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Simple Model Workshop

Level 12
May 12, 2012



Things we do

Things we do not do


This is a workshop for people with the simplest requests that are in need of help

  • Try us!
  • Editing existing models (must have permission first)

  • Making SFX
  • Animating from scratch
  • Creating models from scratch


Remove Hero Glow

OmniLight/In-Model Light

UV Mapping

Tools Used:

Tools Used:


Tools Used:



Open "Edit UV Mapping" on the "Tools" tab

Adjust the Matrixes to fit the texture


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Level 12
May 12, 2012
Hmm. Looks useful despite being a newbie ^_^. Mind making a spirit walker model without that axe on his left hand? Also, i would like you to add the Spirit of vengence missile by JetFangInferno http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...missile-49966/?prev=search=spirit&d=list&r=20, his left hand and his chest (make it smaller for the chest). Should be easy right?
I'll see what I can do, probably do it tomorrow (it's already night here :grin:)

Hello I would like to request a Peasant with no Pickaxe
I believe there is already
here :thumbs_up:
Level 10
Jun 9, 2012
I'll see what I can do, probably do it tomorrow (it's already night here :grin:)

I believe there is already
here :thumbs_up:

It's night here too :ogre_haosis:. Anyway, take it slowly. Don't rush for perfection :wink:. Good luck with the first request. By the way, you should make another post where you will place only finished models to make it more organized and for easier downloads. Just a suggestion to spice up your workshop :grin:.

@Deathforge: Lol you're being mean :p. It's just a demonstration of his skills.
Level 12
May 12, 2012
It's night here too :ogre_haosis:. Anyway, take it slowly. Don't rush for perfection :wink:. Good luck with the first request. By the way, you should make another post where you will place only finished models to make it more organized and for easier downloads. Just a suggestion to spice up your workshop :grin:.
Thanks for the support man :grin:
oh and the samples are his request in another thread :grin:

i know, but i just made a notice

and its not even a frostmourne?!
Say wha?! That's the frostmourne provided by warcraft :eekani:
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Level 12
May 12, 2012
I'm afraid there's nothing like that, only one frostmourne is provided by warcraft, the other frostmourne here you see in hive is probably self-made

ok here's what I did, I scaled up the model before attaching frostmourne so it will be the same size, so it's probably big now, so just lower down the scaling value in the object editor :grin:


  • SkeletonMage2.mdx
    135.6 KB · Views: 331
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Level 12
May 12, 2012
k and could u also edit the portrait with same criteria, file in my topic

and how the hell do i give it to a hero?!
I updated all of it, it all has portrait now :thumbs_up:
what are you giving to the hero?

yh, the custom made sword looks more cooler, mind using it??

p.s its not editing some1s work...
show me a link of which weapon you want

Hmm. Looks useful despite being a newbie ^_^. Mind making a spirit walker model without that axe on his left hand? Also, i would like you to add the Spirit of vengence missile by JetFangInferno http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...missile-49966/?prev=search=spirit&d=list&r=20, his left hand and his chest (make it smaller for the chest). Should be easy right?
I cannot seem to make the attachment animate when transferred to the model, but you can manually attach it in the object manager, if you don't know how just tell me. I can only provide you with the weaponless model and attach the orb there :grin:
(I should add that to things I cannot do)


  • SpiritWalker.mdx
    141.6 KB · Views: 382
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Level 12
May 12, 2012
I thought it will take much longer but I manage to finish it in a day :grin:
you still need to import WargaliveOfAzzinoth_HiRes_Texture.blp and set it's custom path to "WargaliveOfAzzinoth_HiRes_Texture.blp" too :thumbs_up:

I'll upload it in the main post, wait :grin:
hey Zyne do you need a partner for your model workshop ?? if so I would wonder to help :) !!
as much as I want to learn by myself, I needed some help. so sure :grin:
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Level 10
Jun 9, 2012
Does that mean i just have to attach it by creating that sfx atttached to his left hand?

Well then, make me a recolour of the archer's arrow instead. Just make it black and that's all ;). Was kind of in need of one.

Edit: Tested it out and the axe looks kinda cute on him, which is not what i want lol. I just need you help making it longer and bigger. Looks like i will need him with that axe modelled again but what do you mean by losing animations? If there is an alternative to make the axe bigger do tell me.
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Level 12
May 12, 2012
hey zyne the model aint working for me post the model and portrait seperately, should work....
it works fine for me, maybe you have another file which overwrites the portrait of the main model

Here's one Zyne. Attach this weapon to the Blademaster.


Thanks in advance.
There's already a weaponless blademaster here just attach it manually, if it have a problem just tell me

ohh damm i was about to post that u could cut out this guys' weapons
soz 2x post
here you go
View attachment OgreOneHeaded.mdx
View attachment OgreOneHeadedArmored.mdx

oh and add them villager's attack animation....
sorry, but I don't do animation
Level 12
May 12, 2012
naah don't worry our exams will continue next week :grin:

EDIT: meeh, let me adjust that
EDIT again: let's just use the camera of blademaster -____-


  • WeaponlessHeroBladeMaster.mdx
    153.5 KB · Views: 116
  • WeaponlessHeroBladeMaster_portrait.mdx
    65.4 KB · Views: 106
Level 9
Sep 8, 2011
I have a request, Can I request an Arthas with Frostmourne but with black hair, frostmourne is red, and frostmourne is on fire. And can you make Arthas' armor look like Uther?
Level 12
May 12, 2012
I have a request, Can I request an Arthas with Frostmourne but with black hair, frostmourne is red, and frostmourne is on fire. And can you make Arthas' armor look like Uther?
Hmmm, can you give me an example of the black hair? I'am not that good at recoloring hairs, do you want me to transfer the entire body of uther to arthas.

hey could you make me a swarm of bugs approx 15-30 as a creep for my rpg id greatly appreaciate it
I'll see what I can do :grin:
now that I think about it, why don't you just use the locust model?
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