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GUI System Workshop [Requests welcome!]

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Level 18
Oct 17, 2012
You could PM me it maybe?

EDIT: Do you want a tree like this or something else Ghosthunter?


And if you want to change anything in the system, just tell me!

Yes, the system will function similar to the image. If I need anything else, I will surely tell you. Thanks for taking my request.
Level 6
Apr 3, 2009
Like I said, copy the normal warcraft Paladin for test heroes and put the spells on them. On the top half of the map there is a forest filled with neutral monsters. You can place the heroes there or place around some tomes of experiences and some ally units to test the friendly spells.
Anything is good as long as you can remove the stuff you added after you finished testing :D

Edit: I sent you the map. Tell me if everything is fine :)
Level 9
Apr 4, 2013
Sounds good to me :)
I will get started right away!

EDIT: Then I can do yours Ghosthunter123

EDIT2: Mummy's first two abilities are done!


EDIT4: Ancient of Lore's First two abilities are done!

EDIT5: Almost Done!

EDIT6: Done! I am PMing you as I speak gent123!

BTW REALLY cool map idea! I think it will be very popular when it is done :)
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Level 9
Apr 4, 2013
I finished the Mummy and the Ancient of Lore. Now I can work on the evolution system!

P.S. With the evolution system, how would you decide what the evolving unit evolves into? Ex. a dialog that lets you choose what role you want him, or triggering it so that the evolution is based upon what the unit has done over the course of the game?
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Level 10
Jun 9, 2012
Flames of Hatred Spellpack

Okay here's the spellpack request. It has 5 spells. 3 common spells, 1 ultimate and 1 hidden passive (auto-levels at level 1/3/5/7/9/11/13/15/17/19).

Name: [1] Molten Impact
Target Type: Target unit
Levels: 4
Spell Type: Hero

Description: Caster hurls a fist made out of molten rocks which smash at the target unit, knocking it back by 300 range and dealing physical damage based on 10/15/20/25% of her total mana. If [3]Inner Fire is active, it deals magical damage instead ignoring any armor or spell resistance.

Extra: - 900 casting range.
- Molten Impact missile can be either a model of a triggered effect, your choice (I'll find a suitable missile if i have to if you choose to use a custom model).
- No damage.
- http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/icons-541/btnfireimpact-103937/ will be used as icon.
- 10 seconds cooldown.
- 120 / 125 / 130 / 135 manacost

vJASS or GUI - True
MUI - True

Name: [2] Outcast
Target Type: Target unit
Levels: 4
Spell Type: Hero

Description: Caster traps the target enemy unit in a flame prison, dealing physical damage per second based on 5/8/10/12% of her total mana which lasts for 1.5/ seconds and preventing the target unit from receiving positive buffs. Additionally, if Inner Fire is activated, caster gets 18/26/34/42% bonus spell resistance.

Extra: - 700 casting range.
- http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/icons-541/btnspell_fire_sealoffire-54621/ will be used as icon.
- 16 seconds cooldown.
- 100 manacost

vJASS or GUI - True
MUI - True

Name: [3] Inner Fire
Target Type: On/Off Target
Levels: 4
Spell Type: Hero

Description: Upon activation, caster consumes health instead of mana for her abilities manacost (2/3/4/5 hp per manacost). She cannot be healed by spells or items when this mode is active. Additionally, activating this increases the attack damage of Sephira depending on (15* cost ratio). Cost ratio is stated already, (2/3/4/5 hp per manacost)

Extra: - No range.
- http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/icons-541/btnfireerupt-57596/ will be used as icon.
- 4 / 3 / 3 / 2 seconds cooldown.
- 0 manacost

vJASS or GUI - True
MUI - True

Name: [4] Inferno Hate
Target Type: No target
Levels: 3
Spell Type: Hero

Description: Caster channels for 3 seconds, dragging any nearby enemy unit within 600 range to her at 250 movement speed and slowing them after they reach her by 80% while constantly depleting 3/6/9 percent of her current mana every second. After, she releases it all out in the form of an outward explosion of flames at 600 AoE, dealing damage depending on the number of (mana consumed* 1.5) and the distance of the enemy unit (further enemies take less damage). Enemy units affected are knocked back out of the 600 AoE and caster is stunned after for 2/2.5/3 seconds.

Extra: - 600 AoE for channel and explosion.
- http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/icons-541/btnsupernova-85146/ will be used as icon.
- 80 / 65 / 50 seconds cooldown.
- 200 / 250 / 300 manacost

vJASS or GUI - True
MUI - True

Name: [5] Burning Vengeance (Hidden Passive)
Target Type: Passive
Levels: 10
Spell Type: Hero

Description: Increases the STR stat of chosen hero by a percentage of her total INT stat. Increases the percentage by 7 % every 2 levels starting from level 1 to level 19 maxing out at 70% bonus.

Extra: - http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/icons-541/btnsupernova-85146/ will be used as icon.
- 0 seconds cooldown.
- 0 manacost

vJASS or GUI - True
MUI - True

Notes: Burning Vengeance shows up as a buff called "Burning Vengeance" when the hero is chosen though tavern (like dota). Bonuses work like this: If the INT is 10 and the STR is 4, it gets say 20% of the INT stat, which is 2, and adds it to the STR, making it 6.
Level 8
Apr 16, 2013
Just asking first maybe everyone speaks something. Okay i'll post it later.

Edit : Well here's my request spell :
Name: Power Catch
Target Type: Passive
Levels: 4 levels
Spell Type: Hero

Description: Every time this unit kills a hero, it gains intelligence. Intelligence bonus lasts for 60 seconds only. If you kill a creep it gives half the bonus instead. Lasts for 10 seconds on creeps.

Extra: The intelligence duration and the bonus does not stack.

Increase per level:
Level 1 - +2 intelligence bonus per kill
Level 2 - +4 intelligence bonus per kill
Level 3 - +6 intelligence bonus per kill
Level 4 - +8 intelligence bonus per kill
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Level 6
Apr 3, 2009
Edit: I dont see any of the abilities working. I think something is wrong with the triggers or something like that cause nothing seems to work the way it should.
The mummy's mummify ability doesnt seem to entangle them, he doesnt really channel it and they dont get entagled for more after he finishes channeling. Its all bugged
The sands ability is bugged too cause it doesnt seem to do any damage or slow and he doesnt teleport either.
The embalmed doesnt even give him bonus health or anything. I don't think any of his spells work

The ancient's whisps dont even heal or go to nearby units, I don't see any of his spells working either.

Are you sure you tested them? Whats wrong
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Level 9
Apr 4, 2013
I thought they were working when I tested. I know for sure that I did the sands ability so that he would make the units slowed after making a sand storm and then teleport. I know that the second sand storm (the one he makes after the teleport) wasn't working even after half an hour, so I made it so that he causes a teleport but doesn't do the sands...

My Clash of Legends map works absolutely fine when I play it on my PC, but it won't work on anyone elses'. I am going to get my PC checkd. Maybe re-install warcraft III :p

Try to keep working on the map while I do some of these guys' requests and then re-send me the map maybe?

EDIT: And I am okay if you don't want more help from me :(

- BunnyAng and chooeychoco

How long would you be okay with waiting for? I want to get a crack at Ghosthunter's system.

EDIT2: Ghosthunter123, what type of map are you making this for? And do you want me to post this in the spell page?
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Level 10
Jun 9, 2012
I thought they were working when I tested. I know for sure that I did the sands ability so that he would make the units slowed after making a sand storm and then teleport. I know that the second sand storm (the one he makes after the teleport) wasn't working even after half an hour, so I made it so that he causes a teleport but doesn't do the sands...

My Clash of Legends map works absolutely fine when I play it on my PC, but it won't work on anyone elses'. I am going to get my PC checkd. Maybe re-install warcraft III :p

Try to keep working on the map while I do some of these guys' requests and then re-send me the map maybe?

EDIT: And I am okay if you don't want more help from me :(

- BunnyAng and chooeychoco

How long would you be okay with waiting for? I want to get a crack at Ghosthunter's system.

EDIT2: Ghosthunter123, what type of map are you making this for? And do you want me to post this in the spell page?

I can wait as long as the spell is guaranteed to be working. Do post it in the spell page for easier downloads, if you want.
Level 16
Aug 20, 2009
Request : Accumulated mobbing system.

Directions : Must use the unit indexer system.

Event : Every 1 second, loop through all the unit in the index matching condition*.

*Condition :
> Unit belongs to player 5 to 12.
> Unit is not dead.
> Unit in index is not no unit or null.

Action : Check for the number of unit that belongs to player 5 to 12 within its range.
If unit within 250 range is greater than 1, reduce the current indexed unit's movement speed by (4% * Number of units matching condition).

Else (If unit within 250 range matching condition is less than 1)

Return movement speed to its default.

Any changes that would result the same but has a greater performance on a massive unit map is fine.
Level 16
Aug 20, 2009
Request : Accumulated mobbing system.

Directions : Must use the unit indexer system.

Event : Every 1 second, loop through all the unit in the index matching condition*.

*Condition :
> Unit belongs to player 5 to 12.
> Unit is not dead.
> Unit in index is not no unit or null.

Action : Check for the number of unit that belongs to player 5 to 12 within its range.
If unit within 250 range is greater than 1, reduce the current indexed unit's movement speed by (4% * Number of units matching condition).

Else (If unit within 250 range matching condition is less than 1)

Return movement speed to its default.

Any changes that would result the same but has a greater performance on a massive unit map is fine.

Thanks a lot doom!, its done well! :p

There are a few mistakes, such as the initialization of the movement speed, but its an easy fix.

And you couldve used unit indexer event to save unit specific data instead of hash.
And some location leaks.. well, its easy to fix as mentioned above.

Level 9
Apr 4, 2013
@BunnyAng :: I might do that. I will have to think about it first though.

@Divine Light :: I COULD see if I can do the spell. I don't think the founder, Rulerfiron999, would not let me make a spell for someone when the original leaks and isn't MUI. I will have to lookat it though, and maybe could you give me some details about what you want me to have it do?
Level 13
Jan 30, 2012
1 second cast time.. play channel animation.. (you can use Archmage for hero)
when cast time is complete play spell animation, channeling Kamehameha which travel for 2000 range, dealing 150/225/300
if caster canceled the channels.. Kamehameha will be destroyed..
actually this is more easy to make it MUI and leakless.. because no pausing unit is used.. and no wait they're based on ability.. hope, you can make it :wink:
Level 19
Feb 15, 2008
Hello i need a system for my map. Its very simple and easy and little map. And very fun playing i need system like this.


DM - deathmatch / hero revive when dies. Doesent work when u pick diffrent modes.
NM - Normal mode you will play 5vs5 when your MMA fighter dies you have to wait till the team finished that round.
ROUNDS - How many rounds you gona play.

And score after the game showing how many you killed and such.
And also show victory screen for the winner and defeat for the defeated.
I think thats them all.
Level 23
Oct 20, 2012
To satisfy my laziness and to give this workshop a little bump, I'm requesting a WORKING DPS system. (Sorry for the caps, just frustrated from searching in the net only to find crappy ones)

System Title: Damage Per Second [DPS]
System Description:
I just want a system that would allow the application of the poison effect on a unit with the use of variables. It should work like this system but applies DPS instead.
System Specifications:
  • MUI
  • Gonna be used by A LOT of units.
  • Main configurables should be
    • Damage
    • Damage Interval
    • Duration
    • Target
    • Special Effect
    • Lethality (Will it kill the target or will it leave a point of hp?)

And I guess that's it. Thanks in advance.
Level 9
Apr 4, 2013
I am ready Hera, the hour of proving is nigh. I shall run out there, and make thou proud in (yet another) the battle of the ages. Thy is do or die time, and thee shall proveth to thou that thee is worthy to be a part in a project that for many may decide the fate of the world (for gamers like thee). The hour is nigh, and I shall make thou proud...
Rathalos spells request

Custom files: Explosion model

System Description:
The "rathalos" will Fire a burning mass from his mouth (a small quick explosion happens for 0.2 seconds) moving forward (Never stops unless collides), is it touch a unit\tree\cliff\anything a second explosion occur and units in range (75-100) will be knocked back based on there position and the colliding point.

System Specifications:
  • Damge: 200
  • Levels: 1
  • Missile Speed: 550
  • Explosion (First) Damge: N\A
  • Explosion (Last) Damge: 135
  • Missile explodes on touch: True

System Description:
The rathalos use his winds to pressure wind and release it forward (rathalos gets knocked back by 60), then a point is created infront of the rathalos (100 distance between rathalos and point) the wind will knockback all units in range of 85 that aren't the rathalos (No damging).
System Specifications:
  • Wind move forward
  • Wind speed: 900
  • Wind Distance: 190
  • Knockback (Unit): 120
  • Knockback (Caster): 60
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