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Blades 'n Gore II v0.99h

This bundle is marked as high quality. It exceeds standards and is highly desirable.

Kitabatake Presents:

A fast-paced sword fighting game for 1-12 players
[/TD] [TD]

Map Summary



A sequel to the original, Blades 'n Gore II leaves it's predecessor in the dust by improving all the strengths,
removing all the weak parts and by introducing new features that add new dimensions to the gameplay.

BnG II is a fast paced sword fighting game that is fast to learn and hard to master.
It supports a variety of game modes & team configurations and more features are added with future updates.

The map supports
1-12 players.
Currently available game modes:
  • Boss Mode
    • Recommended for: 1-4 players
    • Players are all in the same team
    • You must cooperatively survive through all stages by defeating the AI enemies.
    • The final level is a boss battle
    Battle Zone
    • Recommended for: 6-12 players
    • Players are evenly divided into 2 teams
    • The team to reach the score limit set by the host wins
    • The game area has 5 control points
      • The team that controls the majority of these points gains points periodically
      • Killing enemy players also give points
    • This game mode fully supports leveling up and buying new equipment
    Deathmatch / Team Deathmatch
    • Recommended for: 2-12 players
    • Supports a variety of team configurations
    • The team (player in FFA) to reach kill limit set by the host wins
    • Supports InstaKill setting
      • All players spawn with a sword that kills with one hit.
      • Make good use of defend and evasive movements!
    Duel Arena
    • Recommended for: 2-5 players
    • The player to reach kill limit set by the host wins
    • 2 players are chosen to duel against each other
    • The winner gets the kill and the loser is replaced with a random other player
    • The randomization only picks people that have played the least amount of duels so far
    • Supports InstaKill setting

Smooth and versatile Combat systems
  • The smoothest melee combat system seen on Warcraft III
  • Fast to learn & hard to master
  • More details further down!
Team systems
  • The host is presented with all possible balanced and almost balanced team configurations
  • In the case of unbalanced team configuration, host will always be the one with less teammates
  • Players are always divided to the teams in order starting from the top of game lobby
  • The system works for any amount of players
Example: 5 players in game will give the following options
  • FFA (1 vs 1 vs 1 vs 1 vs 1)
  • 2 Teams (2 vs 3) [Unbalanced]
  • 3 Teams (1 vs 2 vs 2) [Unbalanced]
  • 4 Teams (1 vs 1 vs 1 vs 2) [Unbalanced]

Example: 6 players in game will give the following options
  • FFA (1 vs 1 vs 1 vs 1 vs 1 vs 1)
  • 2 Teams (3 vs 3) [Balanced]
  • 3 Teams (2 vs 2 vs 2) [Balanced]
  • 4 Teams (1 vs 1 vs 2 vs 2) [Unbalanced]
  • 5 Teams (1 vs 1 vs 1 vs 1 vs 2) [Unbalanced]
Immersive environment
  • Carefully picked sounds and soundscape
    • Most other maps have completely ignored the importance of sound effects
    • Blades 'n Gore II features:
      • Environmental sounds at appropriate places
      • Combat sound effects
      • Miscellaneous system sound effects on various occasions
  • Detailed and varying terrain
    • The terrain is improved by many doodad models exclusively made for this map
    • Custom trees, flower patches, structures and various other environmental doodads
  • Loads of custom models
Save/Load Systems
  • You can save your rank & score and continue from where you left on the next game
  • Note that your code is case-sensitive AND bound to your username
  • Also note that playing single player will not earn you score
Advanced damage modeling
  • Being kicked or interrupted during a strike can throw you off balance and cause you to stumble
  • Getting critically low on health will make you limp and bleed, reducing your movement speed
  • Beautiful gore effects upon death
    • Bloody limbs and body parts fly in arcs through the air leaving momentary blood trails behind
  • Arrows and throwing weapons stick to their targets
    • A feature you may have seen in games like Oblivion or Mount&Blade
  • You can disembowel enemies by slashing them while they are stumbling!
  • You can impale enemies by lunging through them while they are stumbling!
AI enemies
  • They are capable of kicking you, throwing stuff at you, using power slam, shooting at you...
  • Some of them will also limp when their health is low enough
  • Only present in the Boss Mode for now
  • Blades 'n Gore II supports AI controlled bot players.
  • During setting selection the host can select a bot threshold, which is basically a player count number.
    • If the actual player count is less than the selected number, bots will fill the missing slots.
  • Also, if a player leaves the game and bot threshold has been set, a bot will take over the leaving player to keep the player count in the defined amount.
  • The bots are currently available for deathmatch, team deathmatch, and boss mode.
Character Customization
  • Players can customize their character's gender, face and hairstyle
  • You can earn customization unlocks by reaching the required ranks!


[/TD] [TD]

[TD] Forum [/TD]

[ Blades 'n Gore II Forum ]

[/TD] [TD]
[TD] Gameplay in more detail [/TD]

The systems are complex and there are many nuances and subtleties that will easily go unnoticed at first.
However, you will only have to play the game for 5 minutes to grasp the concept and to understand the basics.
Defend [Q] - Protects you from incoming damage. You must be facing the damage source to block the damage.

Lunge [W] [/td][td] - A long range strike.[/td][/tr]
Slash [E] [/td][td] - A wide area strike.[/td][/tr]
Drink [R] [/td][td] - Heals you gradually. However, you are vulnerable to attacks while drinking.[/td][/tr]
Sprint [A] [/td][td] - Temporary speed bonus suited for fast long range travelling.[/td][/tr]
Power Slam [/td][td] - Deals tremendous damage, even pushing half of it through defend. Slow to cast though.[/td][/tr]
Kick [D][/td][td] - Completely ignores defend and sends the target stumbling backwards.[/td][/tr]
Tumble [F][/td][td] - A quick evasive move. Can also be used to boost other abilities with extra movement.[/td][/tr]

Defend, Lunge, Slash, Drink
Sprint, Power Slam, Kick, Tumble

The trick to winning the battles lies in knowing how to conserve and use your stamina

Note: Depending on the game mode and settings, you may be able to level up your abilities!


Gameplay Video Footage


Thanks to xorkatoss for recording and uploading!
Map version
0.96m was played in the video
Be sure to watch in
full screen and in 1080p HD!

Recorded by xorkatoss (map version 0.93m)
Recorded by xorkatoss (map version 0.93m)
Recorded by xorkatoss (map version 0.93f)
Recorded by ironymon1 (map version 0.57c)
Recorded by ironymon1 (map version 0.57c)
Recorded by ironymon1 (map version 0.57c)



Tropical Island
The default game area for deathmatch and team deathmatch


Boss Mode
An eager beta tester (xorkatoss) has managed to catch a kunai, 2 shurikens and an arrow with his body.
Gotta catch 'em all but try not to bleed to death!


Screenshot of actual gameplay with small number of players.





Imported models, interface, icons, etc... - Kitabatake Notable Contributors:
  • Sheep100
Notable Beta Testers:
  • ironymon1
  • xorkatoss
  • Playcanon
  • masterrub10
  • The_Optimizer
Interested in testing? Contact Kitabatake on Garena or Hive.
The games are mostly played through Garena.


The map is currently in beta, which means that bugs will be fixed and more features added in later versions.
The map is also kept protected during beta-stage development.

Found a bug?
Got an idea to suggest?
Interested in helping out with the map?
Interested in testing?

--> Let me know!


[TD] Want to play the map online? [/TD]

Join the Garena group

    1. Start garena plus
    2. Press
      and select Join Group
    3. type in 31617 and press Next

  • You must have Garena Plus installed to be able to join groups.
    • The old Garena client does not support groups.
  • If you have problems joining, contact Kitabatake via garena.
  • The map is often hosted in one of the EU RPG rooms.
    • The room is announced in the group when the map is hosted.

Note: When you join the group, say something in the chat!
  • If you say nothing, you will show up inactive in member list
    • Inactive members are removed whenever group gets full.
  • You might want to say something at least once every month.
  • A single "hi" is enough, your activity status is then updated to current day.

NOTE: If you find yourself kicked from the group, it doesn't mean you've "done something wrong".
It just means that there has been no space for new members and a couple of the most inactive members have been removed to make space for them.
Feel free to rejoin the group at any time!


[TD] Version changes [/TD]


Blades 'n Gore, II, fast, paced, sword, fighting, team, deathmatch

Blades 'n Gore II v0.99h (Map)

Date: 14:09:12 31-Jan-12 Map Moderator: -Kobas- Map Status: Approved 5/5 Contact map moderator: Visitor Message / Private Message! Comment: Awesome ideas. Good job :thumbs_up:
have a feeling he doesnt work on this anymore?

Actually, I do.

Sure, there has been a long pause due to me being busy with studies.

Anyway, here's what I'm currently working on and planning:
  • Replacing the clunky dialog system with dummy abilities
    • The current dialog system is too slow to navigate and offers no information about the options.
      Also, it's triggered in a very lazy way which makes adding new options a pain.
    • Dummy abilities will provide tooltips and they can be arranged in a sensical way.
  • Creating new game areas and terrain
    • I have a long term goal of creating a campaign/rpg kind of mode that utilizes several terrains areas.
    • This will not be ready for a long time but I can already create several game areas and use them for the current game modes.
  • Creating an alternative for shops
    • The shops are too slow to use in fast game modes like deathmatch and duel
    • I'm going to make it so that the players can choose a random weapon each spawn.
    • The weapons will be split into 3 categories
      • High stamina
      • Balanced
      • High damage
      The players will be presented with one random weapon from each category so at least one of them should fit their play-style.
  • Working on new models as well as improving the existing ones.

    • Whitecross2.jpg


That probably went into unnecessary detail, but it's good to write the plans down every now and then.
Level 4
Jul 9, 2012
It's nice of you to update us, I have no idea how modding by oneself and working seriously IRL could be done but thank you.
It's nice of you to update us, I have no idea how modding by oneself and working seriously IRL could be done but thank you.
No problem, I should probably do it more often.

Hyped as fuck

vid related

That's nice to hear.
I'd still like to emphasize that:
  • I have a long term goal of creating a campaign/rpg kind of mode that utilizes several terrains areas.
  • This will not be ready for a long time but I can already create several game areas and use them for the current game modes.

more beta test videos coming soon!

If you want to beta test too join Garena Group ID: 31617
Very nice! Good job with the videos.
And yes, the next version of the map is currently in testing phase.
Anybody who is interested in playing the map and/or wants to complain about possible bugs, feel free to join the garena group (instructions in map description).

Current progress:

  • Old dialog system removed - Character customization and game settings selection has been combined.
    • Selected terrain can also be previewed at this stage
    • The camera will rotate around the currently selected area
  • Chat system improved, team chat easier, commands hidden
  • Minimap has been hidden for now. It will be reintroduced after more terrain areas have been finished.
  • Improved data architecture of dialog, settings and game mode systems
    • This will be mostly unnoticeable in-game but will speed up further development and reduce bug amount.
  • Game mode settings improved
    • Game modes now support time limit and life limit
      • You can add a life limit instead of kill limit to deathmatch to play a "last man standing" type of game
      • Or you can add both limits if you want or even both and time limit.
        • First player/team to reach kill limit wins. A player/team is eliminated if their lives run out.
        • When time runs out, the player/team with most kills wins. In the case of tie, the player/team with most lives (and kills) wins.
    • Game modes now support various modifiers
      • Instakill
      • Infinite Stamina
      • Eyecandy
        • Enables/disables the lightning effects when using combat abilities
      • Hitmarkers
        • Enables/disables the red shockwaves that display ability range when using combat abilities
      • Shops
        • Enables/disables access to shops (hotkeys displayed in map loading screen)
      • Level Up
        • Enables/disables experience gain and ability upgrading
  • Multiboard now also displays lives remaining
  • Quest log texts improved
  • Buff tooltips have been color-coded and written more clearly.
    • Green = beneficial effect, Yellow = temporary debuff, Red = serious handicap
  • Combat system balanced further
    • Defend buffed
      • leveling up defend now reduces the damage and knockback taken from power slam
      • leveling up power slam increases damage and knockback through defend
  • Boss model updated
  • Bug fixes
    • Player color codes have been fixed (teal no longer displayed as green)

ToDo before updating to hive:

  • Fix the new life system
    • The victory conditions are slightly bugged
  • Fix the multiboards & leaderboards
    • There's some weird bugs with numbers not showing up/updating correctly for some players
  • Fix observing in deathmatch
  • Fix warmup mode time limits

The focus for the next update is on making settings selection and game start a lot more convenient and much faster than earlier. Further updates will continue by focusing more on actual game content.

If all goes according to plan, the map will be updated before next week.
Update 0.93m

Massive Convenience Update!

Version 0.93m

  • Old dialog system removed - Character customization and game settings selection has been combined.
    • Selected terrain can also be previewed at this stage
    • The camera will rotate around the currently selected area
  • Improved data architecture of dialog and settings systems
    • This will be mostly unnoticeable in-game but will speed up further development and reduce bug amount.
  • Game modes now support time limit and life limit
    • You can add a life limit instead of kill limit to deathmatch to play a "last man standing" type of game
    • Or you can add both limits if you want or even both and time limit.
    • First player/team to reach kill limit wins. A player/team is eliminated if their lives run out.
    • When time runs out, the player/team with most kills wins. In the case of tie, the player/team with most lives wins.
  • Terrain can be selected when choosing game settings
  • Game modes now support various modifiers
    • Instakill
    • Infinite Stamina
    • Eyecandy
      • Enables/disables the lightning effects when using combat abilities
    • Hitmarkers
      • Enables/disables the red shockwaves that display ability range when using combat abilities
    • Shops
      • Enables/disables access to shops (hotkeys displayed in map loading screen)
    • Level Up
      • Enables/disables experience gain and ability upgrading
  • Multiboard now also displays lives remaining
  • Quest log texts improved
  • Buff tooltips have been color-coded and written more clearly.
    • Green = beneficial effect, Yellow = temporary debuff, Red = serious handicap
  • Combat system balanced further
    • Defend buffed
      • leveling up defend now reduces the damage and knockback taken from power slam
      • leveling up power slam increases damage and knockback through defend
  • Chat system improved
    • "-t" to use team chat
    • Text commands (example host's "-reset") are now hidden
  • Minimap has been hidden for now.
    • It will be reintroduced after more terrain areas have been finished.
  • Boss model updated
  • Bug fixes
    • Player color codes have been fixed (teal no longer displayed as green)
  • Score looping is 2x faster now (the lvl up cinematic after completing a round)
  • Autoattack removed
    • This also fixes the bug that sometimes caused player character to automatically move towards enemies.
    • Right clicking an enemy will now display a "Press [E] to slash" message
  • Minor fixes and improvements overall


Phew, it was about time!

New version highlights:

Game settings dialog has been removed and settings have been merged into character customization. Game will now start much smoother, host can actually chat with other players while choosing settings, everyone can see what settings are chosen (various game modifiers also show up as buffs on the character models), the selected terrain can be previewed.
Massive improvement over the earlier system.

Also, auto-attack has been disabled. It never really served any purpose; it confused newbies and sometimes caused player character to run towards enemies when not desired.

Also, Deathmatch is now much more customizable.
You can have kill limit (like in earlier versions)
You can have life limit (turns the game into a last man standing sort of thing)
You can have time limit (player/team with highest kill count at the end wins)
Or you can have any combination of the above!

Also, the minimap is disabled for now due to more terrains being worked on. This shouldn't really be more than a minor nuisance in Battle Zone and not a problem in other game modes. The minimap will be coming back within the next couple of updates (with new terrain areas).

Finally, there's also a ton of minor fixes and internal improvements that will speed up further map development and prevent some bugs from occurring.

If you notice any bugs, let me know!
Damn, it has been a long time... Just played the new version, looking forward for more terrains :D

Yeah it's been 5 months since the previous update.

Oh and forgot to mention in the version changes:
  • This version includes 2 new terrains "Forest Pond" and "Void" for deathmatch.
  • Also, you can now play deathmatch in duel arena terrains and vice versa.

Bug: During the game settings stage, look at the background... You will notice raised terrain with Dark Brick tile, I think :D
Ah yes, that one. +rep for bug report!
I'll have it fixed for the next version.
"One Year of Blades 'n Gore II" - Update!


Version 0.94e

  • New Game Modifier - Select Weapons
    • You can now select your weapon at the start of deathmatch or duel mode.
  • Swords improved
    • Claymore model remade
    • Greatsword model remade
    • Bastard Sword model remade
      • Power also increased by +1
    • War Fang model remade
    • Nodachi model remade
    • Katana model remade
    • Viking Sword model remade
    • Viking Sword tooltip fixed (maximum bonus is +5 power, not +5 damage)
  • New swords:
    • Flamberge (only on select weapons modifier)
      • Steals 15 stamina upon successful defend
    • Grandfang (only on select weapons modifier)
      • High power
      • Drains 8 stamina every time you slash without hitting anybody
  • Terrain improvements
    • Area boundaries fixed
  • Bug fixes
    • Gold is now properly awarded for kills in FFA deathmatch
  • Convenience improvements
    • Shop modifier is on by default on deathmatch game mode

  • Miscellaneous progress:
    • Next combat system version is now 80% ready (coming soon)
      • The future versions will be more AI compatible
    • New terrains are in progress (coming soon~)


Blades 'n Gore II has now been available for one year!

Version highlights:
  1. Weapon selection is now possible and enabled by default at the start of deathmatch and duel mode. It can be toggled on/off by the host in the Game Modifiers during game setting selection & character customization.
  2. New fancy models for the old swords and a couple of brand new swords!
    • The new swords can only be accessed by Weapon Selection (because the shops are full)
      • Flamberge: A defensive sword that steals stamina when you block successfully. (Note: "blocking" a power slam does not count as a successful block.)
      • Grandfang: A strong blade that drains your stamina when you fail at hitting anyone with slash.
  3. Also again some minor bug fixes and small improvements around the map

Let me know if you find any bugs!

And as always, Garena group 31617 is open for new beta testers!
(join instructions at the end of map description)
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Level 5
Dec 10, 2012
Great game! Really love the systems you put into this map! I like the ranking system the most :D. With the ranking system it gives more to re-playability.

I did find a bug, not sure how. As I went to the frist round I never regenerated mana and end up dying because I couldn't do anything but block... What I did before this bug occur was I tried changing my head/hair that was a higher rank then me.

Will be reporting more with Bugs and suggestions! But in the meantime,[color=green1]+rep[/color] and a rating of [color=green1]4/5[/color]!
Great game! Really love the systems you put into this map! I like the ranking system the most :D. With the ranking system it gives more to re-playability.

I did find a bug, not sure how. As I went to the frist round I never regenerated mana and end up dying because I couldn't do anything but block... What I did before this bug occur was I tried changing my head/hair that was a higher rank then me.

Will be reporting more with Bugs and suggestions! But in the meantime,[color=green1]+rep[/color] and a rating of [color=green1]4/5[/color]!

Thanks for the bug report! +rep
I'll take a look into it the next time I test the map.

Also, how many times did you use defend?

Edit: Bug confirmed.
It seems some of the last changes to the map did cause some stamina problems if warmup is played as first round.
Probably has something to do with the recent combat system and game mode setting changes...

I'll get it fixed for next version.

Note that the host can use the "-reset" command to go back and restart the round.
That should solve the problem in the current version.
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Level 10
Feb 18, 2008
This map is too good to be true as always. This visual update is also great! The bad thing is this map (especially this map) requires minimum ping to play. Also i didnt find a way to play Wc3 on 4:3 ratio with black bars on sides on my widescreen monitor (scretched wc3 looks terrible). But i still keep track of this map's updates. good work.
"Fixes 'n Improvements" - Update!

Version 0.95d

  • New Content
    • New terrain: Tavern
      • Available in Deathmatch & Duel Arena
  • Improvements
    • Player character models updated
      • Team color is now in an armband
      • Character models now have sounds upon death and stumble
    • Select Weapons modifier is now enabled by default on both Duel Arena and Deathmatch modes.
    • Invulnerable (spawn protected) units can now be targeted with combat abilities
  • Balancing
    • Bastard Sword +1 stamina
    • Viking Sword +1 stamina, weapon special ability duration +2sec
  • Bug fixes
    • Fixed a severe bug that caused the characters to spawn without stamina-regeneration on the first round
    • Claymore fixed; all player characters will now correctly affect the stamina bonus
    • Activating "instakill" now deactivates "select weapon" and vice versa
    • Fixed some text typos when selecting weapons
    • Ending a round or resetting the game now correctly clears players' gold


Previous version brought improvements and a couple of bugs.
This version brings a couple more improvements and fixes the bugs!

Version highlights:
  1. New terrain: Tavern is now available for deathmatch and duel modes.
  2. Character models updated! The teamcolor is now applied in an armband which is not distorted by modulation effects like the old model. Also, sound effects added for stumbling and death animations.
  3. Bug fixes! Most importantly the first round played is no longer bugged.

Let me know if you find more bugs!

And as always, Garena group 31617 is open for new beta testers!
(join instructions at the end of map description)​

This map is too good to be true as always. This visual update is also great! The bad thing is this map (especially this map) requires minimum ping to play. Also i didnt find a way to play Wc3 on 4:3 ratio with black bars on sides on my widescreen monitor (scretched wc3 looks terrible). But i still keep track of this map's updates. good work.
Yeah large delays can make it significantly harder to win in this map.
You might be able to force your monitor into 4:3 mode, at least I have a separate button on my laptop that toggles between stretched and black bars
can i download the models?
Some of the models can be found in the models section:
I release new models every once in a while.
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Wow i found 4:3 mode on my monitor options, im really happy thanks.
Glad to hear you got it working!

Btw you said 80% of your new combat system is done. Can you tell us about it?
There's currently 3 separate combat systems in the map:
  1. The original combat system that was designed for 12 players
    • MPI only
      • Supports one unit per player
    • This is the basic system that is active in all game modes
      • Supports all the fancy stuff that can be seen in PvP combat
      • Interrupting, Stumbling, Cancelling, etc...
  2. A simplified, auxilary combat system designed for neutral hostiles
    • MUI
    • This is currently active only in Boss mode and controls the enemies
      • Does not support cancelling or interrupting abilities
      • Does not support stumbling
      • Works only on neutral units
  3. The new system (currently disabled by default, work in progress)
    • MUI
      • Works for both player heroes and neutral units
    • Supports all features of the original system
    • Has a smoother structure internally that makes it easier and faster to expand and edit it.
    • Will replace both predecessors once it is complete

Player 1 can already now toggle the new system on/off by typing "-csl" in game (the regular system is disabled while the new one is enabled).
It is, however, not complete and some weapon abilities may be absent and the system might behave in an odd manner at times.
The biggest difference you'll notice in-game after switching the combat system is that you can now kick hostiles in boss mode and they will stumble and cancel their current abilities, just like regular players in other game modes. Also, they are now vulnerable to being disemboweled and impaled.

Once the system is complete, it will also make it possible to have a bit more advanced AI in the game. This could mean that I might add actual bots to the game later on, but I'm not making any promises yet.
Level 20
Jul 12, 2010
Wow i found 4:3 mode on my monitor options, im really happy thanks. Btw you said 80% of your new combat system is done. Can you tell us about it?
kita might be mad at me for telling you this but you can try the new combat system by entering in boss mode and typing "-CSL" (combat system lite), go go go abuse the power i gave you!:D
kita might be mad at me for telling you this but you can try the new combat system by entering in boss mode and typing "-CSL" (combat system lite), go go go abuse the power i gave you!:D

I just told that in my previous post.
Also, the command works in any mode (but won't really display any new functionality outside boss mode).
Level 20
Jul 12, 2010
I just told that in my previous post.
Also, the command works in any mode (but won't really display any new functionality outside boss mode).
ah yeah i missed it :D

Video Updates:

Video Update:
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Hosted Project

Blades 'n Gore II is now a Hiveworkshop hosted project!

Please use the hosted forum for any bug reports, suggestions/ideas, and balance discussion if you want your ideas/findings to be taken into account during map development!

Forum overview & important links
[TD] [/TD]
Level 2
Oct 4, 2011
I've made a custom Logo for this that can be use as a Sig/Avatar(if possible), and I'd love to know if I can upload here, it's 640x640 pixels, which can currently be used as an Avatar. So, Kita, can I upload it here? =)
"Remade-the-entire-combat-system" -Update!

Version 0.96m

  • Improvements
    • Player Names
      • Now displayed in team color below the player character
    • New combat system enabled
      • Impale & Disembowel now apply to neutral hostile units
      • Neutral hostile units can now stumble and cancel their abilities like player units
      • Neutral hostiles can now also use the lunge and slash abilities
      • Combat floating texts are now more informative
        • Deflected damage amounts are now displayed always.
    • New terrain: Ship
      • Available in deathmatch and duel mode
    • Ability icons redone - icons are now color coded - icons display hotkeys
      • - red = offensive, blue = movement, yellow = defensive, green = healing
    • Ability tooltips rewritten with accurate data
    • Character models now have sound effects when tumbling and blocking
    • New impale & disembowel effects
    • Camera system now takes terrain height into consideration
    • Dealing damage now gives tiny amounts of experience if levelup is enabled
    • "-mute" command now also clears the screen of previous messages
  • Balancing
    • Power Slam damage power multiplier decreased from 5.5 to 5.0
    • Kick slow effect duration reduced from 2.0/5.0/7.0 to 2.0/3.5/5.0
    • Lunge range adjusted; Sword range is now taken into account, The ability will no longer deal damage from extremely short "hugging" distances
    • Disembowel and Lunge now only affect units with less than 120 health
      • This is to ensure bossfights won't become far too easy
  • Bug fixes
    • Disembowel tooltip fixed (the buff does not drain stamina)
    • Projectiles no longer attach to you when successfully deflected
    • Fixed a bug that caused some floating texts to appear multiple times
    • Fixed a bug that, in rare cases, caused a floating text to not disappear
    • Shopkeepers and other neutral background units will no longer take damage from combat abilities
  • Miscellaneous
    • Eyecandy modifier is now disabled by default.


Version highlights:
  1. Combat system is completely remade
    • AI units now play with the same rules.
      They have access to the same abilities as players and
      they are now also vulnerable to stumble, disembowel, and impale.
    • Combat floating texts are now clearer and more informative.
      Deflected damage amounts are now displayed always.
  2. Ability tooltips and icons remade
    • Icons are now color-coded for convenience and the tooltips have accurate number stats displayed.
  3. New terrain implemented
    • Due to popular demand, there's now a medium sized ship area available for deathmatch and duel arena modes.

Ship terrain
Ship in-game
New ability icons
New tooltips