Human Shipyard: has a petential but currently has no sense.
Militia Center: is too close to the edge of the cliff and it looks like the part of it is levitates in the air.
Camp:Lets keep this type of building in the same convention, I mean make both of them Invulnerable or give them both normal hp. When unit is trained under the Camp, it can't get out. Ok, so I can make Villager but is is not counting in Villagers Alive? :O
Town Hall: What is it for?
Hero Center: ?
Many buildings are using Improved Masonry but it can't be researched anywhere.
Villager should have more hp so they would not die that easy.
Royal Mage You should give them more health and armor. Also remove attack and notice in Quests that if all of them fall it cause lost. Also maybe add them to Villagers table so we can know how much of the are alive.
Wraith has no attack annimation and no mana but it has cold arrows ability. It's producing time is too long.
Town Brawler is nice idea but change his sound and change his price to lower. You should also think about his armor type. He does't look lke heavy armored, more like unarmored.
Footman/Guardsmen He has two different names.
Footman/Man-at-Arms He also has two names and a bit too much armor. It has also wrong icon.
Rifleman is for free! Can't be! He has too much hp. Too high attack speed.
Priest/Cleric also two different names and abilities that can't be researched.
Arcane Guardian is nice unit but think abut it's blue icon. Lets find something better. He is for free! Can't be! It is crazy imbalanced. I mean it's attack speed and phoenix fire ability.
Marine has no sounds and it's producing time is too long. He has also so huge damage.
Goliath Knight has buff graphical effext of aura under his head.
Some units can be trained in Camp and in Militia Center. They should be avaiable only in one of them.
Make sure you are doing well with used food of units. Because I don't see consistency in this.
Many units are using upgrades that can't be be researched.
There are Tool Tip Missings for unit. Rest of Tool Tips are so shor, you can expand them.
Icon of King's Guard for me looks more like footman.
Righteous Fury shold give any graphical effect.
Pluverize/Holy Strike Two different names.
Battle Method and Pluverize/Holy Strike should have pasive icon.
Items are cool but I am not sure if their prices are balanced.
Icon of Super Boneknit should be BTN format and fix it's description.
Rescue Villagers was very nice. Add some more Villagers in one place to rescue (not just 1 Maybe pair of lovers or marriage with child) <3
There is strange web next to the greaveyard.
I shouldn't see Team Resources of The Kings Men
What is -start throne?
I can't comment Hand of God and Miss Norris, just remove them.
Remember good set of units in Militia Center and Camp is important thing in yor map. More Variety = good. Do not mess it up! You also have to add more items to the shop and create other shops. You should also work with terrain and make it not as flat as it is now. The Kingdom NPCs is nice thing. Make sure map doesn't look that empty as now. Fountain looks very cool. Also Way Gate. The game has the climat of survival/defend. It is the most important part of it. Blade fury is nice. Good luck with your map!