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Staff Changes(?)

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Level 14
Mar 7, 2005
Hawkwing said:
Not to railroad the topic or anything, but the only way I'm coming back is if the deal is sweetened. Though I see no reason why it should be and I can't imagine how that can be done. I have other higher priority things to do now and I'll be sacrificing my time for the Hive if I want to come back. If I improve my work habits I'll have time, but I don't see that happening any time soon.
I believe Hakeem said it best - You give the powers to a user that you can trust them with. Even with your current activity levels in posting, you'd make a good choice for a moderator. Additionally, users across the board respect and enjoy having you around, making you both an effective and smart decision for a staff member. As if it couldn't get any better, I can think of few people who represent the way the site should be better than you do. I think I can safely speak for everyone when I say that we will work with you and your schedule if you would have us back as your users. :)
Level 37
Sep 18, 2007
Traxamillion man finally one awesome comment! that was fucking true and I will tell about that specially!

It's fine, they are to be expected. If I were fully gone, I wouldn't have made this topic anyways. I'm sorry that you don't like me anymore, MasterHaosis, but really, if you want to talk to me about it then do so via private message. Thanks.
Oh man finally you remember that PMx still exist here. Last time when I ask you many times in 2 PMs to simply tell me what are you here, which rank, what is your job here you didn't me. Now you remember Pms exists! Yeah man at least we are in some progress now.
Well to say you something. Well last year when good old Wolverabid still was here, I and he had one special conversation with him. And he told me he is considered because people here talked (or argued about staff) long time ago. There was similar threads before who should be promoted, demoted. And even then existed that problem.
Wolverabid has gone, but still those problems continued. I remember people still had fights about that who should be moderator, who administrator etc.. And changes come now no more exist administrators, resource or global moderators, they were directors, moderators, etc... But those are cometic changes. because no effect, people and staff still talk about bloody changes! In chat, in forums, people just tlak about it, just arguing, just tlak just arguing, long time ago.
And even now Rising_Dusk you open that thread to discuss and suggest again who should be fired, who not, which I am sick off. Because simply this is all useless! Rising_Dusk, when will end those? When will this fucking end? When will you few people stop to open such useless threads about staff and start to work? I don't mean just on you, you work at least, but you did mistake opening this thread similar to many others before! Because we can discuss, and discuss and discuss and no effect! Same was at Wolverabid's time, same is now, and same will be in future! Just talking about staff changes forever an no effect! Rising_Dusk if you are serious, if you really want to help site, then do anything, anything you wish, work at anything you think it is important but act like mature, don't open such threads because they will be again and again, and just like before with no effect! because you told names of people who should be fired. And those people can feel offended by you,, and they can now came here and argue with you, they can think that you should be fired in turn! And where will this all lead?
Rising_Dusk that's why hive has moderator's Lobby, forum for staff only! There you should discuss about that if you must! That forums exist with reason! But even there until I was moderator I saw many such threads, arguing, everything! Like this is not enough anymore, so make this public.
And okay next thing: Map section
Yeah like good Traxamillion said, map section is falling. Now Rising_Dusk explain how this happened? First of all until I was fucking moderator, I tested maps every day, cause at start I was only one map moderator. And then came new ones. New map moderators and we tested maps and tested , yes we approved many crap maps, but rules was crap, everyone had right to upload anything not matter at quality, only that map is not stolen and doesn't ocntain virus files. So autors always could complain on us and win! If case that we reject their crappy map.But we worked at least. Until I came there was 19 pages of unmoderated maps, for few moths I and my team reduced maps to 9 pages! This was great success to us. But then you can with your team (I wont say names to avoid more arguing) and you hunted us down, you told how we was bad, we are not doing our job bla bla bal, your critics...and I tested every day lot of maps. But you didn't see that you only saw bad points in us. And now we all are gone (it was last year) and now atm there are 44 PAGES OR 878 PENING MAPS! Go and check yourself! You few people doomed that section! it was cursed, now it is doomed! Good old Ralle help there by cleaning pending maps from beining, and still none works! In map section Rsising Dusk_ there is now none of moderators! Only you directors have power over it! None test maps now!
Rising_Dusk I don't care even if you take all of your friends even whole site now to demand this but I am right I alone against all of you because statistic is on my side! Until I was charge there in map section in my time when I was moderator we had 9 pages of unmoderated maps (from 19 at start to 9) Now there are fucking 44 pages! Everyone of you, go to map section and click pedning maps and set cursor to last page and check yourselves! That is pathetic! So please anyone spare your hands of trying to demand anything! Because statistic show how was last year in my moderation, and how is currently. And yes Rising dusk has his placein all of this! If you Dusk wasn't here to criticize (hunt whatever) me and many other people, now map section wouldn't probably fail like that! Until I was charge this woud never happen!
Well I wasn't totally charge, but Ralle and Wolverbaid always ask me if anyone should get promoted, or who should get promoted, this was one of my jobs too to find people who will work. Which now seems that I wasn't totally right about choice! And yes I suggest people like Septimus and others... Seems I was only capable of setting team for map moderation! And at least we worked! And suddenly we wasn't good for you and your people Dusk! And now situation is prefect! Now situation is perfect in map section!
My point of this all Rising_Dusk is instead trying to be smartass here, instead trying to demote people again, please do your job, even it is not your job, try to fix map section if that is possible, or talk with Ralle to bring people here who will work in map section! I got few requests already for people who wants to test map here! What is the most important, people still contact me! yes they still remember good old productive MasterHaosis in map section. My suggestion Rising_Dusk go and try to help there, or at least try to convince those hard headed people to promoted more map moderators at least to try to fix this! Dusk believe me I wont blame you for anything because you or anyone can't fix that anymore, but at least there is still hope in this section, so Dusk instead wasting your time on those billshits about staff, try to find staff for map section!
Remember I told you last yea that time will show that I was right! And you see time is showing!
Actually, there's a perfectly good reason stated in the first sentence of the first post. And what are you suggesting, everyone just act without any discussion? Yes, let's all do our own thoughts - that's just creating the chaos that you seem to be so upset about. Without discussion, nothing happens. And I'm rather certain Dusk plans to bring this to Ralle with anyone's good thoughts on it too, or something similar to that.
The way that's written basically makes it sound like "I think pyritie would make a good Art Resource Director if he just changed everything about himself."

I don't think that change would happen so quickly.

I can be mature when the time arises. The way I see it I sort of have two sides: srs mature side and silly side. When it doesn't matter which "side" I'm in, I usually just prefer to be in the latter because it's more fun that way. :p

True, but I dought he has the time when he does change, afterall he is soon going to Uni and also is working on his bird dog RPG which I guess must eat up quite a lot of his active time.
At the moment I think I spend a little too much time on the hive, to be honest. And hey, I'm working on my game at the moment yet I'm still quite active here.
Level 35
Dec 10, 2007
Haosis, you should chill out first. You'll get noticed without flaming people anyway.

First of all, it was good to bring this discussion to public. It's always good to ask the users' opinion on dramatic changes, since they'll be the ones who will be affected by the changes.

Secondly, firing people who don't do their job is a natural thing. You shouldn't be pissed about that.

About the issue concerning the map moderation, I'm not really aware of the happenings that went down there, so I should hear the other side too before I form an opinion on that.

Ralle should come back and straighten out this site again :/
Level 12
Aug 10, 2004
maybe there should be a constant switching of roles until someone "Fits the job"

I honestly don't want to see people work if they don't want to work.
Its like a person who doesn't want responsibility is given responsibility or a person who everyone hates having respeonsibility is given responsibility, probably would be better off not having the responisbility.

While the job needs to get done....

If you want to manage resources by eliminating the useless and Keeping the Good, the focus shouldn't be on staffing...
It should be on "Pruning if there are no downloads within (7 days +#downloads(3days))
-Then Include some way for users to try and get more publicity for their map
-Then include some way for All of us to discuss and Learn how to make Maps More fun.

In all thats the Necessity, not to worry about staffing...
Being a staff maybe shouldn't be an honor... It should be an annoying job that you take up because it needs to get done. Its supposed to be more of a burden then a benefit, and anyone that sees it as otherwise needs to reconsider their values and who they are as people. Being a moderator means you have to become a vulture over the forums constantly watching, settling fights that shouldn't be there in the first place, then Sending a PM to a kid that seems to be having some issues to let them know that life isn't always how we want it to be and if it hasn't happened now, it might happen in the future. Then getting a series of Flaming PMs from the kid, and taking it all in honor of trying to convince him you are on his side, that you would have banned him by now if you really wanted to Tear him up into peices. THen helping the kid express himself and hopefully become a leader in the forums for a cause of Growth and Learning across the Forums. All the While, All you want to do is call the kid a little Peice of Shet and ban their asses, Being patient with them and making them feel love that no one ever shows them.

Being a Mod means Toiling over Maps everyday looking at how shitty they are and being tempted to delete 10 in a row knowing they suck but looking at them anyway just because you want to give the person helpful criticism right before you throw it in the trash can....

Being a Mod means Teaching a bunch of Kids that are too impatient to sit on the toilet without their labtop to Model a 10,000 poly Model. Set by step, Teaching them to become great even though you'd rather be Creating your own models now. Learning and adapting to try and make sure everyone Understands what they are doing. Knowing that if someone doesn't get it, you're not doing your job right, and you try your best to adapt.

So yeah...........
I don't think we should worry about being a mod, but rather What we do as a community and what Mods are used for.

The issue should Be "Publicity", "The Tools" and "Game Science"
Anyone can make a good map, THey just need to have the right tools, Have a bunch of people know about it, download it so they can share it with others while you give it an attractive name and Attractive minimap. While making the game itself Incredibly fun and all the while Asthetically Beautiful so that when it all comes down to it... You don't care about winning or losing.... You can just sit there in awe....

Thats the way I feel about it....
The Real Issue is what we do... Not Who's in control...
I nominate myself as Master if we're talking control.... lol
Level 25
Apr 27, 2008
the problem in the hive is the map section only in the way i see it :/ we just need to spam mods over there... the icon section and the model section are great, the hive is a Warcraft3 Modding Site as i recall. the map section gets a new map every 10-30 min and some mods take 2 hours to approve (disapprove) a pending map, we need to check maps for game play, terraining and bugs/leaks ... but the most important to see if its playable or not. and another problem is about people who gets a 2/5 on their map for example make another version and then start spamming the mods profile for another review, so i suggest to put 1 mods for that thing only. if we want to solve the hive problems lets solve them one at a time not all together.
Level 24
Sep 3, 2007
~Void for moderator~
~Hakeem for global mod :D~

And Pyritie? Ha-ha, dusk, you can't be serious?
Sorry Py, but you're a hyperactive, immature person WHO DRAWS PORN OF OTHER HIVE USERS AND POSTS IT IN THE CHAT. All I've seen you being good at is sucking up. Seriously, promoting him would be a huuuuuge mistake. He's an egomaniac where he is.

WILL-o is a good guy, sometimes a bit hyper, but he'd make a good moderator.

Pooty, come back to us!
Hawky, come back to us!

I think Mecheon is fine as he is. I mean, the title of the person doesn't really matter.

And DSG should first take care of those pending spells and prove he can handle it.

That's what I say.
Level 37
Sep 18, 2007
the problem in the hive is the map section only in the way i see it :/ we just need to spam mods over there... the icon section and the model section are great, the hive is a Warcraft3 Modding Site as i recall. the map section gets a new map every 10-30 min and some mods take 2 hours to approve (disapprove) a pending map, we need to check maps for game play, terraining and bugs/leaks ... but the most important to see if its playable or not. and another problem is about people who gets a 2/5 on their map for example make another version and then start spamming the mods profile for another review, so i suggest to put 1 mods for that thing only. if we want to solve the hive problems lets solve them one at a time not all together.

Yes joe-black-5 man this was totally right! Awesome rep for that smart point!
Formula 1 for you too cause you have some points too!
Level 12
Apr 16, 2007
Look guys

I agree with a lot of the stuff being said here, but as you all know, Warcraft 3 is a dying game, and less and less users are coming here to share their knowledge and their skills with us, just because they have moved on to better things, moved on to real life... etc.

I believe, that as long as warcraft 3 is still a driving force behind some people's lives, that we should make it a pleasant time for them here, at the Hive. THAT, my friends, includes doing one's job, not sitting around, flinging words of abuse at "lesser" users, noobs and so on.

It seems that most of the users, not to mention any names, have lost their "respect" for moderators, administrators, and new users to the site. Everyone had to start as a noob, you didn't come here instantly knowing everything there was to know about Warcraft 3. To make matters clear here, you had everything laid out for you here, tutorials, friendly staff and other users that were friendly and willing to help you learn and further increase your knowledge.

But, all this has degenerated into... a horrible mockery of what it once was!
No longer can a user create a thread in the forum, without being trolled, flamed, etc by users with more experience, for not being equal with them. I mean. Seriously, what the fuck has hapenned here?
Can people not contain their urge to be *sorry for being rude, but I must be plain here* assholes?

Another perfect example, I enter the chat. Now the chat has been nutorious as a haven for many rotten users, and I have experienced this in a number of times. A user enters the chat, seeking to discuss some matter with another user, when some "all knowing" user, bursts in and decides to tell him what a "noob" or what an "idiot" he is...
I mean, your spreading the disease, not making it better! We should be helping these users with less experience, not alienating them from the site!

This is exactly the reason why so many users are losing interest, and never coming back!
Look, what I'm trying to say here, is that we must act like rational people, we must contain our "brutish" as you might call it, nature, and instead replace it with kindness and helpfullness.

As you all know, Ralle created this site, for users who love warcraft 3 to come together, pool their knowledge, share their models, skins, icons... spells, maps, everything they can make, and enjoy together.
We must stop all this nonsense! We must stop acting like 7 year olds, bickering over some unimportant matter! If we cannot do so, then Ralle might just as well go and close the site, for all he has worked for, will have been lost, replaced by a horrid mob, urged on only by their lust for demeaning other users, and extending their "iron grip" over the site!

For gods sakes people, can't you grasp the fact?!? Act like the adults you should be acting like, be MATURE, and share some NORMALITY with other users! DO this, my friends, and you will be rewarded in kind by others.

Level 12
Aug 10, 2004
And Dusk, if you want to help, don't run around as a user. Let it be official so people stop bitching

No, I respect him for what he's doing.
At least He's bringing up good discussion.
though I also Would agree with MasterHaosis, that it will offend certain People, And it definitly wouldn't be the route THat I would go.

But it builds discussion. So that maybe in the future things like this don't happen.
Instead we'd go into a continueous cycle of, Huge User influx, Tons of New Moderators, Cooldown, Moderators Can't keep up, People Are getting impatient and don't like the rules, Questioning of current mods commences.

I think its natural and good (Being one doesn't mean the other, though natural means we'll probably all experience it at some point again, and good means its something we ought to come to terms with), We should just try to make it as painless as possible. Which doesn't seem to be the case. But at least He's bringing one up.
Level 24
Sep 3, 2007
You can't treat those idiot dickheads who can't spell for shit with respect. If people expect help, they need to ask for it in a polite manner, and not like "OMG U CANZ TEAHC MY TO MODUL!!"%$#%&"&!!11111"

[off topic] can I be recycle bin mod? :p [/off topic]

Edit: yes, I respect dusk too, he has done a lot, but he should be officially recognized as a staff member, since most of the users are like "OMG U ARE SUCKING UP1111" or comments like that. "Pulling a rising_dusk" has even become a new phrase amongst people.



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
Rising_Dusk said:
  • I think Void would make a good site discussion and terrain moderator if he could stay a bit serious about the site's well-being more often.
If he can fix his spam, sure, 'cuz he usually likes to worsen a thread's state. No doubt he's a skilled terrainer, but what the staff needs right now are users who can maintain a forum.

Rising_Dusk said:
  • I think Cavman should be fired.
  • I think BlinkBoy should be fired.
I don't know much about Cavman nor his activity, but I wouldn't like to see BlinkBoy thrown out like that. He should at least keep access to the staff.

Rising_Dusk said:
  • I think Elenai should be fir-- Just kidding!
Bad joke.

Rising_Dusk said:
  • I think Elenai is good where he is, but would be a better moderator and representative of the site if he weren't so easily offended by people. I also think he's not always wrong and that the rest of the staff should back him up more than they currently do.
With all the pressure put on him, it's hard not to be offended. You spend hours on this site, for which you receive nothing in return but people's ingratitude. Is it worth it?

Rising_Dusk said:
I think Dr Super Good should be a map resource moderator again.
I never saw any work from him as a map moderator. I'd rather have him taking care of spells.

Rising_Dusk said:
I think Rui would make a good Resources Director instead of Development Director.
...? That isn't very rational. There are many cons about me being resource director.
First, I don't know enough about Art (skins/models/icons) to moderate them, and honestly, I hate seeing people doing things they don't understand, and as such, I don't like doing things I don't know about.
As for spells, I believe Hanky and DSG do a nice job. My life does not give me time to perfect my JASS knowledge, let alone train it. And yet again, I would most likely do mistakes after mistakes, 'cuz I don't know what I'm looking at.
The tools, well, I know next to nothing about programming, so I wouldn't take a chance moderating those.

I do a lot of work on the World Editor Help Zone, a weekly check on Map Development, Cinematics and Warcraft Editing Tools, and sometimes (rarely) the Requests. Demoting me from moderating those positions to throw me to where most people consider I've failed is not a good suggestion at all.

You probably deleted the following:
Rising_Dusk said:
I think I could be a good Community Director if I could stop caring so damned much what people think of me.
No matter the title, you should define a position for yourself. I don't like you posting on places such as Admin Contact and then going around saying you're not a moderator or an administrator. It's as hypocritical as it sounds. You might not (officially) be any of those, but a member who can promote himself to administrator is certainly not a regular user.
And let me remind the staff how that was not our agreement with Ralle about you. But somehow I knew things would turn out like this eventually.

I'm in a hurry now, but I'll read the thread again and answer to some comments made here. When that will happen, I cannot tell, this'll be a busy week.
Level 21
Jul 27, 2008
All people are equal and should be treated with respect.If you don't like them don't talk to them then.Just because some one is "noob" (stupid word) doesn't mean you shouldn't help him.If user gets bad rep help him, support him.
Pending maps are growing by the minute and I say people should help regardless of their position.Maybe even contest to see who can review more maps anything...
I am not going to critic Rising Dusk because I wasn't here to see his work but you should at least consider Master Haosis's posts.
Moderator look to be doing fine job from my perspective.
I...? That isn't very rational. There are many cons about me being resource director.
First, I don't know enough about Art (skins/models/icons) to moderate them, and honestly, I hate seeing people doing things they don't understand, and as such, I don't like doing things I don't know about.

I think Pyritie would make a good Art Resource Director over all art resource sections if he could stop spamming, stop being so abrasive with other staff members, and start setting a good example.

I'm assuming by this he means you get Spells, Maps, Tools (and probably jass) and I get Icons, Models, and Skins.
Level 12
Aug 10, 2004
You can't treat those idiot dickheads who can't spell for shit with respect. If people expect help, they need to ask for it in a polite manner, and not like "OMG U CANZ TEAHC MY TO MODUL!!"%$#%&"&!!11111"

[off topic] can I be recycle bin mod? :p [/off topic]
THough I agree, I wonder if You've ever had a time when You couldn't speak because you were looking at your idol.
Or When a dog doesn't know which way to approach you because it loves you sooooo much, it just jumps on you and bumps into you and looks at you with big glowing eyes with such love.
Thats the Way I see illeterate Users... lol...
As Annoying as they are, I look into those big puppy dog eyes and see someone with great admiration and hope that they too can one day make awesome models or this or that...

THe only thing is, I'm an ideas man... And If you didn't know... Everyone thinks they're Idea is the best one out there.... lol

Edit: yes, I respect dusk too, he has done a lot, but he should be officially recognized as a staff member, since most of the users are like "OMG U ARE SUCKING UP1111" or comments like that. "Pulling a rising_dusk" has even become a new phrase amongst people.

Thats definitly true
So dusk... Stop sucking up.... <.< (JK... Get me a good Job... Hopefully one where I do nothing and everyone Thinks I'm the Greatest thing since Light Sabers and Zombies)
I haven't been around for a little While, So I don't know how bad dusk is...

Towards Dusk:V

I guess I'd like to know Dusk, What are your intentions?
You seem to be a Publicized Spoken user if everyone has a problem with you.
So why do you keep going on sharing your opinion?
It may not be a bad one, so don't stop, It may be a horrible one, But so long as you talk with us, and we come to some sort of comprimise, I think we can all Work togethor to come to a peaceful/Painless/Intelligent/Enjoyable conclusion on what should be done.

All the while it might be a fun debate
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Level 37
Sep 18, 2007
VeljkoM, And this is another constructive comment worth for rep!
Anyway you will see how I threat new people this is perfect example!
Pink arrows are his text, red ones are mine and that green scrambled text is whisper but it is not important for you.


You see now, he is new here and I greet him with great respect!
Same I did as I was map moderator!
Some people should learn from this! We should give new guy chance! Not threat him as n00b! Okay if those new people came here to spam only ,then we will threat then different!
Level 21
Jul 27, 2008
To prove that not all people consider newbies as n00bs, to show some people how to show some respect at new people!
Well if you don't see point in this, well this is useless what I wrote here.

At least someone knows that I live.
And he has the point.People respect Master haosis because of that.When was the last time you people said hello to new user?When was the last time you talked to someone apart from your friends?
How many people still do that.Not much.

Be more friendly.IT is said that this is friendly community.
Level 12
Aug 10, 2004
I don't see your point.

Just Because you're a great artist, Doesn't mean you're a great moderator

Is a philosopher a police officer?
He'd probably get his arse kicked

Some people Are better then others, and just because you've got a high position, doesn't mean you're doing a great job.

Someone like Ash was great to have around as a critic since he was honest, To the point sometimes people couldn't handle it (I've seen a guy (Newbie [Not saying He's horrible person, but thats just a fact]) come to him there asking for one of his "Funny Critiques" after he tore it apart, after the fact, the Newbie was making Threats to him],

Nobody could handle handle him as a moderator.
I would love to have that guy around more often,
But there is a difference between a Moderator, a critic and an Artist.
Everyone wants recognition these days, THeir five minutes of fame, Seemingly human instinct. Now.... There ought to be a way for it all to happen, A few Questions should be asked "What do you want to do with your mod status?", "How do you plan to do it?" and "Do you do that?"
Amoung others Discussing Why people want mod status....
If it was a huge burden... People would be second Guessing...
Haosis Delt with the Shet.... Its Like Firing the only guy that did anywork because Management was changed and keeping all the Freinds... I hear about things like this from my dad and Companies...

But Master Haosis is Known for his Lovable treatment of the users. I would even put him as Global Mod, if More Elitest people didn't have a problem with it (Which makes me second guess my opinion, since the goal is to satisfy everyone)

A good artist is a good artist
A Good mod is a Good Mod
They aren't necessarilly the same thing
If we consider who are our mods, We should consider their Ability and Want to lead, Not Forcing "Fun" people to do the job.

Being a moderator really shouldn't be fun work.... It should be annoying... So only people that really want to fix things would gain power...
Level 37
Sep 18, 2007
VeljkoM, Formula1, :cgrin: Thanks people lot for that! You are nice too!
You see that if we all be nice, everything will be nice and people will be happy, or they should be!
Well we have to be nice one to others! Users to other users and moderator to users and to themselves! To be more cooperative! More tolerate! If I could be tolerate alone in map section, then anyone can be! (I mean about other moderators) Well this factor depends too from other users. If they are nice you will be nice too, if they are bad ass, well you will be tolerant enough and take action if he cross border.
Level 12
Aug 10, 2004
VeljkoM, Formula1, :cgrin: Thanks people lot for that! You are nice too!
You see that if we all be nice, everything will be nice and people will be happy, or they should be!
Well we have to be nice one to others! Users to other users and moderator to users and to themselves! To be more cooperative! More tolerate! If I could be tolerate alone in map section, then anyone can be! (I mean about other moderators) Well this factor depends too from other users. If they are nice you will be nice too, if they are bad ass, well you will be tolerant enough and take action if he cross border.

Makes sense,
We may have to adapt though if people in general just cannot handle kindness
-There are some out there that only will talk to good looking/Famous/Etc people
--Likewise we have people like that at the hive

MasterHaosis, I think you represent a beautiful element to the Good Cop, Bad Cop Ideaology, because in reality, that is what it should all be like, We are all kind to eachother and everyone is happy. Unfortunately, Some people only understand why after dealing with someone like ash, or other harsh people, or feeling like an outsider of an insider click that has people looking to express themselves outside that which people want to look at them as. I am a believer in staying kind, but being kind to the point we are the backup plan.

Not everyone understands this ideology, and in many ways i think thats what this forum should be about. Instead of just leaves, leaves that bear fruit with smiley faces. However, Ralle makes the final decision. And otherwise because I sometimes get distracted and Feel like people don't understand the beauty of kindness, I get a little rough.

Nonetheless, I write alot and I agree we should all have a culture created in kindness. We should also find a way to make people who "Slave to the Popular" understand why, but likewise not, since THey might actually follow in that persons footsteps and learn naturally...

Theres a lot psychology in this all, But I think everyone being nice is a good policy, though I also believe there are things we ought to look into that we do not understand, To the Down to earth "How do we get higher quality material" to "Abstract mathamatics that describe the balance of life and exsistence as we know it"
Nobody could handle handle him as a moderator.
I would love to have that guy around more often,
But there is a difference between a Moderator, a critic and an Artist.
Everyone wants recognition these days, THeir five minutes of fame, Seemingly human instinct. Now.... There ought to be a way for it all to happen, A few Questions should be asked "What do you want to do with your mod status?", "How do you plan to do it?" and "Do you do that?"
Actually, Ash got a lot of things done. If anything, he was one of the driving forces behind the whole directors system.

He was not kicked off of the staff. He resigned because of staff drama. No surprise there.

Amoung others Discussing Why people want mod status....
If it was a huge burden... People would be second Guessing...
Haosis Delt with the Shet.... Its Like Firing the only guy that did anywork because Management was changed and keeping all the Freinds... I hear about things like this from my dad and Companies...

But Master Haosis is Known for his Lovable treatment of the users. I would even put him as Global Mod, if More Elitest people didn't have a problem with it (Which makes me second guess my opinion, since the goal is to satisfy everyone)
rofl elitist

Okay first off, yes, Haosis went through a lot of maps, but his reviews were crap and he was a very poor example of the staff. What people wanted was to get their map reviewed with a good review. Something along the lines of "Hahaha hey man, nice map you got here etc etc APPROVD :cgrin:" not only makes the staff look like idiots but makes the map author want a better review as well.

Being a moderator really shouldn't be fun work.... It should be annoying... So only people that really want to fix things would gain power...
No, you want people to want to moderate. If nobody likes doing it then you would have a much smaller pool of users to pick potential moderators from.
Level 12
Aug 10, 2004
Actually, Ash got a lot of things done. If anything, he was one of the driving forces behind the whole directors system.

He was not kicked off of the staff. He resigned because of staff drama. No surprise there.
Either, I stand by what I say
There is a difference between a Mod, An Artist and a Critic
I'm glad he pushed for the Directors System,
But he didn't need to be a mod to come up or suggest that Idea

Are you saying you wouldn't have taken him seriously if he wasn't a mod?

rofl elitist

Okay first off, yes, Haosis went through a lot of maps, but his reviews were crap and he was a very poor example of the staff. What people wanted was to get their map reviewed with a good review. Something along the lines of "Hahaha hey man, nice map you got here etc etc APPROVD :cgrin:" not only makes the staff look like idiots but makes the map author want a better review as well.

I'd like to see an example of this, Though that does speak to his general Pressence, I think MasterHaosis has better Judgement then to simply Sugarcoat everything and leave it be. If he did so, It was out of his choice, and his Love for his people. Unfortunately, Moderation is as much about honesty and task mastering as it is about love. However, If he Actually TESTED each map, and said that still. I may not trust his Judgement, But I know he's a work horse, all he needs to do is understand How to be honest and loving at the same time. You tell me how many people actually LOOK at a crappy map.... I'd probably say very few...

Then again.... maybe we do need at least 1 100% supportive person, As because in the end... who really knows the end result?

No, you want people to want to moderate. If nobody likes doing it then you would have a much smaller pool of users to pick potential moderators from.

Everyone wants their five minutes of fame, and the moderator position promises that. But being a mod should be a pain, not fun. So only those that truelly want to do it will stick with it. They'll still get their fame, but they'll realize why theres so few people doing it.

Everyone wants Fame, Buit do you want to see the hive to run well and everything to work well?
Thats a different story...
If you don't, drama like this Might arise, Someone might get cocky and we'll see the Proud angel seeking to win a battle they will never succeed in.
All ending a Breaking up in a beautifully convienient site with Tons of people registered (Active.... still alot, though not nearly as many)

Formula1, right again! Yes man, not matter if you write lot or small, it is important what you write! And you are writing one useful stuff. Other people should read that and try to learn something from your statements.
But like you said, not all people understand, but you forgot to say that lot of people ,,don't even try to understand"

Thats definitly true... Like Preist not Listening to Jesus... (This is getting so Biblical now)...
Pyrite wants to do all the right things....
But it seems he's so wrapped up in hyper critical Mode where he just wants to push everything out of question for whatever reason.
Though it is unfortunate he isn't just directly "Growing" off of the perspective we've got.
I still think he may be beneficial as a sort of Mirror to let us understand the flaws in our logic.
1) The final Decision Belongs to Ralle who is Hardly here. So if we are going to try to appeal to anyone, we need to appeal to him. We can Either do this is a Huge Influx of noob emails to him. Or we can send him a very well written Proposal.
2) Everyone else is just a pawn, they may or may not agree with us, however, it seems like this may become more about politics then it is about "What Truelly is Beneficial
3) Discussion is always good. So long as we discussing this, people will take one side or another. Its when they go silent is when we have an issue, since we will all come to a common understanding and then lose focus of our primary goal. To Convince Ralle that the path the Hive is going in isn't the most appropiate one.

Like the abstract artist and jazz... I'm sure at first nobody respected them. But overtime it has become "intergrated" to the "education" of Music and Art.
Meaning if anyone wants a degree... They'll have to be learning some abstract concepts besides the simple arpeggios or copy this glass
Level 18
Sep 27, 2005
I don't think anyone has any intention of spreading viruses through a site like this. However I do tend to check most of the new maps and beside the fact most of them are crappy I didn't see any offensive material. Septimus is still checking maps as well and I don't think that anyone will ever post any offensive/virus material here, but who knows in the end... I have also seen a couple of people giving comments and ratings quite often...
Level 37
Sep 18, 2007
If someone uploads a trojan, the users will notice and it will get reported.

Yeah man you are right about that, but in case if users notice it! I give this virus as example only. Moderator cant do much about it, but at least if you have moderator, you have control then at least some kind of control. Now some people know that Map section is without moderator actually everyone know and notice that. So they can upload any map they want and like and they post anything there. Of course if you have moderator there, someone will still think about it what will happen if moderator catch them, so still is better chance with moderators then without moderators
So what now, why don't they demote all you moderators for example cause ,,users will report things" ... Yeah this sounds very bad! So same for map section like this way.
I strongly recommend immediately hiring map moderators to start to work as soon is possible!



Level 22
Aug 27, 2005
As if I've missed most of this thread. Obviously it's 6 pages of 'no u' so far, so I'll just reply to Dusk's points and fit in with anything that's posted after..

* I think that Ghan would make a better Asst. Technical Director working under Samuraid as a site html person as opposed to a community director.
Whilst I agree Ghan has been, somewhat, of a help to this site, I don't think he should be an assistant helper. The only resemblance those two have is that they both do a lot of 'behind the scenes' work.
* I think Pyritie would make a good Art Resource Director over all art resource sections if he could stop spamming, stop being so abrasive with other staff members, and start setting a good example.
Too immature, I could see him as an assistant director to Frank, though.
* I think Frank would make a good Art Director if he could be more courteous and less angry in many of his dealings with people that break a few rules here and there. Perhaps less vindictive is the right way to put it.
Frank's fine where he is, IMO.
* I think Void would make a good site discussion and terrain moderator if he could stay a bit serious about the site's well-being more often.
Hmm. I guess this could work, as Void is one of the 'older' and more respected members, he certainly brings a lot to discussions, although I think we should try and look along the lines of whether or not this would be right for moderating.
* I think WILL could make a good modeling & modeling resource moderator if he could take the site seriously at all.
WILL's been deserving a shead load more then a simple moderator status, and we all know that. Seriousness is not an issue, either; look at some of the current staff members.
* I think Archian should be fired.
* I think Cavman should be fired.
* I think BlinkBoy should be fired.
/agreed, and I also think that THE_END should be demoted too, if he hasn't already.

edit: In fact, I'd suggest more be demoted too, but I don't have a staff list to look at.
* I think Elenai is good where he is, but would be a better moderator and representative of the site if he weren't so easily offended by people. I also think he's not always wrong and that the rest of the staff should back him up more than they currently do.
Elenai's main issue, as him and myself have discussed, is that he thinks he is Chief Justice. He always gets emotionally involved, and seeks god for an answer to anything in dispute. If he is to remain a moderator, then he should try to 'fix' this issue.
* I think Dr Super Good should be a map resource moderator again.
If he leaves more purposeful reviews, then yeah; I agree.
* I think Rui would make a good Resources Director instead of Development Director.
Just a name change for clarity, really.
* I think PurplePoot should come back as the Development Director, like he said he would consider doing if I could actually manage to shape the site up. :)
We really need to define the role of Dev Director before we promote someone up, although I agree that poot would be a good choice for staff.
* I think Hawkwing should come back as a supporting arena moderator alongside Gilles.
Don't see why not.
* Speaking of which, I think Gilles should be a full arena moderator.
As above.
* I think Mecheon should be listed as a "Global Moderator" instead of as a "Site Rule Enforcer," since his current title is misleading.
I think Mech should be listed as 'BRINGER OF THE MOTHERFUCKING FURY'...

I agree with what you said :p
* I think Hakeem should be a global moderator, right there with Mecheon.
Level 17
Jun 17, 2007
I agree with MasterHaosis on the points of map moderation. There is still a map from March 2008; nearly a year ago, that has still not been reviewed. With no map moderators, this is just going to stack up even higher. At one point, users could PM a moderator if they wanted their map reviewed, but from the lack of moderators, this doesn't appear to be true any longer.
Level 12
Aug 10, 2004
No. Just no.

You're certainly, certainly not getting repromoted.

WHy no MasterHaosis?

So long as we change the management or at least understand the management, we can understand the way we can change the culture.

I think the important part is educating the users. Not Destroying peoples Hopes and Dreams. If we help the people and make sure they are making high quality material or we put them in "Teams" to work on a bigger project. We can bang out Large Projects and everyone can try and learn bits and peices.

I think the important part isn't Getting more people though (THough it might be necessary)
But understanding the "Mod" to "User" Relationship so most of the stuff that comes from this site isn't crap while still making everything fun!

Like We have games and Tourneys, But we all also work and have grand ideas to make Fun stuff.



Level 22
Aug 27, 2005
Whilst I value MasterHaosis' opinion, it is not at the 'standard' required for a Map Moderator, in my eyes. And the same goes for Septimus.

However, that is not saying that they will never be a staff member, more so that they need to improve quite a few things before they're even considered.
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