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Mr_Bean's Spell Workshop

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Level 12
Dec 25, 2010
Damage Detection System: Nestharus's Damage Detection System

Required Models:Teamcolored pulse Aura by Malvodion and Royal Captain by Tranquil

Company Champion
Warrior hero adept at command & conquer

Spell Name: Victory or Death
Code Type: GUI or vJASS
Spell Type: Hero
Target Type: Instant
Allowed Targets: own units, no allies
Area of Effect: 360 degrees, small area
Levels: 3
Mana Cost: 50/75/100
Cooldown: 45 seconds
Description: Every commander has a Way to enhance their troops's morale, the Company Champion is no Exception, except he, instead of enhancing the morale of His troops, He sends them in a murdering Frenzy. Giving them the Assault Frenzy a unique bloodlust type buff for 20/25/30 seconds. only Works on the Company Champion's Units.

Spell Name: HelmBreaker
Code Type: GUI or vJASS
Spell Type: Hero
Target Type: Unit/Autocast
Allowed Targets: Enemies
Area of Effect: one unit
Levels: 3
Mana Cost: 25/50/75
Cooldown: 55 seconds
Description: A powerfull brutal Slash Technique that only these champions of Light knows. Deals 45/50/55 damage to a single unit and causes knockback to the Target and all enemy Units near the Target.

Spell Name: Aura of the Pure
Code Type: GUI or vJASS
Spell Type: Hero
Target Type: Passive
Allowed Targets: Enemies and Allies
Area of Effect: same as other Auras
Levels: 3
Mana Cost: 0
Cooldown: 0
Note: The abilities are added per level: Level 1 - Damage boost, Level 2 - Armor boost, Level 3 - Stagger ability
Description: Inspiring His troops and Giving Awe to his Enemies, This pure aura not only inspire his troops to do the right things, by giving them a damage boost of 10/15/20 points, an armor boost of 4/8 points and stagger ability to all of them, this aura also slows enemies whenether they enter the aura bonus zone. Doesn't affect aerial and mechanical units.

Spell Name: Hero's Guide
Code Type: GUI or vJASS
Spell Type: Hero
Target Type: Instant
Allowed Targets: Ground
Area of Effect: summon
Levels: 1
Mana Cost: 250
Cooldown: 75
Description: Causes the Summon of a indestructible friendly spirit that provides constant buffs to the Company champion. when the Guide's duration expires it debuffs all enemies in a small area, making them lose 15 points of armor. Lasts 45 seconds
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Level 12
Dec 25, 2010
sure, but i've some work maybe after i finished it


Didn't understood on what you've said
Level 16
Jul 31, 2012
Other requests than yours are in wip, ypu will have to wait your turn

Now, your spell has missing definitions, AoE of 1st and 3rd (small AoE and 360° does not count as an AoE); your ulti; what do you mean by "that provides constant buffs"?? And add the specifications of the summoned unit; life mana damage armor etc.. Specify the duration of the AoE of debuff, for the 3rd spell, what is stager ?!????, 1st spell: do you mean is is a bloodlust ability in an AoE? At both ways, specify the ammount of AS and MS bonus for it
Level 12
Dec 25, 2010
Other requests than yours are in wip, ypu will have to wait your turn

Now, your spell has missing definitions, AoE of 1st and 3rd (small AoE and 360° does not count as an AoE); your ulti; what do you mean by "that provides constant buffs"?? And add the specifications of the summoned unit; life mana damage armor etc.. Specify the duration of the AoE of debuff, for the 3rd spell, what is stager ?!????, 1st spell: do you mean is is a bloodlust ability in an AoE? At both ways, specify the ammount of AS and MS bonus for it

Now I get it
AoE: 1st - near the hero (don't know the total meters), 3rd - Standhard aura size (same as the vanilla (Base game with no modifications to it))
Ultimate: it picks from a random list of variables that has at least 8 buffs and applies on the hero and it keeps recasting it for the duration of the summon, it is small can fly (Like a wisp) it has 1 point of life and 0 points of mana (The Buffer spells are unique to the unit) no armor, no damage and it is indestructible (oh and it Dispells prematurely when the hero dies)
3rd spell: it is simpy the stun buff with short duration
1st spell: affecting every unit and I didn't understood on what is AS and MS
Level 16
Jul 31, 2012
ok, will make the 1st spell with 350 AoE, the standard AoE is 900 which will be the one of the 3rd spell
3rd: wtf, an aura that stuns? what is it like? is it like every 0.5 seconds, the Aura hero will stun enemy units in the AoE for 0.2 seconds for example? and specify the duration of the stun
1st: AS:Attack Speed MS: Movement Speed, is it a bloodlust ability that targets AoE units? yes or no, bloodlust gives bonus AS and MS, plz specify that ammount of bonus
Ulti: what 8 buffs??????!!!!!!!!!! EXPLAIN VERY DEEPLY this Ulti

PS: edit the post of your Spell Pack with the informations i am asking you about like the AoE
Level 12
Dec 25, 2010
ok, will make the 1st spell with 350 AoE, the standard AoE is 900 which will be the one of the 3rd spell
3rd: wtf, an aura that stuns? what is it like? is it like every 0.5 seconds, the Aura hero will stun enemy units in the AoE for 0.2 seconds for example? and specify the duration of the stun
1st: AS:Attack Speed MS: Movement Speed, is it a bloodlust ability that targets AoE units? yes or no, bloodlust gives bonus AS and MS, plz specify that ammount of bonus
Ulti: what 8 buffs??????!!!!!!!!!! EXPLAIN VERY DEEPLY this Ulti

PS: edit the post of your Spell Pack with the informations i am asking you about like the AoE

AoE: ok
3rd: don't worry is the effect is will have a 5% of chance of happening, 0.2 to 0.5 seconds is more than enough, and is every ally unit that is near the AoE of the aura
1st: Standhard Bloodlust bonus on both, all of the Player's units in the AoE you've Specified for the Spell 350 AoE
Ultimate: yep 8 buffs... What about 9 buffs, Selected randomly through a Set variable list and casted contantly for the duration of the ability and then after recasting it it goes through the list and puck a random buff or even no good buff, everything happens with a percentage of 10% per buff with the last 10% to the no buff
Level 16
Jul 31, 2012
AoE: ok
3rd: don't worry is the effect is will have a 5% of chance of happening, 0.2 to 0.5 seconds is more than enough, and is every ally unit that is near the AoE of the aura
1st: Standhard Bloodlust bonus on both, all of the Player's units in the AoE you've Specified for the Spell 350 AoE
Ultimate: yep 8 buffs... What about 9 buffs, Selected randomly through a Set variable list and casted contantly for the duration of the ability and then after recasting it it goes through the list and puck a random buff or even no good buff, everything happens with a percentage of 10% per buff with the last 10% to the no buff

3rd: 5% chance on what?, on attack? or every 0.5 sec (ex) it has a 5% chance to do, and to stun what targets? enemy units in the AoE or single target? if it is on attack, the bonus applies on units then
Ulti: you will need to tell us the 8~9 buffs and how are they based on (how does it targets the hero - byt firebolt - by etc by etc ..)
Level 12
Dec 25, 2010
3rd: 5% chance on what?, on attack? or every 0.5 sec (ex) it has a 5% chance to do, and to stun what targets? enemy units in the AoE or single target? if it is on attack, the bonus applies on units then
Ulti: you will need to tell us the 8~9 buffs and how are they based on (how does it targets the hero - byt firebolt - by etc by etc ..)

3rd: it has a 5% of chance of causing the Stagger, Enemies, Single target, thats my boy

8-9 buffs i'll decide latter (put some random ones for now) but the spells will target the hero through an autocast-style firebolt
Level 12
Dec 25, 2010
Of course there are, but you said you are using Nestharus's DDS.
I usually use GUI Friendly Damage Detection (GDD) with requests. Should do it in vJASS and use GDD?

I usually prefer systems that are easy to understand but i need to use a system that is game friendly.
Try my request with Nestharus's DDS first, if it's good then it's okay to use, if not you can use the GDD
Level 27
Nov 5, 2010
Hello, I'd like to request one spell. I based it on the Doom spell and tried to make it work myself, but I failed.

Spell Name: Exorcism
Code Type: GUI
Spell Type: Hero
Target Type: Unit
Allowed Targets: Enemies and Allies
Area of Effect: 600
Levels: 3
Mana Cost: 100
Cooldown: 60
Description: The spell was supposed to work this way. A unit gets the buff, and takes damage over time, same as the Doom spell, but once it dies, all ally/player units around it in range of 600 are healed for 75 points and all enemies in range of 600 around it are damaged by 75 points.

Maybe it doesn't have to be based on the Doom spell, I really don't know, I'm not experienced with making spell triggers at all.

I made it so that every level of spell units take more damage over time, but the damaged and healed amount stays the same, but it would be better if both would increase.
Level 8
Apr 16, 2013
Well it may be take you a while to finish reading this but hey you said I'm allowed :D

Hunter Spell Pack

Spell Name: Stringed Shuriken
Code Type: GUI
Spell Type: Hero
Target Type: Single Target
Allowed Targets: Enemy units(not including structures)
Area of Effect: N/A
Levels: 4
Mana Cost: 100
Cooldown: 15
Description: Throws a shuriken which moves towards your target. As the shuriken moves closer to your target, the string also stretches. Once the shuriken reaches your target, your target takes 100/175/250/325 damage and be unable to for more than the distance between your cast position and your target's current position. After 3 seconds, the string breaks and allowing your target to freely move again.
Other Stuff: Please use the Shadow Hunter missile as the shuriken and use multiple fan of knives as the string. :D

Spell Name: Hunter's Mark
Code Type: GUI
Spell Type: Hero
Target Type: Passive
Allowed Targets: Enemy Heroes
Area of Effect: N/A
Levels: 4
Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: N/A
Description: Gives a 15% chance to apply a buff on your target which makes it take 25%/30%/35%/40% more damage from physical attacks. Buff lasts for 5 seconds.

Spell Name: Precision Strike
Code Type: GUI
Spell Type: Hero
Target Type: Passive
Allowed Targets: Enemies(not including structures)
Area of Effect: N/A
Levels: 4
Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: N/A
Description: Each successful attack on the same target gives you +2/+3/+4/+5 bonus damage. But when you land an attack on a different target your current damage given from this spell will be halfed. Up to 20/30/40/50 bonus damage maximum.

Spell Name: Savage Thrust
Code Type: GUI
Spell Type: Hero Target
Allowed Targets: Enemy heroes
Area of Effect: N/A
Levels: 3
Mana Cost: 150
Cooldown: 75
Description: Marks a unit so he could punish it in an surprising force. Gives vision of your target for 25 seconds. Casting Suffering Blow will instantly move you towards your target(must have the buff) and deal 3x/4x/5x your agility as damage to it and removing the buff instantly.

Spell Name: Suffering Blow
Code Type: GUI
Spell Type: No Target
Allowed Targets: N/A
Area of Effect: Global
Levels: N/A
Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: N/A
Description: Casting this spell will instantly move you towards your target(must have the Savage Thrust buff) and deal 3x/4x/5x your agility as damage to it and removing the buff instantly.
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Level 16
Jul 31, 2012
Hello, I'd like to request one spell. I based it on the Doom spell and tried to make it work myself, but I failed.

Spell Name: Exorcism
Code Type: GUI
Spell Type: Hero
Target Type: Unit
Allowed Targets: Enemies and Allies
Area of Effect: 600
Levels: 3
Mana Cost: 100
Cooldown: 60
Description: The spell was supposed to work this way. A unit gets the buff, and takes damage over time, same as the Doom spell, but once it dies, all ally/player units around it in range of 600 are healed for 75 points and all enemies in range of 600 around it are damaged by 75 points.

Maybe it doesn't have to be based on the Doom spell, I really don't know, I'm not experienced with making spell triggers at all.

I made it so that every level of spell units take more damage over time, but the damaged and healed amount stays the same, but it would be better if both would increase.

Just a question, do you want it to silence the target (since Doom, silences)
Level 16
Jul 31, 2012
:D OMG All Spells are done but my sp was so hard ? :D after that i want give you 20 SP JAD :D

20 sp at once :D just kidding but i can request after my immortal sp can i?

HAHAHAH, this one was easy, your SP is with Divine, not as fast as me, and i am busy with Bunnyang's SP (this one is Hard)
Yes, you can request another SP after the current one, hopefully, i will make it i think ;3 ;)
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