Not all Americans are like that.To me it seems that most americans are way too... Proud..?
I feel that Israel has the latest technology, and has been the birthplace of many modern day inventions. MRI, anyone?and has the latest technology
Some (most? Depends on your opinion) Americans are egotistical, but then again, egotism is a problem that exists everywhere.they don't have to act like that.
Sounds like some kid to me, and if that's the case (which it probably is), then it doesn't matter- he's a kid, a stupid kid, but a kid all the u fucking britian america is the superpower and who cares if were fucking up the world thats what we are you asshole its ur fault ur grandparents didnt come to america but stayed and got fucked by the whores on the streets that have fucking armpit hair!
Why are people making sweeping generalizations that all Americans are automatically pompous assholes?
Yeah, but they're like 13 year old American kids who think that they're cool for leetspeaking and what-not.I don't have anything against America, but I've seen a lot of comments like that and it's always americans.
Why are people making sweeping generalizations that all Americans are automatically pompous assholes?
Everyone is different, and the people dont always stand for what the government does.
Don't make such ignorant statements.
I get what you mean. The whole "gangster" trashy image, which is especially popular around New York City. It's quite pathetic that instead of wanting to be civilized, teenagers want to wear pants below their waists, talk as if they never went to school (which involves swearing every other sentence), etc. I think those people are the ones who bring down the citizens of, not everyone is a pompous asshole, every country has them really... but i lived 5 years in america, and more than few people (read, children) of ages 9 - 18 make the worst decisions it's pathetic, and are plain idiots whose only objective is to socialize, sorry if i hurt anyone but it's true... but you also have very intelligent, mice and wise people, and that's the people i'm putting my money on, not the other easily corrupted idiots that destroy a beutiful country.
I get what you mean. The whole "gangster" trashy image, which is especially popular around New York City. It's quite pathetic that instead of wanting to be civilized, teenagers want to wear pants below their waists, talk as if they never went to school (which involves swearing every other sentence), etc. I think those people are the ones who bring down the citizens of America.
o i know but its made me confuse since its of America fuck ya do you like it or hate it and im dumb so ill click mostly any link even if its bad
HAHAHAHA! That's great, except I don't think L2love is American.Dreadnought[dA];1265106 said:I believe you are reinforcing the stereotype about Americans.
You need a computer to tell you how to spell "suck" and "why"? Or, for that matter, put an apostrophe between the "it" and the "s"? I don't even think "it" is the appropriate pronoun.'lol this comp doesn't have auto spell so its y my spelling is suxing more than normal.
Ill be honest, becouse that's what i do.
I'm from israel.
first thing america is the most powerful nation in the world. it controls almost everything, but most importently it controls Culture.
hollywood is making its mark on everyone with a TV or a movie teather around his house. and people just obsorp the american culture: pop music, movies, tv shows, video games and every fucking thing. and i must say that the american culture is very far from perfect.
also, for me, there is a really heavy feeling of american people having a higher value of morality then its healthy for people to have. with all of the confilcts and things in the world it seems like your heart is leading your desicions, not your mind (in a bad way), and you do it in such rightous way, thinking you know best and that every thing is as simple as good vs evil. it's all over your movies, books and TV shows, and most sickngly its in your political desicions.
I hate american movies becouse its just like what i described. they are goodie-goodie, repetitve and i can predict the story development from a mile, and everyone in the world are becoming more and more like you.
but dont get me wrong, i dont hate the US, just abit angry at it XD
(and when people generalize they talk about the mjorety and know that not everyone are like this)
Americans are pompous? The few South Americans, specifically Brazilians, I've met or seen are mostly fucking assholes. "Oh, I'm American" "I'm American too, I'm Brazilian/Argentinian/whatever". You know what I'm talking about, dumbass. Don't waste my time with your useless and unentertaining semantics. I was born in Canada, and I'll admit that I pulled the same shit... in the second grade. Grow up.
I would have to agree that the simplification of many issues to "LOL THIS IS RIGHT" or "LOL THIS IS WRONG" is disgusting, and demeaning to human intelligence. Very little is without detail and nuance, Hitler was a great political leader as well as a murderer. Taxes are irritating, but the government's budget needs to come from somewhere. The death penalty is "bad", but convicts are ridiculously expensive for the taxpayer to maintain, and some people just do not deserve that second chance.
That's called politics.I wouldn't live anywhere else than america either but... our government/news are a bunch of biased douchebags. They lie to us too much and try to tell us what is socially correct.
It's just annoying -_-
ill support my country when marijuana is legal again,
Does anyone else see the irony in what i just posted?