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Custom Race: Cult of the Flesh Weavers 2.0

-Custom Race: Cult of the Flesh Weavers-
Made with Reforged: Classic graphics. This is an edit of the melee map Round Village to include The Cult of the Flesh Weavers as a playable race.
To play The Flesh Weaver Cult, select Orc and click Yes at the start of the map.



Faction Overview:

Flesh Weave Mechanic


The cult is able to bring corpses to their Butchery to be converted in their third resource called body parts. The number of body parts a corpse provides is equal to its level. For example a footman would provide 2 and a knight would provide 4. Body parts are used to upgrade your individual “undead” units with different abilities. However abilities don’t stack and applying a new one will override the previous. Body parts can also be used to cast Decreation.

Decreation: Rains the target area with body parts blighting it, dealing up to 110 damage to enemy units and stunning them for 1 second.

Available Flesh Weaves:
Weave: Open Fractures; unit has had bone shards sown into its flesh. Deals 20% of an enemy unit's melee attack damage back to it.
Weave: Lard Deposits; unit has had large amounts of fat inserted into it. Reduces damage of an enemy unit's attack by 20%.
Weave: Additional Organs; unit has had multiple duplicate organs added to its body Increasing its hit-points by 200 and its health regeneration by 2.
Weave: Resistance Skin; unit has had its epidermis replaced various creature hides. Reduces the duration of negative spells and renders the unit immune to certain spells.

The Roster:
- 4 Faction Heroes
- 12 Main Units
- 5 Alternate Units
- 4 Summoned Units
- 13 Buildings
- 65 Abilities
- 25 Upgrades

Natural Hostile\Passive
- 1 Tavern Hero
- 10 Creeps Types

Initial defenses:
- Self-flagellation
- Watch Tower: Defense building

- Strong Ranged units
- Tanky melee units
- Powerful upgrades

- Slow Early Buildup
- Somewhat Micromanagement dependent
- Limited and Fragile air units

- Multiple sources of corpse production
- Units have differing hitpoint regeneration
- Corpses improving abilities
- No building defense upgrade


Fallen Baroness

Giant Butcher

Flayed Man


Dullahan: Tavern Hero

Role: Melee Combat; Self augmentation and healing;
Description: Melee Strength Hero, that is a strong sustained combatant that consumes her foe’s blood to augment and heal herself.

(Base) Vampirism: The Baroness attack steals life from her targets. With each attack the Baroness gains levels in Vampirism up to 15 granting her life steal per level. Upon reaching level 15 the Baroness enters a blood frenzy increasing her attack rate but taking more damage. Vampirism is reset to level 1.
(Levelable) Blood Boil: The baroness uses blood magic to boil the blood in her foes' veins. Deals damage and infects all enemies within a radius with Blood Plague. A disease that drains health from the target over a duration.
(Levelable) Heart Strike: Instantly strike the target heart with blood magic enhanced strike. Causes damage and reduces movement speed and attack rate. If a unit has a Blood Plague the Baroness will be healed.
(Levelable) Hemostasis: The baroness absorbs the blood loss to Blood Boil to strengthen herself. Each enemy hit by Blood Boil increases the damage and health regeneration for the Baroness.
(Ultamate) Sire Vampire: The Baroness wounds and exchanges blood with a target unit healing herself for half the unit's current hit points. The afflicted unit becomes a thrall of the baroness losing hit points per second. Upon its death, a Nosferatu will spawn from its corpse. Sire Vampire cannot be dispelled or canceled.

Role: Melee Combat; DPS; Healer Support
Description: Melee Agility Hero, wants to isolate and wither away enemy units and support allies with its vile feasts.

(Base) Butchers Kitchen: When killing a unit, gain a level in Butchers Kitchen up to 15. Upon activation nearby allied units gain hit point regeneration. Butchers Kitchen is reset to level 1.
(Levelable) Vile Aroma: Activate to spread a Vile smell in a radius around the butcher increasing organic allied unit attack rate while reducing organic enemy unit attack rate. Drains mana.
(Levelable) Lamb to the Slaughter - Stakes target unit to the ground, immobilizing, disarming and damaging the target temporarily. Attacks against the targeted unit heal attackers. Attackers with Vile Aroma restored more hitpoints.
(Levelable) Fetid Cleavers: Attacks deal damage over time. Attacks against enemies with Vile Aroma deal more damage.
(Ultamate) Incarnation of Gluttony - The Butcher’s potent desire to feed temporally draws the attention of a darker power. The Butcher becomes impervious to physical attacks and gains attack rate and movement speed. Magic and Spell damage dealt to the Butcher is converted to healing.

Role: Ranged Combat; Crowd Control;
Description: Range Intelligence Hero, uses terror to interrupt and destroy his foes.

(Base) Dreadful Appearance - When attacking the Flayed Man gains levels in dread which reduces units damage in radius by a percent per level. Upon reaching max level of 15 the Flayed Man releases a nova dark energy reducing enemy units defense radius and Dreadful Appearance is reset to level 1.
(Levelable) Horrify - Target is dealt damage and Silenced over Time. The target flees a distance.
(Levelable) Flay alive - Deals damage to target and is stunned. Enemy units in a radius are stunned for a lesser duration.
(Levelable) Twisting Nether - Creates rift of dark energy. Nearby enemies are Slowed. When duration runs out the rift Detonates to deal damage in a radius.
(Ultamate) Death Throes - Upon death the Flayed Man releases a beam of dark power at his killer dealing damage based on the hero’s level.

Role: Melee Combat; DPS; Battle Support
Description: Melee Agility Hero, Seeks to challenge foes while inspiring his pack to fight harder.

(Base) Tooth and Claw - With each attack the Lycanthrope gains levels in Tooth and Claw up to 15. Gains attack rate and damage distribution in a radius.
(Levelable) Challenging Howl - Emits a howl that causes nearby enemies to target WehrWolf, increases nearby allied units' units' damage per enemy unit a radius. UNits can gain a maximum damage bonus.
(Levelable) Furious Leap - Leaps towards the target enemy within a distance, stunning it. Enemies in a radius are dealt damage and slowed.
(Levelable) Werebeast Physiology - Reduces taken Spell and Magic damage. Attacks spread Lycanthropic Infection. Units killed under this effect turn into Cursed Wolves.
(Ultamate) Awaken Progenitor - Transforms into an avatar of the Progenitor Wolf that deals bonus damage against heroes and gains bonus hit-points.

Role: Melee Combat; Summoner
Description: Melee Strength Hero. Exceptional at summoning.

(Levelable) Nightmare Bomb - Hurls a Cursed Pumpkin at a target. The pumpkin breaks upon impact, cursing nearby hostile units. Decreases armor; deals high damage over time to the primary target; deals slightly less damage over time to nearby targets.
(Levelable) Summon Pumpkin Monsters - Summons 2 Pumpkin Monsters to fight enemies.
(Levelable) Summon Pumpkin Spirit - Summons a Flying Pumpkin Ghost to spy on your enemies.
(Ultamate) The Great Pumpkin - Summons The Great Pumpkin from the sky, causing area effect damage where it lands.





Harpy Vulture

Corpse Cart

Packed/Unpacked Trebuchet


Giant Bat




Stitched Giant


Role: Worker; Gatherer; Builder; Healer
Description: These men revel in their despair, despondent in all things yet have a manic need for pain as it's the only thing that gives them focus.

Build: Brings up a list of the available buildings that you may choose to construct. Flagellants build from the outside.
Harvest: Mines 10 gold from gold mines and harvests 10 lumber from trees. Harvests 1 lumber per hit.
Repair: Allows Flagellant to restore hit points to damaged mechanical units and speed up construction.Each additional Flagellant reduces construction time by 60% and increases construction cost by 15%. When Starting from 1 hit-point to full, the repair cost is 35% of the repaired unit’s build cost and the repair time is 150% of the repaired unit’s build time.
Steel Sutures: Has 50% chance to reduce all attacks on the unit by 6 damage. Attacks cannot be reduced below 10 damage.
Field Sutures: Using his knowledge of flesh weaving to Heal a target friendly wounded organic unit for 5 Hit-points.
Self-flagellation: The Flagellant increases the damage he deals and his lumber harvest rate by 300% and his movement speed is increased by 40%. However the Flagellant loses 2 hit-points per second and can no longer build, repair or heal. Lasts 30 seconds.
bonus hit-points.

Role: Tank; Melee Combat
Description: Their heavy, decaying bulk, stitched together from the remains of humans and swine, makes them effective meat shields.

Necrophagia: Consumes a corpse over 20 seconds restoring 16 hit-points per second.
Steel Sutures: Has 50% chance to reduce all attacks on the unit by 6 damage. Attacks cannot be reduced below 10 damage.

Role: Anti-Air; Range Combat
Sewn together from the remains of people and vultures. While bird bones are delicate, they make excellent projectiles.

Necrophagia: Consumes a corpse over 20 seconds restoring 16 hit-points per second.
Steel Sutures: Has 50% chance to reduce all attacks on the unit by 6 damage. Attacks cannot be reduced below 10 damage.
Homing Projectile: Projectiles homes in on moving targets and upon contact bounce to to 1 additional target dealing 50% damage.

Role: Air Melee Combat
A powerful, agile raptor that can tear apart prey with its formidable claws and sharp beak.

Necrotic Mutation: Unit resurrects after 10 seconds when killed for the first time

Role: Healer; Corpse Mover
These Wagons are made of rotted wood, rusted metal and diseased flesh, heaped with writhing body parts for the cult’s monstrosities.

Gather Corpses: Pickup or drop corpses.
Exhume Corpses: Generates an Abhorrent corpse within the Corpse Cart every 60 seconds.

Necrotic Aura: Melee units in a 600-radius have % life steal per corpse in the Corpse Cart.

Role: Very Long Range Siege
An evolution of mangonel and catapults, the siege engine is capable of lobbing rotting remains to devastate enemy units at ranges its predecessors couldn't meet.

Unpack/Pack: Unpack Trebuchet causing it unmoveable, but graining attack range of 2000 and becoming effective against buildings.
Attack Range Indicator: Displays the attack range of the Trebuchet.
Stakes/Reinforced Stakes: Melee attackers are dealt 4/8 damage per attack they deal.
Discarded Parts: Deals 25 damage to attacked unit, 15 damage to units in a 225-radius, and 10 damage to units in a 275-radius.

Role: Dps Melee Combat, Control
Vast golems made of brush and dry hay possess razor-sharp metal claws that can pierce plate armor and shred flesh from Bone.

Imprison: Imprisons an enemy land unit inside itself, dealing 3 damage per second to it.

Burning Man: Activate causing 5 damage to itself and 10 damage to nearby enemy land units per second in a 220 radius.

Role: Scout; Ranged Air Combat
Experiments have artificially increased the size of these swift flying creatures, consequently improving their innate powers proportionally as well.

True Sight: Reveals nearby invisible and burrowed units.
Sonar: Target has -10% movement speed and |attack rate for 6 seconds. Share the target's vision for 30 seconds. Attacks by other Giant Bats stack.

Role: Corpse Caster; Offensive Magic
These ostracized gravediggers have a Fascination with death. The environment of their work has left them tainted with necrotic energies warping their perceptions of life and morality. Many have sought the dark arts of Necromancy in secret.

Dear One: Upon death spawns a Zombified Bride.
Bone Armor: Grants target 2 armor for 60 seconds. Coverts 4 corpses in a 200-radius of the caster into 1 additional armor per corpse.
Bone Explosion: Explodes a corpse in a 800-radius of the caster, dealing damage 15 times the Level of the corpse to enemies within a 300-radius.
Bone Spear: Hurls a bone missile a distance of 500, dealing 35 damage to all in its path.

Role: Support Caster; Versatile Magic
Horrible witches of wicked intent and ancient origin, they are dark fey that take on the forms of ugly old women tied to foul magic and often appear in malevolent fairy tales and nightmares.

Concoction: Restores 200 hit-points over 6 seconds. Target has +20% damage for 45 seconds.
Summon Flame Skulls (Corporeal Form): Summons 2 Flameskulls that have Incinerate and Cursed Bone for 60 seconds. They have 225 hit-points and deal 10 chaos damage.
Disenchant (Ethereal Form): Removes all buffs in a 250-radius. Enemy summons take 200 damage.
Hex: Transforms an enemy, disabling its attack and special abilities for 60 seconds.
Ethereal Form: Becomes immune to physical damage but unable to attack. Takes extra Magic and spell damage. Trades Summon Flame Skulls for the Disenchant ability. Flame Skulls summoned by this unit are dispelled.

Role: Anti large; Anti-caster; Vampiric Magic
Artificially created vampire, with exceptional agility, toughness, and magic. Their insatiable need for others' essence inspires terror in those encountering them.

Blood Bond: Transfers 10 Mana and Hit-points to an ally per second for 10 seconds.
Hypnosis: Target enemy has -50% movement speed and attack rate and has its abilities disabled for 16 seconds.
Vampiric Blood Bloodline: Has 33% physical damage reduction and 30% life steal.
Vampyric Blood Bloodline: Has 33% magic and spell damage reduction and Steals 10% of the attacked unit’s current mana.

Role: AoE Comabat; Tank; General combat
They are enormous warriors, composed of parts from many different corpses with the goal of uniting the best attributes of the source creatures. Despite relative intelligence they love to carve flesh and tear their enemies apart with the large cleavers they carry.

Putrefaction: Unit explodes upon death dealing 50 damage in a 200-radius.
Steel Sutures: Has 50% chance to reduce all attacks on the unit by 6 damage. Attacks cannot be reduced below 10 damage.
Cleaver Attack: Deals 20% damage in a 150-radius and 10% damage in a 250-radius in front of the attacking unit.

Role: Swarm; Dps
It's unclear when and where these fabled monsters first appeared, but according to certain traditions, they are humans that transform into violent, powerful wolves. Others see them as mutant hybrids of humans and wolves. But all are murderous beasts with an insatiable desire to slaughter humans and animals.

Feral Instinct: Gains +3% movement speed and attack rate for every Werewolf in a 500 radius.


Natural Hostile

Order Conscript:Light melee unit.
Has the Defend ability. Attacks land units.

Order Soldier: Light melee unit.
Has the Defend and Critical Strike abilities. Attacks land units.

Order Sergeant: Medium melee unit.
Has the Defend, Critical Strike and Evasion abilities. Attacks land units.

Order Crusader: Heavy melee unit.
Has the Endurance Aura, Divine Shield and Holy Light abilities. Attacks land units.

Order Huntsman: Light ranged unit.
Has the Berserk Ability. Attacks land and air units.

Order Watchman: Medium ranged unit.
Has the envenomed bolts ability. Attacks land and air units.

Order Priest: Light magic ranged unit.
Has the Heal ability. Attacks land and air units.

Order Conjurer: Light Magic ranged unit.
Has the FrostBolt and Frost Armor abilities. Attacks land and air units.

Order Oracle: Medium magic ranged unit.
Has the Abolish Magic, Faerie Fire and Rejuvenation abilities. Attacks land and air units.

Order Questioner: Heavy magic ranged unit.
Has the Vampiric Aura, Raise Dead, Cripple and Charm abilities. Attacks land and air units.

Change log

Aug 18, 2023 Version 1.0

Sept 2, 2023 Version 1.1

Sept 3, 2023 Version 1.2 (Hotfix)

Sept 18, 2023 Version 1.3 (Map Section Pre-Upload Fixes)

Sept 3, 2023 Version 1.4 (Hotfix)

October 17, 2023 Version 1.5

May 1, 2024 Version 2.0

1.0 Uploaded to Map Development

Bugs Fixes:

The map description now states “To play as the Flesh Weaver Cult, select Orc…” (Originally this was played through the Human race)
Flagellants now has Acolyte soundset; Hog Pen has Pigform soundset, Charnel House has Crypt soundset; Sepulture has Temple of the damned soundset.
Flagellants can now power build and repair.
Giant Bats misspellings are corrected.
Victory trigger restored. (Was missing from Melee Initialization)
Headless Horseman now has a limit of 1. (Forgot to set its limit via trigger.)
Witch-Hags’ Summon Flameskull now requires an upgrade. (Check Dependencies was set to False.)
Nosferatu’s Hypnosis ability causes a crash? (This seems to be inconsistent. I had it happen once during a play test early in development. Didn’t have it happen to me in another.)
Baroness’s Blood Boil now applies correctly.
Sonar, Concoction, Disenchant, Hypnosis, Inflict Fear, Hot-pot, and Gluttony abilities have new visual effects
Added Information tabs in quest log

Balance Changes:

> Flagellants: Builder, Gather, and Early Healer.

Field Sutures Hitpoints restoration increased from 1.5 to 5.0.
Field Sutures Cooldown was increased from 0.66 to 1.5.
Removed undead classification (Was preventing power repair/build)

> Grotesque: Tank

Hit Points increased from 600 to 800.
Base Damage reduced from 11 to 10.
Number of Damage Dice reduced from 2 to 1.
Number of Dice Sides increased from 2 to 3.
Defense Base increased from 2 to 3.
Gold Cost increased from 160 to 175.
Build Time increased from 28 seconds to 30.

> Abhorrent: Ranged Assault / Anti Air

Prioritize Ability removed. (Reduce unneeded mico and I needed the icon slot for Weaver Flesh ability)
Hit Points Reduced from 535 to 490.
Attack Cooldown reduced from 2.0 to 1.9.
Number of Damage Dice increased from 1 to 2.
Number of Dice Sides reduced from 4 to 3.
Gold Cost reduced from 205 to 195.
Build Time increased from 22 seconds to 25.

> Wickermen: Melee DPS

Imprison Ability now requires an upgrade.
Imprison Ability now has 20 second cooldown.
Burning Man Ability self damage reduced from 10 to 5.
Hit Points Reduced from 1175 to 650. (Changed to reduce overlap with Grotesque)
Attack Cooldown reduced from 1.9 to 1.75.
Damage Base reduced from 32 to 30.
Number of Dice Sides increased from 7 to 10.
Defense Base reduced from 2 to 0.
Gold Cost reduced from 240 to 220.
Lumber Cost reduced from 70 to 60.
Requirement changed from Asylum to Refugee, Saw Mill and Butchery

> Undertakers: Offensive\Corpse based spellcaster

Bone Spear ability damage reduced from 75 to 35.
Bone Spear ability cooldown increased from 7 to 10 seconds.
Bone Spear ability mana cost increased from 100 to 135.
Zombie Brides spawned by the dear one ability are now affected by Exhumed Melee Weapons and Intermediate Reanimation upgrades.

> Witch-Hag: Support Caster

Concoction ability Restored Hit-points increased from 100 to 150.
Concoction ability heal duration increased from 5 to 6 seconds.
Added “Flameskulls summoned by this unit are dispelled.” to Ethereal Form ability tooltip.
Disenchant ability damage dealt to summoned units reduced from 250 to 200

> Corpse Carts: Support

Generated corpse type changed to Abhorrent.

> Nosferatu: Elite melee/healer

Hypnosis ability no longer requires the Vampyric Bloodline upgrade.
Blood Bond ability no longer requires the Vampiric Bloodline upgrade.
Life Steal increased from 10% to 30%.

> Release Malformed: Summoned Defenders

Malformed Bandits are now affected by Exhumed Melee Weapons and Intermediate Reanimation upgrades.
Malformed Brigends are now affected by Exhumed Ranged Weapons and Intermediate Reanimation upgrades.

> Watch Tower: Defense building

Changed projectile art

> Hog Pen: Food Production

Now has create corpse ability; Create 1 Grotesque corpse every 60 seconds

New Mechanics:

> Weave Flesh: Weaves a nearby corpse into itself to gain bonuses based on the type of unit it comes from. Dropping corpses unweaves the flesh and causes the unit to lose the bonus. Corpses are targetable by abilities that affect corpses.

Peasants, Peons, Acolytes, Flagellants - Pillage
Footmen, Grunts, Ghouls, Huntress’ and Grotesques - 5 bonus damage.
Rifleman, Troll Headhunter, Crypt Fiend, Archer, Abhorrents - Bonus attack speed 20%
Knight, Tauren Warrior, Abomination, Druid of the Claw, Nosferatus - Bonus health 150
Mortar Team, Wolf Raider - 25% extra damage to buildings
Priest, Witch Doctor, Necromancer, Witch-Hags - 3 bonus Hitpoint Regeneration
Sorceress, Shaman, Druid of the Talon, Undertakers - 100% bonus Mana Regeneration
Spell Breaker, Spirit Walker, Dryad - 50% Spell Resistance
Creeps - Bonus health 50

Bugs Fixes:

Imprison Ability upgrade is now researchable from Corpse Silo.

Balance Changes:

> Grotesque: Tank

Number of Damage Dice reverted from 1 to 2.

> Abhorrent: Ranged Assault / Anti Air

Attack Cooldown reduced from 1.9 to 1.8.
Base Damage increased from 15 to 16.

> Nosferatu: Elite melee/healer

Hit Points increased from 900 to 1100.

> Trebuchet: Long-range siege weaponry

Unpack ability cooldown reduced from 15 to 0 seconds.


> Tooltip spelling and information corrections.

Balance Changes:

> Harpy Vultures: Air to Air Combatant

Attack Cooldown reduced from 1.05 to 1.00.
Base Damage reduced from 49 to 45.
Number of Dice Sides increased from 8 to 10.

> Giant Bats: Aerial Scout and Detector.

Attack Cooldown reduced from 2.00 to 1.50.
Base Damage reduced from 17 to 13.
Number of Dice Sides increased from 2 to 3.

> Trebuchet: Long-range siege weaponry.

Hit Points increased from 450 to 500.
Attack Cooldown increased from 4.50 to 5.00.
Base Damage increased from 71 to 89.
Number of Dice Sides increased from 18 to 21.

Bug Fixes:

Removed leftover test units.
Visual changes:

>Grotesque: Tank

Changed Tinting Color 1 from 255 to 155
Changed Tinting Color 2 from 255 to 155
Changed Tinting Color 3 from 255 to 130
Weave Flesh Mechanic Changes:

Weave flesh is now based on Spirit of Vengeance allowing the player to see the unit stat panel. Ability description changes to display the unit's current bonus. (Icon remains the same).
Now is unaffected by corpse based abilities.
Now there is a 25 second cooldown.



> Nosferatu: Elite melee/healer

(can still be accessed by editor)

New Unit.

>Stitched Giant: Elite melee

Heavy melee unit that deals AoE damage. Ment as a late game replacement for Grotesque and Wickerman

The reason for the replacement was because I want to make a vampire race in the future and to make the faction's elite unit match the theme more thematically.

  • Fixed and rearranged icon placement
  • Replaced Spellbound’s and Unwirklich’s Demon UI - Widescreen with The Darkest Night UI [Reforged] SD by keepitmovin
  • Units now have different types of regeneration
  • New Map
  • Recolored, Similfied and cut Fluff from Ability Tooltips.

Weave Flesh; Changed to remove the random chance.
  • Now applied through Spellbook in Hideout.
  • Cost is bodyparts collected from corpses by Hideout.
  • Weaves vary in cost.
  • Number of Weave Types Reduced from 9 to 4.
  • Now an overhead icon shows the current Weave.

Hog Pen;
  • Renamed to Hog Corral.
  • Can now Gather, Exhume Corpses and hold up to 2 Corpses.
  • Can learn Necrotic Aura ability.
  • Size scaling and pathing increased.
  • Hit-Points increased from 500 to 800.
  • Gold cost increased from 120 to 180.
  • Lumber cost increased from 40 to 50.
  • Build time increased from 50 to 60.
  • Food produced increased from 10 to 12.

Lookout post;
  • Can now gain the Stakes ability.

  • Now has Self-flagellation ability; increases the damage, lumber harvest rate and movement speed at the cost of hit-points per second and the ability to build, repair or heal.

  • Removed in favor of Self-flagellation as secondary defense.

  • Regenerates hit-points on Blight
  • Changed Tinting Color 1 from 255 to 200
  • Changed Tinting Color 2 from 255 to 200
  • Changed Tinting Color 3 from 255 to 225

  • Regenerates hit-points on Blight
  • Changed Tinting Color 1 from 155 to 150
  • Changed Tinting Color 2 from 155 to 175
  • Changed Tinting Color 3 from 130 to 150

Harpy Vulture;
  • Regenerates hit-points on Blight

Corpse Cart ;
  • Necrotic Aural life steal per level increased from 2% to 5%.

  • Regenerates hit-points at night.

  • Regenerates hit-points at night.

Stitched Giant;
  • Removed Throw Cleaver ability.
  • Separated damage into 2 attacks; Normal and Seige
  • Normal Attack Base damage reduced from 43 to 40.
  • Normal Attack Dice reduced from 2 to 1.
  • Normal Attack Dice sides reduced from 12 to 6.
  • Regenerates hit-points on Blight

  • Attack Rate increased from 2.2 to 1.5.
  • Base damage increased from 22 to 24.
  • Dice sides reduced from 11 to 9.
  • Hit-Points reduced from 1100 to 900.
  • Regenerates hit-points at night.

Werewolf ;
  • New tier 3 Unit
  • Light/Medium DPS unit.
  • Trains in groups of 3.
  • Gains increasing attack rate and movement speed when grouped together.

Fallen Baroness
  • Added Vampirism ability
  • Changed Blood Boil and Hemostasis visual effect
  • Heart Strike now heals the caster rather than applying a stun.
  • Replaced Relish in blood with Sire Vampire

Giant Butcher
  • Added Butchers Kitchen
  • Replaced Hot pot with Vile Aroma
  • Replaced Healing Spray with Lamb to the Slaughter
  • Fetid blades remanded to Fetid Cleavers; Now also does bonus damage to units with Vile Aroma
  • Gluttony renamed to Incarnation of Gluttony; Attack speed bonus decreased from 100% to 50%

Flayed Man
  • Added Dreadful Appearance ability
  • Replaced Inflict Fear with Horrify
  • Flay alive AOE Stun Decreased from 2/4/6 to 1/2/3
  • Flay alive damage changed from 100/100/100 to 75/150/225
  • Replaced Horrific Appearance with Twisting Nether
  • Replaced Summoned Beholder with Death Throes

  • New Hero

Known Bugs

Version 2.0

  • Flagellant continues to play its work animation after healing.
  • When Self-flagellation ends some Flagellants may stop their current task.
  • Deployed Tributchae does not pay its stand animation until it attacks something.
  • Stakes ability icon appears in the first available spot.
  • When Primary structure upgrades its scaffolding may appear on the closest hero
  • Butchery Corpse collects corpses from chart holds but not Carral holds.







BTNJackolantern Submitted by @Coinblin
BTNPumpkinH Submitted by @Ginufe
BTNBeholder Submitted by @SuPa-
BTNMagmaElementalGhostly Submitted by @SuPa-
BTNAbomEat Submitted by @UgoUgo
BTNAbominationUpgrade01 Submitted by @Thunderbuff246
BTNAbominationUpgrade02 Submitted by @Thunderbuff246
BTNAmbominationsFlesh2 Submitted by @Grunt Of The Week
BTNBatSight Submitted by @Stanakin
BTNBloodsoul Submitted by @zbc
BTNBoarCharger Submitted by @Mr.Goblin
BTNBoneArmor Submitted by @Bogrim
BTNbonecrusherGS Submitted by @GooS
BTNBoneFleshShift Submitted by @Marcos DAB
BTNBoneRunes Submitted by @JollyD
BTNHorrorSoul Submitted by @JollyD
BTNRaiseDead Submitted by @JollyD
BTNVortexOfUnreal Submitted by @JollyD
BTNBonespear Submitted by @8512590215848
BTNGiant01 Submitted by @8512590215848
BTNGiant02 Submitted by @8512590215848
BTNGiant03 Submitted by @8512590215848
BTNTransferPain Submitted by @8512590215848
BTNButcher Submitted by @Dionesiist
BTNCWDeathAura Submitted by @CloudWolf
BTNCWFlameAura Submitted by @CloudWolf
BTNDarkness Submitted by @KelThuzad
BTNEnrage Submitted by @KelThuzad
BTNDeadlyCurse Submitted by @-Dieser-
BTNDeathCoffin Submitted by @Darkfang
BTNShadow Capture Submitted by @Darkfang
BTNDNA Submitted by @The_Silent
BTNForsakenDreadGuard Submitted by @Eltikitaka
BTNGluttonyS Submitted by @San
BTNImpale2 Submitted by @San
BTNHarvestGolem Submitted by @IceMage
BTNHex1 Submitted by @Revolve
BTNOrcDeathKnight Submitted by @Blizzard Entertainment
BTNSpell_Holy_RemoveCurse Submitted by vBlizzard Entertainment
BTNSpell_Shadow_SpectralSight Submitted by @Blizzard Entertainment
BTNPoisonousBrew Submitted by @Palaslayer
BTNredskull Submitted by @Fjury
BTNRegenerationAuraPurple Submitted by @shamanyouranus
BTNRelentlessness Submitted by @67chrome
BTNSkullSpirits Submitted by @-Berz-
BTNSorceryUpgrade2 Submitted by @morbent
BTNSorceryUpgrade3 Submitted by @morbent
BTNTarget Submitted by @ChirusHighwind
BTNChop-Chop Submitted by @stein123
BTNHotPot Submitted by @stein123
BTNEcho_Taunt Submitted by @KaiZen7th
Red Bat with Blue Eyes (Dota 2 style) Submitted by @borissuworov
Butcher Submitted by @Ceterai
Meat Cleaver Submitted by @Aldeia
BTNSlam Submitted by @Blizzard Entertainment; Uploader @Totally not an Alien
BTNSpell_Shadow_AbominationExplosion Submitted by @Blizzard Entertainment
BTNBrownBalverine Submitted by @Kuhneghetz
BTNAbility_Hunter_BeastTaming Submitted by @Blizzard Entertainment
BTNArmoredBlackWolf Submitted by @Sin'dorei300
BTNBloodSpike Submitted by @Kwah
BTNBloodyBite Submitted by @Marcos DAB
Butcher Submitted by @Ceterai
BTNCorpseExplode Submitted by @QuadraDowN
BTNFerealInstinct Submitted by @8512590215848
BTNFlay Submitted by @Technomancer
BTNGraveCall Submitted by @Darkfang
BTNHorribleOrgan Submitted by @Gear Of Rage
BTNINV_Misc_Organ_01 Submitted by @Blizzard Entertainment
BTNOrb PainSubmitted by @Big Dub
BTNSpell_Shadow_AbominationExplosion Submitted by @Blizzard Entertainment
BTNSlam Submitted by @Blizzard Entertainment
BTNwerewolfstare Submitted by @Kimbo
BTNWorgenAlpha Submitted by @Kimbo
BTNWorgenCommand Submitted by @Kimbo
BTNWorgenFurySlash Submitted by @Kimbo
BTNWorgenLeap Submitted by @Kimbo
Void Rift @Submitted by ThompZon

Bandit Buildings Icons Edited by @SC2HayasuiArt

Silverhand Buildings Submitted by @bakr
Altar of Blood (WC1) Submitted by @loktar
Pumpkin Infernal Submitted by @Thrikodius
PumpkinInfernalBirth Submitted by @Thrikodius
Pumpkin Nightmare Head Submitted by @donut3.5
The Great Pumpkin Monster Submitted by @WILL THE ALMIGHTY
Dalaran Mutants Bundle (Ujimasa's derivates) Submitted by @borissuworov, @Ujimasa Hojo
Scarlet Crusaders (Pack) Submitted by @HerrDave
Questioner Submitted by @Heinvers, @HerrDave
Scarlet Huntsman Submitted by @Heinvers
Scarlet Conjuror Submitted by @kangyun
Scarlet Oracle Submitted by @kangyun
Knight Pack Submitted by @Ilya Alaric
Priest Pack Submitted by @Ilya Alaric
Footman Pack Submitted by @Ilya Alaric
Spearthrower Pack Submitted by @Ilya Alaric
Child Corpse Sitting Submitted by @chilla_killa
Marquee Submitted by @Mike
Noose Witch Submitted by @Deleted member 126647
TortureTable Submitted by @Hellish Hybrid
Beholder Submitted by @SuPa-
Beholder Missile Submitted by @SuPa-
Bleed effect Submitted by @Callahan
Blood Presence Submitted by @Champara Bros
Bone Guard Submitted by @Hate
Blue Orc Pack Submitted by @Grey Knight
Butcher Submitted by @Stefan.K
Clock UI Cooldown Submitted by @HappyTauren
Dazed Effect Submitted by @stan0033
Death Knight WC2 Submitted by @Necrokenis
Fallen Baroness (mounted version) Submitted by @Kuhneghetz
Flagellant Submitted by @Dionesiist
Ogre Butcher Submitted by @Dionesiist
Giant Bat Submitted by @Em!
Nature Regen Buff Submitted by @doom_sheep
Necromancer Curse (Amplify Damage & Decrepify) Submitted by @Otherknownoise
PeeKay's BoneSpear Submitted by @8512590215848
Poison Spider Submitted by @MarkSpartak
PoisonStingTarget Submitted by @JetFangInferno
Ram Skull Projectile Submitted by @Infrisios
Skull & Cross Bones Submitted by @DarkFrog
The Cursed Skull Submitted by @Mister_Haudrauf
VampiricAura Submitted by @Sandro
Butcher Submitted by @Stefan.K
CloudOfFog Submitted by @Callahan
Gas Submitted by @Alfagar
Hell Cursed Submitted by @Antinous
PlagueCloud Submitted by@ crl
Pumpkin Phantom Submitted by @Thrikodius
Skeleton Archer - with Helm and Shoulderpads Submitted by @Eagle XI
UpperBodyMissleOfPeasant Submitted by @Abbendis
Void Rifts Submitted by @Vinz
Werewolf Submitted by @WhiteDeath

Birdman Edited by @MasterHaosis
HeadlessHorseman Edited by @MasterHaosis (Credit: @Traggey; @Mr.Bob)
Pigman Edited by @MasterHaosis (Credit: @Sin'dorei300)
Drustvar Witch Edited by @MasterHaosis (Credit: @Alethos)
Vampire Guard Edited by @MasterHaosis (Credit: @kangyun)
Grave Robber Edited by @MasterHaosis (Credit: @Skipper)
VillagerFemaleUndeadV1.03 Edited by @Jiok (Credit: @Ujimasa Hojo.)
StrawGolem Edited by @Jiok (Credit: @Ujimasa Hojo.)
Bandit Buildings Edited By @SC2HayasuiArts (Credit: @Ujimasa Hojo.)

Scarlet Captain Submitted by @Heinvers
Fall Tree Redone Submitted by @WerBackIII
Green BatTroll BatRider skin (Dota 2 style) Submitted by @borissuworov
Orc Command Buttons Submitted by @The Panda
Demon UI - Widescreen Submitted by @Spellbound, @Unwirklich
ShowUnitLevel Submitted by @Tasyen
The Darkest Night UI [Reforged] SD @Submitted by keepitmovin

Bloody Mary Edited by @MasterHaosis

Range Checker Submitted by @Mayday, @CanFight
Heroic Leap v0.01 Submitted by @G00dG4m3

Undead epic music I Submitted by @MelNefys


Round Village (Map)

Not sure why this happened. Wonder if it has anything to do with starting the game without any enemies. Or they might be remnants of testing? Other than the flesh weaving mechanic, it's pretty much standard stuff (increase lumber harvesting amount...
Level 12
Mar 4, 2014
There is a problem with the vizibility of the units, they don't really stand out and it can get confusing, its like im palying with reforged graphics all over again, the skins are cool by themselves, but when u got ana rmy of these units, it becomes a big blend of skin.


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
Not sure why this happened. Wonder if it has anything to do with starting the game without any enemies. Or they might be remnants of testing?
Other than the flesh weaving mechanic, it's pretty much standard stuff (increase lumber harvesting amount upgrade, regular tower and item shop, Cannibalize etc.).
The boni could have been shown as dummy passive abilities on units.
An issue is that you lose a unit's attack and stat details once it carries a body.
There are some model bugs, the upgrade scaffolding of the main building appearing on the Fallen Baroness for some reason when it was being upgraded.
Something also happens when selecting units, their level status under their name being updated each time.

It's a nice idea overall but very much imbued with standard abilities and mechanics.


If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange!


Site Rules
Map Submission Rules

M A P - D E S C R I P T I O N
BB Codes | HIVE

Description Guide - Melee Maps
Describing Your Melee Map
Melee Map Description Generator v1.3

The importance of a Description
Description Guide - Maps
Map Thread Guide
Map Description Making: Good & Bad
Map Description - Templates
Map Description Generator [1.2]

How to Add a Screenshot to your Map Description

  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

M A P - C R E A T I O N - G U I D E S

If you're not satisfied with the review and wish another opinion, contact the other reviewers or use the staff contact:

There is a problem with the vizibility of the units, they don't really stand out and it can get confusing, its like im palying with reforged graphics all over again, the skins are cool by themselves, but when u got ana rmy of these units, it becomes a big blend of skin.
Would you mind sharing some gameplay feedback other than graphics taste? I feel 3 stars only for that alone is quite distasteful.
Not sure why this happened. Wonder if it has anything to do with starting the game without any enemies. Or they might be remnants of testing?
Other than the flesh weaving mechanic, it's pretty much standard stuff (increase lumber harvesting amount upgrade, regular tower and item shop, Cannibalize etc.).
The boni could have been shown as dummy passive abilities on units.
An issue is that you lose a unit's attack and stat details once it carries a body.
There are some model bugs, the upgrade scaffolding of the main building appearing on the Fallen Baroness for some reason when it was being upgraded.
Something also happens when selecting units, their level status under their name being updated each time.

It's a nice idea overall but very much imbued with standard abilities and mechanics.


If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange!


Site Rules
Map Submission Rules

M A P - D E S C R I P T I O N
BB Codes | HIVE

Description Guide - Melee Maps
Describing Your Melee Map
Melee Map Description Generator v1.3

The importance of a Description
Description Guide - Maps
Map Thread Guide
Map Description Making: Good & Bad
Map Description - Templates
Map Description Generator [1.2]

How to Add a Screenshot to your Map Description

  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

M A P - C R E A T I O N - G U I D E S

If you're not satisfied with the review and wish another opinion, contact the other reviewers or use the staff contact:

Would you mind sharing some gameplay feedback other than graphics taste? I feel 3 stars only for that alone is quite distasteful.
Thanks for the review. Map has been updated.

Addressing the things mentioned above.
  • The extra units were a remnants of testing and have been removed.
  • The reason I used all base items was because I felt the ones I used matched the faction thematically and I do not believe the vampiric potion or orb of slow can be obtained in melee. (I could be wrong)
  • Changed flesh weave base ability allowing you to see stat panel and allowing ability description to display the current bonus.
  • I believe the upgrade scaffolding is a error in the HQ building's model. I do not have the skillset to fix that.
  • The revealed unit level is not native. I imported a UI skin to show the unit level. I don't know if the Level status updating every selection is how its meant to be or an error in the trigger that came with the skin.
Level 2
Mar 16, 2022
Hello, I want to ask you about a problem. I don't know why, my Custom Race: Cult of the Flesh Weavers can't display the text, including the text boxes of the related descriptions of skills and arms are all empty. I don't know what is the situation, I don't have this problem in your other maps.
Hello, I want to ask you about a problem. I don't know why, my Custom Race: Cult of the Flesh Weavers can't display the text, including the text boxes of the related descriptions of skills and arms are all empty. I don't know what is the situation, I don't have this problem in your other maps.
That a weird one. I downloaded and tested the map and everything's fine. Are you using a custom font? Only time I've had that happen to was when I was messing around with them.

I will be releasing a update in a week or 2 so containing Changes to the hero abilities and the Weave system as well as restoring the Nosforto and adding a werewolf unit and Hero.
Level 2
Mar 16, 2022
That a weird one. I downloaded and tested the map and everything's fine. Are you using a custom font? Only time I've had that happen to was when I was messing around with them.

I will be releasing a update in a week or 2 so containing Changes to the hero abilities and the Weave system as well as restoring the Nosforto and adding a werewolf unit and Hero.
Forgive me for taking so long to reply, but I can tell you what font was used.