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[AoS] Invasion in Duskwood

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Level 16
Aug 7, 2009
[AoS] Invasion in Duskwood [AoS]

Invasion in Duskwood

Map Info:

Invasion in Duskwood was originally started to create an unique AoS map for us that's fun to play. It has a lot of never in WC3 seen features and should show you what the WarCraft 3 engine is capable of.


We didn't want to change the classic 5v5 map structure. There are three lanes (top, middle, bottom), where minions spawn every 45 seconds: 3 melee, 2 ranged and 1 siege minion in every 4th wave. However, each lane has individual models and names for their minions: the map is a war between fractions and alliances, not between two empires. The bases are also made to represent this, giving a unique feeling of a big allied basis.
In the jungle, there're minions: regular and rare ones. The rare ones give much more experience, gold, and a buff. These buffs are unique for each rare monster and gives you some sort of a bonus. Jungling & jungler heroes are available to play.
Also, creeps, minions and towers upgrade every 4 minutes. They have more HP, Attack Damage, Armor, Resistance, and killing them is more rewarding as they grant more XP and gold.

Being on a killing spree means you're worth more money than the others. Hunting down a godlike player is more rewarding. In addition, there're death sprees as well; dying many times without scoring a kill means you're worth less gold. This feature was implemented to stop intentional feeders.
Helping an ally get a kill will reward you; 75% of the gold the killer gets will be split between the assistants equally.

A lot of stats have been implemented to make sure you'll always have great fights. The time of "QWER-Right Click" team-fights are over! Short cooldowns, unique spells & items, multiple visible and hidden stats will try to entertain the player.
Strength/Agility/Intelligence, the old and boring stats are completely removed. The bonuses you were getting from them now appear as individual stats, with lots of new ones.

Crowd Control Stacking means always the longest CC will be applied; but what about slows (and impede, a unique IID CC, which is basically an attack speed slow)? They have factors as well. In most games always the strongest slow is applied; Invasion in Duskwood is different. In Invasionin Duskwood, if your hero is slowd multiple times from different sources, the slow factors will stack, using a formula. The formula ensures that the total slow factor is always below 100%.
Also, Crowd Control Reductions appears as a stat. If it was not enough, each CC has its values attached to heroes, meaning it's possible to modify only your Stun Duration Output and reduce the duration of Silences you get.

Instead of the traditional merchants, Invasion in Duskwood uses shops. Each player has a shop, which can be accesed from any spot on the map.
Furthermore, you don't have to be a ninja when it comes to buying an item. You can just enter the shop, select the category (Weapons/Magical/Defensive/Movement/Consumables), enter the tier (1-4) and buy the item. The recipe will show the reagents, the ones you already own has different colors. You can see the total and the remaining cost of the recipe at the bottom. If you don't have all the required items, but you're rich and have enough money for the item, you can buy it without buying the components; the ones you already own are removed from you and their cost is subtracted from the cost.
You also can't drop items; dropping items has lost its purpose and just messes up things, therefore it's not allowed anymore.

Long cooldown, high mana cost, raw spells do not exist anymore. In Invasion in Duskwood you don't have to be passive. Cooldows are made to be low, their cost is low, plus regen effects are quite high. Being agressive is rewarding, why shouldn't we support that?
Everything you have to know about the spell is printed on the top of its tooltip. In addition to these things, spells have different ratios, such as Attack Damage, Bonus Attack Damage, Maximum Health, Maximum Mana, Armor, Resistance, and so forth.
IID spells are also made to fit into a set; most heroes are built around something, they all have their purpose, and their spells support this purpose and each other as well.

The ultimate AoS health bars have been made!
Invasion in Duskwood has the old boring replaced with an unique health bars; they even have different textures for the two sides to avoid any sort of distraction.
These bars are bigger than the built-in ones (which are used for minions, creeps and towers), and show not only the target's health, but its mana and level as well

Lore (Sketch):

The whole story is placed in time around the Second War. The story begins with the duel of a human mage and a demonic spellcaster (eredar or nathrezim). Before they could finish the fight, an Infinite Agent appears, and removes them from the timeline for an unknown reason. When the mage wakes up, he founds himself in an alternative timeline, in a battle taking place between the Last Alliance (a coalition of humans, dwarves and high elves) and the Invading Fel Force (demons, fel orcs and undeads). All he knows that his enemy, the demon he fought, "arrived" earlier than him, and took the leadership of the Invaders, and that the Infinite Dragonflight wants the fall of the defenders. The demons estabilished a stronghold in the northeast of Duskwood, and opened a dimensional gate to support their attack. On the other hand, the alliance repaired one of their old fortress, built to defend a violet citadel, which generate a power-shield, blocking the way to the Alliance territory.

The invading force of the Burning Legion consists brutal battle-beasts, malicious eredar spellcasters and cunning assasins, while the alliance enlisted most of the mortal races, various nature creatures and elementals even.

Team Members:

  • Luorax: Project leader, vJASS coder, object editor stuff
  • Koronis: Idea generator, lore, names & tooltips
  • Champara Bros: Special Effects
  • Hellx-Magnus: Terrainer
  • Judash137: 3D art
  • Fjury: 2D art




Terrain: 100%
Minions & Creeps: 100%
Core Systems: 100%
Heroes: 24/24
Items: 114/114

Latest Version:

Invasion in Duskwood Beta v0.86

Map Description Template Created by -Kobas-
Find more here: Map Description - Templates
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Level 16
Aug 7, 2009
Well, we'll try to write interesting hero background stories, but it's not the main thing of such a map.

I focus on the gameplay. I've seen so much bad designed map with their stupid STR/AGI/INT based heroes, where all you had to do is pick a carry, survive the first 10-20 minutes and the right-click for the win. Even if you've picked an INT based hero, you was not like a caster because of the high cooldowns, high mana costs. Each teamfight looked like a huge effect storm for 2-3 seconds and then the whole fight becomes a right-click parody.

I tried to solve this; the mana costs, the cooldowns, the manaregen, the items, everything has been made to give you a dynamic, action-packed AoS, where you always have to do something. If you are a caster, you have to cast your abilities, if you want to do something.

Also, bragging? Should I have written that "this map is not different from any other maps, but try it please, because it's mine"?
Level 26
Aug 18, 2009
What are the factions? Why do they clash? What is the task? What about the style and battleground?

Rather than stating what your AoS is not, can you explain what it is? Why, right off the bat, would I assume bugs in your project? Of course you can make comparisons to other AoS but first thoroughly describe your own one. This includes illustrating what an AoS is, so you get a coherent picture and you can show where you leave the regular path.

Also, bragging? Should I have written that "this map is not different from any other maps, but try it please, because it's mine"?

You can argue and show the quality of your project by giving a thoughtful and complete description.
Level 14
Jan 2, 2007
Invasion of Duskwood ? You could have picked a better setting for all the lore fans out there. Like... Warsong Gulch (border between Barrens and Ashenvale), or Arathi Basin... or like... Stormwind vs Ogrimmar, Shattrath vs Black Temple.

Or is it like the creatures of the Nightmare spawned through the portal within Duskwood on one side... and... the... citizens of... Darkshire on the other side !?
Level 16
Aug 7, 2009
My friend is a very big lore fan too, and this name was his idea.
However the name is not the final, it may change once we starting writing the lore and the hero background stories. (It's not done yet, as we'll try to give a part from the map background story to certain heroes.)

I think I'll ask him to register here, just to answer these kind of questions. I've got some ideas too, but I'll give him the freedom - this is what he likes, and also, I don't know that much about the lore.
Level 16
Aug 7, 2009
Well, after Kenny won them the war with the golden-PSP, they became lazy. They realized that the beings on our beloved Earth are strong enough to fight with the demons.

Devil doesn't really like this situation, but the angels of heaven are too lazy to leave their home, and fiends found Heaven too shiny :(


Well, my old terrainer is back. He's already started to work on the terrain. Once it is done, I'll update the main post. Also, I've sent a PM to ALONE, hopefully he's still ready for logo and loading screen requests.
Level 2
Sep 4, 2011
Hi everyone,

I heard that you were bombarding Luorax with lore questions, so I'm here to answer them.

Don't forget, some names are temporary only.

About the lore, the factions and all that stuff: (rough sketch) The whole story is placed in time around the Second War. The story begins with the duel of a human mage and a demonic spellcaster (eredar or nathrezim). Before they could finish the fight, an Infinite Agent appears, and removes them from the timeline for an unknown reason. When the mage wakes up, he founds himself in an alternative timeline, in a battle taking place between the Last Alliance (a coalition of humans, dwarves and high elves) and the Invading Fel Force (demons, fel orcs and undeads). All he knows that his enemy, the demon he fought, "arrived" earlier than him, and took the leadership of the Invaders, and that the Infinite Dragonflight wants the fall of the defenders. The demons estabilished a stronghold in the northeast of Duskwood, and opened a dimensional gate to support their attack. On the other hand, the alliance repaired one of their old fortress, built to defend a violet citadel, which generate a power-shield, blocking the way to the Alliance territory.

The invading force ot the Burning Legion consists brutal battle-beasts, malicious eredar spellcasters and cunning assasins, while the alliance enlisted most of the mortal races, various nature creatures and elementals even.

Don't forget that this is not the final version, a lot of things may change.

If I'll have time, I'll refine the lore and answers the questions. If it's possible, we might even make a short video that tells the story of the map.
Level 16
Aug 7, 2009
So here's our story and tooltip master, if you have more questions about the lore, feel free to ask him now.

Also, Izanagi decided to join our group as a SFX creator. Once the terrain is done, he'll start working on the latest heroes' effects.
Level 17
Jul 1, 2010
hey man I think you should leave the untargetable impaled units "bug" alone. That's for balance issues. How would you like if someone impaled you then while you were in the air unable to move would get some free shots at you maybe even killing you ?
Level 16
Aug 7, 2009
That was there becase Impale was unique - not the effect was attached to the unit, but the "unit was attacked" to the effect. The Impale effect appears and the unit's model is attached to it ("sprite, first", if I recall correctly).

Impale (Knock Up) is one sort of Crowd Controls - their job is to disable the enemy while giving you the chance to kill them. It's duration is somewhere around 1 seconds, even a stun is longer.
Also, the damage is more sustained than it's in DotA - shorter cooldowns, less mana costs and less damage from abilities. Noone can kill you over 1 second (unless they're fed) Now it more depends on timing and positioning, not on the first clicking player. On top of that, playing a caster or a tank is more funny and interesting, which I like :p I hate waiting for my cooldowns.

Plus I had to write my own system to make "movement effects" stackable, plus the AI became crazy when it as ordered to attack the impaled unit. I was also unable to get some effects work with Impale, so I decided to write my own one.


The main post is kinda outdated. We've made a lot of progress. For example, we're proud to show you our new healthBar system:


Credit goes for 13lackDeath for his awesome textures.
The shop system is also done, 25 items have been implemented already. I've also made some LUA textmacros to make item creation as rapid as possible.
I'll update the main post as the terrain is done. I'll also try to make it less like a huge Wall of Text.
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Level 1
Jun 19, 2011
Man! i really like the health bar system and the hero selection.
And also other systems, boards too! I hope this map released early :) and
i really want to have a demo on the systems.
Level 16
Aug 7, 2009
I'm playing too much League of Legends, that's true :D Especially now, 'cuz Dominion is out. To be honest I like this stat system much more than the basic STR/INT/AGI. Casters and tanks have a better position, and also, this allows me to create heroes that can be built different ways.

I like this system, because it's more skill and build dependant, skill and team composition matters now, and not the first clicking team wins.
I'm playing too much League of Legends, that's true :D Especially now, 'cuz Dominion is out. To be honest I like this stat system much more than the basic STR/INT/AGI. Casters and tanks have a better position, and also, this allows me to create heroes that can be built different ways.

I like this system, because it's more skill and build dependant, skill and team composition matters now, and not the first clicking team wins.

The only important thing I dislike about LoL and DotA 2 are those TINY stat windows... I can't even see what effects are on or what stat bonuses the character currently has. >_>

Looking forward to your terraining progress. :)
Level 16
Aug 7, 2009
In LoL the size of the stat window is changeable :D For me it's very small, as the battlefield contains much more information - about stats, I keep in mind my items, so I know my stats.

The terraining is like 50% done. He's experiencing some error with hsi editor, so he couldn't yet started the upper part, but I'll try to fix it for him soon.
Level 16
Aug 7, 2009
You have not seen too much :D I'm planning an options menu, similar to the hero selection system, where you can setup everything... death timers, lanes, gold incomes, experience, etc. You 'll be able to create your very own game mode.

And the heroes... the heroes! We've already got so damn funny ones. Very uinque and very funny ones.

The terrain will be almost finished in some days (well, it'll be but the bases will be left to do - we need some ideas). The spawn code is already done, I just have to call the right functions. I"ll propably make a gameplay montage once I finish coding the 5 planned concept.

I'm kinda busy nowadays (you know senior year...), that's what delays everything. But a stable version will be released for my friends and team members in som weak, propably.
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Level 16
Aug 7, 2009
Okay, in theory the terrain will be sent to me tonight (without the two bases). I've got an idea for the Last Alliance base already. My friend is working on the building and minion names+models, so a playable alpha version should be out for us soon (or later).

Also, I decided to share our latest hero, propably one of the most funny ones, because I'm such a nice person (/jk):

General Informations:

Hero Name: Sirion, Templar of the Dawn
Shield Name: The Dawnbreaker
Emerald Name: Koralion, the Singing Dawnstone
Model: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...-eyes-199896/?prev=search=alpalan&d=list&r=20 (with some additional animations, and external shield model, so I can work with his shield well)

Sirion uses an unique resource system called Radiance. All of his spells are costless, but they can be empowered by collecting Radiance. Radiance Points have a limit of 10.


Sirion's shield is made out of pure elementium, the only material that could embed the Singing Dawnstone. The Dawnbraker stores energy after each magic effect nearby, and uses it to strengthen the defenses of its wearer.
Sirion is granted extra armor and resistance after each point of Radiance. Furthermore, if there are 5 or more points of Radience accumulated in the Dawnstone, the next ability Sirion uses will have a bonus effect, and will consume 5 points of Radience.

Dawnbreak Throw:
Sirion throws his shield in a straight line, that deals tamage to all enemy units in its path, which is increased depending on their missing health. Furthermore, The Dawnbreaker collects one point of Radience after each unit it hits.
Radiance Bonus: +25% damage, affected targets are slowed.

(Note #1: Dawnbreak Throw works like a boomerang; targets can get hit twice)
(Note #2: Imbue Armor and Shield Bash can't be cast while his shield is in the air)

Imbue Armor:
The Dawnbreaker forms a protective barrier, increasing Sirion's defense and resistance.
Radiance Bonus: The Dawnbreaker reflects all magical projectiles coming from the front to their source as long as the effect lasts.

Shield Bash:
Sirion slams the target with his shield, dealing gamage and lowering its defenses. The target's armor and resistance is decreased for X seconds. Stacks up to three times.
Radiance Bonus: +25% damage and stun.

Shock Blast:
The Koralion crystal focuses its accumulated energy and emits it in the form of a blast wave. It deals massive damage to, and stuns enemy units around The Dawnbreaker, consuming all Radience points, but having increased damage after each one.

(Note that this ability can be combined with Dawnbreak Throw, allowing Sirion to engage from a fair distance)

Let me hear your feedback guys.
Level 16
Aug 7, 2009
Of course it's under development. Sadly our terrainer is quite busy nowadays, but he's still working on the terrain. While the terrain is being made, we're mostly doing those things that can be implemented with triggers (like items [their object data is generated via LUA], different systems, etc). Sadly it's a slow progress (it'd be done already if that cliff thing would not exist), but we're planning to finish this as soon as possible.

I've also registered our forum and added the already done heroes and items. I'll reveal its link as soon as we get more items (well, we've got only Tier 1 items yet) and more heroes. It'll cover everything: heroes, items, DL links, game mechanisms, hero/item feedbacks and suggestions, bug reports, and an off-part where all the non-sense s**t should go.

But don't worry, this will be finished for sure :)


I don't get it

Well, it's simple IMO:
Sirion doesn't use mana. He has a maximum of 10 "mana", but it's called Radiance (and has orange color on the healthbar.) Casting a spell around (or by) Sirion gives him 1 Radiance point. If a spell is cast when he has 5 or more Radiance points, 5 will be consumed, and the spell will get the "Radiance Bonus" effect.

He's supposed to be a tank. What a does good tank need?:
1, tankyness
2, CC
3, good initiating spell(s)
4, moderate damage

So, what he has?
1, his passive and his Imbue Armor gives him enough tankyness.
2, Sirion has a cool AoE slow (Q), a single target stun (E), and an AoE stun (R). You may call this OP, but note that his Q and E takes 5 Radiance Points to activate the stun effect, however that 5 RP should be spent on different things.
3, Dawnbreak Throw works like a boomerang. You throw it damaging each unit on its way, then it comes back doing the same thing again. And because Shock Blast uses the Emerald to cause the explosion, which can be found in the shield, if you throw your shield out and cast R, the explosion will happen where your shield is; in the middle of the enemy group.
4, His spells are 100% costless, meaning he can spam them all day long. They'll have quite low cooldowns and moderate damage, so even tho' he won't be as scary as the enemy AP carry is, but he'll also be a threat, something that you don't want to let keep running in the middle of your group. Also, because most of his spells scale with both armor and Ability Power, casting W can
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Level 16
Sep 19, 2011
Omg! Cool gameplay and Systems. :thumbs_up: :thumbs_up: :infl_thumbs_up:
Gizz! and people are aggressive you with stupid lore questions. Wish some people try to understand the description or at least read it!
Normal warcraft is boring! The time of stupid recipes and item dropping/picking up again is over!
Level 17
Jul 1, 2010
Omg! Cool gameplay and Systems. :thumbs_up: :thumbs_up: :infl_thumbs_up:
Gizz! and people are aggressive you with stupid lore questions. Wish some people try to understand the description or at least read it!
Normal warcraft is boring! The time of stupid recipes and item dropping/picking up again is over!
Then stfu and stop playing warcraft genius...normal warcraft is boring...jeez..
Level 16
Aug 7, 2009
Normal warcraft is boring! The time of stupid recipes and item dropping/picking up again is over!

I think he meant the time of stupid DotA (and similar popular maps) copies.


As you may have noticed, I've already got my thread header and signature picture. This one is used on my site too.

One of our team members had serious personal problems (the terrainer to be exact), but I've got a PM today saying he's back and will start to work again. So no worries. (However my modeller is gone for a week; exams. I'll have a very important german exam this monday too...)

We're also making things: I've written my own spawn code (much faster than the old one) and made all the minions. The next thing is the jungle creeps and the creep-camp code. I've also added percentage Armor and Spell Penetration, and now Crowd Control Reduction is showed on the StatBoard.
Some of the older scripts have been rewritten too.
Sirion is done, plus 2/5 spells of the next hero too. We're working on the map, don't worry.
Level 26
Aug 18, 2009
The first post still does not contain much information. Please shrink the pics/make them scaleable.

The Dawnbraker stores energy after each magic effect nearby, and uses it to strengthen the defenses of its wearer.

Including enemy spells? I do not like it very much when a player can directly hurt oneself/one is too dependent on the enemies' feed. Same goes to

The Dawnbreaker reflects all magical projectiles coming from the front to their source as long as the effect lasts.

That's practically a super spell shield, able to block multiple hazards, protecting the user from all and hurling dangerous things back. The same ability also boosts other resistances, so that's nearly inviolability, CC and innate can be used to obtain the required facing.

(Note #2: Imbue Armor and Shield Bash can't be cast while his shield is in the air)

Inflexible but I guess it does not take long, this and deflecting shield reminds of LoL's Rammus. And double (may be connected) stuns + slow as an alternative seems really overpowered, especially since you can relocate the ultimate.

Due to teamfights, radiance should rocket up. There comes another problem: How to surely select where you want to put your radiance in. It's again dependent on others and may change rapidly in confrontations, resulting in effects you did not want to trigger nor can you preserve it.
Level 16
Aug 7, 2009
The main post has not been updated yet. That's why it doesn't contain that much information. I'll add more, plus all the hero, item and mechanism data can be found on the site (forum). Expect its link with the main post update.

Well, actually you get one Radiance Point after each casted spell. Speaking of LoL, it kinda looks like Kassadin's Force Pulse; 1 Spell = 1 Radiance Point.

Imbue Armor only reflects single target/skill shot projectiles, excluding attack projectiles. Actually there's very few projectile that can be reflected. Also, only projectiles coming from the front can be reflected.

(Note #2: Imbue Armor and Shield Bash can't be cast while his shield is in the air)

That's because the Dawnbreaker (his shield) does the job. How would you strike down with it, if it's kilometers away?

Due to teamfights, radiance should rocket up. There comes another problem: How to surely select where you want to spend your radiance. It's again dependent on others and may change very fast in confrontations, resulting in effects you did not want to trigger, nor can you preserve it.

Well, that's the difference between low and high skill capped heroes. The way you use your Radiance (or not use; because of the armor and resistance bonus it might be a good idea sometimes to stack it up) determines how good you are at Sirion.

Also, because the whole Radiance system works kinda like Renekton's Furry system, I decided to do something similar: if you reach 5 Radiance, the eyes of your shield start to glow and your Mana Bar changes its color to orange. There's no way you won't notice that you have more than 5 Radiance. And then you can decide what to do with it.
Level 26
Aug 18, 2009
That's because the Dawnbreaker (his shield) does the job. How would you strike down with it, if it's kilometers away?

Have not aimed at logic there.

Also, because the whole Radiance system works kinda like Renekton's Furry system, I decided to do something similar: if you reach 5 Radiance, the eyes of your shield start to glow and your Mana Bar changes its color to orange. There's no way you won't notice that you have more than 5 Radiance. And then you can decide what to do with it.

It is not that you would not notice but that you have to react very fast in situations and you probably do not take the amount immediately from when the player orders.

Everything else was already known/assumed/considered.
Level 26
Aug 18, 2009
You have not understood at all. Yes, it is more comprehensible that the hero cannot use the shield when it's not available. What I have described as bad is that, due to this circumstance, he has got a disadvantage in flexibility. He limits himself like Rammus cannot go carapace while rolling.
Level 16
Aug 7, 2009
I got you, don't worry. But you haven't got me either. You can't always pick a hero and play "easymode". There are easy and there are hard heroes.

He limits himself, but it has a good reward: noticeable damage, extra Radiance Points and the ability to CC the entire enemy team. So it may have disadvantages, but it doesn't automatically means that it's going to be underpowered, or useless.
Level 26
Aug 18, 2009
I got you, don't worry. But you haven't got me either. You can't always pick a hero and play "easymode". There are easy and there are hard heroes.

He limits himself, but it has a good reward: noticeable damage, extra Radiance Points and the ability to CC the entire enemy team. So it may have disadvantages, but it doesn't automatically means that it's going to be underpowered, or useless.

I have only quoted

That's because the Dawnbreaker (his shield) does the job. How would you strike down with it, if it's kilometers away?

for a reason when I spoke about logics not being all.

And I have only entitled it as inflexible, not underpowered or useless. You can decide whether the restriction is acceptable but I do not like it very much as I have initially stated.
Level 16
Aug 7, 2009
Well, thanks. I'm glad you like our project. I might ask for ideas in the future (I've got some hero ideas with models, some spells and the basic concept, but they lack 1-2 spells), however you'll have a hard time as I'm kinda choosy :) I'm that person who never likes anything. I know your factory tho' and you're doing a demanding job.
Level 2
Sep 4, 2011
Hello again, I'm done with some hero background stories!
These might change, keep it in mind, and I skipped Jainar anr Shagutt, since they are Luorax' heroes, and Sirion's story is under construction ( well, it's done, I just have to write it down )
Some feedback and constructive criticism would be nice :)

Nessara, the Demonic Assasin
Nessara, half-breed of a Fel Orc warlock and a Succubus possesses immense strength and demonic powers. Spending all her life in combat with the enemies of the Burning Legion, she learnt to adapt to almost every combat situation. Her attacks can be deadly and ruthless, or smart and precise, depending on her mission. Her task is usually being sent behind the enemy lines to assasinate the enemy's spellcasters, and cause as much distortion as possible.

Tidalus, Wraith of the Currents
Tidalus, General of Neptulon, the Tidehunter's forces at the South Currents was sent to Nazjatar, Queen Azshara's palace as an ambassador. He can manipulate water with ease, bending it at his will, using it to inflict or prevent damage, whichever is needed. His talents in protection were quickly discovered by Her Highness, who made him the captain of her Royal Guard. Now, following Queen Azshara's and Neptulon's orders, he joined the armies of the Last alliance, providing almost impenetrable protection to his new allies.

Glacion, Tempest of the North
Glacion was one of the few Blue Dragons who managed to survive Deathwing’s madness when he betrayed his kind, and annihilated Malygos’ Blue Dragonflight. Due to his size, age and protective barriers, he was flung towards the icy rooftop of Azeroth, just like Sindragosa. While she crashed into the icy fields of Icecrown, he landed on a glacier in the Storm Peaks. None the less injuries from the Dragon Soul’s force were almost lethal, the landing literally tore him in two, and put an end to his life. Being conserved in the ice of the glacier for ten thousand years, his remains managed to evade the salvage of the scourge, and remain intact. Now, as his service is needed again to protect the world, his spirit returned to the old bones, and a new entity, Glacion was born.

Scneer, the Nether Reaver
None has ever seen such a creature like him. His exact origin is unknown; his kind lives in mystery, in the depths of the Twisting Nether. Some claims that his kind is related is to Etereal Soul-Trader Consortium. All that is known about him is that he can manipulate the cosmic energy flows, cause space distortions and wild-magic zones, and completely remove living beings from this reality at his will. It is unclear why and how he joined the Burning Legion, but the field reports say that he spends a lot of time carefully extracting his fallen enemies’ living energy for later use.

Raz'jalr, the Faceless Horror
Raz’jalr, this faceless creature is one of the most loyal and fanatic followers of the banished Old Gods. He is the herald of their corruption, the tool of their will’s fulfillment. He was ordered to join the forces of the Burning Legion, thus helping his masters’ plan of breaking free advance. Even his allies fear and respect him, as those who encountered him. Being watched and protected by the Old Gods, those who stand against him, have to face their force and madness as they already managed to loosen their prison.

Kassar, the Restless Dead
Quen'ikassar was once a proud and deadly archer of the High Elves’ 7th Ranger Battalion. He was on a mission to strike the Legion’s supply lines. He and his comrades were ambushed, and taken to the eredar homeworld as prisoners. Everyone but Kassar got murdered, while he, being the leader of his party, was tortured and mutilated cruelly, and then resurrected as a cold-blooded killing machine. His torture isn’t over; his anguished soul is eternally bound to his mortal remains, the bones that once served him, damned to endlessly watch the havoc his skeleton caused among his former allies.

Zaraxxus, the Eredar Warlord
Zaraxxus, twin brother of Jaraxxus, is a powerful eredar warlord of the Burning Legion. He served his Dark Master well; he led the hordes of demons, conquered many worlds in the Great Dark Beyound. He is not a typical Eredar, as he leads his forces into battle always leading the charge, instead of staying behind and casting malicious spells at the enemy. As his chaotic soul burns with hatred, his spells are often empowered by this burning rage, dealing enormous damage among his enemies and causing widespread destruction.

Erion, the Mage-Knight
Erion is a strange and rare fusion of a paladin and a mage. His father was the leader of the forces defending Duskwood when the first wave of demons arrived, and his mother was the Grand Sorceress of the Violet Citadel watching over the area. As he inherited both celestial and arcane powers from his parents, he is one of the few who were ever able to successfully compound these kinds of magic. Channeling powers through his sword, which serves as a focus, he steadfastly fights to purge the evil from Azeroth.

Xirris, the Mage Hunter
Xirris is a strange result of a demonic experiment; he was an Eredar, who got merged merged with multiple kinds of Fel Hunters and Void Walkers. He was bred to hunt down and eliminate the mortal spellcasters, armed with streams of negative energy, twirling around his talons, Mana-detecting sensorial organs, Mana Stalkers, that he calls forth from his own essence, and an extraordinary ability to tap and confuse the living energies of his enemies.

Sirion, Templar of the Dawn
Koralion, the Singing Dawnstone, a huge orange gem was found in a crater two thousand years ago near the Blackrock Mountans. It got into the property of an isolated templar order, where its special features were quickly discovered. The gem emits a smooth, pleasant, crystal-flute-like singing voice when exposed to the rays of the rising sun, and it absorbs and accumulates all kind of magical energies around it. Later it was found out that this gem is a splinter of a Naaru that was passing through the solar System near Azeroth. The Templar Order took a new name according to the gem, and embedded it in the Dawnbreaker, a legendary shield made out of pure elementium. Even though the order possessed such a powerful artifact, they couldn’t hold up the enemy, when the demons invaded Azeroth. Sirion, the last survivor of the Order, was tasked by the dying Grand Master of the Dawn Templars himself to carry on the Dawnbreaker and the story of the Order, and not to rest until every single demon is dead.
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