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Anudda Shinrikyo Race

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.


Anudda Shinrikyo Altered Melee Race
How to play?

To play this faction, choose Human to play this race.

All units are in HD so go to Reforged mode and play this Altered Melee map.



The Anudda Shinrikyo or AS in short is a highly radicalized Human faction devoted to their race. They wreak havoc on inhuman, creeps, Undead, Orcs, even Elves. The Imperium marks this faction a terrorist organization. They would overthrow the Imperial government and establish an all-Human nation.

1. Assault Hall - Command center and drop-off point for gold and lumber. Trains Fallen Priests. Can upgrade to Keep and then Citadel. Has the Tome of Self-Radicalization upgrade.
2. Power Generator - Food production building for AS units and also a source of gold.
3. Training Post - Troop production building, trains Neophytes, Skirmishers and Dragoons. Has the Raging Hormones, Spear Mastery and Animal War Training upgrades.
4. Altar of Devastation - Summons heroes and revives slain heroes.
5. Labor Mill - Serves as a drop-off point for lumber and upgrades for weapons and armor.
6. Occultist's Guild - Trains Anarchists, Heretics, and Fanatics. Also contains upgrades for Anarchists, Heretics, Kill Frenzy and Magic Sentry upgrades.
7. Siege Post - Produces Enraged Golems and Infernal Cannons. Also contains the Berserk Module and Enhanced Fireball Upgrade.
8. Dragon Lair - Trains Gryphon Warlocks and Death Dragons. Has the Unholy Frenzy and Draconis Scale Plating upgrade.
9. Watch Tower - Defensive structure. Has the Magic Sentry upgrade.
10. Cauldron of Relics - Creates a shop for purchasable items, unlocks items depending on a current Keep or Citadel.

1. Fallen Priest - Basic worker unit, can gather gold and lumber. Can also build and repair structures.
2. Neophyte - Basic infantry unit. Can learn the Raging Hormones to increase attack speed.
3. Skirmisher - Ranged attacker, excel at taking down air units.
4. Dragoon - Powerful melee warrior. Can learn Animal War Training and Raging Hormones.
5. Heretic - Complexed spellcaster, can initially cast Faerie Fire which reduces armor and provides vision. Can also Raise Dead and Carrion Swarm.
6. Anarchist - Support spellcaster, can initially cast Healing Ward to heal nearby units. Can also Unholy Frenzy and Devour Magic.
7. Fanatic - Melee specialist, can learn Kill Frenzy to restore HP and immune to spells.
8. Enraged Golem - Heavy assault unit. Can learn Berserk Module and immune to spells.
9. Infernal Cannon - Artillery support unit, excel at destroying structures. Can learn Enhanced Fireball and immune to spells.
10. Gryphon Warlock - Powerful flyer. Can learn Unholy Frenzy and Animal War Training.
11. Death Dragon - Powerful assault creature. Can learn Draconis Scale Plating and Animal War Training.

1. Dark Apostle - Warrior Hero, excel at dark arts and life regeneration. Can learn Death Coil, Life Drain, Unholy Aura and Avenging Angel.
2. Occult Leader - Mystical Hero, adept at support and overwhelming odds. Can learn Silence, Summon Revenant, Summon Mega Zombie and Animate Dead.
3. Lord of Slanders - Mystical hero, adept at support. Can learn Healing Wave, Banish, Brilliance Aura and Word of Hatred.
4. Quartermaster - Warrior Hero, exceptional at defense and augmenting nearby friendly troops. Can learn Armor Up, Rally, Devotion Aura and Grand Slam.

I would like to credit for the following:
  • Assault Hall, Keep and Citadel, Altar of Devastation and Fallen Wizard Heroes (Yours truly)
  • Lionhawks of Ceres (BurnedSmackdown)
  • Anarchism Aura (qqluqq)
  • Improved Rogue (Fugrim)
  • Cosmic Wings (Vinz)
  • Mathias Shaw, Khadgar, Judgment Paladin and Devil Warlock (vindorei)
  • Lizard Rock Pile (EmirDaud)
  • Dwarf Forge (Barorque, ShadiHD, and Tamplier)
  • Human Infantry Barracks (CaptainHec)
  • Northmill Lumber and Plague Cauldron (Mr Ogre man)
  • WC2 Altar of Storms (Tamplier)
Music Used - Command & Conquer Red Alert 3; Rising Sun Theme

Full Scale Assault (Map)

A lot of the building icons go green during F10/game pause or when not available yet. They either have no properly imported DISBTN version or none at all. Same with units. Power Generators can be built over other buildings. Rally's description say it...


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
A lot of the building icons go green during F10/game pause or when not available yet. They either have no properly imported DISBTN version or none at all. Same with units.
Power Generators can be built over other buildings.
Rally's description say it gives armour when learning it.

Pretty much a human edit. No real custom experience, total regular WcIII material aside some custom models.


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  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

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