WFE updated to version 2.11.
1. Updated code for FPS cap removal.
2. Added test commands, they only work if you are alone in the game, since they will cause desync otherwise.
Command list:
When unit is selected:
@Level X ( sets level of selected hero to X, where X is any number )
@str X ( sets strength of selected hero to X, where X is any number )
@agi X ( sets agility of selected hero to X, where X is any number )
@Int X ( sets intelligence of selected hero to X, where X is any number )
@stats X ( sets all stats of selected hero to X, where X is any number )
@hp X ( sets health points of selected unit to X, where X is any number )
@mp X ( sets mana points of selected unit to X, where X is any number )
@hpreg X ( sets health regeneration of selected unit to X, where X is any number )
@mpreg X ( sets mana regeneration of selected unit to X, where X is any number )
@attack X ( sets attack of selected unit to X, where X is any number )
@Range X ( sets attack range of selected unit to X, where X is any number )
@armour X ( sets armour of selected unit to X, where X is any number )
@setas X ( sets attack speed of selected unit to X, where X is any number )
@owner X ( sets owning player of selected unit to X, where X is any number from 0 to 15 )
@learn XXXX ( adds ability with rawcode XXXX to selected unit )
@unlearn XXXX ( removes ability with rawcode XXXX from selected unit )
@scale X ( sets scale of selected unit to X, where X is any number )
@panim X ( plays animation of selected unit with index X, where X is any number )
@setms ( sets movement speed of selected unit, where X is any number, note, the maximum movement speed is 522! )
@cd ( resets cooldown of all abilities of selected unit )
@removeunit ( removes selected unit )
@teleport ( teleports selected unit to mouse coordinates )
@location ( prints to screen units coordinates )
@copy ( creates unit of the same id as selected unit )
@invul ( adds invulnerability to selected unit )
@uninvul ( removes invulnerability from selected unit )
@HeaL ( fully recovers health of selected unit )
@restore ( fully recovers mana of selected unit )
@id ( prints to screen rawcode of selected unit )
@ms ( prints to screen movement speed of selected unit )
@pause ( pauses selected unit )
@unpause ( unpauses selected unit )
@dropitems ( drops all items from selected unit )
@copyitems ( creates a copy of all items of selected unit around him )
Without selected unit:
With/Without unit selected:
@share X ( shares control of player with id X, where X is a number from 0 to 15 )
@unshare X ( unshares control of player with id X, where X is a number from 0 to 15 )
@createunit XXXX ( creates unit with rawcode XXXX on mouse coordinates )
@createitem XXXX ( creates item with rawcode XXXX on mouse coordinates )
@ReS ( gives 10000000 gold and lumber )
@showmap ( removes fog and fog mask from the map )
@hidemap ( applies fog and fog mask to the map )
@nobounds ( removes camera boundary )
@defbounds ( tries to recover removed camera boundary | not fully implemented )
@checkaxis ( prints to screen mouse coordinates: X/Y/Z )
3. Added commands /mute all.
4. Fixed bug with ALT being undetected with Quick Messages.
5. Fixed fatal error with Manabar, if EnablePreSelect had second parameter (boolean ui) as false.
6. Warcraft 3 window will no longer be reactivated if you are in main menu (to lower CPU/GPU stress).
Meaning if you have option "Disable Pause" enabled it will only work when you are actually in game.
7. Fixed fatal error with some items (i.e. when item had no cooldown or broken rawcode ability), thanks to
Klaus Valentine | VK for reporting it.
8. Additional code changes for performance improvement.
9. All tests commands that used camera coordinates now use mouse instead.
10. Removed only allied unit "save" for quickcast, since it was conflicting with @share test command.
Meaning even if you try to use an ability from an enemy in test mode, it will work as if that unit belongs to you.
11. Yet another code rewrite to fix World Editor fatal error, World Editor crashes if you do CreateThread from its process.
12. WFEDll.dll will now automatically fully unload itself, if load failed.
13. Changed button layouts.
14. Added Launcher menu button with settings.
15. Added Launch button, that takes Game Path to the game and launches it.
16. Added Launch Argument section, allows you to set arguments like -window -opengl and so on.
17. Added Main Window Name section for Inject button to narrow down the search of the process.
18. Added Window Name section for Inject button to narrow down the search of the process.
19. Added Autoinject checkbox that determines if the dll should be autoinjected on Launch button click or no.
20. Added 1.27a support, although two options are not supported in this patch:
1) LAN game start delay.
2) Gamestate check for window unfolding when map is loading.
21. Even more code improvements, for both .exe and .dll.
22. WFE.exe UI has been slightly updated.