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[AoS] Invasion in Duskwood

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Level 16
Aug 7, 2009
The big one, y'know :)

I think I can give you something: a short dialogue from the epic jungle creep event:

19:00 - <Garruk joins the acolytes, becomes invulnerable as well>
19:00 - Garruk: Yes, YES!! The summoning is nearly done!

19:05 - <The early stage of a green portal appears>
19:05 - Garruk: The portal is almost open, our time is nigh!

19:15 - Garruk: You served me well, my minions. Only one more act of service left.
19:20 - <The acolytes die, with a short, 0.2s delay inbetwee their death. The portal absorbs their very souls (the souls fly into the portal)>

19:25 - Garruk: It's done. The summoning is now complete.

19:30 - Garruk: Come forth Craw'Nirrix, great Destroyer of Chaos!
19:30 - <Craw'Nirrix Appears>

19:35 - Garruk: I offer you this realm to devour! Together we will rend this world and cull the weak! When the clensing is complete, we will quench Azeroth in the burning blood of our enemies!

19:50 - <Craw'Nirrix turns toward Garruk and kills him>

19:52 - Craw'Nirrix: You fool could really belive that you can command me?! At least your will is done: the culling of the weak started right now, with you!

20:00 - <Craw'Nirrix becomes vulnerable>

20:00 - Craw'Nirrix: Now, I only need to regain my strength from this messed up summoning, and then my feast shall begin!
Level 16
Aug 7, 2009
It's not Destroyer of Chaos, but Destroyer of Chaos :D It depends on how you look at it.

Those who're close enough to the "pit" can witness the summoning of Craw'Nirrix; these texts will be shown as texttags (floatig text or what in GUI). After it's done, Garruk's dead body remains there forever, being untargetable, but indicating who you were farming in the first 20 minutes of the game.
Level 16
Aug 7, 2009
Believe me, once people face it, they won't doubt its evilness anymore :) Craw'Nirrix is a "hero" unit, just like every creep or minion in IID, thus we decided that we should make use of the text that's shown on their experience bar, so we gave both of them these unique "ranks", to indicate their epicness. But there's nothing more in it; it's just two fancy rank, that actually sound cool, in my opinion :)
Level 2
Sep 4, 2011
Hi there! Just trying to explain the name of our mega-creep :)
So, first of all, the "Great Destroyer of Chaos" is a fancy title used by our foolish little orc dude, his real "class" is Chaos Destroyer.
Furthermore the "Chaos" in "Destroyer of Chaos" was supposed to be an adjective, marking its origin instead of the target of destruction.
Here comes the advertisement :)
I have a game on my phone, called: "The Chronicles of Inotia IV: Assasin of Berkel"
The subtitle's structure is similar, but "Berkel" is an empire in the game, so "Assasin of Berkel" means a killer from/in service of Berkel, not the murderer of someone named Berkel.

However, since my native language is not english, it is not impossible for me to make mistakes, no matter how hard I try to avoid doing so :)
If that happens please do correct me without hatred and flaming, and I'll learn from the mistake, thus making the quality of our texts in the game better :)
Level 16
Aug 7, 2009
Okay guys, I'm sorry that the release had to be postponed, but here it is.

I know it's kinda late, but merry christmas and I wish you a wonderful new year!

Invasion in Duskwood Beta v0.86:

New Content:
  • [CORE] The terrain has been remade from scratch, fixing many annoying things, and enhancing the environment.
  • [CORE] Added a small window to the hero selection board that tells various information about the selected hero.
  • [CORE] Replaced the "Exit" button on the shop command cart with a "Suggested Items" book.
  • [CORE] The colour of tower range indicators no longer depends on alliance, but on fractions; red for Fel Force and green for Last Alliance.
  • [CORE] The status plates' textures have been reworked.
  • [CORE] New "Options" menu in the shop with various interface options.
  • [CORE] A portal has been added to both sides of the river; stepping on them replaces "Home Portal" with a new spell called "Arcane Current", that you can use to teleport to the opposite portal.
  • [CORE] The jungle boss has been finished.
  • [CORE] Scoring a kill or assist will now increase the duration of all active jungle buffs by 25 seconds.
  • [CORE] Test mode and certain test codes are now available for everyone (in single player only).
  • [CORE] Lifesteal has now 70% reduced efficiency on every spell, not halved on area of effect or damage over time ones.
  • [CORE] Improved minion movement.
  • [ITEM] Penetration values have been lowered.
  • [ITEM] Helm of Determination's passive penetration bonus now stacks with Crystalized Anger.

Bug Fixes:
  • [CORE] You may no longer move out of the map's range using spells that move your hero.
  • [HERO] Due to the terrain rework, there's no more blight on the terrain, making Nazzari's frozen field always perfectly visible.
  • [HERO] Fixed a bug where Jainar's Raging Whirl buff would remove less attack damage than it granted.
  • [HERO] Fixed a bug where the base damage of Scneer's Netherflame was higher than it was supposed to be.
  • [HERO] Fixed a bug that caused Draku'Jin's Insane Voodoo Aura to grant more defense reduction that intended.
  • [ITEM] Fixed a bug where Void Hunter's Bolter would not grant extra attack range for Kassar.
  • [ITEM] Fixed a bug where Staff of Rage would grant you permanent Ability Power bonus.
  • [ITEM] Iron Mask of Deception and Hexweave Crooked Staff's buff application may now be blocked by spell shields.
  • [ITEM] Mana & Essence Catcher no longer grants mana for heroes that do not use mana.

You can get the map from >>here<<.

Also visit http://invasoninduskwood.freeforums.org/ for more information about the map.
Level 16
Aug 7, 2009
He's to busy working on DotA 2.
Besides, there has not been any radical changes to DotA Allstars for years.

Hopefully I'll get my friends to try this out on our next lan-party. :)
There are so many things better in this map compared to DotA.

It'd be definitely nice if you managed to play a few games. Feel free to share your thoughts with me, and please keep in mind that it's still in beta stage, and it's far from being balanced.

Also, as I stated on the map description, if you happen to find a bug, please save the replay(s), send it/them to me, and tell me at witch minute/minutes they occour. Thanks in advance, and have fun playing the map, if you manage to pull off a few games!

possibly the best AoS on Wc3. I hope its still being developed.

Thanks! Yes, I work on it if I happen to have some free time, but unfortunately, we're all busy with school/work/other IRL things, so it really cuts down on the time I can spend on the project (for instance I just got back from school, @6.30 p.m. although I left at 7.15 a.m.).

icefrog should take notes from you good job

There's definitely a lot of things that I'd change in DotA, that's for sure :)
Level 6
May 9, 2010
Btw, i think you should remove auto-attack function, it is problematic in AoS maps. I'm not sure how to do it, but i saw a system in "Spells" category on this site. I'm sure you can do it in your own way.

making it a Channel spell for every single heroes.

Projectiles have a dummy "catapult" spawned at the location of the hero and fire projectile which is Artillery (so dodgeable by moving) dealing 0 damage.

You add a trigger that procs everytime that damage is done by this unit-type which will deal damage to target on an equation for each specific hero.

That's a LOT just to have a custom made projectiles system. Maybe way too much, but I still think it's fun to think about all what can be done with a such method.

Indeed this map is good. I love the League O Leagends feeling this map has. But unfortunately, Warcraft 3 is very limited due to Auras not being instant buffing and buffs being overwritten whenever the same buff type is applied to a unit that already has it.

the last statement is why there is SOOO much stun in DotA and specially why it is not fun to play.

Anyway, good map, it looks fun, I wish I had friends to play with.
Level 3
Jan 10, 2013
i like this map so much i hope they make it agarena room so i can play it with players and i hope put new heros and ai the most thing that i like in this map was it like LEAGUE OF LEGENDS and please put ai
Level 6
May 9, 2010
Hello there,

I made another hero you might like. This one is pretty awesome.

her role is AD carry, have fun testing her out, I'm pretty proud of her results.

Once again, I didn't took time to remove leaking as it was purely made to be shown.

Have fun !


  • test_hero_elf_archer.w3x
    25.3 KB · Views: 106
Level 1
Mar 15, 2013
So, I just had just downloading IID and I put the file into my map folder but when I try to play the map the custom game menu just goes up and comes back down, and when I click on the map before any other map, the player slots don't come up.
Level 16
Aug 7, 2009
I haven't really been able to work on the map, which is sad. This semester was a pain in the ass, my timetable sucked dk, and I had to study a lot. Now I only have a few exams left, with the last one taking place on the 1st of July. I'll be working on the map once again after that.

I've got a few ideas, though I'll talk to a few, experienced AoS members of THW as well. Some of my plans include:
  • Minimazing the length of ability tooltips (possibly the most requested thing - it'll take quite some time, though);
  • Further optimizing the map's script;
  • Making some interesting items (I have one idea right now);
  • Making some core changes, regarding the kill gold bounty formula, for example.
Level 16
Aug 7, 2009
yeay, a reply from luorax himself :)

hopefully your map will work better with the next update. I will defenitly test it again and edit my comment of your map afterwards.

good luck for your exam!

Well yea, you were one of those guys I talked about - you play AoS maps quite frequently, and you also had/have the opportunity to play with larger groups (unlike me), so I thought you might actually know certain things about the map that I don't (for example about the performance - I have 65 FPS constantly, and I tried to make everything as optimized as possible, yet I heard that with multiple people there were FPS issues on weaker PC's - I'm not actually sure if I can make it that much better, but I'll definitely try).

BTW Champara_Bros, our modeller will also be available again after the 8th of July, so I'm pretty sure there will be some new heroes implemented this summer. I still haven't heard from Fjury though, so if we really were to add in some new heroes, I'd have to either ask Hellx or someone else around to draw the required icons.

Thanks for the wishes, and for still showing interest about the map (especially since I was a little harsh sometimes in the map's thread - for that I'm sorry, the pressure I've been under due to school is my only excuse)!
Level 16
Aug 7, 2009
It's the opposite for me; my FPS is always ~60, yet others say it's laggy for them. My PC isn't even that good, it was considered relatively cheap 3 years ago, so you can imagine.

I'm still working on it, though. The reason why it was released is because of the new tooltips, so that hopefully I could get some feedback on them. And also because of bug fixes, but it actually introduced a new one (that's been fixed, of course).

I'm also constantly optimizing the script. In the last patch I reworked the way assists worked, based on a cool idea that I had got. I even optimized some passives that had inner cooldowns, all thanks to that very simple, yet very effective thing. (I kinda feel dumd that it took me so much to come up with it though). Today I updated my CTL and made all the periodics that have no use running stop, when they don't have a thing to do. Jungle creeps also don't need the 32 tick timer, their periodic also runs every second now, too.

Future plans include reworking Shagutt, Snodhar's ultimate, changing Anub'Theran's Q so that it only targets the ground, and knocks up the first enemy it encounters, and also finally making something happen to leavers' heroes. Oh, and a button to turn off the fog, that should help significantly. After that I might release another version, IDK.
Level 1
Oct 16, 2015
Do you still work on this?
Also Anub'Therans Q doesnt do any dmg while it should. His E has 6 seconds cd and lasts 6 seconds... do i miss something here? why isnt this skill simply a passive?
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