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GUI System Workshop [Requests welcome!]

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Level 7
Nov 8, 2008
Hi!I have a request system?:vw_sad:

System Title: Jump (can't think of better name yet)

System Description:It's like Modify jump that can travel a bit far (2000 or more) in a fast animation speed, but while in the air the hero can use another "jump spell" to immediately jump to another distance without landing.

System Specifications:
-No damage
-Target ground
- Additional SFX added SFX
- While casting, two lightning sfx will target random nearby units and will disappear in a 2-4 seconds.
Level 8
Apr 16, 2013
Hey can I request a spell pack? I actually requested it first at another workshop (I'm not gonna say what workshop it is) but here it is:

Hunter Spell Pack

Spell Name: Stringed Shuriken
Code Type: GUI
Spell Type: Hero
Target Type: Single Target
Allowed Targets: Enemy units(not including structures)
Area of Effect: N/A
Levels: 4
Mana Cost: 100
Cooldown: 15
Description: Throws a shuriken which moves towards your target. As the shuriken moves closer to your target, the string also stretches. Once the shuriken reaches your target, your target takes 100/175/250/325 damage and be unable to for more than the distance between your cast position and your target's current position. After 3 seconds, the string breaks and allowing your target to freely move again.
Other Stuff: Please use the Shadow Hunter missile as the shuriken and use multiple fan of knives as the string. The string is connected at your target and will move as your target moves. :D

Spell Name: Hunter's Mark
Code Type: GUI
Spell Type: Hero
Target Type: Passive
Allowed Targets: Enemy Heroes
Area of Effect: N/A
Levels: 4
Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: N/A
Description: Gives a 15% chance to apply a buff on your target which makes it take 25%/30%/35%/40% more damage from physical attacks. Buff lasts for 5 seconds.

Spell Name: Precision Strike
Code Type: GUI
Spell Type: Hero
Target Type: Passive
Allowed Targets: Enemies(not including structures)
Area of Effect: N/A
Levels: 4
Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: N/A
Description: Each successful attack on the same target gives you +2/+3/+4/+5 bonus damage. But when you land an attack on a different target your current damage given from this spell will be halfed. Up to 20/30/40/50 bonus damage maximum.

Spell Name: Savage Thrust
Code Type: GUI
Spell Type: Hero Target
Allowed Targets: Enemy heroes
Area of Effect: N/A
Levels: 3
Mana Cost: 150
Cooldown: 75
Description: Marks a unit so he could punish it in an surprising force. Gives vision of your target for 25 seconds. Casting Suffering Blow will instantly move you towards your target(must have the buff) and deal 3x/4x/5x your agility as damage to it and removing the buff instantly.

Spell Name: Suffering Blow
Code Type: GUI
Spell Type: No Target
Allowed Targets: N/A
Area of Effect: Global
Levels: N/A
Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: N/A
Description: Casting this spell will instantly move you towards your target(must have the Savage Thrust buff) and deal 3x/4x/5x your agility as damage to it and removing the buff instantly.
Other Stuff: You will be moved instantly to your target with the Savage Thrust buff and play your attack animation then deal the damage(damage will not be inflicted if you don't finish the attack animation) and show a floating text that shows the amount of damage just like in critical strike. :D
Level 1
Aug 3, 2013
Upgrade/Ability System!

System Title: Upgrade/Ability System

System Description: I would like to request a system where you will research an upgrade
and it will create an ability for your units. It will set the ability level to your research level
and will add the ability to the spawning units and current spawned units.

System Specifications:
Level 4
Oct 23, 2013
Exp System
Core function:
  • Gets total exp a creep will provide
  • Calculate piece size to total/(total hero levels)
  • Divides total into pieces each (herolevel)*piecesize
  • Gives highest piece to lowest level hero, etc
Bonus function:
  • Specify a buff that gives 25% bonus to unit's already calculated exp piece
  • Specify a list of items that can each give a configurable bonus exp to unit's calculated piece (specify whether percentage/flat, and how much)
Not done:
  • Dungeon bonus. Not sure how you want this done, so I left it as dungeonbonus*(boss herolevel).

does this detect even the exp gained by allied heroes and show it's amount?
Level 4
Oct 23, 2013
requesting for a Exp detection system that detects exp gained from killing units,using items etc. and also detects the shared exp that nearby allied heroes recieve. The format should be GUI or JASS/vJASS, as long as it's GUI friendly and easy to set-up.
Level 4
Oct 23, 2013
I declare this workshop...


EDIT: you guys who used to have waiting requests are going to need to request again. Too hard to keep track.

Waaaait this is rulerofiron99's workshop so I can't edit the main post. Should I start a new workshop?

i think you should start a new one.
Level 6
Apr 20, 2016
System Name: Item Level Up
System Description: An owner of an item kills a creep then its weapon gains 1 charge and when he kills an enemy player its weapon gains 5 charges everytime he kills a enemy creep or player the weapon ability levels up (item attack damage bonus with 50 levels and the unit ability is checked, and the bonus is 500 per level) then when the item reaches 50 charge then it will be removed and replaced with a new item (same from the first trigger; a weapon with 50 levels each level is 5000 then so on) but when I tried to do it the first item trigger worked but the second trigger did not.
make it multiplayer friendly
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Level 2
Feb 25, 2016
System name: Player Ranking Damage
System Description: Player damage against boss will be counted and are shown via Leaderboard or Multiboard[Prefered]. The top three will Receive extra prizes(could be modify anytime please and if possible, the damage need to be saved)
This system MUI ofc

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