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Beliefs & How the earth will end?

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Level 8
Jan 23, 2008
I'm curious to what kind of spectrum of people we have out there. And without turning this into a war because all you have to do is say what you believe in and what you thinks going to happen to the earth, and not post negative comments on what other people post would be appreciated.

Well just like the title says what are you beliefs and if you think the world will end how? Me personally is very weird and most of you will think less of me for saying it only because most people usually do.

I after many years of being an rebel to my parents religion the "Jehovahs Witnesses" in my childhood years I became agnostic and then atheist. But I did learn a lot before I stopped going to church about the bible which alone never would have changed me from being an atheist (I still have not attended one day to this day). Before I start my next sentence I must say that believe in the story of when the devil was cast out of heaven that he brought rebellious angels with him to the earth(Other wise known as Demons). After many years of being an atheist I started to get involved in drugs which you may think has nothing to do with what I'm talking about but its what made me turn from atheist to a god fearing individual.

By drugs I mean hard drugs like acid, mushrooms, coke, etc (Not crack or herion thank god ><). Drugs like acid are hallucinogens which make you either have hallucinations which are very rare or visuals which are very common (Streaks of objects when you move your eyes, wrong colours, etc). But one night after trippin with a bunch of my buddies something was wrong (Mother Gooses Rocking Rhymes didn't help), very wrong , it was good acid but that's besides the point this never happens. Everyone started to experience the same things which is so unlikely that its crazy, things like fake plants leaning and moving towards people (which was weird as fuck), hearing banging that everyone could hear, and "special effects" that everyone also could see like there was something dripping we don't know what it was but everyone could "feel it" we saw it to but we could never explain to you what it was. All I'm trying to say is that I believe that it was a trick and not the acid but it is true that demons have more influence on you when your non-sober. I believe that we were tricked into believing it was acid and that it was only demons. Now from atheist I was instantly a God fearing Individual after I had this very scary experience with what everyone calls "Paranormal Forces".

Also I believe what the Jehovah Witnesses believe, they take from the Bible that there will be a judgment day before mankind has a chance to destroy itself. Where everyone that hasn't actually heard his name will have a chance to and a choice to live by his guidelines or not. But no one can be 100% sure what will happen and still Jehovahs Witnesses know this they just do what they know is right.

But this is just my beliefs and it is factual based if you are 2 things: believe in the Bible and my acid story. But what do you guys believe? I'm curious..
Level 14
Jun 13, 2007

Nay anywayz,

I think that we'll either kill ourselves or something might happen around us like a star exploding and we'll all die.
Level 19
Aug 24, 2007
Cats will take over all our bases (Cats from Zero Wing not the kittens)
We will lunch the ZiG but it will get pwnt by Doctor Octagonapus' Lazer
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Level 4
Feb 18, 2009
Well...being a christian and all, according to the bible it goes something like this:

1. All christians vanish off the face of the earth. Christians call this the rapture.
2. The Anti-Christ will rise and form a peace treaty between Muslims and Jews that will last seven years. During said seven years, everyone on earth will be required to take a mark that will allow them to purchase goods and be a member of the community, those that refuse will be executed. Governments will, apparently, try and wipe out anything that is linked to christianity. Somewhere during this time the Anti-Christ is apparently shot/injured in the forehead and considered dead before coming back to life. After this, everyone will worship him as a god. Some other things happen that I don't want to get into at this moment.
3. At the end of the seven years of peace, the Anti-Christ will lead the armies of the world against Isreal which leads to the battle we christians call Armagedon which will take place in the valley of magedo, hence the name Armagedon.
4. During this battle Jesus and all the christians who have died or were raptured return to earth and rescue the children of isreal. Jesus defeats the Anti-Christ and Satan is imprisoned in heal for 10000 years. Earth is remade into a paradise where the jews and those who accepted christ after the rapture will live, Jerusalem will become a portal/gateway of some kind to Heavey where christians who were matryed,raptured or died before the rapture will live. Also, some say that we will also be superhuman. Immune to all illness and able to travel anywhere with a simple thought.
5. After 10000 years, Satan is released to try and tempt mankind but apparently fails and then it's paradise for all enternity.

Now...that said. I personally believe we will be destroyed in some sort of World War or we fuck up our first encounter with aliens, pissing them off somehow, and they destroy or enslave us all. Also, there is a chance that our technology will advance so far that robots will become self aware and take over us all. What I am trying to say is I don't know what to believe, we'll find out when it happens.
Level 8
Jan 23, 2008
Well...being a christian and all, according to the bible it goes something like this:

1. All christians vanish off the face of the earth. Christians call this the rapture.
2. The Anti-Christ will rise and form a peace treaty between Muslims and Jews that will last seven years. During said seven years, everyone on earth will be required to take a mark that will allow them to purchase goods and be a member of the community, those that refuse will be executed. Governments will, apparently, try and wipe out anything that is linked to christianity. Somewhere during this time the Anti-Christ is apparently shot/injured in the forehead and considered dead before coming back to life. After this, everyone will worship him as a god. Some other things happen that I don't want to get into at this moment.
3. At the end of the seven years of peace, the Anti-Christ will lead the armies of the world against Isreal which leads to the battle we christians call Armagedon which will take place in the valley of magedo, hence the name Armagedon.
4. During this battle Jesus and all the christians who have died or were raptured return to earth and rescue the children of isreal. Jesus defeats the Anti-Christ and Satan is imprisoned in heal for 10000 years. Earth is remade into a paradise where the jews and those who accepted christ after the rapture will live, Jerusalem will become a portal/gateway of some kind to Heavey where christians who were matryed,raptured or died before the rapture will live. Also, some say that we will also be superhuman. Immune to all illness and able to travel anywhere with a simple thought.
5. After 10000 years, Satan is released to try and tempt mankind but apparently fails and then it's paradise for all enternity.

Now...that said. I personally believe we will be destroyed in some sort of World War or we fuck up our first encounter with aliens, pissing them off somehow, and they destroy or enslave us all. Also, there is a chance that our technology will advance so far that robots will become self aware and take over us all. What I am trying to say is I don't know what to believe, we'll find out when it happens.

Wow I never knew that this is what Christians believe in, the theory I believe in is quite similar but with some differences. Apparently the signs of the "Last Days" by the J Dubs (What I call Jehovahs Witnesses) is peace and security will be be brought to all nations, the king of the north will present its self, Governments turn on all religion (I think this has already begun) after this Christ will fight the army's of earth and Satan and his demons. Then the 1000 year period where all those who died before Armageddon will be resurrected and have a 1000 years to live by Gods laws then after 1000 years just like you said Satan will have a change to persuade Mankind once again I don't remember how long they said that will take but, after that anyone who follows Satan & Satan will be thrown into the Lake of Sulfur and Fire. Then peace for all I guess oh and sickness and death will be done away with.

And aside what people think I think God is an extremely caring God we just did this to ourselves, and he will fix it one day.
Level 7
Dec 16, 2007
I have several theories which I will test when it truly happens.

My idea of the end of the world is not actually the world coming to an end, nor any of us dying. In my mind, it means we will all go into a hibernation-like state, where basically all we do is stop everything we're doing and fall into some deep, enigmatic state in which we will not be able to get out of for a long time (say, 653 years?). Once we awake, we will continue everything that happened as if nothing actually happened, only at that distinct moment will we realize our planet is now mostly over grown, many structures have fallen, and well, due to tectonic plates, we will all be closer (we move 4cm every year I think, which means we will have moved around 2612cms (can't think of inches now). Of course, this wouldn't even be much in inches, but still!). Some structures would be destroyed or broken, like the Hoover Dam for example. The funny thing is, when we wake up we will be covered in vines, like a cocoon. Which of course means, when we wake up we'll be like, "OMG WTF?!?!!!!!". However, life will be a bit harder. Time does not necessarily stop, but we will not age nor die. This will also happen to animals. But then, after around ten years, our core will either be too hot and burn through the mantle and kill us all due to an over flow of lava.

My second theory is...

The Russians (no offense to any russians if this makes them angry) will begin the reproduction of the Tsar Bomba, or the Americans (I'm American...) will begin to construct a new, larger, more devestating bomb! While the small countries, such as Bangledash and others, will join forces to use all their bombs and we will have a nuclear civil war (or N.C.W. for short!). These erruptions will cause so many earthquakes, that the Earth itself will begin to be destroyed. At the same time, Mars will begin to break apart due to a large shower of meteors and drift into the sun, while some chunks will hurtle towards Earth, and other planets and we will die.

My third (maybe not final) theory is...

We will (once again) go into a trance, just humans. Life will continue except for us, and while this is happening, portals in space will be opening, more black holes will be forming, and several will be too close to Earth (along with some white holes and wormholes). This will cause a pull on almost all angles of Earth, splitting it apart. This time, we will die.

I may come up with some more later... :thumbs_up:
Level 5
Aug 1, 2007
1. Science based disaster (Nuclear holocaust, New ice-age, Zombie apocalypse 0_O, Sun dies out, Meteor, Machine Takeover.)

2. Social breakdown/Reformation (Mass cults, "Logan's Run"-style utopia,"People just stop wanting to live, Depends what you define "end of the world" by.)

3. Ends like the in bible, or any other religion says.

Someone will set up us the bomb
We will get signal
Main screen will turn on
It will be him
He will ask us how we are
All our bases are will belong to him
He will say that we have no chance to survive make our time and

We will lunch the ZiG but it will get pwnt by Doctor Octagonapus' Lazer

Take a look at my sig :thumbs_up:
Level 5
Aug 11, 2008
i believe in what it says in Revelations so ill go with, christians get raptured, anti-christ will take over the world while there will be 180,000 witnesses or converts who go to israel to party then the anti-christ will come and say,"the hell, u didn't invite me? I'm gonna kick ur asses now!" and since the holy ghost left the Earth or something, the 180,000 witnesses are screwed and get owned after which jesus comes back because he forgot his car keys when he got crucified and after seeing the mess that the anti-christ has made, he'll trashcan him in a special trashcan of fire and endless arrows along with Satan.

Btw, i actually HAVE read Revelations. Most action packed book in the bible IMO.

and people of other religions or lack of religion shouldn't really be offended by this since if u weren't christian, u wouldnt believe this and wouldn't concern u.
Level 8
Jan 23, 2008
I have several theories which I will test when it truly happens.

My idea of the end of the world is not actually the world coming to an end, nor any of us dying. In my mind, it means we will all go into a hibernation-like state, where basically all we do is stop everything we're doing and fall into some deep, enigmatic state in which we will not be able to get out of for a long time (say, 653 years?). Once we awake, we will continue everything that happened as if nothing actually happened, only at that distinct moment will we realize our planet is now mostly over grown, many structures have fallen, and well, due to tectonic plates, we will all be closer (we move 4cm every year I think, which means we will have moved around 2612cms (can't think of inches now). Of course, this wouldn't even be much in inches, but still!). Some structures would be destroyed or broken, like the Hoover Dam for example. The funny thing is, when we wake up we will be covered in vines, like a cocoon. Which of course means, when we wake up we'll be like, "OMG WTF?!?!!!!!". However, life will be a bit harder. Time does not necessarily stop, but we will not age nor die. This will also happen to animals. But then, after around ten years, our core will either be too hot and burn through the mantle and kill us all due to an over flow of lava.

If I never believed in god this is the way I would like this shit to go down, but have you ever seen the discovery channel shit on what happens if people vanished tomorrow? It mostly says that the earth will reclaim most of that shit real fast with no upkeep at all, and nuclear power plants would meltdown and explode.. But if we could some how be shielded from the devastation it would be fat.
Level 34
Jul 4, 2007
The planet will either get whined to death by evangelical people.
Or by humans.
Or a natural Earthly cause.
Or a non-Earthy cause (see asteroids or aliens)
Or by itself.
Level 35
Dec 10, 2007
Well...being a christian and all, according to the bible it goes something like this:

1. All christians vanish off the face of the earth. Christians call this the rapture.
2. The Anti-Christ will rise and form a peace treaty between Muslims and Jews that will last seven years. During said seven years, everyone on earth will be required to take a mark that will allow them to purchase goods and be a member of the community, those that refuse will be executed. Governments will, apparently, try and wipe out anything that is linked to christianity. Somewhere during this time the Anti-Christ is apparently shot/injured in the forehead and considered dead before coming back to life. After this, everyone will worship him as a god. Some other things happen that I don't want to get into at this moment.
3. At the end of the seven years of peace, the Anti-Christ will lead the armies of the world against Isreal which leads to the battle we christians call Armagedon which will take place in the valley of magedo, hence the name Armagedon.
4. During this battle Jesus and all the christians who have died or were raptured return to earth and rescue the children of isreal. Jesus defeats the Anti-Christ and Satan is imprisoned in heal for 10000 years. Earth is remade into a paradise where the jews and those who accepted christ after the rapture will live, Jerusalem will become a portal/gateway of some kind to Heavey where christians who were matryed,raptured or died before the rapture will live. Also, some say that we will also be superhuman. Immune to all illness and able to travel anywhere with a simple thought.
5. After 10000 years, Satan is released to try and tempt mankind but apparently fails and then it's paradise for all enternity.

I don't think you've read the book of Revelation. What you described is a modern, rewritten, action movie like version.

1, Where is this mentioned?
2, Muslims and jews? The book of Revelation was written 500-600 years before Muhammed. It is mentioned that the anti-Christ will come and put marks on people, but he is said to be appearing in many different forms, and you didn't mention the seven seals or the seven Angels with trumpets who will unleash illnesses, pain and suffering on humanity.
4, Uhm...the people who have died for Christianity only return after the battle has been resolved. Jesus leads the armies of Heaven. satan is only pushed into the ethernal lake of fire for a thousand years and when he attempts to come again, and only then it says he attempts to go against Jerusalem (which became the city of Saint's after the Lord's last coming, because the Saints he resurrected live there) but gets pushed back to the lake of fire forever afterwards. Then a new Earth and Heaven comes, but there's no "gateway" between the two. Superhuman? I don't think John watched too many action movies, dude.
Level 9
Aug 13, 2007
Well in sometime, our sun will burn up and explode, earth won't survive that

And revelation is not part of the bible, for a good reason: it was written by a man in maniak state.. and 666 refers to Nero (the roman emperor), who quite frankly died quite some time ago. So were missing an anti-christ here.
Level 8
Jan 23, 2008
And revelation is not part of the bible, for a good reason: it was written by a man in maniak state.. and 666 refers to Nero (the roman emperor), who quite frankly died quite some time ago. So were missing an anti-christ here.

The Bible is all about the way you interpret things that's why there is so many differences between all the religions of the world based on the the "Bible". And with extreme study of the Bible you can actually figure out which books are suppose to be there and which are not. Not every Bible is the same but they mostly all have the same books in them but some have grave differences from others. If you were religious enough, extremely, extremely smart and extremely unbiased to any religion you could make a new testament which maybe more precise then any on the stage today. Because there are things as false prophets.
Level 12
Mar 26, 2005
I dont believe that earth will be destroyed by some nuclear war.

ad 1-it is planet, and it survived more collisions

ad 2-and the mankind will not be destroyed by nuclear war. Couse of balance of the powers.

People will probably leave earth when new ice age will come, and then leave it for good. See Mars, there are not many climatic changes like on earth. People will colonize mars o yeah!!!
Level 3
Feb 24, 2009
when you can properly understand this statement, we will all explode in a paradoxical mess and the cosmos will be ripped apart.

-Everything I say is a lie.
-The first sentence is true.

i can already feel my seams tearing...
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Level 6
Aug 13, 2006
Here's a good relative question regarding a potential social issue: what will happen when technology allows for synthetic organ transplants and sustenance of body functions for long periods of time, extending life spans tenfold, but only for those who can afford the artificial organs? Will there be massive "right-to-long-life" revolts? Will that result in the end of the world?!
Level 19
Jul 19, 2006
It'll start with an internet discussion; much like this one. Except it'll be in the future, where neg-repping someone actually sends a moderator-operated laser cannon manned on a satellite to incinerate a certain individual who has flamed or trolled. Due to overpopulation, the amount of spam posts from billions of uneducated Northern African Insurgents armed with their deadly Internet Anthrax, and Southern American 1337-Druggies pressing the quick reply button until their post count finally meets 1.00 a day... would cause an insane amount of neg-rep orders to the moderating satellites. These said satellites would most likely miscalculate and miss their targets... eventually incinerating every man, woman, and child on earth, and the several moon-bloggers.
Level 12
Dec 10, 2008
1:Russain nukes, we all know they have enough, nobody wants to admite it, but they do. And all it will take is one cigerette tossed into the wrong place and KA-BOOM!

2: We get to the point were everything seems to be For the Lulz, and we will kill each other, For the Lulz of course.

3: The government will decide its time to try and build something insane, and for that lots of money will be needed, increasing taxes to the point were everything will be cloased and people will die of hunger, well the richer ones will be required to pay more taxes, and become poor and die Ect. Ect.
Level 6
Aug 13, 2006
We'll probably just end up running the Earth dry of resources in one million thousand and a half years.

How long are petroleum supplies going to last? Are there any recent studies about it?
Perhaps nuclear power is the future. Then again, how long would Uranium (for fission) supplies last?
The answer for energy problems seems to be either from the sun's radiation (directly or indirectly) or cold fusion (which appears to be physically impossible at the moment).

Energy wars, in all appearance, seem inevitable.
Level 5
Dec 24, 2007
Burning legion invades Earth
Unlikely but maybe

Asteroid crash

Alien Attack
Will happen if they are war oriented

Black Hole

The first isn't so hard :D Just some cooperation with demons :D
Everything else is:Bye bye earth,Don't cry for me Argentina.



Level 22
Apr 12, 2008
The nuclear end is not so possible, but as the humanity has more than 20.000 nuclear bombs, this is enough to kill all life forms in the world, but not completely destroying it.
The Mayans, in 600 b.C., said that the world will end in 2012. Personally, I don't believe in these things, I believe that the humans will kill theyself, by consuming all the resources of the Earth, cuting al the trees (Major victim: Amazonia) , and the level of the sea, happening because of the melting of the ice in North Pole and Antarctica, wil consume citys like Nova York, Rio de Janeiro and thousands of islands in Pacific. For these people, this is gonna to be the Apocalipse. But will gonna be worst: As the big coastal cities will be underwater, the population will flee to high ground, and the humans (and animals) will be amassing in the continent.
Level 12
Oct 18, 2008
Most likely thought for me is that humanity will eventually destroy itself, unless there is a big enough change =\ The future kinda looks bleak.
Level 10
Feb 13, 2009
I think....
We shall kill us!!! (Not United States)
I don`t believe in Alien Invasions.... I believe in Aliens, but not in INVASIONS! Aliens... They are maybe not more powerful that we are or that we should be.
Asteroids are very powerful, and destructible...
Galaxies... Andromeda is one of the galaxies that will burn Milky Way (Yep, I watched that). but not soon...
I think also that we shall maybe settle on some of the other planet out of Milky Way, but also not soon...
Level 12
Mar 26, 2005
Come on, global warming is scifi, sooner new Ice Ige will come than all ice on poles will be melted.

And no meteor or black hole will destroy us, earth is here for few bilions of years and life stil live. And of course no aliens will come, nearest planets hypoteticaly supporting life are hundreds of light years far away.

Future is boring, no aliens, no warming, just colonising moon, mars etc etc.
Level 27
May 30, 2007
Most likely thought for me is that humanity will eventually destroy itself, unless there is a big enough change
A change like...
consuming all the resources of the Earth, cuting al the trees (Major victim: Amazonia) , and the level of the sea, happening because of the melting of the ice in North Pole and Antarctica, wil consume citys like Nova York, Rio de Janeiro and thousands of islands in Pacific.
The more damage we do to the Earth, the more people will become aware of it and try to reverse it.

You can walk closer to the edge of the cliff, but you will stop eventually.



Level 22
Apr 12, 2008
We already have technology to know if an meteor will fall in Earth 15 years before this happens. That is enough time to build an defense, like Super potent lasers cannons, nuclear bombs, propulssion missile to change direction of the meteor, or even an magnetic shield. At last, we can enjoy our mortal lives in peace...
Level 10
Feb 13, 2009
We already have technology to know if an meteor will fall in Earth 15 years before this happens. That is enough time to build an defense, like Super potent lasers cannons, nuclear bombs, propulssion missile to change direction of the meteor, or even an magnetic shield. At last, we can enjoy our mortal lives in peace...

Yes, but our technology isn`t so futuristic to create laser cannons!!!
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