Death's Cackle TD V1.01b

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Welcome to Death's Cackle TD, a TD with an attempt to put as much unique features and content in as possible!

Game version 1.31

Oh boy that score keeps dropping. Well since Blizzard obviously doesn't care about us, there's not much point in completing this map, as it stands now the map however is complete it's just there are a'lot of Bugs that I'm very aware of which need worked out, so basically it's no different than Warcraft III's current state.

I just don't want to give Blizzard the satisfaction of owning the Rights to my completed map. Oh and would you look at all those imports that I now need to remove because of Blizzard's Egregious guidelines. I've spent a year working on this map and now It's all wasted.

Random Map Generation
All player's build area's are generated in exactly the same way based on 10 random seeds, the objects generated are as follows:

  • 1 - 5 Waypoints - Units move from spawn to incrementing waypoints then to the exit of a player's build area
  • Portal Pairs - Teleports any unit that gets to close to its sister portal, each pair only teleports each unit once.
  • Rocks - Plentiful amount of Rocks spawn, can be very useful in lengthening out your maze.
  • Rune of Haste/Slow - Speeds up/Slows down nearby enemy units
  • Rune of Power/Rage - Spawn with varying % bonuses and they increase the Damage/attack speed of towers built upon it.
  • Freezing Splash Tower - A somewhat rarer spawn, however very useful and self explanatory.

Send Units
Choose from 2 different buildings of units to send each one containing 40 waves of 87 units. These buildings also come with bosses every 10 waves, and bonus units you can obtain in your skill tree, also a few bonus units are rewarded for completing hidden agendas as well. With a total of 20 bonus units and 4 heroes per sends building giving a grand total of 222 units!

These sends are broken into waves, each wave will not start until all players have spent all their lumber on sending units and at the end of each wave units are rotated in and out making available the next wave of sends. Bonus units and bosses however remain until all of their stock is used up.
Players also have various research available and useful spells that can be cast.

The Towers
Choose from 3 different tower builders with a unique skill tree containing 81 towers and 38 bonus units. Each tower builder has a specific starting location on the skill tree and players can branch out into other tower builder's skill trees.

There are 5 different tower types as follows:

  • Synthetic - Mechanical towers, most of them generate Flux with each attack. They can then passively use that Flux for various abilities.
  • Elven - Utility towers that specialize in poison attacks, all Eleven towers can hold items. Also some Elven towers can consume trees granting them various buffs.
  • Caster - All towers utilize mana to cast buffs, debuffs, damage enemies and much more.
  • Demonic - Most powerful towers in the game, purchasable in the outer branches of the skill tree by all tower builders. Some towers gain bonuses for each kill they have.
  • Basic - Nothing special, appear scattered throughout the skill tree.

P.S. - The idea for the skill tree was heavily inspired by Path of Exile, I had plans to make it a full circle with 2 more tower builders, but in order to do that I would require 54 additional towers and a number of additional bonus units.

Hero Arena
Choose from 12 heroes, everytime a player sends a unit there is a 10% chance for an additional unit to spawn in the arena, there you can battle units and other heroes along with gathering random item drops. Even after you lose you can remain in the game observing other players and battling with your hero in the arena.

Entropy Mode
The map generation was heavily inspired by Starcraft II's Entropy TD so I've added an Entropy Mode:

  • All players can build just one tower type and must create the best maze to win
  • 10 zerglings spawn each wave with increasing health
  • Everytime a unit is killed another spawns in its place
  • Players are eliminated once they are 100 kills behind the player with the most kills
  • Added an option to regenerate the map after X waves

Solo Play
If you want to play single player solo as Player 1 you can do so, It will automatically enable solo play.
I've used this for bug testing purposes. With it units you send will be sent to yourself also you have the following chat/cheat commands:

  • XX type a number, this sets the current wave to that number.
  • -regenerate this will regenerate the entire map, it will also remove all towers you've built.

This map uses slightly altered attack/defence
Damage Chart.png

Map Generation Examples



Skill Tree

Map Info for those who are curious

HerrDave, SonsofSami - Tank_Mark 1, William 'G' Birkin, Mmak
General Frank - Azure Dragon Judicator
Hermit, Lord_T, Zerox - Tidal Wyrm
Retera - Arcane Epic
Gluma - Lizardman Hunter
Geries, MiniMage - Goblin Air Drone
RightField - globe2Low
SuPa- - Beholder, Pinkydemon
HappyTauren - Skeletor
Callahan - Pirate Shark
-Grendel - Overfiend, Quiraji Warlord, Murk Snapper
Freddyk - Toad Rider
Pvt.Toma - Mechanized Abomination
Darkholme - Ancient Warrior
Grey Knight - Ferrum Infernus Dreadnought, Ahriman The Exile, Rubric Icon Bearer, Thousand Sons Predator Tank
Radagast - FacelessMutantMage
diosilva16 - Treasure Guardian
Gluma - Lizardman Shaman
Gottfrei - Demoness
Alethos - Wooly Cavadrillo
Em! - Beholder
Grey Knight, Redsteel1 - Malthael
Illidan(Evil)X - The Spider Mastermind
Burning_Dragoon5 - Carnifex
HappyCockroach - Clockwork Horror
Kuhneghetz - Male villager variation (Brown haired version)
Tranquil - Hero Dwarven Rider
RightField - Squig
Bloodslaughter - Bobomb
Tarrasque - Armored Ghost
communist_orc - House II
D.O.G. - Squidward's House
InfernalTater - Skull Helmet
Sin'dorei300 - Female Ogre
Dan van Ohllus (aka Kuhneghetz) - Stingray (variation 1)
NightWolf - Blastoise
Uncle Fester - TrollSharkRiderSorceror
Ujimasa Hojo - Ranger(Wretched)
paradise.engineeri - Long Sword

Special Effects
blink - Anime Slash

67chrome - BTNSpellSplash
Photo's badly Edited by me -
-Sarah Palin
-Donald Trump
-Rosie o'Donnell
-Matt Damon
-Butthole Surfers Electriclarryland Album Art
-Royalty free vector's Pinetree
-Green Thumb Toy
-MTG Battlegrounds maraxus
-MTG Reckless Charge
All other Icons are just photoshopped versions Warcraft III Icons

Edit by me - Skill Tree Ground Terrain

Al Gore - Quote
Doom 2 - Teleport
ATHF - Carl Foghat Quote, Carl Led Zepplin Quote, Carl Guitar Solo Quote
Tim and Eric Awesome Show - Tim Free Realestate
DROD Journey to Rooted Hold Webfoot - Kid Hey I died
Weird Al UHF - What's in the Box, Redsnapper Quotes
Serious Sam 3 - Extra Life Sound
The Rock - The Rock Says quote
Warcaft III Wormwar - Are you ready for Worm War?

Ultimate Doom E1M1 Music
Donkey Kong Country 2 Mainbrace Mayham Music
lajksgas7 - Wolf Kraft (Metal) - Doom Degrassi Map
DROD 1996 Webfoot - Maintheme Music
Jack Wall Myst 3 Exile - Ambient Music
Sick animations - SAND
Meatballs - Are you Ready for the Summer?

Minecraft, Lycanites Mobs - Event's Voiceover and Overlay Images
Kryptnyt - Map Name, Big Man Tower, Queer Chucker Tower
Bribe - Bribe's Damage Engine

Special Thanks to Hermit for his "Digits" model and Special thanks to Uncle for his extra help with my Skill Tree Tower Selection!

As you can tell this map is protected, so yes I am going to iron out the bugs, lag, balance issues but only if the Eula is changed. Also plans to better implement the hero arena. Sorry for posting this here it should belong in map development but I think Hiveworkshop needs to bring more attention to how much Blizzard "$#&*@$" us.

While you are reading this, kinda interesting but I started this map around 7 years ago but never got anywhere with it because I couldn't figure out how to do the random map generation. Then a year ago I got back into Warcaft 3, thought this map was a great idea, figured it out and finished it. I have loads of unfinished maps with half decent ideas, like I don't know is there a place I can post an unfinished map bundle somewhere for other people to edit or something, yeah that would be cool.


Death's Cackle TD V1.01b (Map)

Spells don't mention how many levels they have (or the max in their learn ability description). Some other text stuff needs polish but it's in no way game impeding. I'm not a fan of tower defense maps but this one is truly innovative, not perfect but...


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
Spells don't mention how many levels they have (or the max in their learn ability description). Some other text stuff needs polish but it's in no way game impeding.

I'm not a fan of tower defense maps but this one is truly innovative, not perfect but with more creative updates, it'll do just fine.


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Map Description Making: Good & Bad
Map Description - Templates
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How to Add a Screenshot to your Map Description

  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

If you're not satisfied with the review and wish another opinion, contact the other reviewers or use the staff contact:
Shar Dundred
Last edited:
Level 3
Jul 28, 2010
the flux mechanic straight up doesn't work among the huge number of other bugs, two tracks of music play over each other on different channels, and a lot of things are poorly explained
don't know how this got approved because 20 minutes of play show that this thing barely works


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
the flux mechanic straight up doesn't work among the huge number of other bugs, two tracks of music play over each other on different channels, and a lot of things are poorly explained
don't know how this got approved because 20 minutes of play show that this thing barely works
I didn't encounter bugs during my playthrough. You have yet to mention which are those bugs that made you stop playing. Sound related ones are quite insignificant. I usually play with music+/-sound off.
Level 2
Apr 1, 2019
Yes, in the description I explain that I uploaded it prematurely because blizzard. Sorry about that.
-The flux mechanic doesn't work because I still need to fix the DDS from when I upgraded to v1.31. A couple other mechanics are broken because of this.
-The music plays through the sound channel for I was tryin to replicate the random ambient music from myst 3. There are 25 sound files organized into different instruments that play over each other at random intervals giving the illusion of an endlessly repeating sound track. I'm debating weather to remove this entirely.

I am currently working on updating the map as there some waves that lag and/or are broken. Also there are some desync issues. I should release an update in a week or so.
Level 3
Jul 28, 2010
I didn't encounter bugs during my playthrough. You have yet to mention which are those bugs that made you stop playing. Sound related ones are quite insignificant. I usually play with music+/-sound off.
amongst the biggest ones, you can level the skill tree out of order and get nothing out of it (i hope that's not intentional), one player's creeps decided to stop in my maze and start attacking my buildings (not sure how it happened), and we used the -end command to skip the gaia boss because nobody could beat it but it stayed active and continued to take lives and its meteors stayed in place with all their effects active
don't get me wrong, there's a lot of cool shit and the stuff that works is fun, but it's clearly unfinished and even stated to be
Level 12
Jan 25, 2017
Hey - I see a (n incomplete) model of mine was featured in this map- cool. I'll have to check it out when I'm able. I've always been a fan of TD's too.

I've been out of the wc3 loop for over a year- What happened with Blizzard? What's with all the angst? Quick summary? Haha.
Level 2
Apr 1, 2019
Hey - I see a (n incomplete) model of mine was featured in this map- cool. I'll have to check it out when I'm able. I've always been a fan of TD's too.

I've been out of the wc3 loop for over a year- What happened with Blizzard? What's with all the angst? Quick summary? Haha.

Thanks man didn't realize it was incomplete, looked pretty cool you can access the Wooly Cavadrillo by picking the send building "Very much Dead Creatures for Rent" and Learning the "Pick Sends Bonus Units: Tamed Beasts" in the skill tree(question mark on the east end of the tree). Skill tree is kinda clunky right now though.

As for all the negativity around blizzard just watch any of these videos: warcraft 3 reforged review - YouTube except maybe the stoopid IGN one.

Oh and I'll fix the -end command and nerf Gaia also all units shouldn't be able to target buildings with attacks I'll have to take alook see if I missed afew
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Level 5
Mar 2, 2014
Argh, so it wasn't just me. Yeh, the Flux won't work at all. the music seemed fine, but I also didn't pay much attention to it. The Skill-tree + Hero-Arena + You choose your creep stuff is really impressive.

I'm playing it on 1.31.1 . Is there a version for 1.30.4 or 1.29 floating around? Because in those I cannot make the map show up at all when creating game. This bothers me especially, bc while I'm sure it won't run on 1.27b, I at least can make it show up, with title-screen and everything ://