• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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Hive's 2D Manipulation Workshop

Level 19
Oct 7, 2014
Can you guys add TC in these skin?


  • Tengu.zip
    239.2 KB · Views: 76
  • Tengu.png
    150.3 KB · Views: 546
Level 24
May 15, 2013

Here's tier 1 and 2. I've not finished the Masonries and tier 3 yet.


  • BTNObsidianRanged.JPG
    2 KB · Views: 141
  • BTNImprovedObsidianArmor.JPG
    2.6 KB · Views: 133
  • BTNObsidianArmor.JPG
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  • BTNImprovedObsidianMelee.JPG
    2.3 KB · Views: 136
  • BTNObsidianMelee.JPG
    2 KB · Views: 142
  • BTNImprovedObsidianRanged.JPG
    2.2 KB · Views: 137
  • BTNObsidianWeaponry.JPG
    2 KB · Views: 136
  • BTNImprovedObsidianWeaponry.JPG
    2.3 KB · Views: 128
  • Obsidian I-II.rar
    70.5 KB · Views: 72
Level 23
Apr 12, 2014
Can you guys add TC in these skin?

Tried to do this but it seems it's not possible in texturing. You can only add TC if that part of the model has TC originally, it seems the model don't have TC on those parts. Perhaps model edit must be at work, I don't know. Correct me if I'm wrong.


It became a blank spot.

Want to join the Workshop for quite some time.


  • TCthingie.png
    129.7 KB · Views: 388
Level 24
May 15, 2013
Holy f***ing piece of shit! That's so f***ing awesome! So damn cool! :cute:
If I could just give you a smooch! Thank you so much! I love you bro. I love you! Gimme some hug! :grin:

Please not, considering your a male and o'l. :D


  • BTNAdvancedObsidianArmor.JPG
    2.7 KB · Views: 108
  • BTNImbuedObsidianMasonry.JPG
    2.3 KB · Views: 114
  • BTNAdvancedObsidianMasonry.JPG
    2.1 KB · Views: 106
  • BTNImprovedObsidianMasonry.JPG
    1.9 KB · Views: 119
  • Obsidian III.rar
    68 KB · Views: 76
  • BTNAdvancedObsidianMelee.JPG
    2.4 KB · Views: 114
  • BTNAdvancedObsidianRanged.JPG
    2.4 KB · Views: 107
  • BTNAdvancedObsidianWeaponry.JPG
    2.9 KB · Views: 116




Sorry bub, This IS NOT The place for triggers, this is a Graphics Design workshop. But if you want help, You could go to the World Edit Help Zone.
Level 24
May 15, 2013
Maybe you can... : P

ALRIGHT, that took forever, but here's a Zip. All the instructions are inside. Thanks for whatever you find time to do! : )

Here are the direct used. Idk what kind of blue you want so I made it between dark trolls and darkspear trolls.
And for the jar, sorry for that, I'm bad with skulls ^_^


  • BTNTrollPythonWarriores.JPG
    2.3 KB · Views: 80
  • BTNTrollHealingDrums.JPG
    2.3 KB · Views: 70
  • BTNSkullJar.JPG
    2.6 KB · Views: 90
  • ATCTrollMindRot.JPG
    2.7 KB · Views: 62
  • BTNMesmerize.JPG
    2.4 KB · Views: 49
  • BTNTrollRegenerate.JPG
    2.5 KB · Views: 64
  • BTNTrollUnstableConcoction.JPG
    2.8 KB · Views: 51
  • Troll Icons Direct Use.rar
    86.1 KB · Views: 51
Level 24
May 15, 2013

Here are the rest.
Oh, if I got the colors wrong, I'll change it, don't really know if the recolors look fitting.


Can you upload Ujimasa's LC, I rather not download the pack due to my slow net.


  • PASAbility_Rogue_DualWeild.JPG
    1.9 KB · Views: 56
  • BTNTroll_UndyingStrength.JPG
    2.4 KB · Views: 56
  • BTNSnake_Dash.JPG
    2.3 KB · Views: 66
  • BTNINV_Torch_Thrown.JPG
    2.5 KB · Views: 88
  • BTNTrollFingerofDeath.JPG
    2.2 KB · Views: 88
  • Troll All Maybe Use.rar
    48.3 KB · Views: 63
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
Here are the direct used. Idk what kind of blue you want so I made it between dark trolls and darkspear trolls.
And for the jar, sorry for that, I'm bad with skulls ^_^

Here are the rest.
Oh, if I got the colors wrong, I'll change it, don't really know if the recolors look fitting.


Can you upload Ujimasa's LC, I rather not download the pack due to my slow net.
Wow, thanks man; and so fast! I have a few thoughts:

Overall, I think the color is my biggest issue; it's true I didn't specify which color, but I did specify "Jungle" Trolls... And while they range from

None of them are nearly that shade of dark blue you've got going on. : ) In fact, most of them are pretty much a light blue, often with some grayish stuff (gray-blue, even).

In particular (though I'm not surprised you didn't know of it, since it is on Wc3C), the Viper Priestess even has an existing blue skin to try & match:

However, I'm a big fan of how the MindRot, the Torch (needs a Passive though, IIRC), the SnakeDash, and the Jar (wasn't expecting much change to be possible anyway; cute skull!) turned out. I liked the recolor of the SFX on Unstable Concoction & Regeneration, but you really didn't need to recolor the Troll as well (they were perfect the way they were; you wouldn't happen to have a partially-recolored version still?).

I appreciate the attempts at the MesmerizeEye, Healing Drums & Undying Strength, but for the first, I fear the "skeleton-ness" is just still too obvious (and I'm not sure that's possible to change with minor editing), and the last two suffer from the leather cuff looking weird (I wonder if it can be made to look like a regular Troll arm (i.e. Unstable Concoction), or if that's too much work?

Finger of Death & UndyingStrength suffer from the same problem; blue on blue on blue just doesn't look good. The original (green?) sfx of Finger of Death would probably look great (that or some kind of reddish-orange). Similarly, the drum should probably have another color (brown?) under the drum-head, rather than blue.

Nice work on the black nails, though for future reference they don't have to be nearly so long & sharp (like claws/talons). In fact, I'm not even sure they must be black; I think I've seen the Shadow Hunter with regular-color nails. Maybe shorten a few of them, save some space?


Anyway, yeah. I really appreciate it, and hope I haven't deterred you with all of the above. Shoulda been more specific about the Troll-skin color, I s'pose. I'd say out of all of them, MindRot got it the most right; lighten up the rest (& make no changes to UnstableConcoction & Regeneration, if'nyaplease.) Drum is most important, probably. : )

Thanks again!
Level 24
May 15, 2013
Wow, thanks man; and so fast! I have a few thoughts:

Overall, I think the color is my biggest issue; it's true I didn't specify which color, but I did specify "Jungle" Trolls... And while they range from

None of them are nearly that shade of dark blue you've got going on. : ) In fact, most of them are pretty much a light blue, often with some grayish stuff (gray-blue, even).

In particular (though I'm not surprised you didn't know of it, since it is on Wc3C), the Viper Priestess even has an existing blue skin to try & match:

However, I'm a big fan of how the MindRot, the Torch (needs a Passive though, IIRC), the SnakeDash, and the Jar (wasn't expecting much change to be possible anyway; cute skull!) turned out. I liked the recolor of the SFX on Unstable Concoction & Regeneration, but you really didn't need to recolor the Troll as well (they were perfect the way they were; you wouldn't happen to have a partially-recolored version still?).

I appreciate the attempts at the MesmerizeEye, Healing Drums & Undying Strength, but for the first, I fear the "skeleton-ness" is just still too obvious (and I'm not sure that's possible to change with minor editing), and the last two suffer from the leather cuff looking weird (I wonder if it can be made to look like a regular Troll arm (i.e. Unstable Concoction), or if that's too much work?

Finger of Death & UndyingStrength suffer from the same problem; blue on blue on blue just doesn't look good. The original (green?) sfx of Finger of Death would probably look great (that or some kind of reddish-orange). Similarly, the drum should probably have another color (brown?) under the drum-head, rather than blue.

Nice work on the black nails, though for future reference they don't have to be nearly so long & sharp (like claws/talons). In fact, I'm not even sure they must be black; I think I've seen the Shadow Hunter with regular-color nails. Maybe shorten a few of them, save some space?


Anyway, yeah. I really appreciate it, and hope I haven't deterred you with all of the above. Shoulda been more specific about the Troll-skin color, I s'pose. I'd say out of all of them, MindRot got it the most right; lighten up the rest (& make no changes to UnstableConcoction & Regeneration, if'nyaplease.) Drum is most important, probably. : )

Thanks again!

Argg!! It's the legendary wall of texts!! I'm intimidated!!!

*aham* anyway, jungle troll skin colors, nailcut the nails, remove leather cuffs, change backround color to green (probably the one same as Regeneration),
If I got them right, then I'll be updatin the icons. And I'm sure you also seen my presents ;)
Level 24
May 15, 2013
Here's another of e'm.

Edit: sh*t I forgot to cut the nails of the other hands...


  • PASINV_Torch_Thrown.JPG
    2.2 KB · Views: 43
  • BTNTrollPythonWarriores.JPG
    2.3 KB · Views: 45
  • BTNTrollMindRot.JPG
    2.4 KB · Views: 54
  • BTNTrollHealingDrums.JPG
    2.3 KB · Views: 54
  • BTNTrollFingerofDeath.JPG
    2.2 KB · Views: 75
  • BTNTroll_UndyingStrength.JPG
    2.3 KB · Views: 95
  • BTNMesmerize.JPG
    2.2 KB · Views: 90
  • Troll Updates.rar
    70.7 KB · Views: 68
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
Daaaaang, you even added wrists in place of the bracers; I wasn't holding my breath on that bit, since it seemed harder (did you copy/paste from another source, or actually hand-draw it? Impressive either way; looks great).

The drum, the brain, & the torch are all perfect (barring a nail-clipper on the drum-one). The snake-lady face is great; I just have to compare it to mine. The Finger of Death is good, but somewhat blurry (though I fear that's a problem with the original); we'll see if I can find a home for it. The modded "Endurance Aura" is pretty cool, though I'm going to look for some alternative colors (bright, warm stuff; reddish orange yellowish maybe?). Mesmerize looks... better, but I fear it's still very skull-ish. Perhaps smooth out the nose-cheek area? Unsure.

Thanks again, man. I'll rep when it lets me. : P


If anyone is bored, I had a few more: These are varying amounts of "need", so yeah:

Burrow (& Unburrow) + (NE Ancient) RootBasically take the purple up/down arrow and the "ground" from the Root icon (remove the treant foot & thin purple arrow entirely), to create a dual icon set for the Crawl ability (i.e. "get down/up on/from ground")

(either) Howl of Terror or RedDragonDevourJust turn the skin green (pit lord gray -> green // red dragon red -> green (keep the purple!)). This needs to be a "Big Bite" ability on a T-Rex-riding hero (you might have seen it : P).

BTNVengeanceIncarnateFlip it, and then.... Not sure. Can it be turned into an icon that says "i've channeled the dark powers of my snake Loa god & become the horrific half-snake/half-troll incarnation of said Loa god?" It might need to go green (color swap), but it might need to stay purple... Maybe move some lines around? Make it less looking like the Warden and more like a mix between her and a green version of this?
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
I'll update the Mesmerize then, no can do for the others though :p
Well, you've done so much for me, that's only fair.

I went ahead & worked on the #1 (since I realized how important it was & how "easy" it was)... And it actually turned out alright, though I need to add some leaves fluttering or action-lines or something; the icon is just 'bleh'.
Level 8
Jan 28, 2016
I'm intrigued by your Burrow request Kyrbi0. I'm still unsure as to what you exactly you mean by "create a dual icon set for the Crawl ability" but is it something like this?


Also what is this "Crawl" ability you speak of? o_0
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
Well in a stroke of good fortune, I discovered not only that GIMP can easily handle .bmps & has lots of neat editing options (no Photoshop here), but I even figured out how to do recolors myself! Which is good, because I'm picky and the first several I did were all bad (so that's time of yours I didn't waste, basically). : )

I'm intrigued by your Burrow request Kyrbi0. I'm still unsure as to what you exactly you mean by "create a dual icon set for the Crawl ability" but is it something like this?


Also what is this "Crawl" ability you speak of? o_0
Not exactly, but I appreciate the attempt. : )

Basically by "dual icon set" I meant a pair of icons, in a set like how Burrow & Unburrow (Crypt Fiend) are, or Root & Uproot (NE Ancients) are, or how Submerge & Unsubmerge (Naga) are.

"Crawl" is a custom ability featured in my Jungle Troll race (see signature for some disorganized info); certain Troll ground troops are able to Crawl, losing the ability to attack but gaining complete invisibility. This last as long as they are Crawling, until they "Get Up" again.

Hence, a pair of icons, depicting the ground with those big purple arrows (Burrow/Submerge/etc). I chose the Root/Uproot icons for having the perfect little "patch of ground". In fact, I've already done them myself, and they look OK... But they are missing something. I think it's "action"; both Burrow & Submerge feature the interface (earth/water) being torn up by the motion. My "Crawl" icons need something to show the motion; perhaps leaves rustling about?

Check them out, let me know what you think.


  • BTNCrawl.zip
    19.5 KB · Views: 65
Level 8
Jan 28, 2016
Oh right, both Burrow and Unburrow. Got'cha! The icon I provided was meant to be an example of the "duel" thing I thought you wanted. I didn't make it either; it's from DotA! :p

I had a look at the icons you attached and they're pretty good but I do agree that there's something off about them; they don't quite capture the "action" as you put it. Burrow and Submerge have the ground and ocean broken, as if the purple arrows are going in and coming out of the respective environments, which gives them that sense of "action" but... man, this is a tough one.

Well in a stroke of good fortune, I discovered not only that GIMP can easily handle .bmps & has lots of neat editing options (no Photoshop here), but I even figured out how to do recolors myself! Which is good, because I'm picky and the first several I did were all bad (so that's time of yours I didn't waste, basically). : )

You don't know how awesome it is to see people learning and developing their skills at, well, anything really. :D
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
Oh right, both Burrow and Unburrow. Got'cha! The icon I provided was meant to be an example of the "duel" thing I thought you wanted. I didn't make it either; it's from DotA! :p

I had a look at the icons you attached and they're pretty good but I do agree that there's something off about them; they don't quite capture the "action" as you put it. Burrow and Submerge have the ground and ocean broken, as if the purple arrows are going in and coming out of the respective environments, which gives them that sense of "action" but... man, this is a tough one.
Yeah, exactly. But like I said, I think it could be solved "relatively" easily with something similar; but instead of dirt or water, perhaps leaves or grass? The Troll would be Crawling down in the underbrush, and would probably rustle up some leaves or whatever in getting down.

I just don't know how to draw leaves, lol. And the leaves I was copy/pasting from BTNCyclone look really... weird.

Dehua Darbuya said:
You don't know how awesome it is to see people learning and developing their skills at, well, anything really. :D
Thanks, though the sad truth of it is I'm re-discovering; I've done some marginally-extensive Icon work (well, recolors mostly, but lots of tricky stuff too, just shy of actual "drawing") over the years, but have forgotten much of it, and am only now getting back into the swing of things.

But thanks.
Level 8
Jan 28, 2016
Yeah, exactly. But like I said, I think it could be solved "relatively" easily with something similar; but instead of dirt or water, perhaps leaves or grass? The Troll would be Crawling down in the underbrush, and would probably rustle up some leaves or whatever in getting down.

I just don't know how to draw leaves, lol. And the leaves I was copy/pasting from BTNCyclone look really... weird.

That's a solid solution you got there. I'd try to give you some leaves but it'll probably turn out worse! :p

Kyrbi0 said:
Thanks, though the sad truth of it is I'm re-discovering; I've done some marginally-extensive Icon work (well, recolors mostly, but lots of tricky stuff too, just shy of actual "drawing") over the years, but have forgotten much of it, and am only now getting back into the swing of things.

But thanks.

Sounds like me at the start of each semester!!! At least you're back into it; I'm here for recolouring and the odd request every now and again. I suppose you're gonna try finish the icons yourself in that case?
Level 23
Apr 12, 2014
Ok, will work on your request guys, (including Kyrbi's and dell's, unless others are already on it, better inform me fast)

Can I get dell's request?

Edit: Here it is. I didn't do the Kel'thuzad, can someone do it? Please.

BTNArthas.png BTNFort.png


  • DISBTNArthas.blp
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  • BTNArthas.blp
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  • BTNfort.blp
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  • DISBTNfort.blp
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Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
Ok, will work on your request guys, (including Kyrbi's and dell's, unless others are already on it, better inform me fast)
Oh, huh? If you're talking about this, don't worry about it; I already did them (the table; the paragraph may still have something important in it; Mesmerize?). If you're talking about this... Sure. The Zip has a good base to work off of; maybe certainly you can do better than me. : )
Level 24
May 15, 2013
Nice work @Sclammerz :). I'll finish the Kelthuzad then.

For the Mesmerize, I haven't been working on it for awhile since there were others I've been doing, but I'll update it now. Oh and for the Crawl, if you want to, then sure.


The Kel'thuzad.

Lol, the crawl seemed to already be good enough. I can't think of anything to add it anymore. Here's the Mesmerize btw, I've taken a look with the Headhunter and Witch Doctor icons and did some changes with the nose


  • BTNHKelThuzad.png
    12 KB · Views: 93
  • BTNMesmerize.png
    11.8 KB · Views: 70
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