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How do you feel about America?

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Level 15
Dec 12, 2006
I've been thinking an awful lot about America lately. About what the founding fathers meant it to be, about what it has become. I was wondering... how do you feel about America?

I am a little bit... distressed, to say the least. During school this past year, I learned much about American history. One thing I remember vividly is "Manifest Destiny", the American belief that Americans have the "divine right" to expand across the North American continent, from the Atlantic seaboard to the Pacific Ocean. About how they forced the Natives to leave their respective homes, and how they took over Hawaii.

This, coupled with how America is now, makes me think that no one really understood what the founding fathers wanted- a peaceful country, a free country, a country where you could not be judged by the color of your skin and by the things you believe; a country where there could be liberty, peace, and justice for everyone; a country with the strong belief that man was created equally.

I'd like to know your opinions, feelings, and thoughts on America: on how it was, and how it is now, regardless of who you are or where you live. But please, let's be civil about this. This is a serious topic, after all.
Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
Now, I love America. I wouldn't live anywhere else (for more than ~five years). Is there a reason for it? No, of course not. It's just my nationalistic spirit. I support my home team (Go Lakers. And the Angels). Would you have to explain why you love your mother more than anyone else's mother? Any of them might have been just as willing to birth you. It's just that they didn't. And that's all that matters, really.

As far as how America (Land of the Free, Home of the Brave, Bane of the Aliens) came to be, it's quite simple, because it's quite like any other country, only younger: It came to be with blood, con artists, and self-deception. It's just how history is. I'm as unready to repent for any of my distant ancestors as you are.

As far as what our Founding Fathers wanted, they weren't perfect and neither are we. Well, maybe Alexander Hamilton was. Anyways, the point I'm trying to make here is that there is absolutely nothing more glorified than history, specifically our own history. We're never going to stop the "It was waaay better back then" kind of mindset. Ever. Even as we type on our 21st Century computers from our 21st Century houses with 21st Century air conditioning into the 21st Century website here. Someday, we're going to be scratching our 32nd Century exposed cyborg brains with our 32nd Century prosthetic metal tentacles while explaining in our 32nd Century telepathy why the 21st Century was so much better, and why Bill Clinton was the best president ever to serve humanity. Screw nostalgia, especially the kind referring to points in time you've never even experienced.
Level 15
Dec 12, 2006
As far as how America (Land of the Free, Home of the Brave, Bane of the Aliens) came to be, it's quite simple, because it's quite like any other country, only younger: It came to be with blood, con artists, and self-deception. It's just how history is. I'm as unready to repent for any of my distant ancestors as you are.

As far as what our Founding Fathers wanted, they weren't perfect and neither are we. Well, maybe Alexander Hamilton was. Anyways, the point I'm trying to make here is that there is absolutely nothing more glorified than history, specifically our own history. We're never going to stop the "It was waaay better back then" kind of mindset. Ever. Even as we type on our 21st Century computers from our 21st Century houses with 21st Century air conditioning into the 21st Century website here. Someday, we're going to be scratching our 32nd Century exposed cyborg brains with our 32nd Century prosthetic metal tentacles while explaining in our 32nd Century telepathy why the 21st Century was so much better, and why Bill Clinton was the best president ever to serve humanity. Screw nostalgia, especially the kind referring to points in time you've never even experienced.
You make a pretty convincing point. Thank you.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
This, coupled with how America is now, makes me think that no one really understood what the founding fathers wanted- a peaceful country, a free country, a country where you could not be judged by the color of your skin and by the things you believe; a country where there could be liberty, peace, and justice for everyone;
Which is why they had slaves?
Level 13
Feb 8, 2009
lol nothing is ever free peace and justice only last for awhile till the chaos of this world finally devours the human race =]
Level 2
Aug 4, 2009
Which is why they had slaves?

Gotta remember that slaves came almost 50-100 years after. I believe that americans during that time period completely strayed away from what the founding fathers had originally destined this country to be and what it was founded on. They did want this land to be peaceful, free, and all that mumbo jumbo mentioned in the first post, But you didn't see that 50-100 years later did you? America completely strayed off course of what it was originally destined to be. They became selfish and lazy in my opinion. I think that one of the only reasons that America has become "The greatest nation" on earth is because most of the income and goods produced came from slaves, Such as grain and cotton from a plantation. When the slaves were freed and no longer under control, The White man had to get off their lazy asses and do it themselves.(I am a native american. Don't get me wrong, I'm not racist or anything, but thats how i feel.) Good for them! But they shouldn't have used Others to do their work. Laziness and Slavery is a Sin, Fact and opinion. I think if The Founding Fathers were to come back alive to America somehow, They would beat the HELL out of us with an ugly Stick.
Level 25
Apr 27, 2008
America History:
1-The Native Americans: Their Nickname: Barbarians
Relation: they were treated as minor beings and then kicked out of their lands.
End: now they have rights and they live among Americans

2-The Africans: Their Nickname: no need to say what the Americans called them.
Relation: they were taken out of their homes by force then treated like slaves than work for the Americans.
End: now they have rights but still struggle with racist people.

3-Vietnam: Their Nickname: don't really know, maybe Communists
Relation: attacked their lands, got their ass kicked out.
End: Have Little rights

4-Arabs: Their Nickname: Terrorists
Relation: attacked Iraq and Afghanistan to make peace (and steal natural resources aka petrol).
End: may end like Native Americans and Africans, and there will be racist people that will treat them bad.

Who is next :p ?

And yeah I hate it ^^ .
Level 17
Nov 26, 2007
Oh yeah, I wish vengeful Holy Jihad on America and all of its peoples. I don't really hate "America" what ever the fuck that means. I don't hate Microsoft, or Ubisoft, or Apple, or that company that makes those Hotdog sticks that I like. I don't hate Guillermo Del Toro, I don't hate James Hetfield, or Maynard Keenan.

I don't hate most of the Americans either. Rather, you should make the topic say "How do you feel about the American administration and government officials?"

That, I'd respond to as I did in the first sardonic sentence.
Level 17
Nov 26, 2007
That exactly what I was referring to in the Arab phase, this Jihad idea is only an American plot to keep the people on their side (like all other cases before). can you tell me what does Jihad means to you? what do you understand from the word "Jihad".

It was an attempt to satirize "America's" views, Joe. You just answered your own question, what it means to me is regardless.
Level 11
Jun 28, 2008
I don't like them, no. From where I come, how could I like em.

Before WW2 they were OK more or less. Problem was slavery and racism.

after ww2, after, thanks to a series of lucky events, they became most powerful country in the world, things went down. They had bad presidents (Kennedy was only one that was in his place more or less, and they killed him.).
They could have been friends with everyone. But they didn't.

Wars they were in (Not counting cold war, and I hope it will be chronological): Korea - 1953, Vietnam - 1959, Grenada - 1883, Panama - 1989, Serbia - 1999 (Aldo it was NATO, America was the one leading. Most other countries didn't even wanted to go to war.) , Afghanistan - 2001, Iraq - 2003;

So basically, they had 2 paths. They chose a wrong one (for the world).

Aldo I know its the goverment, its still people who chose them. I mean they woted for Bush 2 times...
Level 34
Jul 4, 2007
If you could view the world as the Internet, then America would be a major Internet Tough Guy forum, administrated by Internet Tough Guys, controlled by Internet Tough Guys, moderated by Internet Tough Guys and visited by Internet Tough Guys. Just to show off their e-peen.

Oh yes they produced some things here and there over time, but for the exception of that, they have been poking in other country's business and forgot looking at their own country.

No wonder the 'South' is still Confederate-ish, guns are the daily subject and kids can drive at their 16th.

Note: Vietnam never attacked the US, the US just faked the whole "attack on one of their own ships".
Level 11
Jun 28, 2008
No wonder the 'South' is still Confederate-ish, guns are the daily subject and kids can drive at their 16th.

Kids bring guns in to school and kill their friends...

Oh, and their normal schools give bad education. I don't know this personally, but my uncle, who lives in America, says so. And I believe him. He said that its good that he has enough money to send his child in to a private school.
I herd that public schools have bowling class for example...
Level 9
Jan 17, 2009
Kids bring guns in to school and kill their friends...

I herd that public schools have bowling class for example...

Keep in mind that when shootings do happen in schools its not common and most people who do have some sort of mental issue.
I never heard of a public school having bowling class, but it is true that public education usually sucks, that is a problem we need to fix.

I do not believe America is better than other countries but i do believe we are an advanced one much like most european countries. We do have a very advanced military but thats because we are in a war almost constantly. Keep in mind America hasn't had nearly as much time to develop as most other countries.
Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
America History:
1-The Native Americans: Their Nickname: Barbarians
Relation: they were treated as minor beings and then kicked out of their lands.
End: now they have rights and they live among Americans
...As much as I'd really hate to break it to you, if you're talking about the USA Americans, I'm afraid fighting off Native Americans took place long before America was formed. And expanding countries at the expense of others took place since the fuckin' agricultural revolution.
2-The Africans: Their Nickname: no need to say what the Americans called them.
Relation: they were taken out of their homes by force then treated like slaves than work for the Americans.
End: now they have rights but still struggle with racist people.
Because, clearly, this wasn't started by any Spanish encomienda system, and was strictly limited to the white devil Americans. And most of the African kings definitely didn't trade off their prisoners of war, as opposed to evil Americans coming overseas and pulling them away from their homeland. And America was definitely the largest slave trading nation. Not Britain or anything ridiculous like that. Britain's not even that evil as a slave trading nation, considering they later became the largest advocate against slavery.
3-Vietnam: Their Nickname: don't really know, maybe Communists
Relation: attacked their lands, got their ass kicked out.
End: Have Little rights
If I just read this one section, I might have actually thought you had an acceptable grasp of world history. Until you said "Have Little rights."

America invaded Vietnam because of the Red Scare and the super crazy communist whackjobs that were apparently going to take over the world. It obviously wasn't justified, which is why I agreed with you. But then you're complaining about them having a lack of rights. That's a result of us NOT WINNING. If you're going to complain about wrongfully invading a country, why the hell are you suddenly complaining about the result of us changing our minds?
4-Arabs: Their Nickname: Terrorists
Relation: attacked Iraq and Afghanistan to make peace (and steal natural resources aka petrol).
End: may end like Native Americans and Africans, and there will be racist people that will treat them bad.
What? You just said they have rights and live among Americans. Now people are racists and treat them bad(sp)?

Do you not think for one second that you might yourself be no different from your stereotypical perception of Americans?

This argument is so poor, I don't think even TDB deserves to be associated with it. It's not that you're jumping on a bandwagon, it's like you jumped, and missed the bandwagon. It's like a high school play on world history. This is horrible.
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
Ah, this is why I love THW. TDB is always around as a perfect example of a propaganda-fed faggot.

Anyways, doing my best to be arrogant beyond reason, the rest of the world can't take care of itself without America. Two world wars. While the US was minding its own business. See how well that worked out? Two world wars.
Level 34
Jul 4, 2007
Ah, this is why I love THW. TDB is always around as a perfect example of a propaganda-fed faggot.

Anyways, doing my best to be arrogant beyond reason, the rest of the world can't take care of itself without America. Two world wars. While the US was minding its own business. See how well that worked out? Two world wars.

Welcome to the internet, where anonymity is your greatest gift and curse.
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
I like that instead of acting like I'm wrong and you're right, you immediately change the subject. That makes you worse than W. Bush, at least he stuck to his guns, rather than turning tail and running.
Level 11
Jun 28, 2008
Ah, this is why I love THW. TDB is always around as a perfect example of a propaganda-fed faggot.

Anyways, doing my best to be arrogant beyond reason, the rest of the world can't take care of itself without America. Two world wars. While the US was minding its own business. See how well that worked out? Two world wars.

Yes. Thats because america was minding its own business.
Judging how many wars they started from WW2 to today, my guess is that if they weren't minding their own business, and were involved, we would probably be in WW5 or 6 right now...
Level 12
Feb 23, 2007
America is like any other country.

It has faults, and it has good things.


The only reason people hate America is because we have a muscle we can flex compared to all the other weaklings (speaking metaphorically). A lot of people, including myself, hate World of Warcraft. Why? Because 10,000,000 people play it and I find it boring. It's huge and that's why it gets targeted. There are far worse MMORPG's on the market, but WoW gets most of the hate. It's the same thing with America. If Australia or France was bigger than the U.S. than they would be getting all the hate (well France gets a lot of hate anyways but that's cuz they are French).

Anyways I think America is the best place to live and we have far less faults than other countries. We stick our nose in other countries business because we have a lot of assets to protect and I garantee ANY OTHER DAMN COUNTRY WOULD DO THE SAME if they could! But they just can't. Find a single time in history where a country got large and powerful and didn't flex its muscles. FIND ONE TIME!!!
Level 19
Jul 19, 2006
It's laughable what foreigners think that the United States is like... Bowling Class? God, your views are pathetic, people. The government makes bad choices (for the most part the Bush administration, lately), but most of your countries are under a completely corrupt government, if not a communist or fascist government under the control of a shitload of propoganda. You might think you're somehow enlightened thinking we're somehow evil bastards, but in truth you are brainwashed into thinking so. Sadly, all the racists here immigrated here from different countries -.- making them hypocritical and stupid.
Level 12
Feb 23, 2007
It's laughable what foreigners think that the United States is like... Bowling Class? God, your views are pathetic, people. The government makes bad choices (for the most part the Bush administration, lately), but most of your countries are under a completely corrupt government, if not a communist or fascist government under the control of a shitload of propoganda. You might think you're somehow enlightened thinking we're somehow evil bastards, but in truth you are brainwashed into thinking so. Sadly, all the racists here immigrated here from different countries -.- making them hypocritical and stupid.

I... just... don't... know... what... to... say...

You're a conspiracy theory lunatic.

Actually I think our education system sucks. Maybe not the stuff we *could* be teaching, but over 50% of all teachers in this country should be replaced. I had a 60 year old bisexual hippy who ran a Gay Straight Alliance Club (only gays ever show) and for over 3 months we talked about Gay marriage (It was a political economy class). He was a nice guy once you got past some BS, but he shouldn't be teaching anybody. Not because he's gay, but because he cares that he's gay (ya, bad wording, I know).
Level 19
Jul 19, 2006
Dreadnought[dA];1256525 said:
I... just... don't... know... what... to... say...

You're a conspiracy theory lunatic.

Actually I think our education system sucks. Maybe not the stuff we *could* be teaching, but over 50% of all teachers in this country should be replaced.

Huh? What conspiracy theory?

All I said was:
-Most other countries have some sort of propaganda
-Many other countries are communist or fascist (note there are plenty of countries)
-We don't have bowling class
-If you actually knew anything about foreign affairs, you'd know that in some countries American-hatred is embraced

Never did I state we didn't have a bad education system. Obama plans to improve our education system, but I don't know if he'll have time with the economy and healthcare.

Can you please tell me what you were talking about? I'm kind of baffled right now.

Dreadnought[dA];1256525 said:
He was a nice guy once you got past some BS, but he shouldn't be teaching anybody. Not because he's gay, but because he cares that he's gay (ya, bad wording, I know).

The same point could be made against Black History class taught by black men, Foreign languages taught by Foreigners, or Yoga Classes being taught by the physically fit. I don't really understand what you meant here, unless you were trying to teach that there is somehow a bias in the gay community which masks their eyes in someway or another.

Note: I'm not pro gay-marriage. I'm an atheist, it's not for religious reasons, I just think the problems it would cause would be immense.
Level 22
Dec 31, 2006
I just reacted a little on this sentence:
Teh_Ephy said:
the rest of the world can't take care of itself without America.
Actually it's the opposite. America borrows a LOT of money (and by a LOT I mean like over 10,000,000,000,000$) from other countries, including my little country Norway. If it weren't for countries like mine America wouldn't have all the advanced weaponry and defences and stuff. Also I would like to point out that America buys a lot of weapons and advanced systems and stuff from us. I don't hate all Americans, but I dislike the government and the those who think they are so great and that without them the world would go under etc.

Edit: I would also like to say that America isn't so bad as many would like to think. They do good things too.
Level 17
Nov 26, 2007
It's laughable what foreigners think that the United States is like... Bowling Class? God, your views are pathetic, people. The government makes bad choices (for the most part the Bush administration, lately), but most of your countries are under a completely corrupt government, if not a communist or fascist government under the control of a shitload of propoganda. You might think you're somehow enlightened thinking we're somehow evil bastards, but in truth you are brainwashed into thinking so. Sadly, all the racists here immigrated here from different countries -.- making them hypocritical and stupid.

Regardless of whether "all of the governments" are corrupt, what puts America into spotlight is that it's the most influential country in the world, and it's actions always have a tremendous impact globally. Yes, we are hypocrites. But we're still right to point a finger.

Uganda's government might be corrupt, but you won't find it starting many controversial wars on large established states.
Level 12
Feb 23, 2007
The same point could be made against Black History class taught by black men, Foreign languages taught by Foreigners, or Yoga Classes being taught by the physically fit. I don't really understand what you meant here, unless you were trying to teach that there is somehow a bias in the gay community which masks their eyes in someway or another.

Note: I'm not pro gay-marriage. I'm an atheist, it's not for religious reasons, I just think the problems it would cause would be immense.

I was merely saying, that some teachers shouldn't be teachers. He wasn't a bad teacher because he was gay, he was a bad teacher because every class discussion was about gay marriage. Political economy should be about THE ECONOMY, not gay marriage which is a social issue. He is just one example of many bad teachers I had. They push their own agenda rather than teach something useful.
Level 12
Aug 18, 2006
Scythmaster..... get your mind straight

Democratic Countries : USA, Canada, Mexico, India, Argentina, Brazil, UK, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Norway. Iceland, Ireland, Sweden, Finland, Greece, India, Japan, Australia, and many more. The amount of governments actually fascist or communistic is fairly small.

the chances that you are not from either of these countries as you are on the web are somewhat slim.

We are propaganda fed and corrupt? I've seen what many call "news" on Fox and that is just misleading. They edit out EVERY LITTLE THING they don't want people to see.
Level 13
Feb 8, 2009
um just pointing out im American but Myspace what you just said is proving something of what dion said so no offense but you fail lol btw im American and we do have crappy teachers and not all America is bad we mostly learn from early genuflections and 2 the live in Romania instead of USA id live any were really id prefer 2 live in Romania instead of USA for these facts i like 2 go exploring and iv bin around USA 2 much 2nd it bores me here because id prefer to go learn a languor if they have a different 1 in Romanian and 3rd i wouldnt be on the computer so much and not be on this life sucking/addicting forum ethier sorry for grammer i suck i type like a 7 yr old with down syndrome sorry.
Level 13
Feb 8, 2009
lol 1 thing i hate about whats happening in the school system there firing all the young teachers some deserve it some don't k heres few reason its fucking gay 1 some of the young teachers are new and good and really love teaching example 1 teacher i had who was young and new like 2nd year she cared for the kids i don't do crap ever in my school but she would like force you not 2 be mean but 2 help the kids and if she new you be better she would make you be better 2nd reason most of the old teachers don't care about the kids example my math teacher doesn't care about the kids tell them 2 shut up and sit down all the time and she cares more about her dress than the kids welfare 1 reason i hate her i have a lot lol 3rd and final reason if your old doesn't mean your a good teacher sure it seems like you have experience but if you don't care about the kids and only want the job for money and such it proves your a giant douche and need to be fired that is y the American school system sucks so far and that are schools are poor and shitty and fall apart
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
•L2Love, are you sure that you're 29? Also, 178 post count is not life-sucking.
•Bowling is an actual class at high-schools around the US, it counts for PE.
•Dionesiist, you sound like you think people around the world don't tell people to do things when they have no right to tell people to do things.
Level 13
Feb 8, 2009
lol this forum i like 2 look around that's the life sucking part and other forums actually
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