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Modeling Contest #28 - Wizards

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Level 49
Apr 18, 2008


Contestants are to create a unit or a hero whose main form of combat is magical in nature. The model needs to clearly show that the unit or hero in question is a mage or wizard of some kind or another - this includes traditional wizards, warlocks, witches, illusionists, necromancers, psychics and spellblades, as long as it is obvious that the character primarily or heavily utilizes magic in combat.


  • No submission may violate any of the site rules.
  • If a submission does not follow the model submission rules the creator will be disqualified.
  • All submissions must follow the current theme. If any model does not fit, a judge or the host will tell you as soon as possible as to avoid confusion.
  • Your submission must be posted before the deadline. The post containing your final submission must also contain the following:
    • An in game screenshot showing your submission in action.
    • All files in their appropriate format - any textures and additional effects you might have made, as well as the model itself along with an optional portrait.
  • You must show at least one unfinished preview of your submission, before the deadline, as proof that it’s yours.
  • Your submission may not be started/made before the official launch of the contest.
  • Judges may not participate.
  • Your final submission must be bug free.
  • Teamwork is not allowed.
  • Must contain the following animations, and more if possible:
    • Stand
    • Attack
    • Spell (Attack Spell counts for this purpose)
    • Death
    • Decay or Decay Flesh + Decay Bone and\or Dissipate (depending on the type of model you make, but at least one type of decay animation must be included)
    • Portrait Animations (whether it's for a camera or a separate portrait model)


  • First Place: 60 reputation points and your entry on the award icon.
  • Second Place: 40 reputation points and an award icon.
  • Third Place: 25 reputation points and an award icon.
  • Participation: 5 reputation points.


  • Misha
  • General Frank
Anyone who has knowledge in the field of modeling and is deemed acceptable by the contest's host may become a judge - simply post in this thread showing your willingness to judge and you shall be evaluated.


The geometry of the model, the wire-frame that gives your model a physical form and silhouette. Does the shape look clean or deformed? Are all ends capped, are there any stray faces, etc? Clean, distinctive meshes graded highly; deformed or incomplete meshes graded poorly.10 Points

Textures / UV Wrap
The textures of a model, be they custom made or taken from the game, give your model character and substance. Is the texture well made; is it blurry, does it have a pleasant color scheme, does it have detail, etc? Or, if in-game textures were used, how well were they wrapped? Are there parts that are clipped, misaligned or stretched? How clever or original is your use of in-game materials? In either case, how fitting are the textures to the game and to your concept? Clean, effective texture-work graded highly; cluttered or haphazard textures graded poorly.10 Points

The movement of your model. The animations give your model life, character, a personality. Are these animations smooth or choppy? Are they organic or cold and robotic, and was this the intended effect? Do the animations deform or clip parts of the mesh?
10 Points

The general idea of your model. How original is your concept? Is it an entirely new idea, or is it a unique interpretation of an old one? What has the creator added to make the idea 'his own'? How does the concept compare to other Warcraft III units, does it fit or does it feel entirely out of place?10 Points

Does the model contain all required mechanics in order to make it function properly within Warcraft III? These mechanics include collision objects, sounds, footprints, spawn objects, attachment points, proper geoset animations, proper use of Decay\Dissipate animation mechanics, and other mechanics.5 Points

The implementation of various effects, ranging from particle emitters, ribbon emitters, and some 3D geometry(such as shockwave planes, glows, etc). When done right, their addition helps flesh out the model and may significantly improves its quality. When done wrong, the opposite may occur and their presence may be detrimental. In the event in which the presence of effects is deemed unnecessary, some points should be granted to avoid unfairness.5 Points
  • 60% of the winner shall be determined by the contest's appointed judges.
  • 40% of the winner shall be determined by the results of a public poll.


Below is a list of entrants and their latest work-in-progress post to help hosts, judges and watchers alike keep track of the contest and the contestants' progress.

ContestantStatus and Link
DirefuryFinal Submission
-GrendelFinal Submission
FreddykFinal Submission
GlumaFinal Submission
HayateFinal Submission
MatiSFinal Submission
PROXYFinal Submission
Pvt.TomaFinal Submission
Blood RavenWIP


  • The contest shall begin on the 17th of August, 2015 and conclude on the 15th of November, 2015, 00:01 GMT.
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Level 21
Feb 23, 2015
I'm in :). I've already made concept art of what's I'm planning to make:

Proportions on concept are rather weird, but model will be much more realistic :).
High Elf priestess called the Sunblessed. She uses her crystals to store light of the sun, and unleashes it to aid high elfs in combat.

PS: would it be against the rules if I copy face mesh from blizz model and then heavily modify it, change texture etc. so it's unrecognizable? I can make entire model from scratch, but face is rather hard.


  • Sunblessed.jpg
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Level 25
Jul 30, 2013
Already making progress; got a simple texture up, and a plan for the mesh. Not very Wizard-y yet, but trust me, I have a very good plan for this.


Picture does not show :( I'm interested to that Stormreaver theme though.

I started from head, here's WiP:
View attachment 147609

Looks amazing right now, looking forward to more progress. Custom texture?

Well I don't know what I making but whatever it become then what it is
I haven't do anything to the face yet
And still need alot of Tweak

Not Sure want to use In-game Texture or Custom Texture
but most Probably going for custom texture, Because I lazy to Play with wrap anyway XD

Hopefully I will finish it and Won't dump it Halfway XD

Edit: Or maybe Dump this and Make the one picture on the 1st Post XD
Level 21
Feb 23, 2015
Already making progress; got a simple texture up, and a plan for the mesh. Not very Wizard-y yet, but trust me, I have a very good plan for this.


He reminds me of Randall Flagg from Stephen King's The Stand. I don't know why... Looks awesome.

Looks amazing right now, looking forward to more progress. Custom texture?
Yeah, custom. Parts of texture will be CnP, parts will be handmade.

Already looks really 'wizardy' :-D
He reminds me of Randall Flagg from Stephen King's The Stand. I don't know why... Looks awesome.

Yeah, custom. Parts of texture will be CnP, parts will be handmade.

Already looks really 'wizardy' :-D

If I continue the Mesh, Most Probably either turn into a High Elf Mage, Ice Mage, Or A Evil/Shadow-ish Mage :p (Or Crow Mage? XD)

Or maybe ... Moon Mage, Oh Yeah NE Moon Mage XD... Will see what Happen to it later XD

Decided, This is Going to be a Night Elf Luna Mage
Level 40
Jul 26, 2004
Wow guys, all of these WIPs look so awesome! I'm down with the flu right now so not really feeling up to modeling at the moment. I started drawing some concept though, with my very limited drawing skills.
Next week I'll be on vacation in Thailand. When I get home though you can expect some WIPs. If the contest is concluding 1st of November I should have plenty of time.
And here's my concept (no, I didn't draw that). I might change and mix some elements with other concepts, but overall, it will be an armored lich with sword and staff, who will have alternate animations without weapons where he's levitating and casting stuff with his hands.

Basically, the first set of animations will include him slashing with his sword, hope that is allowed. He will still have cast animations and in the "critical hit" animation he will imbue his sword with magic.

Still, I have no idea how well it will turn out with my current modeling experience, I hope it will be awesome.


  • Lich.png
    402.4 KB · Views: 264
Level 40
Jul 26, 2004
So many cool WIPs. This is shaping up to be an epic contest.

Still feeling like shit, so I don't have any mesh to show. I did sketch up a quick concept though (I apologize in advance for my horrid drawing skills):


Considering giving him a cape to make him more heroic, but I don't know how much it would fit his character.

I don't know how much I'll follow the concept to be honest, but it's good to have for the initial modeling. I'll probably be making a lot of changes after the initial meshing phase is done (scaling up shoulderpads, hands, feet etc).

I will be going for a mix of the following looks:







  • concept.JPG
    219 KB · Views: 823
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Level 46
Jul 29, 2008

Still feeling like shit, so I don't have any mesh to show. I did sketch up a quick concept though (I apologize in advance for my horrid drawing skills):


Yeah, "horrid" drawing skills...
*quickly hides my magnum opus*

So, not promising I'll finish anything (as usual, herp derp) but here's my ultra rough-and-dirty concept:

YOU again. See above.
So many cool WIPs. This is shaping up to be an epic contest.

Still feeling like shit, so I don't have any mesh to show. I did sketch up a quick concept though (I apologize in advance for my horrid drawing skills):


Considering giving him a cape to make him more heroic, but I don't know how much it would fit his character.

I don't know how much I'll follow the concept to be honest, but it's good to have for the initial modeling. I'll probably be making a lot of changes after the initial meshing phase is done (scaling up shoulderpads, hands, feet etc).

I will be going for a mix of the following looks:





As long as I remember, young Khadgar had long hair. (Actually old one should have too, but blizz fucked that up in his WoW image, because he got old because of Medivh's curse, so his hair should remain intact.)
Nice concept.

Here's a generic, rough concept. Going to focus on adding a lot more character and variety in the actual model. I'm not much of a concept guy.

A blood mage? That's pretty creative brah :)
Level 40
Jul 26, 2004
Yeah, "horrid" drawing skills...
*quickly hides my magnum opus*

Haha :p Nah, but seriously that's like the limit of my drawing skills. And I had to use a f-load of reference images while drawing it.

Now this -

Here's a generic, rough concept. Going to focus on adding a lot more character and variety in the actual model. I'm not much of a concept guy.

is a fucking concept! Damn. I wish I could paint like that :( How do you do that..?
Do you paint the silhouette with a solid colour first? Seems to work better than starting with line-art, especially for game concepts.

As long as I remember, young Khadgar had long hair. (Actually old one should have too, but blizz fucked that up in his WoW image, because he got old because of Medivh's curse, so his hair should remain intact.)
Nice concept.

Actually I think he always had short hair. His icon in WC2 had short hair and also his model in the CGI cinematics. I don't think he ever had long hair/beard until the vanilla WoW statue/TBC model.
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Actually I think he always had short hair. His icon in WC2 had short hair and also his model in the CGI cinematics. I don't think he ever had long hair/beard until the vanilla WoW statue/TBC model.
That's because he was never shown young in WC2, he might've cut it after that curse :p
What I'm trying to say is that he looks way more badass with long hair. Atleast make the young version so :)
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