To me it seems like Blizzard are taking different facets (either positive or negative) of a culture and making multiple races from them, like they did with the Orcs and Centaurs.
Exactly. They mix stuff mostly too.
Dwarves are inspired by Jews
Hmm, a metaphor of Ashkenazi living in suburbs and making things like the golem? I'm curious to why this comparison. Could/would you put some more information forth?
as well and the Goblins, who seem to be based on the negative stereotype of 20th century American Jews.
They were acctually migrating from world to a world, changing dozzens of worlds. Each time they would either get slaughtered by the local population or caught up by vengeful Kil'jaeden's army, so they had to flee. They have been migrating from a world to a world for 10 000 years. Reaching Draenor only 200 years before the Dark Portal opened.
I don't buy this, lol. Even the writer(s?) didn't decide if it was Kil'jaeden or the local population. But I guess if so many peoples didn't like them, there had to be something to them

Honestly, it's enough we have to consider the TBC retcon. This one you posted is just too much. Also, they were technologically advanced so I doubt they played Ghandi and took the First Temple from world to world. If they were so passive, then they were most likely Buddhist/Brahmanist/Hindu/Jain to a pretty large extent in terms of their religious philosophy.
The jews kept Roman scripts that their translated to their language from the times of ancient Rome. Also they maintained the traidrutes with Jews in the middle east. These two were one of the instrumental things that helped start the Reneisance, moving the continent from the Dark Ages.
From what I know, Jews had little to do with the Renaissance. I'd like some info on that if you can link me.
Jews went in various places, Spain+Portugal and of course to Khazar lands. The silk road was administered by the Persians, Greeks, Byzantines and later by the Arabs.
When Spanish Queen Isabell bought the law in which all non Catholics had to either convert or leave Spain, many converted so that they could stay. Also in the UK(where jewish masacres happened every 10 years or so) many have excepted Anglican church, so they would be left alone. Same thing in the Russian empire in late 1800s/early 1900s. Not that familliar with middle eastern history, but probably a few same things happened there. You get what I mean...
Yeah but that was besides the point. I'm saying Hebrews fought for their ideals Judaic or Christian, regardless.
Minorities were most of the time exploited. Christians were also persecuted, so on and so forth. Greater powers took advantage of lesser ones->Black African slavery etc. This is the historical evolution of a society, sadly.
Also, more on the Ashkenazi, they didn't just bring us Communism but the atomic bomb as well! But most importantly, the theory of relativity!
Orcs = Hewbrews, with thrall moses baby
Actually, Thrall is more like Yeshua with the peace and all that. Moses wasn't exactly a peace keeper other than between his own people. But of course, Moses followed Yahweh's bidding so he was mostly an accomplice.
Chaos Orcs = Westernized Zionist Ashkenazi Jews
More like devil worshipers if you ask me.
Wow, I mean if you meant Vikings too, I don't know.
Nightelfs= Muslims Generaly
They have a Persian aesthetic but their philosophy is obviously more related to Tengrism.
OK, the rest are just a jest.