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Lost Spirit Platformer

This bundle is marked as high quality. It exceeds standards and is highly desirable.
Welcome to The Lost Spirit! I made this game for my brother who didn't think Warcraft 3 could support a platformer. I honestly only thought it would take a couple of days, but it took probably 5 or so to make.

The Lost Spirit is a platformer with smooth motion, fun graphics concepts and a Very easy to use custom level maker and tutorial for doing so (In trigger editor).

This map is unprotected and includes a template map so that you can make your own, and if you do I'd love for you to post your maps in this thread so I can play them too!

Credits are listed in the trigger editor, in game. After reading submission rules, also here:



Firefly by: Em!
Gems by: General Frank
Star Sky by: ILH
All other Models: Veronnis


Ibb and Obb, a 2d platformer game available on steam. ~$12
Steam Community :: ibb & obb



Made for my brother who wanted to see a platformer in Warcraft 3.

Special Thanks to Killcide for:
Pretty much teaching me MUI triggering.
Playtesting the map to diagnose a buff error.
Very helpful mentorship in general.
Changes as of:
Corrected a mismeasured wall pointed out by Knecht, thank you sir!
Added Template map to main map thereby creating a bundle that includes the template.
Updated Description.
Added more screenshots after it for some reason started letting me take them.
Corrected "Green Icon" issue from improper DISBTN naming.
Refined map description, added link for Ibb & Obb for steam users.
Having linking difficulties, but here is the album.
Links for Screenshots | HIVE

Video of Gameplay (Recorded during beta, actual game has some unshown improvements)

I really hope you enjoy the game and that you don't feel like you're playing Warcraft 3!


Lost Spirit Platformer (Map)

Lost Spirit Platformer [Template] (Map)

Level 11
Oct 20, 2016
i love your idea. i really enjoy playing especially when i jump in the flame. i didn't seen any problems at all in the game ;)
-the terrain is good but i have a suggestion its better you add moon and a shooting star - it will arrive in a few minutes ( just my opinion its up to you if you like my idea )
-add changelog- if there's some changes in your map
btw, good job mate! if you want to improve your description,just click the link


If you want a better description this will help you:

How to add screenshots:

Deleted member 247165


Deleted member 247165

Awesome concept. REP + 5/5 for making this in Warcraft 3
Level 22
Sep 24, 2017
It would be neat to add some selfdestruct command if anyone got stuck. Cause I got stuck on my first playthrough in the frozen/speed buff section when I jumped over the spikes. Took a second to figure that part out :D All in all great map, loved the atmosphere and gameplay. It's quite wonderful to see the many possibilities of the editor tool.


Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
1. Avoid playing music through the sound channel. Use the other Play Music trigger.
2. The invisible icons of movement have no DISBTNs (they look like green squares on pause/F10). You should also make the DISBTNs the same as the icon.

I suggest uploading the template version in the same post (first one/opening) instead of leaving it out in a different post. This way, people will download both maps (in an archive).

Anyways, a good game that comes with a template.



Always check/recheck the Map Submission Rules! (Map Submission Rules)

These will help make a better description:

Screenshots could attract more players to download your work. Make the best of them.

A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.

To make your work run smoother, fix the so called leaks: Triggers - Memory Leaks and Custom Scripts

If you want more reviews, come here:
The Grand Review Exchange!
Level 26
Oct 2, 2011
Creative and cool.
I don't have the energy to write a review right now, but this was nice. Could be smoother in some senses, and improved in some ways, but still good. I really like the scarce and minimalistic level layout too.

I tinkered with a very similiar thing once. This inspired me again... :)
Good job man!
@deepstrasz, thank you for your remarks. I had tried to create disbtns for the icons, but could never get them to implement properly thinking maybe it doesn't work with certain UI icons, but I'll have to try again. Also, thank you for your review and suggestion to include the template in the archive. I didn't notice I could upload more than one map. I'll update it!


Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
But the easy way out is to just copy the icon and rename it to DISBTN[name of icon].blp so you basically have the same icon for active and disabled mode.
That's actually what I did and it just made it solid green both paused and unpaused. I'll investigate it again this weekend :)

Edit: I have fixed the icon to now work properly. Thank you!
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Level 6
Mar 7, 2011
nice lighting and atmosphere. im a sucker for platformer maps so of course i loved it. i especially liked the part on the first level where you use a big hill to make it look like the player's wisp is coming out of the screen and then back in. i immediately started thinking of any good spots that idea could fit into my platforming content...

your use of a dying unit in the user's selection to indicate remaining time on a buff is a good feature too

you might want to consider either a patch targeting Reforged or setting the map to support SD only. its a little confusing as-is in Reforged
nice lighting and atmosphere. im a sucker for platformer maps so of course i loved it. i especially liked the part on the first level where you use a big hill to make it look like the player's wisp is coming out of the screen and then back in. i immediately started thinking of any good spots that idea could fit into my platforming content...

your use of a dying unit in the user's selection to indicate remaining time on a buff is a good feature too

you might want to consider either a patch targeting Reforged or setting the map to support SD only. its a little confusing as-is in Reforged
Unfortunately reforged doesn't support alpha tiles atm so I am not sure what to do about that ><

Edit: Just realized u referenced an SD lock. Which I forgot I could do. I'll go fix it lol.
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