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Planet Doom V1.49

Dark-Zalor presents :

Planet Doom V1.49
Created by Dark-Zalor

Map Info

The world was separated in two realms Adrakir and Landmark. Both of them governed by a powerful King and a huge army.
After more than 2000 years of war between these two realms. You won the last war and offer the entire continent to Adrakir King.
The amount of people you killed with your army during that battle, make the god Ram'loc really furious. He doomed you, by sending you in the worst place ever made.
The HELL! A desolated place where every second spend is an intense pain!
Guarded by the meanest creature ever created. DIABLO!

An epic and huge war in the most dangerous place ever created, the HELL.
You are a poor souls killed in the living world, you were send to Hell to be tormented indefinitly.
You can leave that horrible place by cleaning it.

This map purpose to players to move in an intense battle. Really addictive and funny to relax after a long day.

Creeps massivly pops in a closed area. And you kill everyone. Horde of enemies will try to kill you.
With bosses spawn.

You can customize your hero'stats and skills. Custom and beautiful spells. Funny and custom Heroes.
A lot of custom Items.

For any questions or suggestions please send your e-mail at: [email protected]

Visit my facebook page at: facebook.com/DarkZalorMapper
I will add a few more Pictures on the page.

All the DOOM musics belongs to id Software and Serious Sam musics to Croteam

DOOM Songs
  • BFG
  • The Only Thing They Fear is You
  • Rip & Tear
  • Cultist Base
  • Gladiator
  • Doom's Gate

Serious Sam Songs
  • Boss Fight Strings
  • Final Battle 4
  • War 1 Hero
  • War 4 Gladiator

Other Songs
  • Disturbed - Indestructible

Only works with 1.32 version of Warcraft 3 or newer.

This game is a Hero Defense/Hero Arena map.
This is a list of the primary features :

  • 26 Full Custom Heroes.
  • 250 custom spells.
  • 115 types of creeps.
  • 130 custom Items.
  • 75 Aghanims.
  • 7 custom Events.
  • 10 bosses.
  • 7 levels.
  • Mini-Bosses units.
  • Final Events units.
  • Final Bosse.

Creeps :
During all the game some creeps will spawn. Creeps pop automatically one by one.
With the time a few new creep will arrive bigger and stronger than actual one.
When you kill a creep you get a reward as gold and Experience. Theses bonuses increases with the level of the dying unit.

Loot :
The loot falls on the ground when an enemy is killed. Items pop are better on powerful enemies.
There are 3 classes:
- Consomable: like potions. When you get one you will add the charges to your currents item charges, each use reduce charges by one.
The item is removed when you have no more charges.
- Artifacts: theses items can be keeped the entire game. Theses items gives bonuses for damage, magic, tanking, ... .
- Aghanims: theses bonuses looks like runes. They are specifically created for each hero type. It upgrades hero spells.

The 2 first Items Class uses a color code to know the level of the item. The code is given below.

NameTypeLvlCDManaDescriptionStackableSpawn Duration
1Ring of Protection +3Tank1+3 Armor150
2Magic NecklessMage1+50% Mana Regeneration150
3Boots of SpeedSpeed1+40 Move Speed150
4Potion of HealthTank1Heal (Active)
Restore 250 Hp.
5Potion of ManaMage1Mana Restoration (Active)
Restore 200 Mana.
6Circlet of NobilityTank1+3 All Attributes150
7Ring of RegenerationTank1+3 Hp/s Regeneration150
8Mask of DeathTank1+15% LifestealOrb Effect does not stack.150
9Glove of HasteDamage1+15% Attack Speed150
10Tome of ExperienceOther1Give 100 Xp.150
11Bronze CoinOther1+100 Gold150
12Cairne's AxeMage18 s50Shockwave (Active)
350 Damage, Distance1300 ranges, Cooldown 8 seconds.

If the caster is the Tauren Chieftain it adds 100 x Caster lvl as damage.

Does not damage air units.
13Blades of AttackDamage1Damage +20150
14Magic WandTank130 s55Magic Trick (Active)
Summons an Illusion during 20 seconds.
Deals 1.5x Damage, Takes 0.75x incoming damage.
15Scroll of The BeastDamage140 s120Summons at the target location a powerful furbolg.
Last 3 Minutes.
16Masochist ArmletOther17 s55Spawn Ungors (Active)
8 + (2 x CAST NUMBER) Ungors Spawn.

Spawn Ungors for each allied heroes around.
17Gondor HornOther113 s75Cyclone (Active)
500 Aoe, Last 7 Seconds.
18Long SwordDamage1+30 Damage
-15% Attack Speed
19Old PixaxeDamage1Mini Hit (Passive)
20% chance to minibash during 0.5 second, deals 60 damage.
20Sobi MaskMage2+100% Mana Regeneration150
21Ring of Protection +7Tank2+7 Armor150
22Thunder FlowerMage28 s75Chain Lightning (Active)
600 Damage, 6 targets, cooldown 8 seconds.
23RadianceDamage220% Dodge
Radiance (Passive)
70 Damage/s, 900 Aoe.
24Belt of Giant StrengthTank2+10 Strength150
25Ring of HealthTank2+7 Life Regeneration/s150
26Vitality BoosterTank2+300 Hp150
27Energy BoosterMage2+400 Mana150
28Mana BootsSpeed230 s75+60 Move Speed
Mana Restoration (Active)
325 Mana Restored, 30% Move Speed Bonus, Last 10 seconds. Cooldown 35 seconds.
29Nathrezim BucklerTank2+300 Hp
+8 Armor
30Dodging AmuletTank215% chance dodge150
31Sacrificial WandTank235 s75+150 ManaDeath Pact (Active)Restore 50% of target Current Life.Max Life Restored 500.150
32Drake ArmorTank2+250 Hp
+4 Life/s Regeneration
33Rob of The MagiMage2+10 Intelligence150
34Orb of FireMage212 s100Fire Nova (Active)
350 Damage, Area 1100 ranges. Cooldown 12 seconds.
35Beast FurDamage2+15% Attack Speed Aura+10% Move Speed Aura150
36Scroll of ResistanceScroll230 s230Improve Resistance (Active)
Blocks 60% damage, last 15 seconds.

Blocks only Enemy Damage.
37ZanpakutōDamage2Burn Flesh (Passive)
Deals 50 damage/s during 6 seconds. Stacks Indefinitly.
38FrostguardDamage2Frost Attack (Passive)
+255 Magic Damage, Slow During 3 Seconds.
39Killer BladeDamage2Poison Attack (Passive)
120 Damage/s, last 6 seconds. Explosion Damage 100.
40Ring of Protection +12Tank3+12 Armor150
41Soul StoneMage3+200% Mana Regeneration150
42Hand of MidasDamage335 s75+35% Attack Speed
Transmutate (Active)
Cooldown 35 seconds, Gain Xp and Gold Bonus.
43Advanced Potion of ManaTank3Mana Restoration (Active)
400 Mana
44Advanced Potion of LifeTank3Heal (Active)
500 Hp
45Warsong DrumDamage3+50% Damage Aura150
46MjollnirDamage3+180 Damage
+60% Attack Speed
Chain Lightning (Passive)
25% chance to summons a Chain Lighning, 400 damage, 6 targets.
47Lion RingTank3+20 Life Regeneration/s150
48Mage OrbMage3+2000 Mana150
49Warrior OrbTank3+1500 Hp150
50Reincarnation AmuletTank3Reincarnate (Passive)
3 secs Revive Time
51VanguardTank3+800 Hp
+15 Life Regeneration/s
Damage Block (Passive)
100% Chance to block 40 physical damage.
52Shiva's GuardTank350 s200+10 Armor-25% Enemy Attack Speed AuraShiva's Wrath (Active)Nova Deals 800 damage, Aoe 1000 ranges, Slow by 40% during 5 seconds.150
53Bone ChimesTank338 s100+20 Strength
Die Tomorrow (Active)
Last 8 seconds.

Blocks only Enemy Damage.
54Golden SolleretTank335 s180+60 Move Speed
Reinforce (Active)
850 Hp restored, +15 Armor, 700 Aoe, Last 10 seconds, Cooldown 25 seconds.
55BazookaDamage3Explode Target (Passive)
450 damage, Aoe 300 ranges.

Carry that item reduces the caster's Attack Speed by 25% and Move Speed by 10%.
56Mask of MadnessDamage325 s80+20% Lifesteal
Madness (Active) Last 12 seconds.

Orb Effect does not stack.
57Illusion WandTank360 s225Illusion Army (Active)
Spawn Illusions of enemies 350 Aoe, 3x damage dealt, 1x damage taken, Last 40 seconds.
58SerathilDamage320 s160+400 Damage
Damage Aura (Passive)
Battle Roar (Active)
+40% Damage, 500 ranges, Last 30 seconds, Cooldown 20 seconds.
59Cranium BasherDamage3+300 Damage
Skull Bash (Passsive)
20% chance to bash for 2 seconds, 800 damage.
60Elune WandTank3Elune Magic (Passive)
6 Mana/s regeneration Aura, 600 Ranges
Has 25% when casting a spell to restore 300 Hp, 50 Mana
Twice that chance during night.
61Ring of Protection +20Tank4+20 Armor
Pain Block (Passive)
Block 30% Physical Damage, 15% Magical Damage.

Blocks only Enemy Damage.
62Infernal StoneMage490 s250Inferno (Active)
1050 Slam Damage, Last 220 seconds, Cooldown 60 seconds.
780 damage, 10800 Hp, 205 Hp/s Life Regeneration.
63Heart of TarrasqueTank4+1000 Hp
3% Regeneration Life/s
64StormbreakerDamage4+1000 Damage
Lightning Aura (Passive)
200 Damage/s, 900 ranges.
65Kraken ShellTank445 s130+15 Armor+40 Hp Regeneration/sKraken Block (Active)Last 14 seconds, Blocks 40% incoming damage.Blocks only Enemy Damage.150
66Lightning FragmentDamage4+80 Attack Speed150
67DagonMage410 s150Finger of Death (Active)
6666 Damage, Cooldown: 10 seconds.
68Necromagus StaffMage420 s130Necromagus Aura (Passive) 4% Max Mana Regeneration/s, 1000 Aoe.
Magic Conversion (Active)
Convert target Enemy, +2000 Hp, +150 Damage. Cooldown 20 seconds.
69Boots of TravelSpeed415 s160+100 Move Speed
+30 All Attributes
Blink (Active)
2000 ranges, 15 seconds.
70Etheral StaffMage430 s160+800 Mana
Mass Ban (Active)
Last 10 seconds, 450 Aoe.
71Gold CoinOther4+250 Gold150
72Blight StaffMage450 s350Blight (Active)
1900 damage, 550 Aoe.
40% miss attacks for 8 seconds.
73Healing StaffTank430 s400Healing Aura (Passive) 2% Max Life regeneration, Aoe 1000 ranges.
Heal Friends (Active)
Restore 700 Hp, area 400 ranges.
74Scroll of NerzulScroll460 s300Orcish Succession (Active)
Spawn 1 Orcish Skeleton/dead corpse on the target area. Last 180 seconds.

Summon some skeletons for each dead corpses in the target area.
75Shamanic ClawDamage4+60% Attack Speed Aura+30% Move Speed Aura150
76Blade MailTank425 s180+20 Intelligence
+40 Life Regen
Reflect (Active)
Reflects 2 times damage, Last 12 seconds.

Reflects only Enemy Damage.
77Scroll of IllusionsScroll480 s260Spawn Illusions (Active)
Summons 10 illusions of the caster, last 15 seconds.
Deals 2x Damage, takes 0.5x incoming damage.
78Burizado KyanonDamage4+900 Damage
Critical Strike (Passive)
20% chance to deals 2.5x damage.
79KillmaimDamage440 s120+800 Damage
Maim Aura (Passive)
Bloody Slash (Active)
Aoe 600 ranges, 60 damage/s, last 6 seconds.
80NecronomiconMage4100 s20025% Cooldowns Reduction
Go Necro (Active)
Spawn 3 Necro Warriors, last 140 seconds.

Allow only 1 instance of the necronomicon for every players in the game.
81Ring of Protection +30Tank5+30 ArmorMaster of Damage (Passive)30% Chance to restore incoming damage.Blocks only Enemy Damage.150
82Ultimate PotionTank5Ultimate Restoration (Active)
Restore 1500 Life & Mana Points.
83Honnor ShieldTank535 s330+25 Armor
+80 Regen Life/s
Sacred Light (Active)
2500 Hp Restored, Cooldown 25 seconds.
84Scroll of ResurectionScroll5100 s450Resurrection (Active)
Resurrect 25 Dead Units.
85Aszune HeartTank5+4000 Mana+500% Mana RegenerationMagic Leech (Passive)Restore 0.5% of magic damage dealt150
86Marauder BootsSpeed510 s300+130 Move Speed
+150 Damage
To Battle (Active)
Teleport 2500 ranges, Area 500, Damage 3000. Cooldown 10 seconds.
87RefresherMage5100 s550+400% Mana Regeneration
Refresh (Active)
Cooldown 100 seconds.
88Assault CuirassTank5+55 Attack Speed Aura
+10 Armor
+10 Armor Aura
-10 Armor Aura Enemies
89Kil'Jaeden StaffMage520 s700Flamestrike (Active)
5000 Damage Total, Aoe 375 ranges, Cooldown 12 seconds.
90Golden FleeceTank5+50 Hp/s regeneration
+25 Armor
40% Resistance against Heroes Damage
91Akural DiamondMage560 s+30 Mana/s regeneration AuraAkural Breath (Active)4000 Mana Restoration, 6000 Aoe4000 Mana Restoration, 6000 Aoe150
92Angel FeatherTank5Spawn Tyraël when the caster dies.
Last 10 seconds. 5000 damage/bolt.
93Vampire FangDamage5+1000 Damage
+40% Lifesteal

Orb Effect does not stack.
94ThunderboltDamage520 s150Strike of The Sky (Passive) 20% chance on attacks, deals 7000 damage.
Lightning Speed (Active)
Add 200% attack speed. Last 10 seconds.
95Black King BarTank560 s280Avatar (Active)
Last 25 seconds.
96Blood Elven CoatDamage5+40% Attack Damage Aura
-40% Attack Damage Enemies Aura
40% Dodge
97The ButterflyDamage5+2200 Damage+120 Agi+60 Attack Speed+30% Evasion150
98Little AnselDamage5+2000 Damage
Deadly Strike (Passive) 20% chance to deals 4.5x Damage.
Ansel Shot (Passive)
Throw wave dealing 2x incoming damage on target.
Cooldown 5 seconds.
99Ring of Protection +40Tank6+40 ArmorPocket Rune (Passive)Blocks 40% of incoming Physical Damage.Blocks only Enemy Damage.150
100Calcinox HeartTank650 s350+3000 Hp+150 Life/s RegenerationCalcinox Benediction (Active)8% Hp Max/s, Last 10 seconds.150
101Demon's CapeMage680 s450Demon Flames (Active)
1800 damage/s, 900 Aoe, Last 7 seconds.
102Undeal Lord ShieldTank655 s500+220 Strength
Unholy Shield (Active)
Last 15 seconds. Blocks Damage and Reflect them on enemies around. 750 ranges Aoe.

Blocks only Enemy Damage.
103Scroll of FriendshipScroll680 s400Massive Conversion (Active)
Convert 15 Enemies.
104DiamondOther6+3000 Gold150
105Divine CrownTank665 s500Soul Restoration (Passive) 144 Life Restored per kill.
Divine Edict (Active)
Blocks all damage, last 10 seconds.
106Sacred RelicDamage6+3500 DamageBurning Wave (Passive)10% chance spawn wave on attack, deals 6500 damage150
107Gul'dan SkullMage655 s400Noxious Aura (Passive)
800 Damage/s, Aoe 1000 ranges.
Guldan Curse (Active)
6 seconds, buff increase by 66% damage taken, Cooldown 45 seconds.
108Runic ScrollScroll685 s650Call Golems (Active)
Last 170 seconds.
109Orcish Battle FlagDamage6+100% Attack Speed Aura
+100% Damage Aura
+50% Move Speed Aura
110Sorting HatMage690 s650+120 Int
Hat Trick (Active)
Area 800 ranges, Last 40 seconds. Cooldown 60 seconds.
3x Damage, 0.25x damage taken.
111Stone of LifeTank6+5000 Life150
112Stone of ManaMage6+7000 Mana150
113Mercury WingsSpeed69 s550+80 All Attributes
+200 Move Speed
God Walk (Active)
Move Caster to target Loc.
Damage 5500, Area 400, Max Distance 5500 ranges.
114Barbarian Brutal SlasherDamage6+4500 Damage
Cleave (Passive)
50% Cleave, 400 Aoe.

Range Heroes does not Cleave.
115Reaper's ScytheDamage6+6000 Damage150
116Ring of Protection +50Tank7+50 Armor
Protect Friends (Passive)
Block 60% of Physical Damage and 40% of Magical Damage.

Blocks only Enemy Damage.
117Key of The Three MoonsTank7+300 All Attributes90
118Scroll of DeathScroll795 s600Army of Death (Active)
Revive 16 dead units. Last 240 seconds.
119AbalantirMage7160 s1000Darkness Nova (Active)
1050 Aoe, 14000 damage.
120Scourge HelmetTank760 s800Aphotic Shield (Active)
Heals twice incoming damage, Last 12 seconds.

Blocks only Enemy Damage.
121Apollon CrownMage7120 s800Sun Rays (Active)
20000 damage, Last 7 seconds, 1 second period, 14 targets per period.

Deals half damage to bosses.
122Fat ManMage7250 s1250Launch Fat Man (Active)
60000 Total Damage, 4 seconds blast, 1600 ranges Aoe, 2200 ranges Target Distance.
Carry that item slows the caster by 150 ranges/s.

Damage Everything in the area. Caster & Allies. Deals Half damage to bosses.
123SatanicDamage765 s600+10000 Damage
+50% Lifesteal
Unholy Bites (Active) 100% Lifesteal, Last 6 seconds.

Orb Effect does not stack.
124Anneau de PouuuTank7+300 Hp/s
+100 Mana/s
+5000 Hp Aura
125BloodstoneMage790 s600Break Bones (Active) Stunn for 6 seconds, 3 seconds for heroes.Painful Aura (Passive)150% damage amplification to units, 50% bonus damage for bosses.90
126Quel'Thalas GemTank7Command Aura (Global) +100% Damage
Devotion Aura (Global) +35 Armor
Vampiric Aura (Global) 60%
Unholy Aura (Global) 300 Life/s regeneration.
Illumination Aura (Global) 75 Mana/s regeneration.
Endurance Aura (Global) 100% Speed Bonus.
127Poseidon TridentDamage782 s900Sea Aura (Passive) 6% Current Life/s Damage, Aoe 1200 ranges.
Coral Blessing (Active)
Last 6 seconds, 6% Max Life/per attack, Aoe 1200 ranges.
128The Blade of OlympusDamage7+5000 Damage+400 AgiZeus Blast (Passive)30% chance on attack spawn nova 7500 damage, 700 - 1400 ranges.Olympus Images (Active)4 illusions, last 10 seconds, x3 damage, x0 damage taken.On Zeus the Nova has more Waves.90
129Warglaives of AzzinothDamage7+8000 Damage50% DodgeMirror Images (Passive)When the Caster Attacks it has 30% chance to spawn an Illusion.10 Illusions Max. Deals 2x damage, takes 0.5x damage.90
130Ozymandias ScrollScroll7100 s1200Genius Minds (Active)
Has 70% chance to reset instantly the casting hero spell cooldown, Last 10 seconds.

Each refreshed spell will cost twice its mana cost in addition.
131Divine RapierDamage7+12000 Damage90

Mods :
-extreme : Extreme mode times / 2 creeps spawn. More bosses.
-em : Easy Mode Bosses less often, more loot.

Commands :
There are a few commands in this map :
-nf : no fog command.

Bosses :
There are a few bosses in the map. They have spells, and they will uses them against careless heroes.
Their stats can change in function of the time. Keep in mind that the fountain will heal them as well.
Bosses are not affected by Rachiiise Events. They are just walking around deleting weak heroes.

Aghanims :
These items are created for specific heroes. They upgrades their spells. An aghanim can be picked forever.
They will add their bonuses passivly.

AdmiralTrafalgarSecond Crown Trafalgar
AdmiralBuster Call2 times Buster Call boats
Ancient of StoneSlingshot+1 stone
Ancient of StoneRolling BoulderHuge Explosion at the end.
Ancient of StoneLandslide25% chance to stunn during 1 second on Impact.
ArchmageWall of Flames+100 radius
ArchmageWind Blows - Dual BlowThrow waves in both directions.
ArchmageEarth TornadoLast 2 times longer.
ArchmageTempest+0.5 second duration
Beast MasterStampedeTrample x2 bêtes
Blood Elf MageBlazing SawsHas 10% chance to spawn 3 saws instead of one.
Blood Elf MageFlamestrikeNo Delay before Explosion
Blood Elf MageRaging Phoenix+2 Waves
CannibalPookaty'loc TlalocEnemies with buff has 30% chance to takes twice magic damage.
CannibalBlood FeastRemove heat period.
CannibalInsatiable Hungerx2 life Regenerated
CannibalCorpse Rain30% chance to spawn x2 nbr corpses
Crypt LordThorn ShieldDistance x2
Crypt LordSpiky Dancex2 damage
Crypt LordScarab FriendSpawn 2 scarabs each time it casts a spell, needs corpses around.
Dread LordCarrion SwarmSpawn Wave behind
Dread LordCall of Dread+300 Ranges Area
EarthshakerAftershock+1.5 seconds stunn.
EarthshakerEcho Slam+250 Aoe
EarthshakerTitan Crush+1 rebound
EarthshakerFissure+45 Aoe
Far SeerTectonik FuryDouble wave to the same direction.
Far SeerLightning Strike40% chance to double the strike
Far SeerLightning Shield - Big Seer+200 ranges aoe
Far SeerLightning Shield - Lucky SeerWhen Casts a spell 50% chance to place Lightning Shield on a random Unit Around.
Fire LordLava Flamming4% Max Life/s Regeneration to allied units.
Fire LordHellfire BlastBurn the target during 4 seconds.
Fire LordFire Rain - Napalm Rainx2 Size
Fire LordFire Rain - Rainy Days50% chance to refresh the cd
Fire LordVolcanox2 Duration
HereticIlluminateHeals allied units
HereticUnholy Aura-0.5 sec period
HereticAngel Wrath+300 Aoe
HereticHoly StrikesDamage to enemies.
HuntressVolley+5 javelins
LichSpawn Crystal Infernal20% chance to spawn a powerful Infernal on cast.
LichSub Zero Shard15% chance to spawn an ice golem when a unit dies.
LichChain of Frost+4 Bouces
LichIce Age - Spring Is Cancelledx2 Duration
MaidenFrosty Banana Bomb - Banana Split+1 bomb spawned each time.
MaidenFrosty Banana Bomb - Fresh Fruit+1 spawn
Mountain KingHammers Fall - Mithril Vein+4 Seconds.
Mountain KingHammers Fall - BlacksmithSpawn Periode /2
Plague DoctorPlague Doctor+40% damage
Plague DoctorShadow Strike+200 Aoe
Plague DoctorVenomous Gale+3 seconds.
Priestess of The MoonSearing Arrows40% chance to deals x2 damage. Only during Night.
Priestess of The MoonNbr Moon RaysAdd 5 beams.
Priestess of The MoonDuration Moon Rays+2 seconds duration. +4 during the night.
Shadow FiendShadow Bomb3 bolts spawned
Shadow FiendDark Blastx2 area
Shadow FiendRequiem of Souls100 Hp, 25 Mana restored each unit killed
SniperBuckshot20% chance to fire shrapnels.
SniperLiquid FireArea x2
SorceressMiniki Bomb+30% damage, Buff duration +1 second
SorceressCharm+300 Aoe, sheep / 2 spawn duration
SorceressFeed BackPassif +20% chance
Tauren ChieftainShockwave+20% Shockwave Damage, x2 Distance Max
Tauren ChieftainHoof Stomp - Golden Hoofx2 stunn duration
Tauren ChieftainEnchanted Axe+30% proc
Tauren ChieftainEarth Splitter+1 Slam
Tauren ChieftainRavage4 seconds stunn
Thunder GodThundergod Aura+300 Aoe
Thunder GodTaranis FuryThrow an other wave in random direction.
Thunder GodArc LightningSearch Radius x2
TinkerDual Laser Ray1 - Launch 2 lasers.|n2 - Launch 5 lasers.|n|nThat aghanim is stackable.
TinkerRocket Rain+10 rockets
TinkerPlasma Wave+4 seconds.
TinkerRocket Barrage+200 aoe
TinkerNuclear Strike-50 seconds cooldown

Events :
There are a few events in the map.
Rachiiiise Event : Just call every single unit in the map to attack you.
Fountain Strike : The buildings in the arena send bolts or other fire weapons in the arena. Be careful to not being hit.
Special Wave : Create a massive wave on a random location in the map.
Bosses Spawn : Some bosses will pop on the map. The frequency depends on the map mode.
Lvl Death : When a level is closed every creeps of the level pop instanlty.
Magic Chest : Sometimes a special chest will fall down on the map. This spawn loot when it is killed.
Skeleton Rush : A lot of skeletons raised on the arena and attacks the middle of the map.



















Work In Progress

  • Still working on Xp gain.
  • Balancing Work
  • Heroes
  • Scrolls

V 1,49 :

Add 1 item
Divine Rapier is now Lvl 7 Item
Increase Hp Scarinox Heart and life Regen

V 1,47 :

Fix 5 spells
Add 2 Items
Add 14 Aghanims
Add filter to increase Aghanim apparition for playing heroes
Add Spell Static Field to Zeus (Boss)
Fix Diablo Spells
Rework Magic Sheep Damage
Rework Fountain Damage
Rework Heroes Damage
Add More Diablo Resistance

V 1,43 :
Fix 3 spells
Add 1 item
Debug illusions's heroes death

V 1,37 :
Added 10 Items in Loot
Fix bug on Broom Flight for the Sorceress
Added to the Titan Tank the spell Titan Armor
Rework Bosses Stats and Spells damage
Rework Unit Stats and Levels of Events
Increasing Diablo Stats

V 1,35 :
Fix some events and bosses
Add 2 new items
Reworked Rings of Protections

V 1,33 :
Fix little param error

V 1,32 :
Add 6 Aghanims
Balance Heroes
Add End cinematic

V 1,30 :
Add Final Boss
Add final Events Diablo
Add 3 items
Add 1 boss
Add 11 Aghanims
Rework Items Mana Cost / Cooldown
Fix Bug with Die Tomorrow
Lower life bonus for creeps during multiple players game
Add 3 songs
Now Aghanims can't be picked, if it's not for the specific hero

V 1,23 :
Add Items Models
Change File name to allow rooms

V 1,21 :
Fix shop bug

V 1,20 :
Try to fix Death bug

V 1,18 :
Add 3 items
Add 1 Item

V 1,16 :
Correct Bugs
Add 1 Item

V 1,14 :
Add Credits list
Add 2 Items
Add 1 Boss

V 1,12 :
Correct a few bugs
Add 3 Items
Add 1 Hero

V 1,10 :
Correct a few bugs
Add 4 Items
Add 1 Hero
Add 1 boss

V 1,0 :
First release


Special Thanks:

  • The Helper
  • Hive WorkShop
  • The Warcraft 3 French Community
  • Blizzard
  • chaosrealm.co

Models Credits:

  • Vinz
  • JetFangInferno
  • Bon_Jovi
  • SuPa-
  • doom_sheep
  • ChevronSeven
  • Callahan
  • Matarael
  • Elunes-Guardian
  • Champara Bros
  • Weep
  • Pyritie
  • florent86
  • NightSkyAurora
  • RavenBlackbird
  • Hantoo
  • Rubellu Sidus
  • Kwaliti
  • ironmaiden
  • Ujimasa Hojo
  • nGy
  • General Frank
  • Iyzz_Fryzz
  • BurninRose
  • EmawWyvern
  • Vile
  • Mainy
  • War_Golum
  • DeadEnd123
  • Tiki
  • JesusHipster
  • The_Spellweaver
  • Stefan.K
  • johnwar

Author's notes

I really put a lot of work and effort in that map. I hope you gonna enjoy it, as much as I had to create it.
The gameplay of the map is pretty simple. But just play it as a huge fight for fun, rest and recreation. :D

If you have some ideas about spells, events, modes, just send me an e-mail at : [email protected]

Keywords : War, Arena, Battle, Fight, Death, Kill, Spell, Game, Ability,

I appreciate feedback and suggestions!
I really appreciate if you can send me some streams of your games. To improve my description. With credits of course.


Planet Doom V1.49 (Map)

Credits added. Approved.
A New version has been released. Have fun.

In that version I added the last battle against the boss! So have fun.

I posted a few pictures, to show you what's means WAR. I hope you had fun with that map. If you have videoes or pictures that you want to share.
I can post them here or on my Facebook. link

Of course I will give you some credits :D

Have a nice day and a lot of bloody kills.
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Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
A credits list in the map description with the names of the authors whose resources you've used is mandatory. That includes models, skins, icons, custom spells, systems. Also, sounds, music and everything outside this site.
This helps you with the models, skins and icons from Hiveworkshop: Resources in use by Planet Doom V1,12
You can also upload your map here to generate a list: Asset scanner

Also, abilities have the same description on every level. You don't know what the max level is or more importantly, what values of the spell properties are for each level.
Some items like the potion of healing also don't say how much they heal.

Other than that, a nice map but pretty much eye candy dopamine rush.

Awaiting Update.

If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange!


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  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

M A P - C R E A T I O N - G U I D E S

If you're not satisfied with the review and wish another opinion, contact the other reviewers or use the staff contact:
A credits list in the map description with the names of the authors whose resources you've used is mandatory. That includes models, skins, icons, custom spells, systems. Also, sounds, music and everything outside this site.
This helps you with the models, skins and icons from Hiveworkshop: Resources in use by Planet Doom V1,12
You can also upload your map here to generate a list: Asset scanner

Also, abilities have the same description on every level. You don't know what the max level is or more importantly, what values of the spell properties are for each level.
Some items like the potion of healing also don't say how much they heal.

Other than that, a nice map but pretty much eye candy dopamine rush.

Awaiting Update.

If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange!


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Describing Your Melee Map
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The importance of a Description
Description Guide - Maps
Map Thread Guide
Map Description Making: Good & Bad
Map Description - Templates
Map Description Generator [1.2]

How to Add a Screenshot to your Map Description

  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

M A P - C R E A T I O N - G U I D E S

If you're not satisfied with the review and wish another opinion, contact the other reviewers or use the staff contact:
Hello man,
I uploaded a new version,
thanks for your work man
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Level 6
Jul 27, 2020
The idea is good
But i think creating a map with lot of units in warcraft is not very good at all
I played it 20 minutes with builder
the enemy just cant move because they number are too many they get stuck
The challenge that this map has to offer is too little
my buildings easily killed every boss , i didnt even realized when they come and when they died
the only thing that got me to 20% health was a random event
Anyway map is good but like i said creeps got mostly stuck and cant move properly
Level 4
Apr 28, 2009

me and a friend wanted to try out your latest version 1.20 and it seems bugged. We can't select a hero because there is no tavern.
Level 14
Jan 16, 2009
I had some fun with it!
  • Took me way to long to realize you could spend gold.
  • I think only shards for heroes that are here should drop or at least you shouldn't be able to pickup shards that are not for you.
  • At the moment, I think the game lacks build variety and "goals".
  • Even though items serve the building part, it's kind of tedious to drop and find new items in Warcraft 3 and items disappear pretty fast.
  • Sometimes they are so many enemies you can't pickup any new which can become a "negative" snowball.
  • Played the heretic, only found one shard type for him - not sure if it stacked or not.
  • Also you could spread the player owning the creeps to increase the number of creeps you can have before they get "stuck". If you use the remaining 19 slots, it will get much better! You could change each player slot color and name to make it seamless for the players.
Level 4
Apr 28, 2009
I tested the 1.23 with a friend two times and here are my thoughts/suggestions/critics points

my mate likes this map.

- Spawn and attack/ movement triggers of creeps needs adjustment (creeps aren't moving)
If you would for example set spawn triggers to spawn max like 500 units could help, also for the movement instead of moving/attack triggers adjust the Acquisition Range of Units (the range they start targeting a unit something to 1500?)
set limit of spawned units to 500, if you want the new wave the spawn, then just remove some creeps before

  • map has huge performance problems // do you remove memory leaks / load models before first using ?
  • balance of creeps / heroes is really bad, after like 13 minutes creeps had like 7k hp each (really difficult to kill something with spell casters, since 40 magic damage costs 3k gold and bounty seems never to raise even with difficult creeps)
  • Why you can pick up scepter upgrades for other heroes??? if then else could help..
  • tooltip without any spell damage information // if you are lazy you could add something like damage [200 * ability level] in tooltip

My ideas:

- Max Lives to 5 per Player but instead of spawning at the point where you died, you controll a invul wisp (just placement model) without collision size that has a ability "revive hero" that spawns the hero at the wisp point
- Goal: -kill 5000 creeps x player number (for example) to win // its always great to have a goal in a map with a win condition

my rating 1.5/ 5 (here voted ~2)
I tested the 1.23 with a friend two times and here are my thoughts/suggestions/critics points

my mate likes this map.

- Spawn and attack/ movement triggers of creeps needs adjustment (creeps aren't moving)
If you would for example set spawn triggers to spawn max like 500 units could help, also for the movement instead of moving/attack triggers adjust the Acquisition Range of Units (the range they start targeting a unit something to 1500?)
set limit of spawned units to 500, if you want the new wave the spawn, then just remove some creeps before

  • map has huge performance problems // do you remove memory leaks / load models before first using ?
  • balance of creeps / heroes is really bad, after like 13 minutes creeps had like 7k hp each (really difficult to kill something with spell casters, since 40 magic damage costs 3k gold and bounty seems never to raise even with difficult creeps)
  • Why you can pick up scepter upgrades for other heroes??? if then else could help..
  • tooltip without any spell damage information // if you are lazy you could add something like damage [200 * ability level] in tooltip

My ideas:

- Max Lives to 5 per Player but instead of spawning at the point where you died, you controll a invul wisp (just placement model) without collision size that has a ability "revive hero" that spawns the hero at the wisp point
- Goal: -kill 5000 creeps x player number (for example) to win // its always great to have a goal in a map with a win condition

my rating 1.5/ 5 (here voted ~2)

Hello thanks for playing my map man. Good that your friend liked it!

Yeah that map has performance problems. That is due to the fact that warcraft 3 does not manage huge amout of units.
Trust me I have no memory leaks... but just the too big amount of units deaks that.

You're playing with other player so there a 2 times more units.
Play alone and you will see it's playable.

- creeps aren't moving because there are too much units. For that reason I putted the map in an empty area squared.

- units has better stats because you're two so I increased for difficulty. I will lower this. Boss will havr better resistance against units.

- aghanim pick. I already have that suggestion. I will do it.

- tooltips. I know but I don't really like to add them. And not knowing that add chaos in that crazy hell map. Damage increases is not linear.
2000 (for example)

- the iddea with the wisp can be a good idea. I will see it.

- there is a goal in the map. After all there is the final wave. Then a cool boss fight. That I must add. Just a goal about kill is not enough. The gran villain must be Diablo!

I made that map as a big huge fight to have fun. I personally played alone after a long day. The problems happens when you play with other players. It becomes too simple. So I had to increase everything.

Btw I'm glad you had fun. What hero did you pick?
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Level 12
Mar 4, 2014

Did two runs solo, first run I got to the last boss and died but my hero didn't revive, that was the second time I died the whole game, kinda sad, I played with the Sniper hero.
Second run I managed to finish it, i died multiple times at the final boss but my hero did revive this time so that was nice, played with Tauren Chieftain.

On the first run, I played on normal mode, and the second one on extreme.
I played on the latest version of war3.

- I loved the cinematic at the end, was Super Epic :goblin_yeah:

- I liked the items, some of them are similar to the Dota items I believe but with higher stats I guess and others were quite unique.

- The hero spells were fine.

- The music was cool.


- The spell effects are a bit too much, they are way too strong, I could barely see the gameplay because of those flashy effects, you gotta scale them down by a lot, talking mainly about the Sniper hero here since Tauren Chieftain didn't have this problem with his spells.

- While the game seems fun and interesting at first, after 10 minutes it starts to get stale since is pretty much the same gameplay, while there seem to be some sort of events happening from time to time they aren't that impressive, like the extra creeps spawn and the fire bolts.

- There is a problem with the mobs, there are just too many of them, especially in the early game, and that causes the game to drop lots of fps and the classic war3 problem where the creeps just stay in one place because of the crowding without being able to move, I know this problem can't be fixed since is a war3 game engine limitation but I just pointed it out just in case.

- The bosses were pretty weak and didn't do much, they were just like the other mobs, they were dying too fast to even use their spells, they needed to be buffed a bit and make use of their spells even when they are not in melee range. (I liked how they gave gold and 15 stats when they got defeated tho)

- The shops might be the weakest point of the map, since there is the same shop in each corner, and the shop just gives basic stats like dmg and hp, not even str/agi or int, because of that you can just spend money on dmg and hp regen and health, but is kinda lame since is a very low increase anyway, there should be more shops with different things to buy like recipes and what not.

There could be a shop where u can buy the items that already dropped from the mobs and vanished, this way the players can build their heroes better with the items they wanted.

And talking about vanishing items, I'm not a fan of that, items should not disappear by themselves, especially in the chaos of gameplay where there are mobs everywhere, is hard to see the items sometimes and you could easily lose them, I suggest just implementing a command to clear the items for the players to use when they want to, that would help.

- Spells tend to fall off in the late game, even when I bought just magic dmg from the shops with the Tauren chieftain, his spells were still doing almost no damage compared to his auto attacks, the late-game items that drop are just so op compared to the dmg from spells is not even close, I think the spells should be able to scale with stats or dmg, and should be able to be upgraded as well.

tauren items.png
For example, the items I had here on my hero were enough to kill any pack of mobs in just a few seconds cuz of the high dmg and cleave + that op trident item that deals % hp per sec in aoe, i must say it felt pretty awesome killing them so flawlessly, but like I said, I stopped using spells all together after I got them :gg:

- Talking about upgrades, while I liked the spell upgrades that drop once in a while they felt super underwhelming, they weren't that helpful, at all, for example, I only saw 1 spell upgrade when I played with the Tauren chieftain and that was to add a 4-sec stun to my ultimate... that does nothing since is all about the dmg and killing units as fast as possible.

There should be more upgrades for each spell, that increase the dmg and the range of the spell, which would help a lot, especially in the late-game.

My rating for this map is an 𝓐 Tier (Great) with 88 points out of 100.
Thanks for your review. I hope you had fun with your 2 games.

Some items looks like Dota items but they are not many.

While the game seems fun and interesting at first, after 10 minutes it starts to get stale since is pretty much the same gameplay, while there seem to be some sort of events happening from time to time they aren't that impressive, like the extra creeps spawn and the fire bolts.

This game is mawe to kills a lot of creeps. Basic gameplay to relax after a long day of work. It is changed a bit with events items and bosses. It's a hero defense so the gameplay can't chanbge that much.

I added a few more upgrades for hero spells.

Talking about upgrades, while I liked the spell upgrades that drop once in a while they felt super underwhelming, they weren't that helpful, at all, for example, I only saw 1 spell upgrade when I played with the Tauren chieftain and that was to add a 4-sec stun to my ultimate... that does nothing since is all about the dmg and killing units as fast as possible.

I added a system to filter upgrades in function of heroes playing. To get more chance to have a useful upgrade.

For example, the items I had here on my hero were enough to kill any pack of mobs in just a few seconds cuz of the high dmg and cleave + that op trident item that deals % hp per sec in aoe, i must say it felt pretty awesome killing them so flawlessly, but like I said, I stopped using spells all together after I got them :gg:

They are very powerful magic and attack damage spell. To allow every player create their own build. It depends of the items dropped. :D

I added some new abilities on items.
And I rebalanced damages/stats from bosses
I changed spells damage.
I balanced some items mana cost/cooldown.
I balanced foutain events, sheep damage.
I reworked Diablo (this gonna be harder!!!)

I'm still working on that map. I take the sugestions.
Next release will have a lot of new content.
Hello Everyone
I hope, you're all good

I made a big release with all that points
Fix 5 spells
Add 2 Items
Add 14 Aghanims
Add system to filter Aghanim in function of heroes playing
Add Spell Static Field to Zeus (Boss)
Fix Diablo Spells
Rework Magic Sheep Damage
Rework Fountain Damage
Rework Heroes/Bosses Damage
Add More Diablo Resistance
Rework damage Diablo creeps spells

I added in the description, the item list and aghanim list.

I hope you gonna love it!

Have a nice day!
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