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Techtree Contest #6 - No Imports!

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Level 25
Jun 5, 2008
I am confused.

Is changing only the apearance and text of a resource (in this case lumber) allowed then? (Gameplay Interface options ONLY, afaik it is allowed by the rules on the 1st page)

AI still uses it, but for him the resource isn't called/shown as lumber but is still harvestable as such and retains the same functionality for the AI, it just has a different icon and description.


Sorry for bothering you with this, i just want a concise answer to a concise question to avoid any drama/issues.
Level 9
Jul 26, 2005
Kingz, you needed not to apologize, making sure of things is natural, and wise. you could end up making a mistake that could disqualify you otherwise...

But new resource got me interested...considering you are making demons...souls?
Level 5
Apr 11, 2011
Woo, i stumbled onto this quite late.. heres what ive made in the last few hours..

Race: Spirits/Ghosties
3 tier main
upgrade building
hero alter (although currently empty)
caster building
high tier unit building

here are a couple WIPs

odds are i wont even place, but i figured ide give it a quick try :p

(time is a bit of an issue... so i may not even finish)

any thoughts?


  • wip1.png
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  • wip2.png
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Level 4
Sep 1, 2010
So tod... wait ... oh we've got 4 more days.. Yey! :D

PS: I'm sorry everyone, but I was a bit busy, so I didn't checked the forum. I will read the posts.
Level 18
Feb 13, 2011
Concept WIP
You start as a normal human settlement, but when you hire a hero you make a pact with its corresponding faction. Most pacts are excluyent meaning that in a single match you won't be able to see all posibilities.
In the image you can see all possible pacts with the corresponding heros. Take not that if you choose to ally with the blood elves you won't be able to reach the Elemental magic and so on.


  • AstarothZion_ConceptWIP.png
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Goblin race.

Hero is Goblin Trade Prince. He will be the centre of the race; he can summon units and harvest gold. Base building is Workshop. It sells Workers. It also sells Machines like zeppelins, shredders, and scorpions. This race requires extreme micro and is very fast paced. Only the hero, and two of three machines (when loaded) have attacks. Tech level is used as 'tiers'. Certain units and abilities may only be used with higher tiers. Engineers can level up like heroes, but only to level 3, and can use hero items. They still can't attack, so items like 'Claws of Attack' do nothing.
At the start of the match, the Trade Prince gets the ability to place down one Marketplace for free.

-Trade Prince - can summon Engineers or Sappers. Can also establish Mining Quarries on Gold mines to boost gold gained from Merchants. Has channeling ability to gain gold. When killed, he can be revived on the spot with half hp and no mana, or normally revived via a Marketplace.
-Merchant Wagons- harvests gold. The longer it takes for the Merchant Wagon to reach the Marketplace from the gold mine, the more gold you receive. Merchants can also steal from enemy structures. Also sells minor items.
-Engineer - can be loaded into machines like zeppelins and shredders. Engineers allow machines to heal and operate.
-Sapper - primary attack unit. Can be 'baneling dropped' by zeppelins or launched by scorpions.
-Worker - robot unit with timed life. Costs no food. Builds all buildings.
-Shredder - harvests lumber. Heavy attack unit. Requires Engineer to operate.
-Scorpion - anti-air machine. Artillery unit. Requires Engineer to operate.
-Zeppelin - transport and scout. Requires Engineer to operate.

-Workshop - sells [does not train] units. Can receive lumber.
-House - supplies food.
-Research lab - increases Tech Level.
-Marketplace - trains Merchant Wagons. Receives gold from Merchant Wagons. Sells items.

EDIT: added gold building.
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Level 25
Jun 5, 2008
New WIP.

Note: You can only have one of the Demon's Heroes, you will need a tavern to have multiple heroes.

Or not, we shall see.


Anyone has an idea how to stop the "You will be revealed unless you build a town hall" thingy? And doing so with having the Melee Victory/Defeat conditions.


After some searching it seems you can't have a custom Town Hall and work with normal victory/defeat conditions. FEAR NOT.
Im gonna write a custom Victory/Defeat Library for anyone here who wishes to use it to add to the gameplay feel.


  • WIP02.JPG
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Level 9
Jul 26, 2005
It does not, none of this methods do. not even changing game-play contents. a bit of a fail on blizzard's side.
Level 15
Feb 15, 2006

Anyone has an idea how to stop the "You will be revealed unless you build a town hall" thingy? And doing so with having the Melee Victory/Defeat conditions.


After some searching it seems you can't have a custom Town Hall and work with normal victory/defeat conditions. FEAR NOT.
Im gonna write a custom Victory/Defeat Library for anyone here who wishes to use it to add to the gameplay feel.

You could use this code: http://www.wc3c.net/showthread.php?t=105611

Edit: It's mandatory to develop 4 heroes for the race? could it be only one?
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Level 25
Jun 5, 2008
Good luck then.

I wanted to make a Gnoll race also, but i wanna use the Overlord/Hell Fiend model so bad because it's one of my favorite units :>


I just noticed something, Wraithling has won the last 2 tech tree contest and is participating in this one also.
Gonna be a bumpy ride.
Level 9
Jul 26, 2005
Urg...real life makes this hard...

Even if I DO manage to finish, it won't be quite as impressive as I would like...doubtfully I'll even have time for truly custom spells...
WIP 2. Changed/added a few ideas.
-Goblin Prince has three hero abilities, which can level up to max 4 (however he is still capped at level 10, so abilities would only be like level 4 1st ability, level 4 2nd, level 2 3rd). He also spawns in the beginning, but has no attack. When spawned, he gains one free Marketplace and Merchant Wagon where he can place in an appropriate place.
-Merchant Wagon still can steal, but I scrapped the 'more gold longer it takes' idea. Instead, wagons can carry 15 gold (but they cost 2 food). They won't be able to sell items.
-Scorpions will get the ability to launch Sappers as siege weapons. F*** yeah
-Engineers will get 3 hero abilities when they are not loaded; each can max up to level 2.

used Mephestrial's altered melee system.


  • (8)GoblinsWIP.w3x
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Level 7
Apr 30, 2011
finally, my WIP ~.~
i'm working this map too slow,

Race: Arcanist
Description: An imbalanced race (at least just for now)
Or maybe the player's playing skill that affects that,
since i know all about it . .

btw, can the race have no heroes . . .
to the point -> does my race fits the criteria?

edit: this one is bugged a bit, i'll upload another one later


  • Techtree_Contest_6_-_overcold_ice.w3x
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Level 5
Apr 11, 2011
some wips. i changed to a tuskarr race. theyre a nomadic race, with the ability to salvage their buildings and rebuild elsewhere. they train beast to aid them in defending their tribes.

--seems my net is too shitty to allow me to upload my wips <.<... guess ill up load it all tomorrow..--
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Level 4
Sep 1, 2010
My next WIP.
At least I'm not the only one with slow progress. xD
Fear not! The last place is mine. :)


  • (8)PlainsOfSnow - WerePhoenix.w3x
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Level 9
Jul 26, 2005
Between a job and holiday cleaning (passover!) I really dont see it done in the next 2 day...I don't even have a WIP I am proud of yet...

Who's idea was it to make it this short? I doubt a single entry will be done in time...
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