I compiled a list of bugs that I found.
_= Map 1 =_
-The blue dragon (your mother) slides more than walking. Please increase the Animation-Walk Speed or whatever it is. In order to make it look like she's walking and not sliding, I have to increase it a lot. Then the mom's tail flails about like she's on crack.
-The second door from the beginning of the campaign opens into a wall. Eh?
-Couldn't eat pancakes. They just wouldn't be eaten. You have to press the left and right arrow keys fast to eat them, like left-right-left-right-left-right, etc. The pancakes themselves do not move.
-I didn't realise that I could go through a cave to get more wood.
_= Map 2 =_ Yes, that's how you continue. Also, whenever you click on the wood then the other wood pings on the minimap.
-Don't create the mining pick until you have talked to the Ticket Salesmen first. I got lost and accidently had two cinematics running at once, and I couldn't progress. I thought I fixed that. Oh well, I'll go look at that again and fix it.
-Moving system was cool as first but it got really annoying really fast. Tough. :3
-I was thinking you may be able to have a top-down view, have tree models with no leaves (just the trunks) and use a progression of filters to give the forest canopy look with a circle in the centre so that you can see yourself. Lol no. The movement system is staying as it is.
-After the food quest, the ground dissappered completely. When this happened I was like WTF?! I was supposed to be making a volcano of gold shower down after the quest as a special effect. I forgot that volcano also does that terrain deformation. It's fixed, don't worry.
-I couldn't be bothered doing some of the quests. I don't see them as a rewarding experience. If they gave me levels/really cool items I would do them. They give you money, and then you can go to the jeweler's and buy some cool items.
-As said above, I had a problem with cameras stopping on my train trip so i skipped cinematic. Fixed.
_= Map 3 =_
-Red dragon lost a level Eh?
-Had to relearn abilities And...?
-I think climbing three mountains is overkill enough. This could just be a sign that I suck at the campaign I've reduced the number of elementals by about a third. So now you'll be able to go faster.
-Please invent more traps. They were quite repetative. See above.
-I would prefer one longer trail, as opposed to the trails you have, with occasional rest stops, marked by fountains of health. No.
-A tornade attaches itself to you when you kill wind elementals. That's a bug with the model. I make it so that when the elemental dies it waits until the animation is done then it removes it from the game. If I didn't do that the tornado would stay until you moved away from where the elemental died.
_= General =_
-For final release, implement the "cheat beaters" so that people have to play your maps the way they were intended. Cheat-beaters? Those codes displayed at the beginning will be removed, don't worry. They're for testing purposes.
-Overall, very creative, stunningly beautiful maps (especially the first one) keep up the good work. Thanks!