Faceless Ones v1.1


Faceless Ones v1.2
Created by Wa666r


An alternate melee in my series of maps involving lore races from the Warcraft universe. This addition allows the players to explore and play as the eldritch race of the Faceless Ones.

The Faceless Ones are faithful auxiliaries of the Old Gods whom they entrust their existence to. In the archaic times of the Black Empire when the Old Gods fought among each other these grotesque creatures accommodated as their instruments of death and enslavement. Having connections so proximate to the void and the unfathomable power of the Old Gods, the Faceless Ones wage unending war upon anyone who dare to oppose the rule of their Gods.





High Disciple

Dark Speaker


The bringer of the words from the Old Gods. This cunning hero works in ways of subterfuge and deadly precision. When the heat of battle starts the Herald does not hesitate to drain its foe from its will to attack. And while the favor of the Old Gods fades out of his favor in combat the Herald quickly teleports safely and remain out of view from his enemies. Though its escape does not last long when his raging claws tear apart his nearby enemies. Upon reaching the ultimate favor of his God, the Herald unleashes a ring of massacre to bring a painful and satisfying death.



True leadership comes from those who lead, the C'thrax is no exception. This massive warrior carries forth his cruel might and demands when marching to war. The C'thrax empowers its warriors with greater strength while also bestowing himself with the same. Never does the C'thrax march without his loyal Praetorians, whom use their gifts to heal and empower the mighty of the Faceless Ones. The mere presence of this massive creature brings forth the fear in those who attack his armies, causing them overpowering fear. Those truly loyal may be given the gift from the C'thrax that they may re-birthed once again.



The Faceless Ones are a mysterious race when it comes to all, including their magics. The High Disciple might contain the most mysterious magics. Through projecting his magics a poor enemy becomes rooted to the ground as they see a reflection of themselves strike upon them. As if that were not enough, the High Disciple creates an image of himself which harbors the same powers of reflection once killed, causing a copy of it's killer to spawn. When the battle turns unfavorable these copies not only serve as fodder and a meat shield, they are also capable to be instantly dispelled in order to heal their master. For times these copies only served for a short time, but upon their master's word, they become a part of the Faceless Ones armies until their death, while also obtaining increased power.



Those who do not heed the presence of the Dark Speaker should be fearful of his rage. Upon the battlefield the Dark Speaker summons unstable portals that devastate and sap the speed of his enemies. These portals become relentless as the Dark Speaker has no heed about his own flesh as long as it restores his magical energies. This cruel sight bring forth his enemies deepest fears, no wish to strike with the same fierceness when in his presence. Even the mightiest allies of the Faceless Ones are safe when the Dark Speaker calls upon their power, returning them to void upon their demise.


- Play as a new race, and behold the tactics and abilities to utilize their various strategies to bring the fight to the enemy.

- A list of new items reflecting the Faceless Ones.

- Custom units with their own special abilities and tactics.

- Big thanks to Spellbound for helping with the triggers.




- All units are created from the Awoken of Disaster.
- Food is produced from any structure.
- Tier 2 and Tier 3 are upgrades that once researched last the entire game.
- Friendly units near your base move faster.





- Deformed now replaced with a Contorted.
- New unit: Contorted. Tier 1 melee attacker that can increase its hit points per attack.
- Improved abilities
- Added new effects
- Horrors food cost reduced to 1
- Horrors now combine to create Eminent Horror. A more powerful variant.
- New Unit: Eminent Horror. Can combine to create an Entity.
- Drones now limited to 5 per Awoken of Disaster. Up to 40 maximum.
- Manipulate ability revamp.
- Pearl Harvester now is Star Harvester. Along with a new model
- Revamped Agonizer's Emergence ability.
- Revamped Dark Speaker's ultimate.
- Obscurity renamed
- Improved model for Awoken of Demise.
- many more small changes.



Image Description:


Image Description:




Fixed bugs based on review

Added updated code and more bug fixes.

Fixed version, so that it is playable. Coding caused instant crashes. Fixed the coding.

- Overhauled C'thrax's abiilities.
- Added animations to Awoken of Plots and Demise
- Improved abilities
- Added new effects
- Revamped Black Wind ability
- Added Face of Fright to Entity
- Drones take 50% less damage when in mist
- Old God's Mist restores hit points when unit is attacked
- Changed Gash ability
- Removed Sigil of Plots
- Widescreen and UI fixes
- Revamped Percausious Breath
- Fuddle working properly and now autocast
- Black Wind and Deadly Impact now T3
- Eye of Soggoth now remains invisible and cannot attack
- many more changes.

- Deformed now replaced with a Contorted.
- New unit: Contorted. Tier 1 melee attacker that can increase its hit points per attack.
- Improved abilities
- Added new effects
- Horrors food cost reduced to 1
- Horrors now combine to create Eminent Horror. A more powerful variant.
- New Unit: Eminent Horror. Can combine to create an Entity.
- Drones now limited to 5 per Awoken of Disaster. Up to 40 maximum.
- Manipulate ability revamp.
- Pearl Harvester now is Star Harvester. Along with a new model
- Revamped Agonizer's Emergence ability.
- Revamped Dark Speaker's ultimate.
- Obscurity renamed
- Improved model for Awoken of Demise.
- many more small changes.

Blizzard Entertainment
General Frank
Marcos DAB
Blood Raven
Blood Raven
Marcos DAB
League of Legends
Dota 2
(If I missed any just tell me, notify me)


Faceless Ones v1.1 (Map)

Faceless Ones v1.2 (Map)

Fix your description. It does not show the desired images maybe because you've not set the album they are in to public view. The credits list is not complete: Resources in Use by Faceless Ones v1.0 | HIVE For instance JetFangInferno is missing. Add...
If that is true, you have to credit the game and company. Awaiting Update.
Changes made, Approved.
Level 9
Nov 24, 2013
Yuss, another alternative race from the man himself, gonna check this out!

EDIT: How many abilities can the Dark Speaker have upon killing your own hero? Like does killing your neutral heroes count or not?
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Level 27
Feb 19, 2011
Yuss, another alternative race from the man himself, gonna check this out!

EDIT: How many abilities can the Dark Speaker have upon killing your own hero? Like does killing your neutral heroes count or not?

No no no. The tooltip specifically says "Player Faceless Ones hero" so you can have one of three per game. When you cast it, you gain their power. Once that casted on hero is killed, that said power is stronger.
Level 2
Nov 8, 2017
The High Disciple's Ploy skill is bugged if used on heroes. Despite the tooltip saying otherwise, it does create a copy of the targeted enemy hero and makes the copy revivable at your altar after it dies, taking up a hero slot.
Level 2
Nov 8, 2017
17, the newest public version.

I suppose I should mention that I had only two heroes at the time. Might be it works correctly if used when you have all three heroes in play. Or it might give you infinite heroes. Who knows?

Deleted member 247165


Deleted member 247165

Faceless One race! :D Going to test this right now !


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
Fix your description. It does not show the desired images maybe because you've not set the album they are in to public view.
The credits list is not complete: Resources in Use by Faceless Ones v1.0 | HIVE For instance JetFangInferno is missing. Add all people whose resources you've used.

1. Shouldn't the Swarm Host take a bit of mana at least?
2. The orb is also overpowered if the 5 second stun is not halved for heroes.
3. Shouldn't the Abnormal be placed right after the Defaced if he can be trained earlier than the other units?
4. It's kind of bad to have the farm upgrade the tiers and keep the same HP. If that farm goes down... well, you get it.
5. I think the Beholder might be too slow at movement.
6. You could have thought of a different way of gathering resources.
7. Got three Agonizers and three Deformed. Two Agonizers got stronger after using that spell but only one of the Deformed died and the third Agonizer had a cooldown on Emergence of Evil but that means the spell was cast and 8. the trigger didn't work. You could visually differentiate the buffed up units more than just size, maybe a colour hue too? Maybe you should use finishes casting an ability or starts the effect of an ability.
9. What's a C'Thrax? Isn't that a name? But it's used as a hero class.
10. Abnormal also deals damage to nearby friendly units (allied and player owned units).
11. What does retain current HP on Manipulation mean, that if the Manipulator has 50% HP left, the replaced unit will also have 50% more to regenerate? Because, the Manipulator has 400HP and converting it to a Troll High Priest doesn't leave the new unit with 400HP but the actual unit's HP: 450. Also, it can't transform into any ground unit but only those which aren't immune to magic and possible those which aren't magic resistant.
12. It's not train but evolve/upgrade to or something the like when a unit becomes another as the Horror does.
13. Entity's AoE attack ability appears before the target is hit.
14. I'm not sure Horror's AoE healing works when it dies. I went with one Horror and a Grotesque and the latter didn't get any regeneration. Worked when I went with another unit. The triggers for it seem OK.
15. The dispel abilities are copies of Abolish and Dispel or Disenchant.
16. Your triggers are leaking. Please see down below how to fix this issue.
17. Disciple Scar'thu the High Disciple?
18. Artifice doesn't have turn animation like Serpent Wards or Ancient Protectors. It looks weird. I guess, you could request an animation adjustment.
19. Cede Soul can be used on Artifice; not sure if intended. Anyways, it did not deal damage to units around the Artifice ward. Alright, it worked when I tried it the second time. I think it might be because you usually use the event a unit begins casting an ability instead of starts the effect of an ability. I am not entirely sure though.
20. Ploy does not work on magic immune and possibly resistant units. But it does not say it's only for ground units.
21. Now with the new patch you can hide abilities so you could add a dummy one that shows the aura on units for negative value auras since they don't show on the users (not the friendly units/allied) like positive valued ones.
22. Oblation's description sounds like a gamble. You should mention what you gain from each hero.
23. Void Discharge's description is somewhat in contradiction. When learning, it says it deals damage to one target but which as the spell is AoE based plus it doesn't say how much damage. After learning it, there is no mention about damage anymore.
24. You can make the aura effect/buff titles red like for negative spells by using the |cffff0000Aura Name|r
25. Not sure what the effect of C'thrax means when the unit affected by Dark Prestige casts a spell. This spell can be cast on the enemy without them getting any negative effect.
26. Subjugation's buff is that of Devotion Aura. You could make it so that it looks like Subjugation.
27. So you could potentially make a whole army have Reincarnation with Endless Cycle?
28. Ivories has no DISBTN; it looks like a green square on F10/pause:
Button Manager v1.8.2
BLP Lab v0.5.0
Complete Icon Tutorial - All About Icons
How to Make an Icon
29. The Herald's ultimate makes Unholy Aura and Vampiric Aura appear. Just saying that the buffs and names are not matching the ultimate's.

All in all, it's good stuff. Just needs a tad of polish.

Awaiting Update.

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  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

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Level 2
Jun 30, 2018
here are few things:
1.icons mostly took from League of Legion lore. i can see some in your Fel-Blood Elf race too, even some are DOTA icons. this is not very suitable to fit into these races.

2.some upgrade icons are wrong in format. some hotkey not work and buildings key positions are very inconvenience

3.by the old god, those buildings model are terrible. it feels like you are lack in resources, try to stuff lore and fancy descriptions to convince players that would be enough. they are twisted-night elf buildings with bad re-texture. the tentacle building is ridiculous big as you need to make sure its attack can reach further.

this is still incomplete as i can see it. i have to build more main town hall and always in defense position before able to counter other players. if not, all will fail as the race is so weak in early time but ridiculous powerful in late combat. and there are a big difference between heroes' power. need more balance here and need more work from author and even more creativity on spell-techtree.
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Level 27
Feb 19, 2011
here are few things:
1.icons mostly took from League of Legion lore. i can see some in your Fel-Blood Elf race too, even some are DOTA icons. this is not very suitable to fit into these races.
I wholesomely disagree, I feel they fit in well. Not perfect, but I feel they fit well.

2.some upgrade icons are wrong in format. some hotkey not work and buildings key positions are very inconvenience
Care to elaborate which ones? what do you mean "wrong in format."

3.by the old god, those buildings model are terrible. it feels like you are lack in resources, try to stuff lore and fancy descriptions to convince players that would be enough. they are twisted-night elf buildings with bad re-texture. the tentacle building is ridiculous big as you need to make sure its attack can reach further.

this is still incomplete as i can see it. i have to build more main town hall and always in defense position before able to counter other players. if not, all will fail as the race is so weak in early time but ridiculous powerful in late combat. and there are a big difference between heroes' power. need more balance here and need more work from author and even more creativity on spell-techtree.

I take creative liberties when I create the races. Sometimes the resources are not available so I create my own. And I frankly love the idea of these awoken. They bring their own strategy and a unique feel. They are not the best textures, I know that, but they do fit along with the rest of the faction thematically.

I do not see the problem from building more than one main hall. The entire faction works in a different manner. Simply starting with making a second main building mitigates the need to stay on the defenses; even without the second one, the structures provide a powerful early game defense.

I might be speaking defensively about my map because I feel insulted by you. Your comments seems based of one quick look at the faction without actually testing it out. It looks to me that you're looking for more vanilla factions.



Level 14
Nov 7, 2014
The race seems to be complicated at first, then you notice that all your units are produced in the main building and that you don't have a standard "farm" building.
But it all gets even worse when you realize that most of your units are spellcasters and specialists :D
However, by the time late game comes you feel more or less accustomed to how the race works.

I especially found it fun to create an Artifice, kill it with your own Grotesque unit, and then use the Disciple's ultimate on the spawned copy to gain a temporal horde of your strongest units in the race, with an addition of one permanent and extremely pumped up version of it, which also consumes no food (feels so nice)

Don't know if that's the intended usage of High Disciple hero, but it's a fun, easy, and extremely powerful strategy, which can be countered by any means of the simplest dispell (I hope)

If you are not supposed to get copies of your own units using the Artifice, then I'd consider fixing it.
Level 14
Jun 15, 2016
Jesus Christ. I am trying to fix this. No clue on what is causing some players to crash.
You should check any "Map Initialize" triggers and changed it to "Elapsed game time to 1" instead. I highly doubt that the crash could be from Custom Victory trigger.
Plus, I don't see any damage caused from Oblation spell as well, in object editor nor triggers.
Level 27
Feb 19, 2011
You should check any "Map Initialize" triggers and changed it to "Elapsed game time to 1" instead. I highly doubt that the crash could be from Custom Victory trigger.
Plus, I don't see any damage caused from Oblation spell as well, in object editor nor triggers.
The thing is it works fine for half the people, while another half can't even start it up.
Level 1
Jan 4, 2018
No no no. The tooltip specifically says "Player Faceless Ones hero" so you can have one of three per game. When you cast it, you gain their power. Once that casted on hero is killed, that said power is stronger.
Excuse me good sir, why can't I play this map that u made? Is it because of the version of WC3?
Level 17
Sep 24, 2009
Can you tell me difference and point of Beholder and Immortal. They are both supposed to be anti-spellcaster units, aren't they? Why should I build both, except the fact that Immortal is also a detector of your race?
Level 27
Feb 19, 2011
Can you tell me difference and point of Beholder and Immortal. They are both supposed to be anti-spellcaster units, aren't they? Why should I build both, except the fact that Immortal is also a detector of your race?
The Immortal is more assault based and an aerial unit. Mend for scouting and bolstering forces.
The Beholder has anti-spellcaster spells, but main purpose is to deal with clusters of units with it's bouncing magic damage attacks.
Level 1
Apr 12, 2019
My editor was not compatible with the latest patches, causing weird bugs and crashes. The latest version works - Faceless Ones v1.0D

Hi. What version should I use? I cant seem to play your map. Im a huge fan of the others and have not met these crashes before. Please help
Level 1
Apr 12, 2019
It plays on the latest version for me. What version do you use?
oh okay. thanks. I'll be donwloading the newest patch then. I dont know what version im currently using. BTW thanks for taking the time to create this maps. I've been following this since the very beginning. Your altered melee map got a personality for each races and its cool. Hope you'll continue creating these maps
Level 27
Feb 19, 2011
oh okay. thanks. I'll be donwloading the newest patch then. I dont know what version im currently using. BTW thanks for taking the time to create this maps. I've been following this since the very beginning. Your altered melee map got a personality for each races and its cool. Hope you'll continue creating these maps

Oh you're welcome. Thanks for the compliment. I still plan on making more races.
Level 1
May 31, 2019
Hello, when I click download button, I get map file, and I can play your race only on that map.
Is there any way that I can play this race on other maps?