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Worst day of your life

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Level 4
Jul 24, 2009
What was the worst day of your life? Usually there is something awful that happened that made that day the worst thing of your life. Mine is surely when my mother found out that I changed my school grades from D to C... You don't want to know what happened that day to me...
Mine is surely when my mother found out that I changed my school grades from D to C... You don't want to know what happened that day to me...
Momy giving you spank the worste day of your life?Are you kidding?
I've taken a look at your profile and you're 18.
Did you never experienced something like gf broke up, death of a friend or relative, racket, mugging etc...you know shits that happens?
Level 10
Sep 21, 2007
Well to me, im not sure because as everyday passes by, my life gets harder but i learn to deal with it more effectively, so maybe its a really bad event that happened in my life when i was young, since i grow apathetic of some things in life if it stands to reason but my fun lessens and my grief grows, along with my wisdom. i love philosophy X)
Level 13
Feb 8, 2009
Lol y don't he want 2 talk about it is it because its a scarey part of your life and you cant handle talking about and out of fear you say you dont want?

ANY who i dont have a whorst day thought as life goes on i keep thinking and never finding awsner for what im thinking and its not fun at all because it makes me depressed.
Level 14
Jun 13, 2007
Must have been when I couldn't breath and ended up on a hospital.

The problem was not the fact that I lost my breath but the fact that I was stuck lying in the same position for hours. I lost breath on the start of the day and came home at the end of the day
Level 7
Aug 29, 2007
Okay this might sound to exetreme to be true, but it is :p
I was on my way home from a school trip to Prague when my teachers drove away from me when I was on the toilet on a lay-by in eastern Germany. Then they decided that they wouldn't go back for me so I was picked up by another bus with some other Danish people. An hour or so afterwards they (and me) were stopped by the German police and they took us to Berlin.
So 6 hours after the rest of my class arrived back in Denmark, I was finally home :p
If that wasn't enough the teachers didn't even suffer from any consequences :s
Level 17
Sep 8, 2007
1) When I was 12, I had a pneumonia in spain (holidays) which was very bad...luckily, they could release me from the hospital the same day. There went the holidays...

2) This year, I fainted at school on the schoolyard. Luckily my friend stood next to me noticing it and catching me, else I would have fall with my head on the stony ground. I woke up 5 seconds later with a terrible headache ... diagnosis: circuit pwnage. Embarrassing moment ... since everybody looked >.<
Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
I had soup spilled on myself and got third degree burns. It's not really a bad day as much as it was a bad event, given that it was some good fuckin' soup.

Oh, and I also had my finger crushed by a car door once. And once by a garage door. And on another occassion by another car door. I believe it was the same finger every time.

I think having stomach flu is worse than any of this, though. The amount of anguish gastroenteritis provides is unmatched so far in my life. Diarrhea, hunger, vomit, thirst, tiredness, and a stomach that feels like it's been punched 42 times all work together to form a morbid symphony of hellish pain.

Though I'd gladly take all of these events at the same time to avoid a pain less physical and more psychological. Namely humiliation. I'm a very egocentric, self-conscious person.
Level 15
Aug 13, 2004
I think having stomach flu is worse than any of this, though. The amount of anguish gastroenteritis provides is unmatched so far in my life. Diarrhea, hunger, vomit, thirst, tiredness, and a stomach that feels like it's been punched 42 times all work together to form a morbid symphony of hellish pain.


Oh fuck the memories.
nothing yet, and not ever, it's a state of mind, think positive and everything will be positive.
Stop saying Care bears shit.
Your state of mind is induced by external event.
If you shit happens to you, you'll have a shit state of mind.
If you have a positive state of mind, shits can still happens to you.
Or let's see when your mommy and daddy will die if you think positive.
Level 17
Nov 26, 2007
Day? Try this entire month, and the months coming up. It's summer vacation, all of my friends are out on cool trips except me. I'm cooped up in here with nothing to do, and no one here to do anything with. On top of all that, I'm morally confused as to what my own beliefs are in a religious aspect, and I'm stressed as fuck when I think about the coming year. It's the last year of high school, and I need to start thinking about College. I have no fucking clue what I want to major in, I don't know what I "enjoy" doing or what I'm good at.

Your average every day teenage depression.

Level 9
Apr 11, 2008
well im very good at getting hurt somehow so:
1) when i fell down a hill where there was some stones so i broke my legs and my one arm(i think i might have something with my balance whatsoever)
2) when i found out that i react to the graphics in a game(pc screen,tv whatever makes a special kinda light) which makes me faint giving where i cant eat for the next 24 hours or something around that else i just keep vomiting for a long time
3)prolly the worst one, i fell over something(can't quite remember what) and the ground was something hard can't quite remember that but what i remember was when you could see my jaw i lost all skin on one side so it was flesh and blood all over the place
Level 15
Mar 31, 2009
Stop saying Care bears shit.
Your state of mind is induced by external event.
If you shit happens to you, you'll have a shit state of mind.
If you have a positive state of mind, shits can still happens to you.
Or let's see when your mommy and daddy will die if you think positive.

1. i'm not anything of you, don't even speak to me that way.
2. yes, a person can feel depressed as the outcome of what happens around them, i never said I disagreed, I said that if one thinks positive everything will be good, not bad, thus happy not sad. but it doesn't mean for example i will end my life, or be so light about i will party the next day of said event, everyone needs their time, but it's our job to not let this terrible feeling cripple us.
3. correct
4. correct again, but it's our job to know how to view it and always hope for the best, it's all in you.
5. i'll be very sad, but i have to accept god made it that way for a reason, and i have to trust him, we all need our time.
Level 9
Apr 11, 2008
1. i'm not anything of you, don't even speak to me that way.
2. yes, a person can feel depressed as the outcome of what happens around them, i never said I disagreed, I said that if one thinks positive everything will be good, not bad, thus happy not sad. but it doesn't mean for example i will end my life, or be so light about i will party the next day of said event, everyone needs their time, but it's our job to not let this terrible feeling cripple us.
3. correct
4. correct again, but it's our job to know how to view it and always hope for the best, it's all in you.
5. i'll be very sad, but i have to accept god made it that way for a reason, and i have to trust him, we all need our time.

God made it that way omfg you believe in religion??!?!?!?!??!
Level 15
Mar 31, 2009
God made it that way omfg you believe in religion??!?!?!?!??!

Yes. If my family died, I'd cry, I'd be sad and depressed. It's what any human would do, you can't blame them for having your heart's joy taken away from you... I had a grandma, she was the nicest person you could ever meet, one day she came to visit my family and I, with many of our distant family. At one point she was talking with my mother in a room upstairs, she called for me, because she hadn't seen me in a long time, then I was 9, i refused and went off to play with my cousins, later at night they left. The next morning would be one I will never forget, my father received a call, and couldn't believe what his brother was telling him, she had a heart attack and died infront of her house, we were all terribly sad and over tears my father told us that she was now in a better place. Even now i don't consider it the worst day of my life, even after i didn't talk to her a last time. Always hope for a better tomorrow.
Level 14
Nov 4, 2006
When I was a kid, And my Grandma & Grandpa died ( I was about 5 years when grandma died and like 7-9 when grandpa died) I must admit I did not cry - I tried to cry because everyone else was crying.

But that might be because they lived about 3000KM away and I've only met them sometimes D:
Level 9
Apr 11, 2008
Yes. If my family died, I'd cry, I'd be sad and depressed. It's what any human would do, you can't blame them for having your heart's joy taken away from you... I had a grandma, she was the nicest person you could ever meet, one day she came to visit my family and I, with many of our distant family. At one point she was talking with my mother in a room upstairs, she called for me, because she hadn't seen me in a long time, then I was 9, i refused and went off to play with my cousins, later at night they left. The next morning would be one I will never forget, my father received a call, and couldn't believe what his brother was telling him, she had a heart attack and died infront of her house, we were all terribly sad and over tears my father told us that she was now in a better place. Even now i don't consider it the worst day of my life, even after i didn't talk to her a last time. Always hope for a better tomorrow.
you make me sick.. religion is for those who have an IQ under 50 and you can't say you had a grandma that was the nicest person you could ever meet lol... anyways you still make me sick
Every day is just a little bit worse than the last. The pain and torment carries over and the decay of my heart carries on.
Kill yourself.

The tears, they will not stop.
Yes they stop when you learn to don't give a shit and if you have humor.
Anyway you cry and you lugh, so it's balanced.If you never laugh or cheer up then kill yourself.

every single day that im alive, that's on the worst day of my life.
Kill yourself.

This thread is becoming too emo.
Level 12
Feb 7, 2008
Cyper has a point there, i must admit that the things in my life isnt so bad compared to some people in e.g Africa.
the fact they don't have internet doesn't make their life bad.
guy 1: dead parents,dead brother/sister,can't use his feet,has internet
guy 2: alive parents,alive brother/sister,can use his feet,doesn't has internet

this is abit exaggerated but it shows it though
I know It was just allegoric to say there's worste.
And anyway having internet imply you have good income and having parents dead isn't that bad in some case (i.e a 50 years old man can live without his parents while a teen will be traumatized and left on his own).
Level 17
Nov 26, 2007
Cyper has a point there, i must admit that the things in my life isnt so bad compared to some people in e.g Africa.

What seems like a happy/fortunate life to a poor African family in Sierra Leone might seem terrible to you. And the psychology is leaps and bounds different. A traumatized but nourished American teenager might be just as unfortunate as a happy but poor and diseased African teenager.

I'm bad at writing out my thoughts, but you should get what I mean.
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