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Simple Effect Workshop

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Level 23
Jan 1, 2009
Simple Effect Workshop



Basically I want to improve my 3ds max effect-making skills a bit, but don't really have a proper project on my own where I could use alot of special effects.
Therefore you can now request special effects in this workshop and I will try to create them for you.
As I'm not that experienced in 3ds max yet and don't want to spend hours on 1 single effects, I won't accept too complicated requests.
Use the requestform below to create a request
What I can/will do

  • Particle Emitters
  • Ribbon Emitters
  • Animations
  • Simple 2d planes, e.g. for a billboarded texture.
What I will NOT do

  • Create a 3d model
  • Create an effect that won't be used (just for fun)

Always use the requestform and provide as much information as possible

Needed Information:
Category: Buff-Attachments/Effect(ground, with death animation)/missile
Elements: Particles/Ribbons/Planes
Description: Describe how you want your sfx to look. This includes coloring/ movement and size. Also provide information for what the effect will be used (Spell, Buff, Projectile) so I get a view of it.
Project Link: Link to the project where your requested doodad will be used. I don't want to create effects that no one will use.
Optional Information:
Visual: Provide an image or video that shows the effect you want.
Animations: If you want special animations, write them down and what they do. Every effect will have a normal Stand and Death animation.
Texture: If you want a certain custom or standard texture to be used, mention it. If you don't, I will use what I think suits the best. (Also, if needed, TeamColor)
Contains some DoodadCreators copy pasta :)
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Level 25
Jul 10, 2006
Hi, nice workshop :)

I don't really understand the particles/ribbons/planes thing, but is this request part of what you do here:
http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/requests-341/model-corpse-bomb-227678/ ?

Ideally what I want is for body parts to rotate about the center of the missile, but more in line with your workshop, is it possible to have:
- Blood emitters
- Body part/corpse/skeleton emitters?
Level 23
Jan 1, 2009
If you look into the Model-Section and under type-> SFX, Effect, Missile and partially Buffs are things I offer to do.
Your request somewhat fits into that section, tho I would need more explanation about the exact look, also, what is wrong with the existing effects?
Also, blood effects in wc3 use EmitterType 2 which isn't natively accessible in 3ds max via the arttools.

I can give it a shot, but can't guarantee to make something "better" than the current effect.
The rotating animation wouldn't be a problem, but specify what exactly you want to be rotated.
Also fill out the request form so I can file the request properly.
Level 6
Nov 24, 2012
Category: Uhh... Effect?
Elements: Some green ribbons I think? And some gray windy swirls.
Description: Aftereffects of shooting a powerful magic arrow attached as Caster Art.
Project Link: Minecraft (Archer/Arrow), Fortress Survival (Hero/Tower)
Optional Information: Can ribbons be teamcolored =O? That would be nice if possible! If not, green is good.
Visual: Picture :except yellow ribbons should be green (teamcolor if possible).
Edit: Optional Visual: It has those yellow leaves falling down as well, but green glowy leaves would be nice, if it's not too late XD.
Animations: The ribbons flow backwards behind the caster. Circular wind swirls appear at projectile launch point.
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Level 23
Jan 1, 2009
Category: Uhh... Effect?
Elements: Some green ribbons I think? And some gray windy swirls.
Description: Aftereffects of shooting a powerful magic arrow attached as Caster Art.
Project Link:
Optional Information: Can ribbons be teamcolored =O? That would be nice if possible! If not, green is good.
Visual: Picture :except yellow ribbons turn green.
Animations: The ribbons flow backwards behind the caster. Circular wind swirls spin around projectile start point.

Yes, ribbons can be teamcolored. (but sometimes it doesn't work properly with a texture, therefore I will probably color it green)
Otherwise, accepted.
Level 25
Jul 10, 2006
If you look into the Model-Section and under type-> SFX, Effect, Missile and partially Buffs are things I offer to do.
Your request somewhat fits into that section, tho I would need more explanation about the exact look, also, what is wrong with the existing effects?
Also, blood effects in wc3 use EmitterType 2 which isn't natively accessible in 3ds max via the arttools.

I can give it a shot, but can't guarantee to make something "better" than the current effect.
The rotating animation wouldn't be a problem, but specify what exactly you want to be rotated.
Also fill out the request form so I can file the request properly.

I would greatly appreciate it.

Category: Missile
  • Particles - small bone pieces, or scaled down meat wagon missile
  • Planes - textured with a bone corpse
  • (optional) ribbons of "necromancer" energy, a bit of green energy, like animate/raise dead
Description: Corpse planes rotate about the origin at various angles. e.g. one corpse is flat on the XY plane and rotates around the Z axis. Another corpse starts flat on the YZ plane, and also rotates around the Z axis.
Project Link: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/spells-569/gui-corpse-bomb-1-00-a-227674/ (it's just a spell, not really a project)
  • Does not need the blood emitter, I can use another model for that.
  • The existing effect uses many units, which is bad for my spell's performance.
  • Only stand animation needed.


  • bonecorpse.png
    35.8 KB · Views: 434
Level 12
May 12, 2012
Category: Effect
Elements: Particles
Description: When the caster casts a spell their will be runes coming out of him/her and will disappear
Project Link: Invoker Map
Optional Information:
Visual: I can't find the effect that I'm requesting, but the runes coming out are the default ones in warcraft
Animations: Birth Animation will be the rune coming out of the caster and the Death Animation will be the rune vanishing
Texture: Can you do both? 1 random colors and 1 team colored
Level 23
Jan 1, 2009
Category: Missile
Particles - small bone pieces, or scaled down meat wagon missile
Planes - textured with a bone corpse

(optional) ribbons of "necromancer" energy, a bit of green energy, like animate/raise dead
Description: Corpse planes rotate about the origin at various angles. e.g. one corpse is flat on the XY plane and rotates around the Z axis. Another corpse starts flat on the YZ plane, and also rotates around the Z axis.
Project Link: [GUI] Corpse Bomb 1.00 (it's just a spell, not really a project)
Does not need the blood emitter, I can use another model for that.
The existing effect uses many units, which is bad for my spell's performance.
Only stand animation needed.
I came up with something, but I'm not toally happy with it:


  • CorspeBomb.mdx
    6.7 KB · Views: 77
Level 23
Jan 1, 2009
Category: Uhh... Effect?
Elements: Some green ribbons I think? And some gray windy swirls.
Description: Aftereffects of shooting a powerful magic arrow attached as Caster Art.
Project Link: Minecraft (Archer/Arrow), Fortress Survival (Hero/Tower)
Optional Information: Can ribbons be teamcolored =O? That would be nice if possible! If not, green is good.
Visual: Picture :except yellow ribbons should be green (teamcolor if possible).
Edit: Optional Visual: It has those yellow leaves falling down as well, but green glowy leaves would be nice, if it's not too late XD.
Animations: The ribbons flow backwards behind the caster. Circular wind swirls appear at projectile launch point.

Okay... I tried for hours but can't find any way to rotate th way ribbonemitters emit the quads. If they move in some direction there is only a line, because the quads don't face that way.
I'm sorry, but I have to decline this request for now.

I will do the invoker-runes now.

Alright, the invoker runes attached.
It has a stand animation where it will continously emit and a death animation. When you instantly destroy the effect. 4 runes will spawn.
Rainbow colored!
If you are okay with the look I can also add teamcolor.


  • InvokerRunes.mdx
    3 KB · Views: 80
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Level 8
Nov 30, 2012
Level 25
Jul 10, 2006
Category: Effect (AoE)
Elements: Ribbons, planes
Description: A transparent / white / light blue wave of sound propagating in all directions.
Top view:

Should form a hemisphere.
Size: huge.
Project Link: No link yet, but project is an AoS with a focus on lane control and interesting heroes. This model will be the effect for the Silent Assassin's ultimate - Sonic Sphere, which affects units up to ~2000 range.


  • Photoshop-sonic-space-alien-ripple-effect_1272928969_1272929030.jpg
    10.9 KB · Views: 233
Level 8
Nov 30, 2012
Level 6
Feb 5, 2012
Category: Missile no need of deathanimation i think
Elements: Particles
Description: The Guard Tower missile (If you know DoTA,Mirana Arrow)...can i request to put a VIOLET GLOW ON IT?...Like small violet dust that circling around the arrow..just make it more thicker and make it more sparkler....

This is for the spell of Arrow of PRIESTIESS....this effect will be use on this map..


Click it!..
Level 23
Jan 1, 2009
Category: Effect (AoE)
Elements: Ribbons, planes
Description: A transparent / white / light blue wave of sound propagating in all directions.
Top view:

Should form a hemisphere.
Size: huge.
Project Link: No link yet, but project is an AoS with a focus on lane control and interesting heroes. This model will be the effect for the Silent Assassin's ultimate - Sonic Sphere, which affects units up to ~2000 range.
How exactly should ribbons be used here oO?

that's awesome man! thanks!
could you do the team color? :xxd:
+Rep anyway :thumbs_up:
Actually, no, sry. I just found out that you can't teamcolor every particle, only a square and a glow. (or at least I didn't find anything else)

Category: Effect(ground, with death animation)/missile
Elements: Particles
Description: can you do it like JetFangInferno's music target : http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/models-530/musictarget-50356/?prev=search=music&d=list&r=20
but can you recolor it and make it bigger, i need 4 of its kind plss.
Project Link: i did not yet upload it cause its a private project
Recolor to what, 4 kinds of what?

Category: Missile no need of deathanimation i think
Elements: Particles
Description: The Guard Tower missile (If you know DoTA,Mirana Arrow)...can i request to put a VIOLET GLOW ON IT?...Like small violet dust that circling around the arrow..just make it more thicker and make it more sparkler....

This is for the spell of Arrow of PRIESTIESS....this effect will be use on this map..


Click it!..
I don't do model edits, but I could make the violet glow/dust separately and you can attach it to the model e.g.
Only works if you trigger the projectile!
Level 6
Feb 5, 2012
How exactly should ribbons be used here oO?

Actually, no, sry. I just found out that you can't teamcolor every particle, only a square and a glow. (or at least I didn't find anything else)

Recolor to what, 4 kinds of what?

I don't do model edits, but I could make the violet glow/dust separately and you can attach it to the model e.g.
Only works if you trigger the projectile!

Ok...but the problem is......I CANT PUT IT ON THE CHEST!...it looks weird if it is put on the ground...right?..
Level 25
Jul 10, 2006
What do you think about this:

I quite like it. I'm not too sure about those radiating blue lines, though. Is there any possibility of a side view, or is this all still on one plane?

EDIT: I'm sorry, but I just showed my project member the effect and he reminded me that the hero has a red theme. Is it possible to change it to red?

Level 23
Oct 20, 2012
Category: Buff-Attachments
Elements: Particles
Description: It would look like a kind of nature spirit that would spin around the head of the hero or probably just make some minor movements periodically (the action would be similar to the orbs but less spinning). Well to describe it more, it's supposed to be an elemental in spirit mode so It will not act just like some random magic that spins around.. more like a tiny guardian.. XD
Project Link: Don't have a proper thread for it yet but you can look at this thread, it's Heroes Lore : Zero.
Optional Information: Spheres would be a good example of what kind of effect I'm trying to imply.
Similar to this but less poisony and more nature-ry. and It will only be 1 orb

Animations: As I have described, the stand can either be minor/slow spinning (wc3 orb spin) or just minor movements that gives it some sort of intelligence.. and it could have periodical burst of energies (a show of it's power).. death anim is not necessary but if it needs to have a death animation, a kind of small burst would be fine..
Texture: I really don't need it to be fancy, Ingame textures would be fine and team color is not needed..

Well, I hope you understood my request..
Level 23
Jan 1, 2009
Looks pretty good in game.

Can you make it 32x the size? (so that the effect has a radius of about 1500-2000 in game)
The red or the blue one?

how about mine??
It's a simple recolor that you can do yourself with Magos'

Category: Buff-Attachments
Elements: Particles
Description: It would look like a kind of nature spirit that would spin around the head of the hero or probably just make some minor movements periodically (the action would be similar to the orbs but less spinning). Well to describe it more, it's supposed to be an elemental in spirit mode so It will not act just like some random magic that spins around.. more like a tiny guardian.. XD
Project Link: Don't have a proper thread for it yet but you can look at this thread, it's Heroes Lore : Zero.
Optional Information: Spheres would be a good example of what kind of effect I'm trying to imply.
Similar to this but less poisony and more nature-ry. and It will only be 1 orb

Animations: As I have described, the stand can either be minor/slow spinning (wc3 orb spin) or just minor movements that gives it some sort of intelligence.. and it could have periodical burst of energies (a show of it's power).. death anim is not necessary but if it needs to have a death animation, a kind of small burst would be fine..
Texture: I really don't need it to be fancy, Ingame textures would be fine and team color is not needed..

Well, I hope you understood my request..

k, I will try it.
Should the rotation be angled or straight?
Level 25
Jul 10, 2006
This is the biggest size possible in 3ds max. If you want it bigger, attach it to a unit and scale the unit up (xefx...)


EDIT: I can't seem to scale it up; object editor, trigger editor, magos, nothing makes it bigger.

I've already asked quite a lot from you on this one, but is there any chance you can change it to a missile? Basically just chop off a pizza slice about 10% of the size, and I'll use several of them as projectiles.
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