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[Hive's Battlefield] - A community Map

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@ bigapple90 hey there dude! :)

@ Mr.Goblin well that's pretty far away of the time limit we spoke of uh..

The terrain is mainly done so I am sorry, I have terrainers enough for now :)
However, your interest is welcome.

I,m more than sorry about that.

as soon as I can, I will work on them.
new icon made..

only 3 more left?

Hold, attack and cancel ?


  • BTNAtack copy copy.png
    BTNAtack copy copy.png
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Level 23
Dec 20, 2009
But what wouldn't take to long to improve would be the top of the yellow arrow part. the yellow is too intense there, maybe try adding some more shading to the base and some more whit yellow to the upper part. apart from that those icons are great and really fitting to the map atmosphere. thumbs up!
But what wouldn't take to long to improve would be the top of the yellow arrow part. the yellow is too intense there, maybe try adding some more shading to the base and some more whit yellow to the upper part. apart from that those icons are great and really fitting to the map atmosphere. thumbs up!
I agree, fixing that area would be a nice idea.
Level 19
Nov 16, 2006
They just drop out on me.
As you can see people aren't responding to things anymore.

I think its their job being interested in the project instead of me telling what they could do.
I mean, I offer things what they can do and they only need to check for it.
I am lucky with a few users which helped me and I appreciate it.
Level 14
Jun 13, 2007
Quite hard to see something happening when the threads are closed.
People get demotivated and they lose their interest.

I was expecting that.

I am back, any news on the project?

They clearly didn't work because people kept argueing, kinda like I am doing right now.

Anyways if people keep dropping out of the team then make sure before you recruit them that they have enough time. I guess since this is a offically promoted map by hiveworkshop you could give them a punishment for just dropping out without any real excuse.
They clearly didn't work because people kept argueing, kinda like I am doing right now.
We argue ideas for the project. In case you haven't seen we created tons of ideas. This is good. This way the rest of the team will have all the details they need to start working.

Anyways if people keep dropping out of the team then make sure before you recruit them that they have enough time. I guess since this is a offically promoted map by hiveworkshop you could give them a punishment for just dropping out without any real excuse.
This way people won't join at all. I know I wouldn't join. I am helping the project by donating my time and ideas. It is unfair to get punished if real life requires more attention from me than the project.
Level 14
Jun 13, 2007
We argue ideas for the project. In case you haven't seen we created tons of ideas. This is good. This way the rest of the team will have all the details they need to start working.

No, we (the community) should make suggestions, the developers take whatever they like and mess with it to fit the map.

This way people won't join at all. I know I wouldn't join. I am helping the project by donating my time and ideas. It is unfair to get punished if real life requires more attention from me than the project.

Well, if real life is busy then it's more important to just donate something, like a model/system and not join the real team. The team should be able to work on the map atleast most of the time and if you got a good excuse (like someone you know passing away/exams etc.) then I'm sure they can cut you a break. However if you're just to lazy to work then... well you shouldn't have joined the team in the first place. I'm not saying that you need full time developers but something must atleast be done and if you say that you can fix something then you better damn fix it aswell or else you'll end up with something like the solo mapping contest is right now.

edit: ... seriously though, let's not discuss this here. I'm sorry.
Well, if real life is busy then it's more important to just donate something, like a model/system and not join the real team. The team should be able to work on the map atleast most of the time and if you got a good excuse (like someone you know passing away/exams etc.) then I'm sure they can cut you a break. However if you're just to lazy to work then... well you shouldn't have joined the team in the first place. I'm not saying that you need full time developers but something must atleast be done and if you say that you can fix something then you better damn fix it aswell or else you'll end up with something like the solo mapping contest is right now.

Actually this is probably the best place to deal with this - we need to keep the team members. But of course you can't punish people for living life (nor do we have the authority to punish people) - and people constantly bothering you to work on their project just makes you want to work on it less so we can't constantly nag people.
No, we (the community) should make suggestions, the developers take whatever they like and mess with it to fit the map.
The developers work is to implement our ideas. In order to do so, they must know the specifications. That is what I try to give them - the specifications.
Balance is for the Beta testers, not the developers (coders, icon makers, model makers, terrain makers and so on).
Actually this is probably the best place to deal with this - we need to keep the team members. But of course you can't punish people for living life (nor do we have the authority to punish people) - and people constantly bothering you to work on their project just makes you want to work on it less so we can't constantly nag people.
I totally agree. You should know that as a member of the team you are not receiving anything, you are instead giving what you have. You can't punish people for giving what they can.

However I agree that if you know you don't have time you should just donate a model or something and not join the actual team.
Level 11
Jun 28, 2008
Actually, developers are there to make the idea of some guy, that they like (the idea, not the guy), a reality. They are not there to put in all ideas that are given like you said.
And balance is not for Beta testers. It is for main idea guys. After Beta testers test it and report some any unbalances, which developers fix.
It is stupid to join the team and do nothing, but that is people. And we all know what we signed up for. I am still waiting for some model ideas. debode first has to finish his though.

And please stop arguing about, well, everything. Give ideas or don't say anything. Its not the point to read the ideas and say to one guy "Your idea sucks, they will never implement it you idiot". Not necessarily in that manner of speaking, but..
Level 14
Nov 18, 2007
I haven't been lost interest in this project -> I've been checking this thread. I haven't really posted anything since I don't really have anything to add to the discussion (Not like anyone even really pays attention to my posts anyway) and I was a tad busy with real life.

I'm waiting to do something for this project. Like I said before though, I'm not a great vJasser and my expertise is in triggering for spells.
Level 11
Jun 28, 2008
Actually many peoples posts got ignored. There are 2 reasons:
1) Got hidden in all other posts of argument.
2) Not needed yet. Currently systems are being made, hero concepts submitted, and some models. Items and such things seem to have faded away from the view, mostly because there is no one to watch over them (like Septimus for heroes). They will be revived latter.
Actually, developers are there to make the idea of some guy, that they like (the idea, not the guy), a reality. They are not there to put in all ideas that are given like you said.
Wrong. The work of a developed is to implement all ideas that were picked by the leader (aka Xarwin).
This is how I see things.
And balance is not for Beta testers. It is for main idea guys.
Wrong again. How do you expect the people on the hero concept submission to balance their spells if they don't even know how the engine deals damage? They don't even know how the game will be played. The beta testers will know that stuff.
It is stupid to join the team and do nothing, but that is people.
I agree.
And we all know what we signed up for. I am still waiting for some model ideas.
Weren't you a suggestions giver / doodad maker ?I can think of something if you want :D

Items and such things seem to have faded away from the view, mostly because there is no one to watch over them
Items get ignored because they make no sense. You can not hope to make a decent item combination when the basics of the item system are not defined. You need to know the basics first (the foundations), only then you can make the items (the house).
Level 11
Jun 28, 2008
Flame, usually the leader is one of developers too. I wouldn't want to work on maps where leader does nothing, yet he gets all the credit for it. Its true that game companies work like that, but developers get paid.
And I don't know what you think, but a Beta tester only tests for bugs and imbalances. You are suggesting that a completely unbalanced game is handed over to beta testers. They wouldn't even know where to start. Nope. Idea guys give ideas, and make sure they are more or less balanced. Of course they can't make it perfect but yeah. And you say idea guys don't know what engine will be used. Doesn't matter. The amount of damage dealt is important. And Beta testers also probably don't know which engine is used. So what you say makes no sense what so ever.
Level 19
Nov 16, 2006
You either know what you're up for or don't join at all.
I know that some members have problems and some of them tell me about it.
And I still have all statements of people which joined this project and which I had to handle over to Ralle. The statement is a proof that this joined member would help in his specific field.

Oh btw, debode won't create the melee unit.
He didn't had the time.
Level 8
Aug 6, 2008
The nature of the wc3 modding just is that most of work is always done by one guy who is driving the project forward. People usually get exited of new projects fast, but if theres not progress being made, they tend to loose their interest.

So, its really all in your shoulders Xarwin. You gotta keep it alive, or it dies in silence.
Level 11
Jun 28, 2008
Well, I have to agree with Viikuna about idea that sucks.
Take DotA for example. This one, that is currently popular is 4th revival of it. Before they weren't that good. I played them, the early versions. They had a chimera and a frostwyrm in their base, respectively, circling around. There were also 20 heroes per side, that weren't that good imagined. So, basically it took ideas from a number of people to make it good, not just one dude.
Games become popular for innovative game-play that is fun (C&C1 was fun, C&C 4 sux, both having innovative game-play).
Here we have a rather big number of supporters, even if they just cheer for you. But we had about 20 people giving suggestions in different arias, so we have the "idea-power" to make this work.
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