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TrueWargame: Territories Conquest 1.06.c

This bundle is marked as high quality. It exceeds standards and is highly desirable.

Being inspired by some gameplay encountered in games such as The TotalWar series,the Romance of three kingdoms series,Battle for middleEarth Wargame and some others,i decided to build one on my own featuring a conflict of great scale with a battle between several forces on a great Geomap representing a world.

TRUE WARGAME: TERRITORIES CONQUEST is a single player campaign using the custom campaign Editor Ability to link maps together to actually design a Wargame.At such this campaign is not a succession of story driven chapters unfolding one after another.This is a Wargame,Depicting The territorial Conflict Occuring in an Unknow Continent Wich itself is Part to an Unknow World. and wich Oppose Eight Separates Factions belonging to Different Races(Some are Allies though)and a total of 4 Forces opposed to each others: The Standart alliance of Humans,elves and dwarves is the first force ,the alliance beetween Orc,Trolls,Minautors is the second force and then there is the Two stand alone factions wich are quite powerful by themselves and doesnt have allies: the Demons and the Undeads.

The Main idea around this campaign is to propose a gameplay with two main aspects:

First> a turn by turn gameplay in a main map/Strategic Map/MetaMap divided in 30 territories with one colony inside for each of them,every faction begin the game with the same amount of starting colonies (with a maximum of three) the remaining colonies are left to conquer,the goal is to capture the colonies of every enemy factions,to do so you may acquire, and devellop your initial colonies,collect ressources ,research technologies, build your military forces as well as your defenses,Wage war on your enemies to capture their colonies or defends against savage attemps of enemies to capture yours.

Second> Once a battle is initiated a battle map representing the Territorry/Colony where the conflict occurs is loaded and the gameplay become a real time strategy game ,there the player will be most likely in familiar ground but with some significant differrences:there will be no ressources collection,no base buildings or structures construction,every structure present on battles map would have been constructed previously on the main map,the units available would be the one your armies would have brought on the battlefield,the battle duration will be timed. as well as some other features

Revolving around those two gameplay axis there is a custom ressources system such as the population in colonies wich are the backbone of every force,basically without civilians a faction cant accomplish much,they are the man power for armies, the workforce for ressources collection and for military Supplies Manufacture.
You start with a set amount of civilians and one of your objective is to multiply their amount by collecting the corresponding ressources and expanding your territorries.The Collected ressources by civilians or prisonners(made from some enemies factions) are extracted from ressources depot inside the colonies and they have differents incomes depending of the faction/race exploiting them.The Military supplies ressources manufactured by civilians in colonies without wich it is impossible for the armies of a faction to wage war.

A lot more Aspects of the gameplay remains, only waiting to be uncovered inside the campaign,something is certain however, overcomming the obstacles to win the great conflict is not an easy task,one must me patient and insistent to defeat stubborn resistances,targets must be choosed wisely and belongings not left undefended for each little victory is hard gained and when the victory seems near the defeat may always come from when it is less expected.


Playable with the PATCH 1.26
Turn by Turn gameplay in a great multiterritorial map divided between players/races/factions,the player must consider the main map of this campaign as a board game with a lots of features to acknowledge.
Custom systems of ressources acquisition,building construction,troops training and Armies deployment linked to colonies built in territorries under control.
Slow paced game made for players understanding the gameplay,there are sometimes when the computer seems inactive for long period,but before thinking the game is broken,you have to always check its colony devellopment as well as its economy and also keep an eye on its troops gathering.
A maximum of three premade Heroe-armies(Heroes units being the generals of their respective armies) that may be trained from altar type buildings in colonies.
Custom Realtime strategy warfare including amounts of troops and military supplies brought on the battlefield by each army respectively,reinforcements armies that may pop in battle after delay depending of their positionning in the main map.extended opposition between invaders and defenders for the control of the territory.the well defended colonies are almost invincible, most of the time invaders must just attack enemy colonies relentlessly reducing their defenses battle after battle ,turn after turn and if possible do not give them respite nor time to repair or reinforce to obtain victory.
Super units-like that can be invoked in the battlefield by a massive cost of military supplies.
The game difficulty in the campaign screen is meaningful,the Enemy computer contolled factions get diverses bonuses mostly in ressources and troops (eventual friendly factions get a little less),the Hard difficulty is quite unfair in that regard due to massive bonuses given to enemy factions.


Initial Release

Main Map
  • Corrected AI being able to build house type units without building town hall type units first
  • corrected Colony units not paused after being replaced during phase 03 turn unwillingly allowing the player to train/upgrade units during that phase (colonysites units and ressource depots)
  • Increased AI probability to train heroes faster in the beginning stages of a game
  • corrected some Dwarven and elven flyers research upgrades having Castle as requirements thus not allowing them to be executed
  • corrected major triggers malfunction (Malfunction concerning the training/Upgrade of structures in colonies) occuring when loading the main map after a autosave datas in game cache executed earlier in the main map (autosave each 5 Turns).This Malfunction cause the player be able to build endlessly the same buildings in one colony while that should be restricted
  • Corrected trigger condition Desactivated Allowing the player to use the command MILITARY TRANSFERT to actually give hero armies infinite amount of troops from colonies
Battle maps
  • Human Cavalry commander ability ULPERION CINDER damage output greatly increased
  • Human Infantry commander ability ULPERION Lightning Sword damage output greatly increased
  • Human First Battalion commander Ultimate ability AoE and damage output increased
  • Dwarven Cavalry commander Avatar ability damage and armor Increased
  • Increased Amount of starting Ressources 2000/colonies to 3500/colonies
  • Remove some annoying warnings sounds happening frequently in the main map
Computer behavior:
  • Corrected trigger malfunction making the computer unable to build the maximum amount of house type units in colonies
  • Modified computer Build order priorities ,allowing its controlled factions to structurate a better economy especially at the game start
  • Modified the amount of civilians a colony have to reach before sending some as settlers to another colony (greatly allowing the computer to manage his colonies Better)
  • Now the AI is faster to devellop his colonies

Battle maps
  • no changes yet for battles maps!

Main map
  • Corrected Trigger Malfunction not saving properly in game cache the datas of Some of the House-type units being build on colonies,making those houses not being present After a Main Map Reloading and not appearing whatever many time they are constructed.
  • Removed the level-02 town hall Requirements to build Bestiaries and workshops type units on colonies to solve the problem of barracks type units not being able to be constructed without a tiers 2 TownHall due to their multiple role for some factions
  • Now the commanders heroes units get experience from autoresolved battles in main map
Battle maps
  • Corrected the Abilities Pointer not appearring on the map when used
  • Solved the Lag caused by the use of the COMMANDS/ABILITIES of the Military camps (Circle of power units) Now the cumulative use of those move abilities doesnt stack layers of lag anymore.

  • Spells triggers Deeply modified and simplify : the result is a Sizeable Lag reduction in battlemaps,the battles are clearly more fluid now.
  • Added a command/item ability to prevent units to retreat for healing when their life drop under 30%
  • Various abilities parameters modified some spells do more damage or less now
Main map changes:
  • Corrected inventory having multiples Slot of battle stance in main map,thus having the same items appearing in several slots
  • Enforce the construction of barracks type units by little colonysite for some factions wich cant previously do it
  • Solved the Data save malfunction of the 18th House built in main map by factions able to build 18 Houses type units now every house appear on the main map upon reloading it
  • Added Global income table

Battle maps changes:
  • Improved Lag reduction at a cost of a little slower IA Analyze and Decision-making
  • Important: now the units of each army tend to attack in groups(formation) as much as possible
  • Corrected text missing text part in Quest log
  • Various ATTACk damages an Abilities parameter changes for several units
Main map changes:
  • improved Gameplay !!!

Battle maps changes:
  • Several key improvements !!!

Main map changes:
  • Many corrections and improvements:
  • Leaks in main map have been actively hunted down(seriously),the result is a greater stability in longer playrun
  • The Main map has been slighly modified making it more interresting
  • the Computer now often try to deploy defensively his armies in a more diverse way,by trying to anticipate enemy moves (as much as possible)
  • every troops training building can now be builded in little colony site making them able to fully build their own armies

Battle maps changes:
  • Lots of corrections and improvements !!!
  • The Commander of armies (not troops commanders) are now revived in their Military camps instead of annoyingly respawning where he dies and there is also a delay of 10 Second before he may respawn
  • Military Supplies Amount to revive dead commander increased by 15%
  • Increased the rate of spell casting for every unit(that may slow down the game in case of huge battles)
  • Various ATTACk damages an Abilities parameter changes for several units
  • some map have been slightly modified
  • Towers of the walls damages have been reduced by 25% for every factions (dont rely on them to prevent huge assaults on their own,especially Demon assaults
  • Fixed some buildings of humans and Dwarven factions not being saved in game cache and thus not (Re)appearing in the battlefield and in the main map
  • fixed the malfunction making it possible to define a troopstype to deploy (using the commands "Deploy Reinforcements/supplies" and "Military transfert" even when the Faction does not Train/produce that troopstype
  • Fixed The Hero commander of Dwarven Army 01 and the Hero commander of Troll's army 03 not appearing on the battlefield(map)
  • removed some annoying warning text about houses construction repeatedly showing

Many models downloaded over the years working on this campaign with some others models taken from maps i cant even remember,i will try to credit the most but in case i forgot something,send me message if you recognise model the author have not been credited i'll add his name in this list.[/COLOR]

The Panda,
Mc !,
Azure Phoenix,
Uncle Fester,
Ujimasa Hojo,
hellobg takakenji,
Champara Bros,
General Frank,
Champara Bros,
Vermillion Edict,
Wandering Soul,
Hero Tauren Thrasher,
Tauren warrior,
Teldorei ,
Ham Ham,
Jhonny Janbo,
Scythy Dervish,
Lichkings slave,
Ham Ham,


TrueWargame: Territories Conquest (Campaign)

Level 25
Jul 26, 2008
The description looks intriguing.

2 points though:

1) Not sure if it is intentional, but your pictures in the media might be set so only you can see them. You need to change the permissions in the album so that everyone can see them.


2) "Playable with patch 1.26". Do you mean you made it on 1.26? As long as you did not use any third party world editor/pushed the limits of the WE with memory hacks, the map will be compatible with all patches above 1.26 as well.
Level 5
Sep 28, 2014
The description looks intriguing.
just trying to explain what my campaign is about without getting lost with endless details, hope i have manage to.

2 points though:

1) Not sure if it is intentional, but your pictures in the media might be set so only you can see them. You need to change the permissions in the album so that everyone can see them.

thanks for the warning, it is absolutely unintentionnal,so now i have changed the permission to "Everyone" in the Media album ,now i guess pictures are visible.

2) "Playable with patch 1.26". Do you mean you made it on 1.26? As long as you did not use any third party world editor/pushed the limits of the WE with memory hacks, the map will be compatible with all patches above 1.26 as well.

yes i made the campaign entirely with the patch 1.26,only used JNGP once to add additionnal textures for my main map in order to represent several weathers in a single map,everything else have been made in a standart world editor
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Level 2
Nov 24, 2016
Good concept, but need more work. Also i never see the IA doing anything, no units, no army. Just some buildings and economy. The game feel slow. Towers have some kind of machine gun nest inside or what? Artillery is good for something? Towers have more range so...
Level 5
Sep 28, 2014
Good concept, but need more work. Also i never see the IA doing anything, no units, no army. Just some buildings and economy. The game feel slow. Towers have some kind of machine gun nest inside or what? Artillery is good for something? Towers have more range so...

Yes the game is slow and it is also a race against your oponents,there is a huge initial phase the factions build Slowly their colonies and military,

first you have to train heroes to capture some free colonies around your starting colonies and occupy them with civilians
then you have to wait and do your better to increase your civilians numbers in order for them to be numerous to get more ressources and later get trained as troops
If you give it some time at some point there will be so much fight and battles you will be drown in it

And When you say "You never see the AI Doing Anything"Do you mean in a battle map or inside the main map, dont expect the AI doing anything in the main Map except ARMIES MOVING From colonies to colonies,Reinforcements units carrying troops from one colony to another or Settlers/Civilians/Refugees units carrying civilians from one colony to another.

Notice that every single unit in the main map is invulnerable,the battles are solved in loaded battlemaps not in the main map,the main map is just like a board game to have a broad view to your territories and those of your ALLIE/ENEMIES and manage your "empire"

Some time, battles may be triggered by heroes armies having no troops and attacking an enemy colony with no garrison nor army to protect ,i guess that may also seem boring but that how simulation work
if you have tried a battle map and encountered no troops but towers, that only mean that there is no troops there yet,

Towers are powerful and fast yes ,and that is because the amount of invading troops that can possibly attack a colony at once is considerable, I Bet if you face SIX Separate enemy armies with their ultimate units deployed attacking one of your colony you will rather find reassuring to have a tower with high attack speed somewhere to oppose that.

Depending of the upgrades, artillery may have long range,note that artillery like orc demolisher are just a unit like any other and they are specifically useful to destroy those towers with high Hitpoints and fire-rate you noticed

Dont be afraid to loose a unit to a tower or anything else,dont be afraid to have your hero units repeatedly killed (and they will be killed many time),as long as you have ressources backup they will always come back,Dont even take it as a complete defeat when you loose one or two battles or even loose your colony to an overwhelming force,just come back after gathering more troops and keep an eye when the enemies will be either distracted somewhere else or weakened by another force.The common tactics is to attack repeatedly a colony turn after turn since the damages done to buildings are conserved.

I would say that this campaign is also about numbers,check your ressources,try attacking your enemy colonies with your three Armies simultaneously,in general to conquer a colony you must think about bring the necessary military to actually overcome defenses.
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Level 2
Nov 24, 2016
Started with 3 colonies, no troops. Turn 55 IA never start a battle, just fooling around taking some free spots, human is already dead, undead is under siege. Elves finally do something and attack one of my colonys. Lost because dragonhawk rider with cloud spell+3 units=tower is dead, lol.
Also autobattle don't give any level to ia commanders. Units always back to heal in the moment they reach 30% hp, no command to cancel this behaviour. Please move barracks to tier 1, little colonies feel like a waste of money. Officers gain experience just like commanders so... they are just stealing experience?
Anyway add a global income table, still feeling slow.


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
  1. -why are all hero icon buttons named validator and why is that text blinking? It's annoying.
  2. -the elves all have the same hero with a different skin. You should use other models.
  3. -when scrolling at the max of a direction, the cycle should start over not force you to use the reverse.

World Map:
  1. -because there the cinematic mode is on, you can't see the mouse pointer. But after clicking a button from the first dialog box, the cursor appears.
  2. -you have to write OK in the chat box. There should be something about this somewhere.
  3. -the camera should start where your faction is, not in the middle.
  4. -why does selecting certain buildings lock the camera?
  5. -good thing with the random positions.
  6. -double clicking the Command hero button takes you somewhere to the middle of the map instead of to the area where your colonies are.
  7. -Military Level is a green square icon.
  8. -Troops Requisition has a text cfff[number] issue.
  9. -there's a building in the colony circles having the same icon as Command (the hero icon) but saying tooltip missing.
  10. -are you supposed to build a castle or a keep and not one and then the other?

  1. -some units during battle attack by themselves against more units.
  2. -Attack Point doesn't have a cursor when trying to click on the ground/screen but the mouse pointer appears on the UI.
  3. -Ultima Guard has a green square icon. Learn about icons:
    Button Manager v1.8.2
    BLP Lab v0.5.0
    Complete Icon Tutorial - All About Icons
    How to Make an Icon
  4. There is lag from time to time, actually pretty often. Sometimes, you can't even battle because of pauses. It's quite unacceptable because I'm running a pretty good computer. You should eliminate all possible leaks. Well, it just froze after a while.
  5. There are gaps between trees through which units can pass.

Very innovative for Warcraft III but also convoluted.

Please solve the lag issue. Those "solutions" shouldn't be done by the player but you should make the game/map(s) run properly without requiring players to do things that might reduce the gameplay experience either graphically or in other manners.

Awaiting Update.

If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange!


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  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

If you're not satisfied with the review and wish another opinion, contact the other reviewers or use the staff contact:
Daffa the Mage
Level 5
Sep 28, 2014
Started with 3 colonies, no troops. Turn 55 IA never start a battle, just fooling around taking some free spots, human is already dead, undead is under siege. Elves finally do something and attack one of my colonys. Lost because dragonhawk rider with cloud spell+3 units=tower is dead, lol.
Also autobattle don't give any level to ia commanders. Units always back to heal in the moment they reach 30% hp, no command to cancel this behaviour. Please move barracks to tier 1, little colonies feel like a waste of money. Officers gain experience just like commanders so... they are just stealing experience?
Anyway add a global income table, still feeling slow.
  • yes there are some economy growth issues with the AI behaviour in the main map, how it manage its colonies at the Game start and especially if you haven't give it troops in the beginning to defend himself, that will be corrected in the next update,just know that the computer will attack Normaly when most of its armies have enough troops to do so or alternatively when a poorly defended colony present an opportunity for its current forces
  • First you complain about tower being too fast now you talk about 3 units destroying your towers because of dragonhawk cloud,even one enemy unit may conquer you colony if you dont have adequate defenses on it and you have several means to increase those defenses you may put a great garrison on it ,you may build towers , you may build the ultimate defenses the WALLTOWER that actually devastate weak invading armies trying to breakthrough and of course you may station one of your hero in the colony for it to counter any invader during a battle, of course dont forget the building fortifications upgrades that actually make structures harder to kill with each level upgrade
  • True About AutoBattle giving not experience to IA Commanders,i'll correct that in future updates
  • IN Future updates i'll add a mean to disable the behavior (Units always back to heal in the moment they reach 30% hp) when the player take control of an army
  • barracks is a tiers one building and only need a level 01 TownHall to be build in a colony
  • Little colonies may feel like a waste of money but rest a valid territorries with ressources to collect,you may also consider them as outpost, you can fill them with troops from your others colonies and they will stop the rampage of some invading armies
  • Officers are also hero units right?,they also participate in battles right? so yes they also get experience and dont worry too much about the experience of your commanders, they reach the max level 30 faster enough if they continually participate in battles
  • About the global income table,it will be to difficult to do such a think in multiboard if it is what you are asking, each building in the main map have tooltips explaining everything about the different incomes they are involved with,So concerning the incomes of your Selected faction you have to consult those tooltips.If you are asking a global income table for comparison purposes ,i cant do that in a map already overcharged with text and datas unless you have a good suggestion of how to do so
Level 5
Sep 28, 2014
  1. -why are all hero icon buttons named validator and why is that text blinking? It's annoying.
  2. -the elves all have the same hero with a different skin. You should use other models.
  3. -when scrolling at the max of a direction, the cycle should start over not force you to use the reverse.

World Map:
  1. -because there the cinematic mode is on, you can't see the mouse pointer. But after clicking a button from the first dialog box, the cursor appears.
  2. -you have to write OK in the chat box. There should be something about this somewhere.
  3. -the camera should start where your faction is, not in the middle.
  4. -why does selecting certain buildings lock the camera?
  5. -good thing with the random positions.
  6. -double clicking the Command hero button takes you somewhere to the middle of the map instead of to the area where your colonies are.
  7. -Military Level is a green square icon.
  8. -Troops Requisition has a text cfff[number] issue.
  9. -there's a building in the colony circles having the same icon as Command (the hero icon) but saying tooltip missing.
  10. -are you supposed to build a castle or a keep and not one and then the other?

  1. -some units during battle attack by themselves against more units.
  2. -Attack Point doesn't have a cursor when trying to click on the ground/screen but the mouse pointer appears on the UI.
  3. -Ultima Guard has a green square icon. Learn about icons:
    Button Manager v1.8.2
    BLP Lab v0.5.0
    Complete Icon Tutorial - All About Icons
    How to Make an Icon
  4. There is lag from time to time, actually pretty often. Sometimes, you can't even battle because of pauses. It's quite unacceptable because I'm running a pretty good computer. You should eliminate all possible leaks. Well, it just froze after a while.
  5. There are gaps between trees through which units can pass.
Very innovative for Warcraft III but also convoluted.

Please solve the lag issue. Those "solutions" shouldn't be done by the player but you should make the game/map(s) run properly without requiring players to do things that might reduce the gameplay experience either graphically or in other manners.

  • -why are all hero icon buttons named validator and why is that text blinking? It's annoying.
    Dont Mind the Name Validator for icons they are not technically heroes icons but just a custom interface command and i could have called it otherwise,and i was convinced the blinkink text was actually cool and emphasizing the importance and the distinct role of each command,i'm rather suprized anyone find it annoying as you are just supposed to look at it for a short time
  • -the elves all have the same hero with a different skin. You should use other models.
    I understand your point of view you surely dont like same model used for different unitypes (i too dont like that much), but this is deliberate choice,and as you can see they are not Quite similar when it come to what they incarnate,i think i dont have to explain further just that you take a look again and dont get influenced by the similar animations
  • when scrolling at the max of a direction, the cycle should start over not force you to use the reverse.
    I Will try to implement that in future updates

  1. because there the cinematic mode is on, you can't see the mouse pointer. But after clicking a button from the first dialog box, the cursor appears.
    i am aware of that,i will try fix it but i hope i will manage that
  2. [you have to write OK in the chat box. There should be something about this somewhere.
    i dont understand, write ok what about specifically ?
  3. the camera should start where your faction is, not in the middle.
    i also wanted it that way But That's difficult,the reason being that the game doesnt know where your faction units are positionned at the map start, there is a lot of datas uncovering from game cache each time a map is (Re)Loaded (Map are actually started from zero not saved in Custom Map saves like in some others custom campaign).That Datas uncovering process give the informations about the player units at some point and only at that moment the camera may be positionned
  4. why does selecting certain buildings lock the camera?
    That Mainly concern Ressources Buildings,when selecting one of those buildings, that trigger immediately a management sequence Allowing you to use Buttons in inventory(items) to actually control what percentage of your total colony civilians (and prisonners) you want to affect in it as workers. It is a mecanism added to lock the view of the building so that you see exactly what building you are operating,you can easily cancel the camera lock by selecting another unit or by ckicking cancel (the x in the inventory)
  5. good thing with the random positions.
    I also think so,thanks
  6. double clicking the Command hero button takes you somewhere to the middle of the map instead of to the area where your colonies are.
    i'll try make the camera move towards the player units but you must know that that "COMMAND" is a invisible hero unit in the center of the map (for the hero icon)and i am not to inform you that when you double click a unit the camera actually center on it
  7. Military Level is a green square icon
    that's actually a icon taken from warcraft itself i dunno why it show green,i will modify it in future updates
  8. Troops Requisition has a text cfff[number] issue.
    i will modify it in future updates
  9. there's a building in the colony circles having the same icon as Command (the hero icon) but saying tooltip missing.
    It is not a building but a actual Spellbook ability that every colonysites types unit have and are used to store some Hidden Abilities used by the IA, i used a spellbook because some colonies have not free space left to show every spell they may have and with the spellbook several spell may be stored in one.
  10. are you supposed to build a castle or a keep and not one and then the other?
    I believe every building have its building restriction and requirements explained in map,either by tooltips or by warning messages,So you have to build a Level01 Town hall before building tiers 01 buildings in colonies,build a Level02 Town hall to Build tiers02 Buildings in colonies,build a Level03 Town hall if you are in a greater colonysite.

  1. some units during battle attack by themselves against more units.
    that AI behavior also perturb me but i can do little against that for now
  2. -Attack Point doesn't have a cursor when trying to click on the ground/screen but the mouse pointer appears on the UI.
    That's also give me some concern as i dont understand the reason the cursor dont appear,i'll be making some test and eventually correct that in future updates
  3. Ultima Guard has a green square icon. Learn about icons
    It is funny you send me learning about making icons,have you not see every other customs icons that work properly in others part of the game,the Icon of the Ability ULTIMA GUARD have been well defined in the campaign module,you can check it yourself opening my campaign since it is not protected.The icons used for this ability (in the campaign module Human Hero custom Abilities) are perfect Blp icon files with its pictures not showing green,i dont understand why it appear like that on map,i will nevertheless modify it
  4. There is lag from time to time, actually pretty often. Sometimes, you can't even battle because of pauses. It's quite unacceptable because I'm running a pretty good computer. You should eliminate all possible leaks. Well, it just froze after a while.
    The lag you seem to talk about is a lag occuring with the repeated use of some "Move Commands/Abilities" of the Military camps (circle of power units) it may be one or two of those commands that actually create a lag that increase with each use, i Request humbly from you to try taking the time and witness or try some others battles without using those commands and review your appreciation,if after that your impressions are still the same Make me know ,another suggestion is to use the free mode and just control your units normally without using those move orders abilities.Because one thing is sure i have used traditionnal methods to clear the leaks in my battle maps and my assumption is that: unexpected malfunction may happen especially when combining Some problematic abilities with triggers
  5. There are gaps between trees through which units can pass.
    Sorry about that but that may not be a reason to go check every single tree Square on thirty 250x250 maps

Very innovative for Warcraft III but also convoluted.

Please solve the lag issue. Those "solutions" shouldn't be done by the player but you should make the game/map(s) run properly without requiring players to do things that might reduce the gameplay experience either graphically or in other manners.

First of all thank you for the time you have taken to test my custom campaign,Glad you find it innovative,i admit that it may be difficult to understand the mechanics will all those datas to keep watching but i think i have kept the gameplay logical and with a little effort anyone may understand what it is about.

I also Understand why you are upset about the lag issue you have experienced while playing ,As a map reviewer i know you have little time to spend in one custom game in particular but dont be so fast to Dismiss my campaign and taking it aside without taking a little time finding the real problem,in that case specifically you have the option of observing some battles without using the commands i believe are the source of the lag.

Any modification or correction asked to me about the main will be Relatively easy to implement since it is a single map,but the battle maps are something else,each modification done in a single battlemap should be integrated in every 29 others map,and retransfering triggers datas and Map specific object datas Between 30 Map is not easy nor fun at all,that mean if i have to undergo that work,i must have the maximum well intended feedback i can possibly have.For that reason i beg of you to make my campaign visible and not hidden in some "awaiting update cell" because i need as more feedback from potential downloader as possible,upon getting feedback i will have the necessary material to actually go through the slave work wich is the updating of my battlemaps

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Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
Dont Mind the Name Validator for icons they are not technically heroes icons but just a custom interface command and i could have called it otherwise,and i was convinced the blinkink text was actually cool and emphasizing the importance and the distinct role of each command,i'm rather suprized anyone find it annoying as you are just supposed to look at it for a short time
Since everything is named validator, of course you need to read the text from time to time to know what you're clicking or supposed to press.
I understand your point of view you surely dont like same model used for different unitypes (i too dont like that much), but this is deliberate choice,and as you can see they are not Quite similar when it come to what they incarnate,i think i dont have to explain further just that you take a look again and dont get influenced by the similar animations
That's not an argument. But still it's a detail so it doesn't matter that much unless every hero in the game looked similarly.
i dont understand, write ok what about specifically ?
If I don't write something in the chat the turn doesn't end for me, the player.
i also wanted it that way But That's difficult,the reason being that the game doesnt know where your faction units are positionned at the map start, there is a lot of datas uncovering from game cache each time a map is (Re)Loaded (Map are actually started from zero not saved in Custom Map saves like in some others custom campaign).That Datas uncovering process give the informations about the player units at some point and only at that moment the camera may be positionned
I mean, just do it after the player units appear, it's not a big deal. Use a periodic event to check in which region the player circles have appeared and then move the camera there.
i'll try make the camera move towards the player units but you must know that that "COMMAND" is a invisible hero unit in the center of the map (for the hero icon)and i am not to inform you that when you double click a unit the camera actually center on it
Move the command hero to the main circle of power instead after the player's circles appear.
It is not a building but a actual Spellbook ability that every colonysites types unit have and are used to store some Hidden Abilities used by the IA, i used a spellbook because some colonies have not free space left to show every spell they may have and with the spellbook several spell may be stored in one.
How does that explain the fact that it has the same icon as Command and doesn't have any description?
I believe every building have its building restriction and requirements explained in map,either by tooltips or by warning messages,So you have to build a Level01 Town hall before building tiers 01 buildings in colonies,build a Level02 Town hall to Build tiers02 Buildings in colonies,build a Level03 Town hall if you are in a greater colonysite.
Sure, but should they all be visible/available from the start even though you cannot build them? I guess, they should be enabled after you have the requirements, you know like in Warcraft III, the buildings are grayed out.
The lag you seem to talk about is a lag occuring with the repeated use of some "Move Commands/Abilities" of the Military camps (circle of power units) it may be one or two of those commands that actually create a lag that increase with each use, i Request humbly from you to try taking the time and witness or try some others battles without using those commands and review your appreciation,if after that your impressions are still the same Make me know ,another suggestion is to use the free mode and just control your units normally without using those move orders abilities.Because one thing is sure i have used traditionnal methods to clear the leaks in my battle maps and my assumption is that: unexpected malfunction may happen especially when combining Some problematic abilities with triggers
Alright, but you have to either fix those command leaks or remove them because they kill the game.
Sorry about that but that may not be a reason to go check every single tree Square on thirty 250x250 maps
If you're a perfectionist, you should do it. It's not a big deal. Just enable the pathing vision and look around. There aren't that many trees to begin with since there needs to be space for battling.

Left in Pending for now. But you do have to solve the lag issue one way or another.

There's also an issue with save games being corrupted or something as you get a such an error when loading and the game crashes afterwards.
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Level 5
Sep 28, 2014
If I don't write something in the chat the turn doesn't end for me, the player.
maybe it is a preference you have,there is already 2 ways to end your turn as a player while you haven't give the control of your faction to the computer your can either use the "END TURN" a Command ability or you can open dialog box by typing a empty string or any string i believe there you just have to select the en turn button

I mean, just do it after the player units appear, it's not a big deal. Use a periodic event to check in which region the player circles have appeared and then move the camera there.
certainly but there is also the matter of moving the camera to the region/territory where the last battle have taken place if the main map is reloading after a battlemap

Move the command hero to the main circle of power instead after the player's circles appear.
i have tried moving that unit and had at some point a occurrence of that unit dissapearing by himself without trace,i dont say that happens every time but that one experience dissuade me to move it again

How does that explain the fact that it has the same icon as Command and doesn't have any description?
believe me or not i actively tried to add some text in the tooltips field but never found it,the spellbook ability doesnt have one if i'm not mistaken

Sure, but should they all be visible/available from the start even though you cannot build them? I guess, they should be enabled after you have the requirements, you know like in Warcraft III, the buildings are grayed out.
the unavailable buildings are grayed in the regular warcraft 3 maps because they need global requirements to be activated,that not possible with the gameplay i have tried to implement since my Main map is supposed to be divided in multiple regions/territories each having local restrictions/requirements (being at the same time in the same map) that goes in conflict with the gameplay as blizzard have defined it for warcraft,So no i have no means to Hide/grey building locally and if i am mistaken just teach me how to do that.

Alright, but you have to either fix those command leaks or remove them because they kill the game.
i have worked on them hope everything will be right now

There's also an issue with save games being corrupted or something as you get a such an error when loading and the game crashes afterwards.
Since this campaign actively use game cache,it cannot work if something is wrong with it
here are suggestion to go around that crash
  • the most efficient way to deal with that is to clean your save folder :back-up the content of your save Folder,then you will have to erase all its content, (profiles folder and everything inside) completely,that will make you able recreate profile, start anew.
  • As it is a matter of game cache datas you may try just erasing every Truewargame data file "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.w3p" and the file inside the custom save folder "Truewarg.w3z"In short try identifying the file posing problem and erase it
  • in your next game create a new profile in warcraft and only play this campaign on this profile.When mixing this campaign with others campaigns data problem like that might occurs
  • Another thing to avoid is to start the campaign on one profile and continue it some other time in another profile,that is a probable data corruption at some point
  • in the same note dont start multiple instance of this campaign in several profiles,something will go wrong at some point
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Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
maybe it is a preference you have,there is already 2 ways to end your turn as a player while you haven't give the control of your faction to the computer your can either use the "END TURN" a Command ability or you can open dialog box by typing a empty string or any string i believe there you just have to select the en turn button
Either, way you have to type something. That's the point.
i have tried moving that unit and had at some point a occurrence of that unit dissapearing by himself without trace,i dont say that happens every time but that one experience dissuade me to move it again
I doubt using the move trigger makes units disappear.
the spellbook ability doesnt have one if i'm not mistaken
Indeed. I'll report this as a "bug".
the most efficient way to deal with that is to clean your save folder :back-up the content of your save Folder,then you will have to erase all its content, (profiles folder and everything inside) completely,that will make you able recreate profile, start anew.
A somewhat drastic measure. Honestly, I hope even that works. But if you have to do that every time you want to play the map...

I'll test it again sometime and see what happens. But if save-load doesn't work, the game is pretty much unplayable unless you risk everything on hours in a row.
Does save-load works properly for you?
Level 2
Nov 24, 2016
Well the last time i play with taurens so i can't change recruit levels in small colonys because small colonys only allowe tier 1 stronghold, but you need tier 2 stronghold in order to unlock barracks.
About towers, I trying to make a contrast. Sending lot of units with upgrades against human towers lost a lot of them, include artillery, but again i taking control of my army so flee behaviour. Elves come without max upgrades-one dragonhawk rider with 2 swordmans vs full upgraded tower. Rider use cloud spell-swordmans attack-tower can't attack-tower lost. Yup that colony have wall towers and garrison units, thanks to cloud spell, garrison units basically fight a elve army without any kind of support from towers. Yeah i was not expecting elves have that kind of super weapon.
About global table i mean: I found a little annoying the necessity of check every single colony to see their income in order to know my total food income for this turn.
Level 5
Sep 28, 2014
A somewhat drastic measure. Honestly, I hope even that works. But if you have to do that every time you want to play the map...

I'll test it again sometime and see what happens. But if save-load doesn't work, the game is pretty much unplayable unless you risk everything on hours in a row.
Does save-load works properly for you?

i believe i didnt understand well when you talked about your saves being corrupted,lets try to correct that, first we must make difference between the regular save-load you may do at any time in the map and the CUSTOM AUTOSAVES i have implemented in the game and wich happens normaly before any map change (new map loaded) it also happens every 5 turns in the main map even without a new map (Re)loading.
Both thoses types of saves can be corrupted but for different reasons.
  • The Customs Autosaves are strongly linked to the game cache and are only corrupted when something get wrong with it.For what i have observed there is a little probability of that happenning when you play the campaign for Very very long time or even restart the campaign after player already for a very long time,in that case the map tend to crash short time after it have ended loading because its access to the game cache is compromised
  • Now the Save-Load you are talking about must work normally for every map in my campaign but seem to work well only for the battlemaps that means if you have done a regular save in battlemaps you may open it normally like any other campaign save and continue
  • The Save-Load dont work well in the main map because there is lot of periodic triggers working at the same time storing game cache data in and out and that is specially true when you try saving when the game is not paused (when this is not your turn to play but the computer and when the computer is using endless triggers to do its stuffs with the gamecache and others) the consequences of saving at that moment is a sure corrupted save file and it will crash if opened
  • I Suggest to try doing a regular save in the main map only when it is your turn to play,the computer doesnt control your faction,do it at the phase 01 of your turn when there is not lots of triggering working in the back
  • in fact i advise only using the command CONTINUE Autosaved game you can find in the Start/Continue Map
So NO! you dont have to do such thing every time if you play normally and use the tools given to you,if it is a regular save not working,just use the command CONTINUE Autosaved game in the Start/Continue Map or load the mainmap in the campaign screen,otherwise if it is a gamecache corruption case,i suggest to follow my previous recommendations as i am powerless to correct or to prevent that.

Well the last time i play with taurens so i can't change recruit levels in small colonys because small colonys only allowe tier 1 stronghold, but you need tier 2 stronghold in order to unlock barracks.
About towers, I trying to make a contrast. Sending lot of units with upgrades against human towers lost a lot of them, include artillery, but again i taking control of my army so flee behaviour. Elves come without max upgrades-one dragonhawk rider with 2 swordmans vs full upgraded tower. Rider use cloud spell-swordmans attack-tower can't attack-tower lost. Yup that colony have wall towers and garrison units, thanks to cloud spell, garrison units basically fight a elve army without any kind of support from towers. Yeah i was not expecting elves have that kind of super weapon.
About global table i mean: I found a little annoying the necessity of check every single colony to see their income in order to know my total food income for this turn.
i didnt extensively tested every faction but it is true that some faction may have a problem of barracks units that cant be trained by tiers 01 Colonies,it is due to the fact that some faction barracks are at the same time their Workshop (normaly only accessible to tiers 02 Colonies) or their bestiary, just as the orcs who trains grunts and demolishers in the same building,for that i have been just inspired by warcraft itself.
and about the towers I Believe you are talking about balance between faction here,i have not invented the cloud spell it is a warcraft spell so if it happens to give the elven faction an advantage when it come to deal with towers just accept it,the trolls also have that burning spell with the batriders allowing them to also destroy buildings quickly,
whatever the upgrades of towers,it is the same thing for every faction: you must simultaneously attack towers with the greater amount of units you can gather and dont try preserving your units as if like you are in some AoE Map or a Melee Map with Limited Ressources. (Soldiers die In War so dont get upset for loosing three or five units) first wave have been wiped out? Gather another one and continue Avoid fighting strong enemy opposition under towers, attack when there is noone around even or otherwise drag enemy outside or retreat a little bit outside range of towers ,i also truly dont believe two swordmen with little hitpoints can destroy a fully upgraded tower just because a dragonhawk is clouding it for some time.
you see, the whole things with those towers is the Symbolic representation of all the obstacles and all the retaliation process used by the residents of a colony to protect themselves from murderous enemy invaders (think about medieval castles with closed HeavyGates, fortifications lines of archers in walls or turrets or every other you can imagine) so i will not Nerf that and every test i have done show that every faction have means to easily destroy those towers when the conditions are met.

For the income table,i understand your Request but you must understand that it is not an easy thing you are asking here,the existing multiboard already a collosal triggering to work so that it is disabled during some phase of the turn for it to not prevent others triggers to work correctly,it is possible to do that but that will require to use loops within loops wich also potentially will be in loops to calculate in realtime the incomes given by differents amounts of civilians and prisonners for each ressources buildings in every region for every players.
if you havent already noticed it there is a little lag from time to time in the main map,there are some gameplay features i was already forced to remove from this map in order to make it work at least on this state,and i fear doing what you ask will make it much laggy.Maybe all my unfortunate adventures with the world editor have made me underestimating it,but i have'nt the resolve anymore to go against the surprising limitations and malfunctions it can spit in your face sometimes
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Level 4
Feb 24, 2017
Honestly, I suck at these kind of games in general, but looks good and original, so, even if I can't really play it properly, I'm gonna leave a good rating because it's always awesome to see what the community can come up with this game. <3
Level 5
Sep 28, 2014
I have no idea what i am doing....

Is there a tutorial like a proper one?

i think there is really no need for a tutorial for this one,
Anyway i tried to add explanations text from most aspect of the gameplay, you can try Consult the Quest log for what the game is about and also tooltips for some peculiar aspects of the gameplay,y

Honestly, I suck at these kind of games in general, but looks good and original, so, even if I can't really play it properly, I'm gonna leave a good rating because it's always awesome to see what the community can come up with this game. <3
thanks for the rating
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Level 25
Jul 26, 2008
I tried playing this 2 or so weeks ago. It took me 20 minutes to understand that the f1 avatar was the only way to make the turn move forward. When I have more time, I will come back and try to get into it again. It seemed really good from what I could tell. I experienced a high amount of lag for some reason at a certain point in time, though if what they say about Mindworx creating a garbage system to clean leaks is correct, then it will automatically play smooth on 1.32+ (let's hope so).
Level 5
Sep 28, 2014
I tried playing this 2 or so weeks ago. It took me 20 minutes to understand that the f1 avatar was the only way to make the turn move forward. When I have more time, I will come back and try to get into it again. It seemed really good from what I could tell. I experienced a high amount of lag for some reason at a certain point in time, though if what they say about Mindworx creating a garbage system to clean leaks is correct, then it will automatically play smooth on 1.32+ (let's hope so).
thanks for the rating,this campaign work well with maps alternatively loading one after another after some time, however when you experience lag,you can have fresh clean start just restart warcraft or eventually your session,the game is autosaved each five turn in main map and between map loading so you will just continue from the last autosave
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Level 4
Dec 14, 2016
Ok, so I've been playing this campaign a lot and I have noticed something. I started a game with no starting troops and 1 starting colony. Then the AI started invading colonies with infantries and military supplies even though they do not have barrack, lumber mill, and blacksmith type structures that are needed to create those supplies. Like, the the heck? I haven't even started training my heroes and those AIs expanded their empire already. Some sort of bug or I don't know much of the game, perhaps?
Level 5
Sep 28, 2014
Definitely worth 5 stars. This is an amazing turn-based strategy game that will hook one for hours if they are into the strategy genre. The initial learning curve is a bit hard and bloated but it gets pretty easy once player gets a proper grip into the game ^^
Thanks for the appreciation .maybe i didnt waste my time and the time of players entirely with this campaign.

Ok, so I've been playing this campaign a lot and I have noticed something. I started a game with no starting troops and 1 starting colony. Then the AI started invading colonies with infantries and military supplies even though they do not have barrack, lumber mill, and blacksmith type structures that are needed to create those supplies. Like, the the heck? I haven't even started training my heroes and those AIs expanded their empire already. Some sort of bug or I don't know much of the game, perhaps?

The difficulty with wich you play matters, EASY: computer controlled factions dont get bonuses for their armies ,NORMAL: each Enemy computer controlled factions get Little bonuses in troops and military supplies for their armies every turn, HARD :each Enemy computer controlled factions get even more bonuses in troops and military supplies for their armies at every turn

in order for the computer to not do what you mentionned,play at easy. (and dont worry, it is the true normal difficulty)
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Level 5
Sep 28, 2014
Well,this is a new update ,mostly corrections and bugfixes,the better version till now,especially for those who have been upset by how the game may Sometimes be unstable/laggy in the Main Map after some time playing,the only thing i can say is to (Re)give it a try.
Level 2
Jun 14, 2020
Hi, this is really a great work and I have played it for days. Here's some problem i met:

1)When I conquered all the territories with my ally, the game continued. The enemy's army will resurrect several turns as long as there are still prisoners. When the army was destroyed again, the prisoners added again, and the game continued endlessly. The prisoners drops 1 when the number is under 20, which takes 20 turns to drop to 0. But when the army was destroyed, there will be over 100 prisoners, which takes over 40 turns to drop to 0.

2) When I start a new game, no colony of mine was created. It was supposed that the white colony was mine as default, but none of the created colony was white colony or under my control . I can't solve this by restarting the war3 or the computer.

3) In the battle map, I have disabled the function of returning of the wounded unit, but they still went back some time. Although I have taken the control from IA, it still controlled my army and disturbed my plan. This makes it really difficult for me to control the army unit.
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Level 5
Sep 28, 2014
Hi glad to see you liked it,i worked hard on it however i must admit there are things that doesnt work flawlessly and im sorry for that

1-Since this campaign was made as a kind of Game experience () ,i didnt include an end game sequence, i just believed it was useless in this case because there is no story and no plot so no need of conclusions.Maybe i should have added at least a Game over message but in this kind of games you know that the game is finished when you have conquered all the territories and eliminated every enemy faction.After that even if the game continues it is not interresting anymore ,so no need to let it drag endlessly,try starting a new game.
About the hero enemy units anormally resurrecting in the Main Map even when they do not have altar to revive them if they have been destroyed in battlemaps and are supposedly dead,i am aware of the issue and have yet to find why they keep resurrecting despite the clear conditions i added in my triggers to avoid that.
(Peoples dies in captivity/Slavery)Each faction prisonners in their captors colonies get reduced by Five percent of their amount at each turn,if their amount is too low to be reduced by 5 percent,then they are reduced by 1.

2-I believe it is due to the continuous use of game cache in the campaign that make it malfunctionning at some point(even corrupting further new games after emptying it content).the truth is this campaign also reveals some limitations of the warcraft engine in regard of things like data storage(obviously it was not meant to be used that way)
It is up to you to find a way to circumvent that,the easier way to solve that is to open your warcraft 3 save folder (wherever it may be depending of the patch you use),you have to erase all its contents(the profiles ,after backing it up elsewhere eventually),normally that should make you able to remove existing profiles in game and make you create a new one (thus a new clean game cache).After that starting a new game should be good and without missing player starting colonies or others funny malfuntions i also have noticed.

3-Well im aware that those commands doesnt work that well,i tried my best but they are sometimes conflicting behaviors in addition to conditions that keep not being checked,i will eventually make it work better in next updates.
Although My conception of battles is that each soldier have a survival instinct on the battlefield so i find it normal to make each of them try to temporary retreat to safety when wounded regardless of the orders they have been given,i wanted to make it differently from the usual warcraft 3 suicide/kamikaze Squads.
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Level 2
Jun 14, 2020
Hi glad to see you liked it,i worked hard on it however i must admit there are things that doesnt work flawlessly and im sorry for that

2-I believe it is due to the continuous use of game cache in the campaign that make it malfunctionning at some point(even corrupting further new games after emptying it content).the truth is this campaign also reveals some limitations of the warcraft engine in regard of things like data storage(obviously it was not meant to be used that way)
It is up to you to find a way to circumvent that,the easier way to solve that is to open your warcraft 3 save folder (wherever it may be depending of the patch you use),you have to erase all its contents(the profiles ,after backing it up elsewhere eventually),normally that should make you able to remove existing profiles in game and make you create a new one (thus a new clean game cache).After that starting a new game should be good and without missing player starting colonies or others funny malfuntions i also have noticed.

I solved this by remove all in the warcraft3 folder and use the back up to create a new copy.
Level 4
Mar 30, 2014
Well since it seems that there is no chapters with this campaign and only one map, it may work on Reforged. But I don’t know if the author tested it on Reforged.
Level 2
Feb 21, 2023
Although I believe this is a good map for Total War game, I was at a loss with large amounts of abstract texts and hints. I couldn't finish my first turn even after quite a long time. Due to the lack of tutorials, maybe I could play smoothly only after I learn about Total War Series?
Level 6
Jul 27, 2020
The map is very good i used to play it on older warcraft ( 1.26 )
i tried to play it on the newest version of the warcraft and after some turn i saw the orc base and its nightmare

something like this happen i dont remember anything like this in previous version of warcraft but here we are ( does version of warcraft also breaks the model?)

The more i play the more broken thing i saw well maybe i need to roll back the version to play this again
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