Custom Spell Workshop
This workshop fixes, improves and creates spell requests for people. At the moment we only support JASS I triggers until we get some more workers. All spells that are requested for improvement but have approval from the original creator of that spell, otherwise we must create it from scratch.
This workshop fixes, improves and creates spell requests for people. At the moment we only support JASS I triggers until we get some more workers. All spells that are requested for improvement but have approval from the original creator of that spell, otherwise we must create it from scratch.
Details of Service
The priority of everyone's request is based on the difficulty of the spell and the time they requested it. This is an easy place to post larger full scale spells that are in need of fix rather then sections of triggers.
The priority of everyone's request is based on the difficulty of the spell and the time they requested it. This is an easy place to post larger full scale spells that are in need of fix rather then sections of triggers.
This workshop is run by Orthane, I work alone most of the time but I work with others and ask around and get information from some of the best people to ensure your spell is as top notch as possible.
The workers here make the spells on our own time.
This workshop is run by Orthane, I work alone most of the time but I work with others and ask around and get information from some of the best people to ensure your spell is as top notch as possible.
The workers here make the spells on our own time.
this following format is rather large, however it allows me and future workers for this shop to easily read and follow requests with asking as few questions as possible, the goal is for people to come in request and they won't be bothered until the spell is done. Please use all of the coloring.
Just post the triggers
Just post the triggers
Post the triggers and use the format
Post the triggers and use the format
=== The Format ====
Target Type: (Target Unit, Target Location, Not Target, Passive)
Levels: (Number of Levels for the spell)
Spell Type: (Item, Hero, Unit)
Description: (Please Explain the spell in a story of its execution as if you are writing an action scene, please leave nothing un-explained, this feature allows us to understand how it can be used)
Extra: (Here I would like you to list A Data structure such as AOE's DPS, Damage stages, Everything you want execution wise, please ALWAYS include if the spell is interrupt-able or not)
Increase per level: (Only use this if you are requesting more then one level)
[Put every level like this] (LVL1/LVL2/LVL3/Lvl4) Example: (10/20/30/40)
Please Choice (True/False) for all of these:
GUI - True/False
Jass - True/False
Vjass - True/False
Extra: I understand there is already a workshop, it does not do the amount this one does.
System Permissions so far:
> Bribes Knockback 2D - GUI
Bribe said:I am OK with it
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