Karawasa, I think you mean ironic.
NoAmmoSrry, as the saying goes, it takes one to know one. The unanimous opinion in this thread is that I am a troll, and I'm calling you out. You've been sarcastic where it was unneeded, and have consistently chosen the worst of all possible explanations for situations. For example, Deadnerzhul showing earnest interest in opinions on a controversial subject is not trolling, it is an admirable attempt at understanding.
I'd also like to mention the intense irony that your logic is not nearly as sound as you think it is, while you accuse me of being unintelligent. "Born" in Canada does not mean exclusively raised and educated in Canada. As a matter of fact, "born in Canada" should imply that I no longer live there, or else I would just say that I'm Canadian. Also, you preceded your last post with a "1", but failed to provide a 2 or 3.
Your use of statistics when comparing China to the US was fallacious, as the Chinese population far eclipses the American one. Timmy has five bags of M&Ms, Jane has twenty. The percentage of red M&Ms is going to be the same, but Jane is going to have a lot more than Timmy.
Slashbang: Mass hysteria and slippery-slope logic.