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GUI System Workshop [Requests welcome!]

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Level 25
Jul 10, 2006
System Workshop [Requests welcome!] [GUI/vJASS]

System Title: e.g. Self-Destructing Lumber Mills
System Description: e.g. When a unit is about to last hit a Lumber Mill with an attack, the lumber mill should explode and deal damage in an area around it.
System Specifications:
  • Single player / MPI / MUI - e.g. one lumber mill per player (MPI)
  • Number of objects the system will service - 8 units, one for each of 8 players
Other Systems in Map: If there are any other systems in your map that might conflict with the request (even vaguely), link it here.
[quote][B]System Title:[/B] 
[B]System Description:[/B] 
[B]System Specifications:[/B]
[*] [/list][/QUOTE]

Before you request:
Have you searched for it in Spells?

Current requests:

Requests are OPEN

Completed requests:
Advanced EXP - Experience gain in a player group is based on difference in hero levels, with the lowest level hero getting the most. Can have buffs/items to increase exp gain.
Double Inventory Item Stack - Switch between two inventories, items stack automatically also into backpack.
Team Circle Revive - On hero death, a circle of power spawns, allied heroes can run on to it to revive the dead player.
Elevator Grid Maze - A n x m grid of elevators that automatically determine their pathing when raised/lowered.
Vehicle System - MPI, players can unlock/enter/drive vehicles, vehicles have fuel consumption and knockback.
Hero Stat Manipulation - Toggle HP/MP regen/loss, armour.
Player Auto Gates - Configure gates to only open for a specific player.
Construction Life Loss - Human only, when a building stops being constructed, it loses life until construction is continued.
Trigger Random Events, Random Gates - Periodically runs triggers; periodically runs a random trigger.
Simple Creep Aggro - Creeps normally move at 50% speed, and speed up to 100% if a nearby creep is attacked.
Passive Buff Check - Ability only becomes active when unit has a specific buff.
Progressive Stats - Heroes receive attributes from attacking.
Simple Creep Respawn - Creeps respawn where they die.
Region Item Combining - Items are combined if your enter a set region for each item combination.

Cloud Transport - When cast, nearby owned ground units transform into clouds that follow the caster, and are transformed back using a secondary ability.
Earth Shield - When the buffed unit is attacked, the attacker will take damage. Has a cooldown.
Rupture - If a unit die while it has the buff, it will explode to deal area damage.
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Level 3
Sep 30, 2011
can you also do spells? MUI is not needed. :D

edit: i have a request..

System Title: Extra streak system
System Description: just like dota streak system(only the double kill, triple kill etc. ones not the killing spree, godlike etc...) :D
System Specifications:
B. 12

thank you :)
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Level 19
Apr 10, 2010
Schools a burden, so I dont have time to do this little system of mine. Rather tasky.

Here it is:

System Title: Stat Manipualtion
System Description: Allow easy manipulation of stats, such as HP, Mana, STR, INT, AGI and Armor.
System Specifications:
  • Can allow stopping of HP or Mana Regen. Or both. Also allows changing of HP/Mana Regen rate.
  • Allows easy manipulation of armor, such as decreasing and increasing.
  • Allows easy manipulation of stats like INT, STR and AGI, which also involves stat increase and decrease.
Level 19
Apr 10, 2010
Ah yes I forgot those.
1. MUI
2. 64 is good enough.

Also, quick change, ditch #3, thats easy, I can easily make that in a short time. Change it to something like: All heroes have Evasion, but a really low one. Increasing their AGI stat increases their evasion. Maybe 5 Points = 1%?
Level 25
Jul 10, 2006
Increasing their AGI stat increases their evasion. Maybe 5 Points = 1%?

Everything will have variables attached, so you can fine-tune it as you please.

As for you actually setting the stats, I intend to use Bribe's UnitIndexer to index the heroes, and then give you control over their variables:
heroArmour[custom val of unit]
heroToggleHPRegen[custom val of unit]
heroToggleMPRegen[custom val of unit]
Will that be fine?
Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
System Title - Rupture
System Description - when a unit dies with a certain buff on him (but not necessarily from the buff), it explodes in a fountain of blood, dealing X damage to nearby units (100-175 range, based on dying units max health), except the killing unit and buff source (if that is possible).
System Specifications
Ideally, unlimited number of units must be able to be affected by this effect.
If it is impossible to track buff source, replace buff source with just a unit variable.
Level 25
Jul 10, 2006
System Title - Rupture
System Description - when a unit dies with a certain buff on him (but not necessarily from the buff), it explodes in a fountain of blood, dealing X damage to nearby units (100-175 range, based on dying units max health), except the killing unit and buff source (if that is possible).
System Specifications
Ideally, unlimited number of units must be able to be affected by this effect.
If it is impossible to track buff source, replace buff source with just a unit variable.

A nice easy one :D

I can track the buff source by tracking casting of the spell that adds the buff; how many spells will this be?

EDIT: Almost done with the basic version. Since units lose buffs on death, the event has to be unit takes damage, which causes complications with infinite loops and such.
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Level 25
Jul 10, 2006
Description: When a unit dies while having the Rupture buff, it will explode, dealing damage in an area to enemies of the killing unit.
  • MUI for unlimited number of units
  • Buff source not tracked, the damage is dealt by the killing unit
  • Requires the "Unit - unit takes damage" event to be added for each possible unit (system adds all units at map start, and each unit that enters the map)
  • Protects against infinite loop when a unit kills another unit with rupture that also explodes from rupture; ie you can have a nice rupture chain
  • Configurable: damage, buff, range, range bonus per hp, explode sfx

Hero Stat Manipulation
Description: Manipulate hero stats
  • Change armour bonus from 0 to 99
  • Toggle HP/MP regen

Usage - Toggle HP Regen
  • Set hsms_tempUnit = (Picked unit)
  • Set hsms_tempKey = (Custom value of hsms_tempUnit)
  • Trigger - Run HSMS Lock HP <gen> (ignoring conditions)
Usage - Toggle MP Regen
  • Set hsms_tempUnit = (Picked unit)
  • Set hsms_tempKey = (Custom value of hsms_tempUnit)
  • Trigger - Run HSMS Lock MP <gen> (ignoring conditions)
Usage - Set Armour
  • Set hsms_tempUnit = (Picked unit)
  • Set hsms_tempKey = (Custom value of hsms_tempUnit)
  • Set hsms_tempInt = (Integer((Substring((Entered chat string), 9, (Length of (Entered chat string))))))
  • Trigger - Run HSMS Set Armour <gen> (ignoring conditions)
In the attached testmap, use text commands to toggle/set things.
Evasion coming up.


  • RuptureSystem001.w3x
    20.8 KB · Views: 141
  • HeroStatManipulationSystem001.w3x
    25.5 KB · Views: 118
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Level 4
May 4, 2012
A system that works for more then one unit to climb as well go under bridges.
Level 25
Jul 10, 2006
System Title: Creep Respawning
System Description: make a creep respawn on where they are created when they die
System Specifications:

Strange... I had a look in the spells section and couldn't find this specific system. Could've sworn I saw one on there.

Anyway, it's easy enough, will have it ready soon.

One question: are you using a Unit Indexer? Do you intend to? The simplest way of doing this system would be to reserve Unit Custom Values for it, but it will be a problem if you ever decide to use a unit indexer.

EDIT: Here we go. Copy the trigger category into your map (make sure you've set "Automatically create unknown variables" in preferences), and set the respawn time. Note that this uses unit custom values, so might conflict with other systems you have. Let me know if it must be changed.


  • SimpleCreepRespawn001.w3x
    21.1 KB · Views: 119
Level 25
Jul 10, 2006
I want a system that, when run, makes me the king of the world. Joking aside, this thread has issued some really useful stuff, good job :)


  • HT Loop
    • Events
      • Time - Every 0.03 seconds of game time
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • For each (Integer A) from 1 to YOLO, do (Actions)
        • Loop - Actions
          • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
            • If - Conditions
              • True Equal to True
            • Then - Actions
              • Custom script: set World.King(udg_HappyTauren, 0, true)
            • Else - Actions
Next :D?
Level 25
Jul 10, 2006
From the thread you made:

There are many Save/Load system everywhere, and most of the are made in GUI. But every Save/Load code there are some Jass scripts. And most of the configurable parts are in GUI.

Here is some examples:
1. By AceHart
2. Some from Epicwar
3. By Effane

How about tutorials?
1. Tutorial by Effane

P.S - I have no idea whether they fully works or not, but give it a try.
Level 1
Sep 10, 2012
System Title: Duel System

System Description: Every 5 minutes duel will start. the system will select units by order red > blue > teal > violet > yellow > orange then they will teleport to the arena.

System Specifications:
• 1v1 Battle
Level 1
Sep 10, 2012
6v6 hero arena, red vs green, blue vs pink, teal vs gray and so on..

edit: and when red vs green will fight and green is an empty player.. system will choose pink instead :D hope you get what i mean
Why does this thread attract so many people that get banned? :/

FREE STUFF. Anyway, you should probably make a rep requirement, it might not seem too kind, but it is just that people should prove themselves to be able to do anything before requesting someone else to do their stuff.
Level 9
Jul 10, 2011
hey ruler ^^

im in need of a system so i asked you to make it ;D

the system should do the following:

give exp depending on the level of the creep killed and the level of the hero whos killing it. (sounds easy up to here or? ;D)
now the tricky parts. :D
the exp should be devived to every allied hero in 600 range of the position the killed unit was (still sounds easy^^) depending on the levels of the allied heroes in the range (example : 100 exp ; 3 heroes (levels: 3, 6 ,1 -> total levels 10) -> 10 exp per part , 10 parts -> (parts for each hero are calulated : (level of the hero * part value)) the level 1 gets 60 exp , the level 3 gets 30 exp the level 6 gets 10 exp (so the hero with the lowest level gets the biggest part, the second the second part and so on until the highest leveled hero gets the smallest part); i hope its understandable how this part should work ;D).
if a summoned unit kills the creep the total exp got is reduced by 10% so the example is changed the following way: 100 exp (-10%)-> 90 exp ; 3 heroes (levels: 3, 6 ,1 -> total levels 10) -> 9 exp per part , 10 parts -> the level 1 gets 54 exp , the level 3 gets 27 exp the level 6 gets 9 exp).

also its possible that heroes have a certain buff increasing the exp they get (not the total exp) by 25% and certain items increasing the exp by certain % or real values (please make a hash where i can specify the values for each item and save a boolean whether its a percentage bonus or a real value bonus).

the exp of every creep is calculated this way : 100 + (creep level * 20)

the exp for killing enemy heroes (dungeon bosses) is calculated this way : 500 + (dungeon number * 25) ; (the dungeon number should be a hash where i can combine the dungeon boss with the dungeon number)

please make the values in the calculation changable easily (the 100, the 500 the 20 & the 25).

i know its compicalted but i hope youll make it ;D

if you have any question please send a pm.

thanks in advance

greetz clapto
Level 25
Jul 10, 2006
hey ruler ^^

im in need of a system so i asked you to make it ;D

the system should do the following:

give exp depending on the level of the creep killed and the level of the hero whos killing it. (sounds easy up to here or? ;D)
now the tricky parts. :D
the exp should be devived to every allied hero in 600 range of the position the killed unit was (still sounds easy^^) depending on the levels of the allied heroes in the range (example : 100 exp ; 3 heroes (levels: 3, 6 ,1 -> total levels 10) -> 10 exp per part , 10 parts -> (parts for each hero are calulated : (level of the hero * part value)) the level 1 gets 60 exp , the level 3 gets 30 exp the level 6 gets 10 exp (so the hero with the lowest level gets the biggest part, the second the second part and so on until the highest leveled hero gets the smallest part); i hope its understandable how this part should work ;D).
if a summoned unit kills the creep the total exp got is reduced by 10% so the example is changed the following way: 100 exp (-10%)-> 90 exp ; 3 heroes (levels: 3, 6 ,1 -> total levels 10) -> 9 exp per part , 10 parts -> the level 1 gets 54 exp , the level 3 gets 27 exp the level 6 gets 9 exp).

also its possible that heroes have a certain buff increasing the exp they get (not the total exp) by 25% and certain items increasing the exp by certain % or real values (please make a hash where i can specify the values for each item and save a boolean whether its a percentage bonus or a real value bonus).

the exp of every creep is calculated this way : 100 + (creep level * 20)

the exp for killing enemy heroes (dungeon bosses) is calculated this way : 500 + (dungeon number * 25) ; (the dungeon number should be a hash where i can combine the dungeon boss with the dungeon number)

please make the values in the calculation changable easily (the 100, the 500 the 20 & the 25).

i know its compicalted but i hope youll make it ;D

if you have any question please send a pm.

thanks in advance

greetz clapto

Will have a look tomorrow.
Level 17
Jul 17, 2011
hello mister ruler if you are not too busy i would like you to answer this question. how does one make a platform system which moves a unit <<-SIDEWAYS->> not up and down

i had an idea to do it with elevator platform since it moves units however there is no native which moves destructibles to a certain point only up and down sadly i fear this is something the wc3 engine does not support
this is what i have in mind, as the elevator platform moves sideways the unit moves too

Level 25
Jul 10, 2006
hello mister ruler if you are not too busy i would like you to answer this question. how does one make a platform system which moves a unit <<-SIDEWAYS->> not up and down

i had an idea to do it with elevator platform since it moves units however there is no native which moves destructibles to a certain point only up and down sadly i fear this is something the wc3 engine does not support
this is what i have in mind, as the elevator platform moves sideways the unit moves too


I'd use a unit for the platform.
For walking, two ideas:
1. When the unit mounts the platform, they lose ability to move and get moved to the position of the platform every 0.03 sec.
2. Make an invisible bridge across the whole path its moving, and dynamically enable/disable pathing blockers along the way.
Level 4
Aug 26, 2012
Save/Load Just give it a try man, there's already been a lot out there, why are you requesting it again. Maybe it works?

GUI? Most of the Save/Load is in GUI, but there still will be Jass scripts for it to work, saving integers etc.
Level 25
Jul 10, 2006
Exp System
Core function:
  • Gets total exp a creep will provide
  • Calculate piece size to total/(total hero levels)
  • Divides total into pieces each (herolevel)*piecesize
  • Gives highest piece to lowest level hero, etc
Bonus function:
  • Specify a buff that gives 25% bonus to unit's already calculated exp piece
  • Specify a list of items that can each give a configurable bonus exp to unit's calculated piece (specify whether percentage/flat, and how much)
Not done:
  • Dungeon bonus. Not sure how you want this done, so I left it as dungeonbonus*(boss herolevel).


  • ExpSystem001.w3x
    22 KB · Views: 59
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