server and has bugs and the disconects, I don't know if its for desyncs or is for the version, because I also tested it in the 1.26 and the game just crashes and they happen randomly and not in a moment that I know I used "GetLocalPlayer", what...
  19. OverClocked

    [Trigger] Set the text Language of a Map?

    Basically, I have a map that uses this hotkey system that's based off strings. And after testing multiple times I've discovered that the map desyncs for players that use a non-english text version of the game. (my triggers check ability names and compares them) And I'm sure that's what...
  20. BradPittlord

    Desync Question

    Using get GetLocalPlayer() will this desync Set TempPointSpell = (Position of (Triggering unit)) Set Temp_Player = (Owner of (Triggering unit)) Custom script: if GetLocalPlayer() == udg_Temp_Player then Special Effect - Create a special effect at TempPointSpell using...
  21. OverClocked

    [General] GetLocalPlayer() for transmissions/sounds

    Hi, i've been wondering whether it's possible to create a transmission for a single player, along with the sound that plays from it without desyncing when using GetLocalPlayer().
  22. OverClocked

    Custom UI Icon Desync

    So i have this function and this trigger: and the idea is when the spell is cast to give the hero 1500 hp and show the player an icon at the bottom left with the description showing when you hover over it. And it works. But when i tested with players we all desynced. Does anyone know...
  23. Ricola3D

    New desync cause of patch 1.32: have you experienced it ?

    Hello, After hours of debuging I found a new cause of desync since patch 1.32 (Reforged). I produced it with this system : Item Lists. I changed a few things to the map : - Remove 'building requires - buildable' in dummy units (otherwise it does not work for patch 1.32 and newer) - Add a...
  24. Ricola3D

    Short trigger desync's

    Hello, In my map I have the following trigger as part of a shop system : Open List Events Unit - A unit Sells a unit Conditions (Level of Select Hero [Arrow] for (Triggering unit)) Not equal to 0 Actions -------- Open List -------- Set VariableSet...
  25. Macadamia

    [Requires investigation] The easiest method to synchronize Z values...

    Hello dear community ! Reading about the issues caused by the asynchronous Z values returned by the different related native, I have found a workaround, with the feedback of @crunch. The idea is really simple : the issue with the Z values is that the natives to get them can potentially return...
  26. Eikonium

    [Crash] Desync/Crash on map init, but just sometimes?

    Hi guys, I'm currently troubleshooting a desync/crash occuring with my current project and need a bit of help on brainstorming its possible cause. The issue is: Map sometimes crashes in online multiplayer (privately hosted) for some of the players in the moment the map goes from loading screen...
  27. Droof

    Map desync reduction & optimization

    I've asked for some optimization suggestions before, which helped reduce the frequency of desyncs players are experiencing. But there are still players dropping from games, at least every 2/5 games. Can anyone comb over my map and let me know if there are any issues or optimizations I could...
  28. Ricola3D

    How can I log things to debug desync issues ?

    Hello, Like many developers, sometimes, with some players, my map desync. It is not systematic, happens at different time, and doesn't happen often. So it is hard as hell to debug this sh*t... This is a reason why I added log in my maps. I made functions to write rolling logs in a file on the...
  29. Swatosj

    [Crash] Custom UI & desync issues

    Hivers, time has come for the community to understand how to synchronize data to get each player his own customized UI :ogre_rage: I'm doing a unit selection panel (check picture provided) and I'd like it to work separetely for each player. It's running fine in solo but I will get automatic...
  30. M4gz

    [Crash] Desync problem

    Im making map (reforged) and statred to test in bnet and get mass desyncs. Then i go to read and try to cure it. What i did: -removed all "pick all players" -removed all "get local player" -reset all constants -removed spell system (bribe) -removed unit indexer (bribe) -disable/enable damage...
  31. Bloodheaven_

    [Solved] Can we sync local values from 1 Player to every other and how?

    Hey there, I'm currently experiencing desyncs in my map. I mostly think that they are caused by functions like these ones: Test Events Player - Player 1 (Red) issues Mouse Down event Conditions Actions -------- Example 1 -------- Set VariableSet Temp_Point...
  32. Bloodheaven_

    [Crash] Camera Trigger causes 100% desync

    Hey there, currently working on a Camera-System that rotates the camera depending on where the current camera view is. The only suspicious Action that could cause an Desync is "Source of current camera view", (because it gets the data locally, im not sure?) So if that function causes the...
  33. Mordeltho

    Project: Winter's Touch Beta Request and Desync problem

    My first post here; I've long used Hive and I'm thankful for all the wonderful tools and quality feedback. My map is a Zombie Hero Defense that I will have played through like a basic campaign with different stages; my first stage is complete. I've tested this solo several times for bugs and...
  34. Ricola3D

    Linux only desync - Looking for info & testers

    Hello, My map, Xnd Hero Siege (unprotected), currently has desync issues that seems to impact only players that use Warcraft III with an emulator on Linux. I tested for all classic debug causes but found nothing. Do any of you has encountered Linux specific desync ? And maybe cornered some...
  35. Ricola3D

    Known causes of desync

    Introduction Players should be able to differentiate a crash, a player leaving and a player being desynchronized. Desync is the fact that one or more player gets disconnected from a online multiplayer game. It's caused by differences in the game state between the game clients. Below I tried...
  36. Ricola3D

    Desync debugging - How to reproduce

    Hello, Players on Battlenet experience desync with my map (generaly they are 4-8 players). I also reproduced it on Battlenet games with other live players. However I don't have other players to monopolize to test over and over. I need a way to reproduce and test myself, alone. I discovered...
  37. _Guhun_

    Please help diagnose/fix desyncs

    Hello everyone, so this is basically my last resort, as I have tried everything that I could to get rid of desyncs, but it's all been for naught. First, a bit of background: I develop my map mainly in the 1.29 World Editor, using WEX. I've been using w3x2lni and GitHub for version control for...
  38. Ricola3D

    Desync issues : what other possible causes ?

    Hello, I'm making a map and I had many desync issues. So I did the following : - Remove all "GetLocalPlayer" calls - Remove as many "Player Slot Statut" comparisons as possible - Stop using Widgetizer+Optimizer to protect my map. Now I only use Vexorian's optimizer. It improved much, however I...
  39. Jaccouille

    [Wurst] Desync Issue

    I am currently working on this map : Island Troll Tribes github Link : island-troll-tribes/island-troll-tribes Since 1st december, we lost our bot and got alot of desync issue, we "fixed" some of them, blizzard update fixed others, from time to time, 1 player still desync, but recently, on the...
  40. Silverstar

    desync's will be the death of me

    Hey ya'll, attached is a map I've been working on. I was happy to finally have the map complete to only be punched in the face with desync's. After a day of trial and error I can't figure it out... If anyone has the time, I could use another set of eyes to take a look. And if you can't tell...
  41. Daethz

    What causes Multiplayer Desyncs?

    Tons of people are having de-sync problems with my game, LoaP Ascension. I have gone through the triggers, fixed countless leaks, improved countless triggers to work cleaner and more efficiently, Just this month I removed like 50 useless 0.01 second wait timers pruning them from all triggers in...
  42. arcanetower

    Desync when trigger runs

    This trigger desyncs nearly all players when it runs, directly after a player loses their king/base. Can someone tell me what's wrong with it? (the last bit just repeats for every player)
  43. YeetYa

    Map Desync Issues

    Greetings everyone, I'm brand new to this site and would love to get some help. Ever since the recent Warcraft 3 patches I know a lot of maps have had desync problems, even with restarting the game to clear the cache. I'm currently trying to get the Eras Zombie Invasion 24p map to work in...
  44. troylowyee

    Map desyncs

    Ive been working on this desync problem for a long while now, i removed alot of leaks from my map and the game doesnt seem to lag and does not desync on older versions of warcraft. The desync seems to be random/maybe when someone cast a spell. Is it the damage detection system from the game? or...
  45. Evul_Goyim


    Hi, my map Desyncs! sometimes with 2v2, but a guarantee on 4v4 5v5 and it always desyncs on map start I use alot of picked player/ picked unit codes somebody mentioned this may cause desync. Anyone with a good brain that may be able to fix it? I provided map file here
  46. Woodenplank

    Desyncs on map load

    Hi I recently released my new map - which I've been working on several months. But when I try playing the map with other people online, roughly half of them desync as soon as the game starts. Before nay triggering is run; they're just gone. Roughly 50% of players in a lobby. I tried deleting...
  47. Kira_Tile

    How to fix random desync problem?

    So i am creating map called Upgright completely in GUI. Desync is happening sometimes, but not always, close to 10 minute mark. Outside of isolation, wich will take long time, what can you do to know what causing a desync? Is there some type of debug scripts that will print messeges about...
  48. Woodenplank

    [Crash] Desyncs on map start

    Hi - I recently released the alpha version of my new map - but people tend to desync on start. This never happens in singleplayer, not even when playing it on (with computer enemies). Not everyone desyncs though. Yesterday I tested the map with 5 other people - 3 of whom desynced...
  49. FlameofChange

    [Crash] It desync even if there's nothing to desync

    Hello there. I got from the 1.28 desync in my map which drives me crazy. - 1) Everything works fine until a second player pass the age II. Then it desync from instantly to minutes after. - 2) It drops at least one player. - 3) Local, hosting bots, regular hosting doesn't matter it still...
  50. troylowyee

    Desyncs and Lag on my map

    Attack Of The Lunatics 0.62e Defeat The Kodos 7.70c Both of my map were previously rather healthy but after the 1.30.2 patch, it caused a desync at certain specific times and even a terrible amount of lag on my first map. I have tried fixing memory leaks but im not sure what are the problems...