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Desync produces a log folder : anybody knows how to read/understand it ?


I have been looking for the random desync cause of the map I am editing (Xnd Hero Siege).
I have searched all the potential causes documented on this forum, and also tried logging almost all trigger executions in the map, but it does not help me anymore..

Recently I discovered that on desync the game W3R produces a log folder in : C:/Users/<name>/Documents/Warcraft III/Errors

This folder contains:

  • Desync.txt
  • <AccountName>_Date_Integer_Desync.log
  • <AccountName>_Date_Integer_replay.w3g
  • TempReplay.w3g
  • War3Log.txt

However those text files are totally not "human friendly". Here is an exemple ZIP I hosted on a free file hosting website : Upload files for free - 2022-01-10 19.49.25.zip - ufile.io

Does anybody knows how to read those text files ?
What revelant info can be extracted from it to pin point the cause of the desync ?


Level 19
Mar 16, 2008
I can't find the thread but it seems it's super duper encrypted by Blizzard and no one has been able to figure it out.

If I didn't know better, it seems Blizz doesn't want people to use WE. lol.