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GUI System Workshop [Requests welcome!]

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Level 6
Apr 3, 2009
System Title: Item Combinations

System Description: Players can put basic items from four categoriers into special "bag" items. Bag items have slots for the basic items, like 2 slots for items from category 1 and one slot for an item from category 2. When a player choses the basic items and buys a bag, they put the items inside the bag and lock it to recieve the addional benefits that the bag gives when filled. This way players still have "recipe" high-tier items without learning recipe combinations

System Specifications: I don't know

Number of objects the system will service: Four shops for basic items and a shop for the bag items for each team. I'd like to be able to use the system to create my own items and item combinations.

Other Systems in Map: None for now.

I made a picture that should make it clearer how the system should work

Level 9
Apr 4, 2013
Offering Help

Do you want help making systems rulerofiron99? All I use is GUI, and that might make me a good help.

If so, then do you need me to do anything before joining?

P.S.: I did this from scratch with only GUI! You click on a hero's icon, and then click on the crossed swords. You end up with a hero afterwards!


Level 8
Apr 23, 2011
System Title:Area raise dead
System (spell) Description:target point, 275 AOE spell.When caster casts this all corpses in the area will turn into skeletons to fight for you (not animate death) = raise dead.optional:skeletons will rise instantly when you cast ability and 3 seconds after cast in that area (corpses that appear in the "buffed area" between cast and 3 seconds after cast)
System Specifications:MUI/GUI

I tried making a unit for the owner of casting unit at the center of cast point, but the unit does nothing.When I tried removing locust from it and clicked on the unit it said:no nearby corpses (unit has raise dead set to autocast all the time)
Level 8
Apr 23, 2011
I have what I think you need! To cast you must target a point. When you do, all corpses near it turn into skeletons. I have even added a few cast effects just for you!


Well, you didn't actually did what I wanted, but it's close enough :)
This is how it looks now:
  • ARD Cast
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
    • Conditions
      • (Ability being cast) Equal to Blizzard
    • Actions
      • Set ARD_point = (Target point of ability being cast)
      • Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units within 275.00 of ARD_point) and do (Actions)
        • Loop - Actions
          • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
            • If - Conditions
              • ((Picked unit) is dead) Equal to True
            • Then - Actions
              • Unit - Create 1 Necromancer for (Owner of (Triggering unit)) at (Position of (Picked unit)) facing (Position of (Triggering unit))
              • Unit - Add a 0.10 second Generic expiration timer to (Last created unit)
            • Else - Actions
      • Custom script: call RemoveLocation (udg_ARD_point)
Level 9
Apr 4, 2013
System Title: Item Combinations

System Description: Players can put basic items from four categoriers into special "bag" items. Bag items have slots for the basic items, like 2 slots for items from category 1 and one slot for an item from category 2. When a player choses the basic items and buys a bag, they put the items inside the bag and lock it to recieve the addional benefits that the bag gives when filled. This way players still have "recipe" high-tier items without learning recipe combinations

System Specifications: I don't know

Number of objects the system will service: Four shops for basic items and a shop for the bag items for each team. I'd like to be able to use the system to create my own items and item combinations.

Other Systems in Map: None for now.

I made a picture that should make it clearer how the system should work


Sorry, I am not sure how to help you. That screenshot seems a little difficult for a GUI system made by me :(
Level 9
Apr 4, 2013

Do you mean MasterTrainer's Evolution system? If so I will definitely try that. If not, can you please clarify?

As a unit evolves, a special effect will appear on the unit. After the unit evolves, remove special effect.

What sort of effect?

In relation to the above specification (^), The Unit that evolves may be multiple unit types

How would the types be decided? ex. The unit will evolve into a random unit type.
Level 6
Apr 3, 2009
Here are the spells for the first hero. He's a mummy:

Spell 1: Embalmed (Passive):
Whenever the hero's health drops below 30% of his maximum health, he recieves reduced damage.
Levels 1 to 4: +150/+250/+350/+450 maximum health. Reduces incoming damage by 10%/15%/20%/30%

Spell 2: Shifting Sands (Active, target point):
Creates up a small, sandy whirlwind around him, damaging for 80/120/160/200 and slowing enemies for 15%/25%/35%/45% for 4 seconds in a 350 radius. After channeling for 2 seconds, he moves though the sandstorm and shifts towards another location, triggering the same whirlwind effect again.
Mana Cost:120,140,160,180
Casting Range: 800,850,900,950
Note: The whirlwind can damage the same unit twice, meaning it will eventually deal 400 damage when this skill is used on the same location. The first whirlwind is instant, the second one happens after the channeling and the teleport.

Spell 3: Mummify (Active, no target, channeling):
Shoots out bandages in every direction and uses them to mummify enemies in a 400 radius. As he channels, all enemies are immobilized and take 20/30/40/50 damage. Afterwards they remain immobilized for some longer, depending on how long the hero channeled. Channels for up to 4 seconds. 0.25/0,50/0,75/1,00 second hold for every second channeled.
Mana Cost: 150/170/190/210
Cooldown: 32 secs
Range: 400
He basically stuns them for as long as he channels and after that more depending on how long he channeled

Ultimate: Decay (Passive):
Level 1: Deals 15 damage per second +1 for every 40hp missing
Level 2: Deals 25 damage per second +2 for every 40hp missing
Level 3: Deals 35 damage per second +3 for every 40hp missing
Range: 250/300/350
Use the disease cloud effect for this one.

Second hero:

This is also a strength hero. Uses Ancient of Lore model

Spell 1: Entangle (Active, target AOE):
Causes roots to sprout in the target area, strangling enemies inside it, while guiding nutrients to allies. Lasts 6 seconds.
Slows enemies for 20%/30%/40%/50%. Allies are healed for 20/30/40/50 health per second and deal 5%/10%/15%/20% bonus damage.

Spell 2: Animate Tree (Active, target tree):
Animates the closest tree into a living treant under his control. Treants have no lifespan and last until killed. also, when the hero animates a new tree, the weakest treant dies and makes place for the new one (if you have maximum treants out).
Up to 3/4/5/6 treants can be maintained, they have 150/250/350/450 health, deal 10-14/18-22/22-26/30-34 damage and have 1/2/3/4 armor.

Spell 3: Spirits of the Forest (Passive):
The hero recieves aid from the forest spirits. Whisps circle around him and attach themselves to random allies or the hero himself, regenerating their stamina. Whisps seek a new target every 8 seconds. When an ally moves further than 800 range away from the caster, the whisps return to him and seek a new target to aid.
Each whisp heals 6/8/10/12 health per second and restore 3/5/7/9 mana per second. 2/4/6/8 whisps circle around.

Ultimate: Magic Lanterns (Activate, deactivate):
The hero fuels the magic lanterns on his back with mana, cauising them to cast a magical light over nearby allies and enemies. Enemies have their weaknesses revealed while allies have their weaknesses covered by it. Automaticly deactivates when the hero runs out of mana.
Enemies take 8%/16%/24% more, and allies take 8%/16%/24% less damage.
Mana Cost: 12/24/36 per second
Cooldown: 6 seconds between deactivating and reactivating.
Casting Range: 400/500/600 radius

Tell me what you think and wether you can take on this request so I can pm you my map ^^
Level 6
Apr 3, 2009
I think I can do it, just let me clarify a few things :)

Ultimate - Is it an aura or a target spell?

Ability 1 - Does the healing and additional damage count as an aura?
Ultimate - I am not sure how I would to this. Do you think some sort of long duration spell that would drain mana per second would work? You would activate the spell and it would last for N seconds or until you run out of mana?

The ultimate of the mummy is its own passive that effects only the mummy itself all the time. It deals that damage every second to nearby enemies in a 250/300/350 radius forgot to mention that xD

Yes i guess its an aura since the area last 6 seconds and you get the buff when you enter it and lose it if you leave it. Does that answer it?

If there is no way you can do it toggled than yes, your suggestion will do.

Awesome to hear that you can do it :grin: Just take some normal warcraft heroes like two paladins and put the spells on them. I'll make the heroes later ^^ Tell me if everythings alright and if I should send you my map. As long as you don't show it to anyone ofcourse
Level 9
Apr 4, 2013
The ultimate of the mummy is its own passive that effects only the mummy itself all the time. It deals that damage every second no nearby enemies in a 250/300/350 radius forgot to mention that xD

Yes i guess its an aura since the area last 6 seconds and you get the buff when you enter it and lose it if you leave it. Does that answer it?

These to will definitately work :)

If there is no way you can do it toggled than yes, your suggestion will do.

I may be able to toggle it. That is more in case I can't figure out a way.

All in all, I will be able to do it me thinks! I have a feeling that this will be a fun challenge, so I will definately be up to it :)
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