Warcraft 3 Reforged Leaked Previews

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HD Model Reviewer
Level 34
Jun 22, 2013
Shadow hunter TFT,

roc Demon hunter Illidan, but yeah it's the unique campaign model was from TFT,

warden TFT,

Kotg Furion, Malfurion, Malfurion without Stag,

MK Muradin has a different model actually, his portrait is facing the other direction as the melee MK,


the only one you got right was the Lich, yeah I forgot about him
Level 20
Feb 23, 2014

They really like spikes... Damn.
Level 14
Jan 2, 2007
I kinda wish for some regular or simplier units and hero. Not all of them, just more of them. As it stands many units look so decked up, it's hard to say "this is a low rank guy". Or there are so few, it isn't much diversity. Like the Warlock model looks so upperclass. We need more ragtag models :D


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
I really hope that we get to fight the Legion in "Twilight of the Gods" instead of the Undead.
Both actually because the main force was the Scourge. That was Archimonde's plan because it was easier to act from within than port loads of troops from another planet through.

The demon units mostly look really good. I'm satisfied. A bit more variation on some would be neat like the succubi being too similarly naked or the fel beasts looking pretty much alike etc.

Indeed, dragons need a proper rework. Even the drakes are too kiddish.

They really like spikes... Damn.
That's what I was writing for numerous times, the artists are Pan worshipers.
Glad the hooves have no horns, at least.

And about Deatharoc, seriously now wtf did they do to Deatharoc???? Why is he swollen, fat af??
For variation, obviously. It's not a bad decision. I'm tired of every character looking like a fitness/weight lifting model.
Level 9
Sep 20, 2015

The doomguard feels different, i dont know maybe the fire burning on the sword it's not showed but it feels different, i need to see that in game.

The Inferal is awful. In the first image it seems to smile and kinda reminds me of the guy from nightmare before christmas. It feels like he is a big powerful creature but it's cute and gentile and is happy. It should be scary, also the proportions are messed up, the head is too small compared to the rest of the body, and i think this also helps to give him an ahrmless look.

They increased the size of the pitlord wings. In the classic model fully stretched wings were still small compared to the whole pitlord body. I tried to make a funny model of a flying pitlord and i realized this. The new models all have bigger wings, i don't know how to feel about that. I know that maybe the wings are in that position becasue of the model viewer to better show it, so i'll see the in game version.

I don't like that they changed the melee pitlord weapon to a single blade one. It's more like a big Naginata now. But I'll be honest i am used to see the pitlord with the two bladed weapon, so maybe it'll just get used to it, but still i don't like the change. They could have given that single blade weapon to another pitlord from the campaign to make it unique, since one already has a hammer.

All other models are great an i like them
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Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
@Murlocologist if you've got proposals to boost up modeling, you can always divulge them in Site Discussion. I will be doing that too with an idea I've been cooking for a few months now.

I really hope that we get to fight the Legion in "Twilight of the Gods" instead of the Undead.
It'd be awesome to have a demon faction even if it doesn't appear in melee^^
Level 14
Jan 2, 2007
Sorry but what actual peanut is this? Why kodo beast rider is now a chubby rider. *confused* :peasant-confused:

Because let's be real.

When Wc3 was out back in 2002, you couldn't make such a small model look chubby or otherwise. Just like all women had to have huge boobs, because otherwise you couldn't represent them.

I for one welcome our new chubby overlords. Like someone else said around here, I dislike that everyone is going to the gym at least 3 times a day for the past 5 years. I just imagine how Warcraft is fought....

Humans vs Orcs, at the gates of Lordaeron. The humans are in dissaray, it is now for the mighty Orcish Horde to strike... But wait! Here is Shawn T reminding the Warchief that it's time for T25 Gamma. The attack is called off as all the Horde gather together and start exercising to keep those sick abs on point. Meanwhile the Humans are doing the same. After such intense weightlifting, they resume their state of war.

Edit: Hence why I'd love a little more realism from some models. I'd love militia to use an axe rather than a sword, as it made sense that peasants would pick up an axe (a tool) rather than own a sword.
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... who sits on his kodo beast. Kind of realistic to say, that he's a little more chubby, not moving himself at all. He just got enough strength to throw his weapons. That's it.

So the airplane plots are chubby in real life? They don't have years of training and just hop into Kodo's when they find them in Barren's surely.


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
Edit: Hence why I'd love a little more realism from some models. I'd love militia to use an axe rather than a sword, as it made sense that peasants would pick up an axe (a tool) rather than own a sword.
Good argument. I was struggling with this.
o the airplane plots are chubby in real life? They don't have years of training and just hop into Kodo's when they find them in Barren's surely.
Come on man, feel the realism and variety.
Level 3
May 29, 2014
People are DYING for Warcraft 4 and this is the closest we will probably ever get. It is one of the reasons why I actually like some of the model changes. Not all but most. Besides, the lore is so fucked up these days that I'm not sure how they could make a good WC4. There are still some good bits such as Illidan but the bad far outweighs the good. The final straw for me was WOD. I was hoping it would bring back the WC2 feeling but instead was really weird. It was almost as if Blizzard took an unofficial WC3 map that has orcs with flamethrowers and tanks and made it official. I liked the non-technological orc clans though, especially the Shadowmoon and the Shattered Hand. So I don't see how they could make a WC4 after all this.

I am sure it will sell well. They will probably have all sorts of cross-game skins. If I were Blizzard, I would offer a unique skin for WC3 if you have an active subscription in WOW, or if you get a certain amount of achievements in WC3R you get a unique mount in wow, or a HS card back. Win 100 PVP games as Human and you get the Footman armor from WC3R in WOW. Maybe something similar for other races.

It has lots of potential, especially if they also make new campaigns.

Actually Augustus, I'd say that Kilrogg's Dead Eye's Bleeding Hollow clan is the most barbaric and tribal of the WOD orc clans. Shadowmoon has magic/warlock oriented, while Shattered Hand is more gladiatorial.

Actually, Kilrogg Deadeye was my favorite character, more than even Thrall. He's the one who led the surviving Orcs back to Draenor. So he kinda functioned like a reverse-Lothar for the Orcs.

I didn't like how they retconned him in WOD to make him the ultimate baddie.

About WOD as a whole, I actually enjoyed it... mainly because I'm a fan of a Russian fanfic of Lord of the Rings that re-imagines the Orcs as the positive guys, trying to industrialize the world in a Communist way, while fighting against the monarchies of the world: looking at Gondor, Rohan, Mirkwood, Lothlorien, Moria, basically all the human, elven, and dwarven feudal kingdoms.

So the Iron Horde was like that - industrialized, mechanized Orcs. Soviet/Nazi Germany/Imperialist Japan/Imperialist USA (age of railroads up through to present) Orcs basically.

Also, I liked Kilrogg's original "older, smaller" Orc visual representation here:
Kilrogg and his Bleeding Hollow clan was loyal to Orgrim Doomhammer against Guldan. And he was never captured by the Alliance. He died fighting protecting Nerzhul and the Horde.

Also, I don't understand all the Alliance tears about "Orc genocide" against Draenei... Excuse me, "Draenor" was never a Draenei home world. Draenei, or the "Exiled Ones" are the aliens/invaders who landed on an initially Orcish homeworld. So I never understood that. Now, after events of WoD, apparently...
Draenei conquer ALL of Draenor, driving the Mag'har, uncorrupted, Orcs out from Draenor and into present-day Azeroth... so Orcs were completely pushed away from their homeworld by the invading Draenei. Do I understand this correctly?
Level 13
Feb 3, 2019
Has it been confirmed that all campaign Dreadlords e.g Tichondrious/Mal'ganis/Varimathras/Balnezzar/Detheroc all get their unique models like the Paladins?

Also will TfT units be controllable in Roc campaigns? I mean Spell Breaker obviousely can't for story reasons, but all the others I see no reason why not.


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
About WOD as a whole, I actually enjoyed it... mainly because I'm a fan of a Russian fanfic of Lord of the Rings that re-imagines the Orcs as the positive guys, trying to industrialize the world in a Communist way, while fighting against the monarchies of the world: looking at Gondor, Rohan, Mirkwood, Lothlorien, Moria, basically all the human, elven, and dwarven feudal kingdoms.
Poor Tolkien...
Also, I liked Kilrogg's original "older, smaller" Orc visual representation here:
Compared to that ogre in the back the character doesn't seem so small. I guess it's an artistic style more than actual proportions.
Also, I don't understand all the Alliance tears about "Orc genocide" against Draenei... Excuse me, "Draenor" was never a Draenei home world. Draenei, or the "Exiled Ones" are the aliens/invaders who landed on an initially Orcish homeworld. So I never understood that. Now, after events of WoD, apparently...
Yeah, I don't think they ever explained why the planet was named so even in the Warcraft II manual. I wonder if they actually thought of making the orcs aliens to Draenor as well but dropped the idea on the way since they already made them alien to Azeroth but forgot to chance the red planet's name from Draenor. It doesn't make sense for the orcs to call it that way since the story isn't told from the Draenei perspective, who were all holocausted, as the Warcraft II manual says.

Has it been confirmed that all campaign Dreadlords e.g Tichondrious/Mal'ganis/Varimathras/Balnezzar/Detheroc all get their unique models like the Paladins?
Not more than the icons but it's pretty obvious to me that they will.
Also will TfT units be controllable in Roc campaigns? I mean Spell Breaker obviousely can't for story reasons, but all the others I see no reason why not.
I don't think TfT units will be present in RoC campaign missions not to unbalance the (campaign) melee.
Level 13
Feb 3, 2019
Also, I don't understand all the Alliance tears about "Orc genocide" against Draenei... Excuse me, "Draenor" was never a Draenei home world. Draenei, or the "Exiled Ones" are the aliens/invaders who landed on an initially Orcish homeworld. So I never understood that. Now, after events of WoD, apparently...
Yeah, I don't think they ever explained why the planet was named so even in the Warcraft II manual. I wonder if they actually thought of making the orcs aliens to Draenor as well but dropped the idea on the way since they already made them alien to Azeroth but forgot to chance the red planet's name from Draenor. It doesn't make sense for the orcs to call it that way since the story isn't told from the Draenei perspective, who were all holocausted, as the Warcraft II manual says.
This is highly off topic, but anyway. The Draenei are obviousely inspired by the real world Jews. And the orc genocide is clearly a reference to the Holocaust and many other genocieds the Jews have faced over the history. The Draenei brought civilization to Draenor in a way, like the Jews have brought the civilization to Europe in some way, them having preserved ancient Roman and Middle eastern scripts, and having contact with their kin in a far more advanced middle east for the time. So you are supposed to feel bad about the genocide of the Draenei.
The original lore frankely doesn't metter when Reforged is concerned, and the current lore about Orcs and the Draenei is described in a book called "Rise of the Horde", that is also a prelude to WoW TBC. Frenkly no one cares what the manuals say, no one even cared about them a day after the games were released.
Level 13
Feb 3, 2019
@Venombite I thought the Draenei were Orthodox Russians?
Nope. They were exiled from their home, migrating from place to a place, guided by their strong faith, suffering genocide more often than not, like the Jews. Their music is oriental, like jewish. They speaak with eastern European accent, some 60% of jews lived in eastern Europe(Poland, Ukraine, Russia, Romania, Hungary, even Germany) and thus the majority of the Jewish migrants to the US had easter European accents. Prophet Velen as the name and the look says was clearly inspired by the prophets from the Old Testament (Mosses and Abraham mostely). The Broken are a reference to Jews that have abandoned Jewdaism in times of hardship and converted to Christianity and Islam mostely, and are now looked down by the Jews.


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
I thought the Draenei were Orthodox Russians?
:\ and humans are Catholic or what?
This is highly off topic, but anyway. The Draenei are obviousely inspired by the real world Jews. And the orc genocide is clearly a reference to the Holocaust and many other genocieds the Jews have faced over the history.
A little but not that much, I mean, don't forget, there was no slavery time like in the Torah, and the dispersion is only in one place except for the second on Azeroth but that's not the Old Testament diaspora anymore. Also, it was their own kind, well corrupted, who drew them out.
The funny part is that the draenei with all their magic and technology couldn't properly face-tame the orcs only aided by chaos blood. Sure, the orcs were numerically higher but still.

Actually, the concentration camp orcs in Azeroth are more representative of the Jewish holocaust.
Draenei brought civilization to Draenor in a way, like the Jews have brought the civilization to Europe in some way, them having preserved ancient Roman and Middle eastern scripts, and having contact with their kin in a far more advanced middle east for the time. So you are supposed to feel bad about the genocide of the Draenei.
That's a far stretch. The Romans were far superior, technologically if you will, than the Jews and Europe, well, it would be a long time before Jews reach its places in higher number. But of course, a lot of awesome goodies came out of Sephardim over time like the Kabbalah, Pantheism. Couldn't say the same for Ashkenazi->Communism.

The Broken are a reference to Jews that have abandoned Jewdaism in times of hardship and converted to Christianity and Islam mostely, and are now looked down by the Jews.
Wow, so converting to Christianity as a Hebrew was actually not fighting anymore? Mind you, Christians won in the end by Christianizing Romans and almost the whole world. So, I wonder how Christian Hebrews (which by the way, the sect was made by Hebrews from Judaism) did not still fight in Yahweh's name.
Level 9
Apr 7, 2012

Humans are definitely Catholic, except the Kul Tirans, if you take BFA lore into account. You only need to look at their architecture. It's definitely western Europe.

To me it seems like Blizzard are taking different facets (either positive or negative) of a culture and making multiple races from them, like they did with the Orcs and Centaurs. The Draenei are definitely also inspired by Jews but they are not the Jews of Warcraft. They seem like a mix of Russian, Jewish and even Gypsy culture. You could also make the argument that the Dwarves are inspired by Jews (Tolkien said the Dwarves were a bit like Jews) as well and the Goblins, who seem to be based on the negative stereotype of 20th century American Jews.
Level 13
Feb 3, 2019
A little but not that much, I mean, don't forget, there was no slavery time like in the Torah, and the dispersion is only in one place except for the second on Azeroth but that's not the Old Testament diaspora anymore. Also, it was their own kind, well corrupted, who drew them out.
The funny part is that the draenei with all their magic and technology couldn't properly face-tame the orcs only aided by chaos blood. Sure, the orcs were numerically higher but still.
Spoiler from WoW and Rise of the Horde:
They were acctually migrating from world to a world, changing dozzens of worlds. Each time they would either get slaughtered by the local population or caught up by vengeful Kil'jaeden's army, so they had to flee. They have been migrating from a world to a world for 10 000 years. Reaching Draenor only 200 years before the Dark Portal opened.
That's a far stretch. The Romans were far superior, technologically if you will, than the Jews and Europe, well, it would be a long time before Jews reach its places in higher number. But of course, a lot of awesome goodies came out of Sephardim over time like the Kabbalah, Pantheism. Couldn't say the same for Ashkenazi->Communism.
The jews kept Roman scripts that their translated to their language from the times of ancient Rome. Also they maintained the traidrutes with Jews in the middle east. These two were one of the instrumental things that helped start the Reneisance, moving the continent from the Dark Ages.
Wow, so converting to Christianity as a Hebrew was actually not fighting anymore? Mind you, Christians won in the end by Christianizing Romans and almost the whole world. So, I wonder how Christian Hebrews (which by the way, the sect was made by Hebrews from Judaism) did not still fight in Yahweh's name.
When Spanish Queen Isabella brought the law in which all non Catholics had to either convert or leave Spain, many converted so that they could stay. Also in the UK(where jewish masacres happened every 10 years or so) many have excepted Anglican church, so they would be left alone. Same thing in the Russian empire in late 1800s/early 1900s. Not that familliar with middle eastern history, but probably a few same things happened there. You get what I mean...
They seem like a mix of Russian, Jewish and even Gypsy culture.
I really fail to see a single Russian thing about them. The accent, but that's cause of the Jews. Nothing Gypsy either, really.
In Warcraft universe there is nothing Jewish about the dwarves.
Agree about the Goblins.
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Well if we talk about that, then erm.

Orcs = Hewbrews, with thrall moses baby
Chaos Orcs = Westernized Zionist Ashkenazi Jews
Taurens = Native Americans,Indians
Humans = Europe
Nightelfs= Muslims Generaly
Demon Hunters = Red communist muslims
High elves= Slavics
Blood Elves = Red Slavics
Nagas = Protestants?
Undeads = Nazi Axis
Forsaken = Zionist West Christians
Pandas and Mogus = Tibetans and Chinese
Demons = Chatolic Church
Draenai Light = Ortodox Russia?
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Level 33
May 25, 2017
Because let's be real.

When Wc3 was out back in 2002, you couldn't make such a small model look chubby or otherwise. Just like all women had to have huge boobs, because otherwise you couldn't represent them.

I for one welcome our new chubby overlords. Like someone else said around here, I dislike that everyone is going to the gym at least 3 times a day for the past 5 years. I just imagine how Warcraft is fought....

Humans vs Orcs, at the gates of Lordaeron. The humans are in dissaray, it is now for the mighty Orcish Horde to strike... But wait! Here is Shawn T reminding the Warchief that it's time for T25 Gamma. The attack is called off as all the Horde gather together and start exercising to keep those sick abs on point. Meanwhile the Humans are doing the same. After such intense weightlifting, they resume their state of war.

Edit: Hence why I'd love a little more realism from some models. I'd love militia to use an axe rather than a sword, as it made sense that peasants would pick up an axe (a tool) rather than own a sword.
I understood, if Abomination exist, obesity is a welcome part.

I kinda want rifleman melee attack animation as " THIS IS MY BOOMSTICK "


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
To me it seems like Blizzard are taking different facets (either positive or negative) of a culture and making multiple races from them, like they did with the Orcs and Centaurs.
Exactly. They mix stuff mostly too.
Dwarves are inspired by Jews
Hmm, a metaphor of Ashkenazi living in suburbs and making things like the golem? I'm curious to why this comparison. Could/would you put some more information forth?
as well and the Goblins, who seem to be based on the negative stereotype of 20th century American Jews.
They were acctually migrating from world to a world, changing dozzens of worlds. Each time they would either get slaughtered by the local population or caught up by vengeful Kil'jaeden's army, so they had to flee. They have been migrating from a world to a world for 10 000 years. Reaching Draenor only 200 years before the Dark Portal opened.
I don't buy this, lol. Even the writer(s?) didn't decide if it was Kil'jaeden or the local population. But I guess if so many peoples didn't like them, there had to be something to them :D
Honestly, it's enough we have to consider the TBC retcon. This one you posted is just too much. Also, they were technologically advanced so I doubt they played Ghandi and took the First Temple from world to world. If they were so passive, then they were most likely Buddhist/Brahmanist/Hindu/Jain to a pretty large extent in terms of their religious philosophy.
The jews kept Roman scripts that their translated to their language from the times of ancient Rome. Also they maintained the traidrutes with Jews in the middle east. These two were one of the instrumental things that helped start the Reneisance, moving the continent from the Dark Ages.
From what I know, Jews had little to do with the Renaissance. I'd like some info on that if you can link me.
Jews went in various places, Spain+Portugal and of course to Khazar lands. The silk road was administered by the Persians, Greeks, Byzantines and later by the Arabs.
When Spanish Queen Isabell bought the law in which all non Catholics had to either convert or leave Spain, many converted so that they could stay. Also in the UK(where jewish masacres happened every 10 years or so) many have excepted Anglican church, so they would be left alone. Same thing in the Russian empire in late 1800s/early 1900s. Not that familliar with middle eastern history, but probably a few same things happened there. You get what I mean...
Yeah but that was besides the point. I'm saying Hebrews fought for their ideals Judaic or Christian, regardless.
Minorities were most of the time exploited. Christians were also persecuted, so on and so forth. Greater powers took advantage of lesser ones->Black African slavery etc. This is the historical evolution of a society, sadly.

Also, more on the Ashkenazi, they didn't just bring us Communism but the atomic bomb as well! But most importantly, the theory of relativity!

Orcs = Hewbrews, with thrall moses baby
Actually, Thrall is more like Yeshua with the peace and all that. Moses wasn't exactly a peace keeper other than between his own people. But of course, Moses followed Yahweh's bidding so he was mostly an accomplice.
Chaos Orcs = Westernized Zionist Ashkenazi Jews
More like devil worshipers if you ask me.
Humans = Europe
Wow, I mean if you meant Vikings too, I don't know.
Nightelfs= Muslims Generaly
They have a Persian aesthetic but their philosophy is obviously more related to Tengrism.

OK, the rest are just a jest.
Level 13
Feb 3, 2019
I don't buy this, lol. Even the writer(s?) didn't decide if it was Kil'jaeden or the local population. But I guess if so many peoples didn't like them, there had to be something to them :D
Honestly, it's enough we have to consider the TBC retcon. This one you posted is just too much. Also, they were technologically advanced so I doubt they played Ghandi and took the First Temple from world to world. If they were so passive, then they were most likely Buddhist/Brahmanist/Hindu/Jain to a pretty large extent in terms of their religious philosophy.
Off topic
From what I know, Jews had little to do with the Renaissance. I'd like some info on that if you can link me.
Jews went in various places, Spain+Portugal and of course to Khazar lands. The silk road was administered by the Persians, Greeks, Byzantines and later by the Arabs.
Search Reneissance and Jews in the Middle Ages on Wikipedia, you'll find it there :p
Well if we talk about that, then erm.

Orcs = Hewbrews, with thrall moses baby
Chaos Orcs = Westernized Zionist Ashkenazi Jews
Taurens = Native Americans,Indians
Humans = Europe
Nightelfs= Muslims Generaly
Demon Hunters = Red communist muslims
High elves= Slavics
Blood Elves = Red Slavics
Nagas = Protestants?
Undeads = Nazi Axis
Forsaken = Zionist West Christians
Pandas and Mogus = Tibetans and Chinese
Demons = Chatolic Church
Draenai Light = Ortodox Russia?
Lol, the worst thing is that you got the Taurens right.
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Level 14
Jan 2, 2007
Also, I don't understand all the Alliance tears about "Orc genocide" against Draenei... Excuse me, "Draenor" was never a Draenei home world. Draenei, or the "Exiled Ones" are the aliens/invaders who landed on an initially Orcish homeworld. So I never understood that. Now, after events of WoD, apparently...
Draenei conquer ALL of Draenor, driving the Mag'har, uncorrupted, Orcs out from Draenor and into present-day Azeroth... so Orcs were completely pushed away from their homeworld by the invading Draenei. Do I understand this correctly?

There are two things about this:

#1 Draenor in WoW:WoD, is an alternate timeline. One where Garrosh Hellscream was never born and where other small differences exist. So it's important to understand WOD didn't retconn anything, as it's an alternate timeline.

#2 At the end of WOD, the Draenei and Mag'har Orcs team up to rebuild Draenor -

Then Yrell takes that "in the Light we are one" a little too literal. She becomes a little too adamant and forces the Orcs to turn towards the Light. As it's shown in WoW:Ligeon, apparently the Light isn't all that benevolent, that it can be a little too strict and forceful -

So then, yes, the Mag'har Orcs were pushed off their world, just like the Eredar were pushed away from Argus and became Draenei.

Here is the quest line
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Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
Here are a couple of quick paladin hammers edits I made. I think they look more reasonable this way. Maybe I went too far with Margoth's hammer, but It's a one-hander, so I thought it made sense to make it quite small compared to the others.
No, it's good, look the head is even bigger than the human head so it's OK. Now, all you gotta do is make those shoulder pads smaller :D
Level 14
Jan 2, 2007
It's a joke. I've no idea why the Naaru thought Illidan was such a good host. Besides, before Naaru weren't supposed to be parasites.

Yeah they changed it up a bit. Basically Illidan was elected by (some) Naaru as "the chosen one". Illidan himself had dreams in which he was the leader of an army, the Army of Light. He no longer was half demon, but healed and more attuned with the Light.

Basically, the Naaru named Xe'ra wanted to force his destiny upon himself. That is one of the good moments from WOW, where Illidan defies "the chosen one paradigm" and says "we can only save ourselves".

Blizzard has slightly moved away from good (light, humans, elves) vs bad (fel, necromacy, orcs, undead, demons) and tried to make each side of elements good and bad.
Level 3
Sep 28, 2016
Here are a couple of quick paladin hammers edits I made. I think they look more reasonable this way. Maybe I went too far with Margoth's hammer, but It's a one-hander, so I thought it made sense to make it quite small compared to the others.
Love it. They look miles better, especially Magroth. I know Blizzard loves exaggerated proportions but I think they went a bit too far with some of the weapons. One of the orc skeletons wields a comically large hammer as well.
Level 14
Jan 2, 2007
I know the World Editor will be upgraded, but will it also be more powerful than the current Galaxy Editor from SC2? Does anyone know?
Level 13
Feb 3, 2019
Warcraft III: Reforged Models - Illidan Stormrage and Lady Vashj

Illidan is getting his Legion prison. Better than Classic prison anyhow. I'm just really curious how they'll explain The Vault of the Wardens part.

Also does anyone know, we get The Daughter of the Sea/Leader of the Earthen Ring only if we pre-purchase? And they are just alternate skins for the Archmage/Farseer in melee maps, and have nothing to do with Campaigns?
Level 9
Apr 7, 2012
Frostmourne is huge but not necessarily unrealistically huge. This is a zweihander. Look at it, it's really scary, which fits Frostmourne.

Level 14
Jan 2, 2007
It is broad, but the width too! It covers his entire face! Seems a little silly. Make note, he should also use it as a one hander later down the line, as a death knight on his horse.
Level 3
Apr 2, 2013
Sure some weapon are very big on nonhero unit .A lot of things in WC3 are greatly exaggerated, it's due to it being an RTS game. You won't see these guys at full size, you're only seeing them as tiny little figures, so they exaggerate core features to make them stand out. It's also why weapons are usually insanely huge


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
Edit: Now I understand why everyone has sick abs.
Actually, abs don't contract that much when lifting weights with your hands, not enough for six packs.
I know the World Editor will be upgraded, but will it also be more powerful than the current Galaxy Editor from SC2? Does anyone know?
The idea is to keep WE users familiar not kill them, so no, not even close to GE.

Illidan is getting his Legion prison. Better than Classic prison anyhow. I'm just really curious how they'll explain The Vault of the Wardens part.
Meh, the character is getting visible eyes and green markings too.
Frostmourne is huge but not necessarily unrealistically huge. This is a zweihander. Look at it, it's really scary, which fits Frostmourne.
There's a huge difference in the way the proportions are made and the material used etc. Don't tell me Frostmourne is made of titanium or a more lighter metal. The zweihander is long but thin which helps with the weight balance. Frostmourne is heavier in general thus balance is heavily affected.
Sure some weapon are very big on nonhero unit .A lot of things in WC3 are greatly exaggerated, it's due to it being an RTS game. You won't see these guys at full size, you're only seeing them as tiny little figures, so they exaggerate core features to make them stand out. It's also why weapons are usually insanely huge
You mean like, WoW is an RTS too?
Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
Also does anyone know, we get The Daughter of the Sea/Leader of the Earthen Ring only if we pre-purchase? And they are just alternate skins for the Archmage/Farseer in melee maps, and have nothing to do with Campaigns?

No, you only get the four skins: Daughter of the Seas, Champion of the Horde, Nightmare Cenarius and Fallen King Arthas if you pre-order the Spoils of War edition, not simply for pre-ordering. And yes, the skins are pretty much confirmed to only be for the Archmage, Far Seer, Death Knight and Keeper of the Grove in melee, considering one of them is Cenarius and that Jaina is riding a horse.
Level 14
Jan 2, 2007
He is supposed to have green markings. What I meant is the mess they made with the Broken Islands. I really have no clue how they'll deal with that, can turn out hilarious though.

I loved the black marking and blue skin of the original demon hunter tbh.
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