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Terraining Contest #18[Playable] - Desert

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Off-Topic Moderator
Level 39
Dec 27, 2006




Participants are to create a playable map depicting a desert; a region so arid because of little rainfall that it supports only sparse and widely spaced vegetation or no vegetation at all.


Theme Description: The theme is Playable Desert. The contestant must create a playable terrain that would depict a desert world. I trust you all know what a desert is. Otherwise, google is your friend. Creativity is encouraged.

Description of "Playable": A player should be able to maneuver a unit around and experience a variety of environments and terrain features that respect the theme of the contest. Pathing is not mandatory and will not factor into the judging, but may be added if you want to add it. Same applies to gameplay elements.

  • No submission may violate any of the site rules.
  • All submissions must follow the current theme. If any terrain does not fit, a moderator will tell you as soon as possible as to avoid confusion.
  • Your submission must be posted before the deadline. The post containing your final submission must also contain the following:
    • A few in game screenshots showing your submission in action.
    • The completed map in the appropriate format.
  • You must show at least one unfinished preview of your submission, before the deadline, as proof that it’s yours.
  • Your submission may not be started/made before the official launch of the contest.
  • Judges may not participate.
  • Teamwork is not allowed.
  • Map may consist of any resource as long as it is public.
    • Unless a used resource belongs to either Hive Workshop or Wc3Campaigns, a link to the used resources must be provided.
    • Resources made public after the launch of the contest are not permitted.
  • No image editing tools may be used to enhance the terrain previews (however cropping is allowed).
  • Map size cannot be smaller than 64x64 and not larger than 128x128.
  • Adding triggers is allowed but WILL NOT be judged on. They are simply for your own satisfaction.
  • Protecting your map is prohibited. The terrain will need to be looked at both in game and in the world editor.


  • First Place: 45 reputation points and your entry on an award icon.
  • Second Place: 30 reputation points and an award icon
  • Third Place: 15 reputation points and an award icon


  • 75% of the winner shall be determined by the contest's appointed judge(s).
  • 25% of the winner shall be determined by the results of a public poll.

    Score S = 25v/TOTv + 75( j1 + j2 )/TOTp

    where v = votes entry received, TOTv = total poll vote count, j1 and j2 = score from judges, and TOTp = total judge score possible.


  • Mr. Vacant
  • Mrs. Vacant

Contact the host if you want to be a judge.


  • The contest shall begin on 24th of March and conclude 12 am on the 25th of May, 2016 GMT
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Off-Topic Moderator
Level 39
Dec 27, 2006
Let's work out the rules before we host it. I copied the set from the last playable contest (TC#10 Surrealism).

Things to discuss would e.g. be the dimensions of the map (64x64 presently), if we should require semi-decent pathing, and if we should have a file size cap.

Level 36
Nov 24, 2007
I prefer to work around 128x128 myself, but it shouldn't be too large, even though it is
a "playable" terrain, it should still be the terrain that is in focus, in it's detail, not it's
quantity. But for the sake of giving people a choice, we could say: 128x128 or 64x64,
or something like that.
Level 24
Oct 12, 2008
Ill stand by my decision to say that pathing should not factor in at all.
- As this is a showpiece (though playable) its very easy to create much more complex pathing by using a number of blockers that would be impractical in a fully functional map.
- How good a maps pathing is rather subjective depending on the map's genre. Are there any areas that can be exploited with teleports? are these exploits truly a problem? the answer will be very different depending on whether said map is an AOS or TD.

It is basically piece of busy work that adds nothing, is fairly exploitable and ultimately shows nothing about how proficient the user is at terraining.




Map may consist of any resource as long as it is public.
This rules allows model creation during the contest as long as the models are made available to the public, doesn't it ?
Level 36
Jul 1, 2007

Maybe playable ought to be given more of a definition so people understand what to design

For instance: A player should be able to walk a unit around and experience a variety of environments and terrain features that respect the theme of the contest

Should the camera follow the unit?
Level 36
Nov 24, 2007
So, wait, we're going to make it playable, or we're going to make a playable terrain?
There's a difference, with the first we have to make triggers and whatnot, pathing
blockers and so on, which seriously sucks. Or, as I prefer, we make a 3D "could be"
playable terrain that the judges view in the editor, instead of ingame.
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The pathing factor should be quite secondary(even dismissed if possible) since that borders on the category of mapping contests.
I think that what's meant here is that it should be good from all angles(me thinks), without fancy light effects like sunsets and whatnot( :'/).

Also, the camera following the unit/player would require some triggering which would make it 'bit redundant.
I'm all for the editor view instead of the in-game one since it requires less effort on the judge's part.

The depth factor should be accounted for though. As in making zones that look farther away than they really are(I think that 2-P made an example back at wc3c.net).
Same for eye-candy details spread around the map.




@xYours Trulyx In this case a map, after you read the contest rules it should become clear.
Level 36
Nov 24, 2007
Yeah, usually, and most of the time, we do scenic terrain contests, which means you
just make the one screenshot. But once every three and a half leap year we have a
playable terrain contest, to shake up the formula a little. This is one of those cases.




Just for the record, the current rules allow custom resource creation during the contest.
Since it is prohibited to protect the map, the created custom models are published that way and
as there isn't a rule that requires the terrain to be warcraft-ish, you could spam a terrain of HD textures and models.
Just for the record, the current rules allow custom resource creation during the contest.
Since it is prohibited to protect the map, the created custom models are published that way and
as there isn't a rule that requires the terrain to be warcraft-ish, you could spam a terrain of HD textures and models.

You could do the entire terrain in 3d and import it. Make it look like a modern game.


Off-Topic Moderator
Level 39
Dec 27, 2006
I prefer to work around 128x128 myself, but it shouldn't be too large, even though it is
a "playable" terrain, it should still be the terrain that is in focus, in it's detail, not it's
quantity. But for the sake of giving people a choice, we could say: 128x128 or 64x64,
or something like that.
I'm okay with capping at 128x128.

Maybe playable ought to be given more of a definition so people understand what to design

For instance: A player should be able to walk a unit around and experience a variety of environments and terrain features that respect the theme of the contest
Agreed. Will do that soon, unless anyone else wants to take a crack at it. Your example looks alright though, so I may just use that.

Should the camera follow the unit?
I think that could be optional.

I believe this is kinda hard to do,since it's a desert and there is no sight of lumber so it's not very "playable" I think :{
Playable won't necessarily mean that it includes any gameplay elements. Just that you can walk around in it.

How about non-sandy deserts. You know, because the definition of desert is a lot broader than "Sahara". An example could be polar deserts.
Yeah I think the definition leaves that possibility open.

I thought we fixed this back when Tobyfat exploited the non-existence of a rule like this,
fladder? >.>
Copied the ruleset from the tenth contest, remember? :)

We're fleshing out the rules here, that's why I haven't moved it to the main forum.
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Deleted member 238226


Deleted member 238226

I feel like entering. Will melee map type will be acceptable? Just to clarify
Level 36
Nov 24, 2007
I feel like entering. Will melee map type will be acceptable?

Acceptable - yes.
Recommended - No.

Basically, this is a "terraining" contest, not a "mapping" contest, the one thing that will
be judged is the artistic skill of terraining. Therefore you should aim to make the most
beautiful terrain you can.

And yeah, let's get the show on the road.

Deleted member 238226


Deleted member 238226

nah, i just going to use this contest as speed enchancer to bring down my laziness and to give myself motivation to produce something. i just entering this without any intention of winning this contest. :3

you guys can go crazy making stuff with 20-40 mb size of imports, i just gonna stick with ingame-texture models :grin:
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Level 28
Nov 12, 2007
Hey all. Really nice contest, looking forward to participate!

Sorry about bringing more discussion but - what do you guys think if the judge criteria considers lag and filesize? I say that because sometimes in artistic and playable terrains people spam invisible platforms due to complex archtectures, not to mention doodad spamming. This causes tremendous lag, rendering the terrain beautiful but unplayable (and this is a playable terrain competition!).

Same goes for filesize. If we cap it, there is no risk in running into this situation:

as there isn't a rule that requires the terrain to be warcraft-ish, you could spam a terrain of HD textures and models.

Also, capping it at 7~8mb or under would force us to be more creative using resources that aren't obviously beautiful. Plus the results could serve as actual multiplayer maps.

Deleted member 238226


Deleted member 238226

can i start?

edit : not sure about this, but i really inspired by WoW. does this picture is desert-ish enough?


cancelled. will not enter this contest. recently got more stuff to handle. good luck to the others.
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Level 36
Nov 24, 2007
Hey all. Really nice contest, looking forward to participate!

Sorry about bringing more discussion but - what do you guys think if the judge criteria considers lag and filesize? I say that because sometimes in artistic and playable terrains people spam invisible platforms due to complex archtectures, not to mention doodad spamming. This causes tremendous lag, rendering the terrain beautiful but unplayable (and this is a playable terrain competition!).

Same goes for filesize. If we cap it, there is no risk in running into this situation:

Also, capping it at 7~8mb or under would force us to be more creative using resources that aren't obviously beautiful. Plus the results could serve as actual multiplayer maps.

To me that would ruin the purpose of the contest, it's a terraining contest, not a map
making or level designing contest. The way I see it, the purpose of "playable terrain"
contests is to mix it up a little, so that we don't always make still pictures, but also
show that we can make what we make in full 3D. I don't think there should be a file-
size limit. I say nay.
Level 36
Nov 24, 2007
Well... Shoot.

I intended to get one of my modelling buddies to make me a clump of desert texture
to use for sand against walls and what-shit for this contest! Would have been epic.

Anyhow, I don't imagine I'll have the time to enter regardless, so there's that.
May probably, potentially, maybe, perhaps, conceivably judge, though.
Level 11
Mar 19, 2016
Does a resource count as public if it's used in a map hosted here, but not in the model/skins section?
I'm talking about the cloud from N-a-z-g-u-l's "combat zone 3.6" map, here.
The map is public, unprotected and I don't see a hint of copyrighted models/skins etc. used in it.




From what I know, a resource has to be available to the public,
then you are allowed to use it in your submission, so yes if the map
is unprotected and thus the resource available for everyone, there is no reason
you should not be allowed to use it.
We had cases in the past where even models not being mdx were allowed ( converted from
another file type to mdx)

I never got what is the reason from restricting resource creation after a
contest started. Makes the contest go
from 'Create a beautiful piece of your own creations' to
'throwing stuff together and make it look good'.
None would disagree many terraining contests would had have another end
if one had been allowed to create resources.
Though, I have to bow my head in front of people managing to create
beautiful pieces of art without having their hands at the resource creation.
Level 11
Mar 19, 2016
From what I know, a resource has to be available to the public,
then you are allowed to use it in your submission, so yes if the map
is unprotected and thus the resource available for everyone, there is no reason
you should not be allowed to use it.
We had cases in the past where even models not being mdx were allowed ( converted from
another file type to mdx)

I never got what is the reason from restricting resource creation after a
contest started. Makes the contest go
from 'Create a beautiful piece of your own creations' to
'throwing stuff together and make it look good'.
None would disagree many terraining contests would had have another end
if one had been allowed to create resources.
Though, I have to bow my head in front of people managing to create
beautiful pieces of art without having their hands at the resource creation.

Ah, thank you for the response. I wasn't sure if that would be too sneaky since there are quite a few maps with great resources that are not in the model/skins section, but still unprotected.
I can start then. :grin:




Trust me, the file size is worth the download.
You are welcome!
Level 36
Nov 24, 2007
Does a resource count as public if it's used in a map hosted here, but not in the model/skins section?
I'm talking about the cloud from N-a-z-g-u-l's "combat zone 3.6" map, here.
The map is public, unprotected and I don't see a hint of copyrighted models/skins etc. used in it.

What Ardenian said, if it's public and available on the hive, it's free game.
If it's public on another site, I believe a link to the resource must be provided
when the resource enters your terrain. (Posted with the WIP).

I never got what is the reason from restricting resource creation after a
contest started.

Two reasons:

1. This is not a multi-talent contest, there's separate contests for modellers,
skinning, etc... This is a terraining contest, part of the gist is that you are to
show what skills you have in using the resources at hand to make something

2. This.

Basically: Toby tailored his terrain specifically, using all of his modding talents, to
look unnaturally good. Instead of using photoshop, he used an ingame plane model
that he'd glued the photoshop work he did onto which he placed just in front of the
camera. I'm not saying he did something that was against the rules, at the time,
and I'm not saying it wasn't clever, but we don't want a terrain contest to be like
that. Is all.




Ahh, I see, you already got me with 1., but obviously 2. explains it, thank you!
Level 17
Dec 11, 2014
It would still be nice if someone made, say some desert rocks, grasses or cacti models and shared those with the others participants of the contest... although it would still be unfair unless he takes the requests from the other participants too.

This is pretty unfair. I highly disagree and even if I was to participate, I would NEVER do that. There should be a difference between people who know modeling and those who don't (such as myself :ppppp).
Level 28
Nov 12, 2007
There should be a difference between people who know modeling and those who don't

I understand you as for a moment I thought about editing some skins so some cool models would fit better with the contest's theme. But I don't find sharing them a problem: I guess people wouldn't use a resource from other contestant uploaded during the same constest anyway - not the most elegant thing to do :p

However it is also pretty understandable not allowing it: in the current techtree contest people are having a bad time finding suitable models, so if contestants start modelling their whole techtrees it might end up as a kind of modeling contest.
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