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A Symphony of Frost and Flame (Edited)

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
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My edited versions of the final Scourge campaign map. Added and tinkered some stuff around the map to make it more interesting. Nothing mindblowing mind you, but simplistic changes here and there to make it a mix of challenge and fun.

All details regarding map changes, credits etc. are in Spoiler section.

Welcome to spoilers. Here's some details:

New units:

-Lumberjack (A skeleton worker that can only harvest lumber, no food cost) model by jj84

-Death Revenant (A powerful unit added to counter Illidan's Royal Guard, can be trained from the Temple of the Damned. Can cast Greater Raise Dead, Death Coil and Howl of Terror)

-Sapphiron (A powerful demi unit, a quest only reward where you just have to wait for him to arrive after 10 minutes)

-Armored Skeleton Archer (Greater Raise Dead unit from Death Revenant) model by Eagle XI

-Skeleton Centurion (Greater Raise dead unit from Death Revenant) by Villagerino

New Hero:

-Baelgun Ghostbeard (Risen into undeath by Arthas after he killed him in Azjol Nerub) model by Sellenisko, Icon by R.ace613

New Items:

-Tiny Necropolis

-Tiny Altar of Darkness

-Tiny Tomb of Relics

(Reward items if you've completed the gold fetch secondary quests in all three Azjol Nerub maps, making it easier to quickly set up your base.)

Changes to existing units:

-Acolyte (No food cost, so feel free to go crazy on them)

-Shade (Also no food cost)

-Meat Wagon (New ported model and icon by BaiyuGalan)

-Undead Battleship (new model by Explobomb)

-Arthas (new model by Kwaliti)

-Illidan (Cinematic model by Zerox)

Neutral buildings added:

-Goblin Merchant (It contains Rexxar campaign items like Crown of the Deathlord, Killmaim etc. They are a bit pricey tho, which might give you an incentive to stay in No Upkeep to get gold you need to buy them)

-Shipyard (2 of them at that at Naga camp near the east Obelisk, where you can buy the ships and finally destroy Illidan's base, except for the Altar, which is invulnerable, so its not a complete Illidan wipe)

Terrain changes:

The terrain around the south and west obelisks has been smoothed a bit, making more room for you to make a proper, defensive base to protect the obelisks.

Enemy rewards:

-Destroying Kael'Thas' Altar will drop Glyph of Fortification

-Destroying Lady Vashj' Altar will drop Glyph of Ultravision

New Dialogues:

Additional dialogues have been added around the new stuff i've added like Goblin Merchant and Shipyard, just for some immersion.

And that's it for Spoilers, Enjoy the Map :)


Fixed the issue with debug messages like AI COP 01 Gained appearing whenever you cap or lose obelisks, they should no longer be appearing.

Illidan AI has been fixed a bit, he will no longer camp at east obelisk when he caps it, he goes now for west and south obelisks too as intended.


BIG update this one, mostly for Blood elf faction cause they really deserve some love:

Blood elf Buildings - models by SinisterX

Blood elf Ballista - model by Sellenisko

Spellbreaker - model by Johnwar

Swordsman - model by Johnwar

Archer - model by General Frank (the unit in addition has searing arrows, making them now not exactly pushovers during attack waves)

New Units:

-Blood Knight (model by General Frank), a powerful Blood Elf heavy cavalry unit equivalent in strength to Naga Royal Guard, more focused in melee combat. Has Chaos Damage, Spell Immunity, Critical Strike and Cleave.

Three Captains have been added to be trained in Altar of Darkness to buff your army (1 limit each) (models by Jiok, icons by r.ace613)

-Captain Falric (Unit with Defend, Command Aura and Slow Poison)

-Captain Marwyn (Unit with Vampiric Aura and Critical Strike)

-Captain Luc Valonforth (Unit with Defend, Devotion Aura and Bash)

And yes you can create all three of them cause for the life of me i couldn't find anywhere how to make a trigger to block the other two captains from training when you choose one of the three (Like if you choose Falric, then you cant create Marwyn and Luc until he dies, and vice versa for other captains) So yea, enjoy the op trio till i figure that part out :D

Other changes:

-Naga Royal Guard unit has been added to defend Vashj' base as well, in addition to having alot more units to defend the base, along with Kael.

-The attack waves of both factions have been ramped up to Hard difficulty levels (possibly bit higher than that), so expect quite a large amount of units after wave 5.


Added separate map with INSANE MODE modifications. The changes are:

- Removed the food limit from Illidan's, Kael's and Vashj' units, so expect a shitton of units from attack waves and those defending their bases.

- Added secondary quest "Monsters of the Deeps", where you have to destroy two Naga Gates that continuously spawn Dragon Turtle (neutral version) and Sea Giant Behemoth every five minutes, attacking your base from both flanks.

- Should Illidan take South and West Obelisks, the naga that spawn there will attack your base instead of grouping up and chilling at the obelisks.

- Added additional Crypt Fiend for starting army, along with Falric, Marwyn and three Necromancers.

- Changed the Glyph of Fortification upgrade level from 1 to 3, making the Kael base purge all the more satisfying.


- A spit and polish update for insane mode map, just added a new loading screen for artistic touch and added text, cause why not :)


First, happy new year! Second, this will possibly be a final update to this map, so i can finally move on to other stuff. So, as for new stuff:

- Instead of having two seperate maps, i deleted the first one and updated the Insane mode one, since im feeling sadistic this year :D

- Went quality over quantity this time with Illidan's retinue, to make them far more of a threat. Now instead of having a buttload of weak units like reavers and turtles, he has Royal Guards as intended and Ancient Hydras, accompanied with snap dragons and sirens for support. So yea, it will be a game of cat and mouse until you get an army proper to counter his.

As for Illidan himself, he received some items to make him more of a threat: Besides the standard Orb of Kil'jaeden, he has Bloodfeather Heart, Mask of Death, Crown of Kings, Boots of Speed and Tome of Sacrifices.

- Additional side quest has been added, Turning the Tide. This quest is a big one as it rewards you with undead Naga and Blood Elf units to train if you manage to destroy either or both of their bases. I thought at first to simply make their buildings available for players to build once you use Banshees on their workers, but i decided in the end to go a step further and make undead versions of them instead, to keep in theme with the Scourge killing and raising the fallen to fight for them. They are more or less the same like their living couterparts, but there were changes to certain units.

Undead Naga units:

- Skeletal Siren (model by grunt, icon by scias) The Parasite spell has been removed, so you have only Frost Armor and cyclone.

- Undead Myrmidon (model and icon by Mister_haudrauf)

- Acid Wyrm (model by Sellenisko, icon by timmay)

- Decayed Couatl (model by Villagerino, icon by Aldeia)

Undead Blood Elves:

- Spell Thief (model by ujimasa hojo, icon by Shiza)

- Witch (model by Ujimasa Hojo, Icon by chr2). Other than Slow, she can also cast Hex and Shadow Strike.

- Apothecary (model by johnwar, icon by aldeia). This unit got a bit of love, as he can auto cast Mutagen (aka Parasite but different minion spawn) and Unholy Might (aka Inner Fire).

- Grave Guard (Model by Anvil, Direfury, Galadgod, HappyCockroach, Paultaker. Icon by Aldeia)

- Spectral Knight (model and icon by BaiyuGalan)

- DragonHawk Raider (model by Ujimasa Hojo, icon by r.ace613)

- Crossbowman (model by Grendel)

- New Sapphiron ported icon by zenonoth

Some of the icons dont really fit the unit models, but sadly there were none in the Hive Icon section that would complement the models themselves, so i went for the alternatives instead.

A new unit reward has been added to the side quest Monsters of the Deeps once you destroy the two gates.

- Dragonbone Reaper (Model by Villagerino, Icon by Death-Blade), a beefy endgame unit that can use War Stomp and Frost Bolt.

And that's it, enjoy the map.


A Symphony of Frost and Flame (Map)

Sadly, the changes are too simple, workers not requiring food, some new units that aren't really necessary or that different from any other existing ones. If anything, the Death Revenants might prove too overpowered considering regenerative Death Coil...


Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
Sadly, the changes are too simple, workers not requiring food, some new units that aren't really necessary or that different from any other existing ones. If anything, the Death Revenants might prove too overpowered considering regenerative Death Coil + Essence of Blight (Obsidian Statues).
Other than that, a reskinned Mountain King (which doesn't make sense lorewise especially considering the name) and some other reskins for Arthas and Illidan. The first doesn't have hero glow.
There are also some debug messages appearing: AI COP 01 Gained.


If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange!


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  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

M A P - C R E A T I O N - G U I D E S

If you're not satisfied with the review and wish another opinion, contact the other reviewers or use the staff contact:
Level 15
Jul 5, 2013
Sadly, the changes are too simple, workers not requiring food, some new units that aren't really necessary or that different from any other existing ones. If anything, the Death Revenants might prove too overpowered considering regenerative Death Coil + Essence of Blight (Obsidian Statues).
Other than that, a reskinned Mountain King (which doesn't make sense lorewise especially considering the name) and some other reskins for Arthas and Illidan. The first doesn't have hero glow.
There are also some debug messages appearing: AI COP 01 Gained.


If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange!


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  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

M A P - C R E A T I O N - G U I D E S

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It's ok, like i said in the description, this isnt anything mindblowing, nor did i expect this map to be it, just something i made in spare time and thought to share here. Simplicity is bliss, right? ;)

Workers not requiring food thing is something i liked from Legends of Arkain campaign, and it is annoying when your food cap is compromised from ton of workers that need to be saturated for wood and gold, on top of building an army to do mission objectives. For Death Revenants that is true, but Illidan's Royal Guard tend to really put a hurt in your army, and since the only instant healer is Arthas, your army can get easily damaged if not wiped, so they are nice addition in my eyes. That and it gives people a unit to relax with when they go for Vashj' and Kael's base, or obelisks.

For Mountain King, i thought of it as an Alternate Universe, What If thing, where Arthas doesnt just kill Baelgun, but also raises him as undead, hence why you can play with him in map. Btw, he does have a hero glow, you can just barely see it ingame cause he's a small dude. And yea, reskins only isnt that bad, considering those reskins are really awesome, specially Arthas model. As for COP 01 Gained, that one is strange, ill replay map and see what it's about.

Thanks for the review either way :)
Last edited:
Level 4
Nov 3, 2023
This feels like a love letter to players who're itching for a new way to enjoy A Symphony of Frost and Flame and I am HERE FOR IT.

•The quality of life touches feel so good (no food for labor units + tiny buildings to jumpstart the intro).
•Absolutely prefer the Arthas model on foot vs the horse; the new skins for Illidan + "Ghostbeard" are great too.
•The new unit, Death Revenant, feel like the undead equivalent of the Naga Royal Guard we scarcely get to use and I LOVE them.
•Hidden High-End item shop in some obscure corner of the map is appreciated, as it sucks being at the mercy of drops or starting items.
•And the shipyard is the best addition. I can't tell you how many times I've wanted to go over to Illidan's base and crater him, but no matter how many wyrms I amassed, I could never put a scratch on his island.

Things I'd recommend.
•In both the original mission and this mod, for some reason, when Banshees possess a peasant, they cannot build any of their structures. That'd be an addition that may be appreciated (although, now that the terrain around the obelisks is a lot cleaner, and thus easier to defend with mass towers, this may not be as relevant).
•Now that the player gets the full 100 food for their army, plus other quality of life perks (third hero, new super powerful T3 unit, pet dragons swoops in at 10min, more items, ect) tweaks should be made (or at least considered) for powering up Illidan's forces as well. The 3v1 "uphill" feeling is what makes this mission so memorable, so at the very least, the difficulty should have the option to be turned up to hard/insane AI.

All in all, it delivered on it's goal, and it shreds my dude! Very fun.
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Level 15
Jul 5, 2013
This feels like a love letter to players who're itching for a new way to enjoy A Symphony of Frost and Flame and I am HERE FOR IT.

•The quality of life touches feel so good (no food for labor units + tiny buildings to jumpstart the intro).
•Absolutely prefer the Arthas model on foot vs the horse; the new skins for Illidan + "Ghostbeard" are great too.
•The new unit, Death Revenant, feel like the undead equivalent of the Naga Royal Guard we scarcely get to use and I LOVE them.
•Hidden High-End item shop in some obscure corner of the map is appreciated, as it sucks being at the mercy of drops or starting items.
•And the shipyard is the best addition. I can't tell you how many times I've wanted to go over to Illidan's base and crater him, but no matter how many wyrms I amassed, I could never put a scratch on his island.

Things I'd recommend.
•In both the original mission and this mod, for some reason, when Banshees possess a peasant, they cannot build any of their structures. That'd be an add may be appreciated (although, now that the terrain around the altar's is a lot cleaner, and thus easier to defend with mass towers, this may not be as relevant).
•Now that the player gets the full 100 food for their army, plus other quality of life perks (third hero, new super powerful T3 unit, pet dragons swoops in at 10min, more items, ect) tweaks should be made (or at least considered) for powering up Illidan's forces as well. The 3v1 "uphill" feeling is what makes this mission so memorable, so at the very least, the difficulty should have the option to be turned up to hard/insane AI.

All in all, it delivered on it's goal, and it shreds my dude! Very fun.
When you put it that way, it kinda is, even though it wasnt entirely intentional haha

-Yea, i loved that quality of life touch since playing Legends of Arkain campaign, it feels great when your food cap is not compromised from ton of workers that always need to be saturated for gold and lumber. And the tiny buildings addition is i imagined as the quest reward if you do all three Azjol Nerub secondary quests where you collect gold coins.
-Yup, that was kinda the idea behind adding the Death Revenant, especially when you have to fight Illidan's Royal guard that either defend the base or follow him as retinue.
-Right? It's a much more fun option than killing some polar bears just to get hp boost item lol
-Same man, same :D The thing is, the Frost Wyrms have light armor and Couatls have piercing damage, which do extra dmg on light armor, which is why there are so many at illidan's main base, cause they snipe those poor wyrms before you can do anything. Especially with the snap dragons having that annoying poison that slows the wyrms movement and attack rate (as if they aren't slow enough with their attacks lol) I had thought at first of adding an Undead Barge to fly over the water and drop your units in base, but having an armada of ships invading Illidan's base seemed like a better and more dramatic option.

-I think that was exactly why they removed the build structures from peasants. One of, if not THE favorite gimmicks with Undead faction is using Banshees to possess workers (lord knows how many times i did that in Monolith map back in the day :D), so they can basically get another faction to play with (in this map it would basically be undead, naga and blood elves in one package). Though in this instance i might add the buildings, just as another fun factor. And if that doesnt get a positive feedback, its a simple matter of resetting the workers.
-I'm not exactly an expert with AI editing, but you do have a point, i might have to boost Illidan, Kael and Vashj a bit to compensate for boons players have, and i'll do my best to make hard difficulty live up to its name :D

Thanks alot for the post and rating, i appreciate it, and ill keep this map updated if there are anymore interesting ideas and suggestions :grin:
Level 11
Jul 29, 2014
I always wondered where is Saphiron now to help Arthas when I needed him the most, and there he is! This map is a great addition to the original map, with these simple, yet effective changes. It does make the map A LOT easier, though, but it surely gives a finger to the annoying AI, which was very satisfying after it kept ruining my childhood with their constant attacks 😂😂😂
I liked Baelgun. At first, I thought it was Muradin, but when I started playing I saw it was actually Baelgun, which surprised me even more! I thought he'd received some newer spells, since he's the undead, though, but no matter. It was fun playing with him, along with Arthas and Anub'arak, nevertheless.
Additional Revenant unit was great as well. Maybe a bit too OP unit, yet a great addition to Naga Royal Guards.
As I mentioned before, I think the map could be even more challenging after increasing its difficulty. Perhaps making AI's attacks more frequent with more units in attack waves? Of course, there is always room for more changes on the map, like adding new stuff that you can think of 😁
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Level 15
Jul 5, 2013
I always wondered where is Saphiron now to help Arthas when I needed him the most, and there he is! This map is a great addition to the original map, with these simple, yet effective changes. It does make the map A LOT easier, though, but it surely gives a finger to the annoying AI, which was very satisfying after it kept ruining my childhood with their constant attacks 😂😂😂
I liked Baelgun. At first, I thought it was Muradin, but when I started playing I saw it was actually Baelgun, which surprised me even more! I thought he'd received some newer spells, since he's the undead, though, but no matter. It was fun playing with him, along with Arthas and Anub'arak, nevertheless.
Additional Revenant unit was great as well. Maybe a bit too OP unit, yet a great addition to Naga Royal Guards.
As I mentioned before, I think the map could be even more challenging after increasing its difficulty. Perhaps making AI's attacks more frequent with more units in attack waves? Of course, there is always room for more changes on the map, like adding new stuff that you can think of 😁
Thank you. I always wondered too, last time we see Sapphiron is where he killed some dwarves before Arthas sent him away because he can't go in Azjol Nerub. That part i understood why, it's a subterranean kingdom after all, but i was really disappointed that he just pissed off and never showed up at last mission lol
Yea, he has muradin soundset, so i can understand the confusion :D I came up with Baelgun idea as an AU, what if thing, where Arthas raises him as undead so he can be of use against Illidan in final mission. You know, all the help you can get mindset.
Sadly from what i've tried to figure out, i cant change the campaign map difficulties at all, so i will have to edit the default normal mode gameplay into hard mode to compensate for the player boosts.
Level 4
Nov 3, 2023
When you put it that way, it kinda is, even though it wasnt entirely intentional haha

-Yea, i loved that quality of life touch since playing Legends of Arkain campaign, it feels great when your food cap is not compromised from ton of workers that always need to be saturated for gold and lumber. And the tiny buildings addition is i imagined as the quest reward if you do all three Azjol Nerub secondary quests where you collect gold coins.
-Yup, that was kinda the idea behind adding the Death Revenant, especially when you have to fight Illidan's Royal guard that either defend the base or follow him as retinue.
-Right? It's a much more fun option than killing some polar bears just to get hp boost item lol
-Same man, same :D The thing is, the Frost Wyrms have light armor and Couatls have piercing damage, which do extra dmg on light armor, which is why there are so many at illidan's main base, cause they snipe those poor wyrms before you can do anything. Especially with the snap dragons having that annoying poison that slows the wyrms movement and attack rate (as if they aren't slow enough with their attacks lol) I had thought at first of adding an Undead Barge to fly over the water and drop your units in base, but having an armada of ships invading Illidan's base seemed like a better and more dramatic option.

-I think that was exactly why they removed the build structures from peasants. One of, if not THE favorite gimmicks with Undead faction is using Banshees to possess workers (lord knows how many times i did that in Monolith map back in the day :D), so they can basically get another faction to play with (in this map it would basically be undead, naga and blood elves in one package). Though in this instance i might add the buildings, just as another fun factor. And if that doesnt get a positive feedback, its a simple matter of resetting the workers.
-I'm not exactly an expert with AI editing, but you do have a point, i might have to boost Illidan, Kael and Vashj a bit to compensate for boons players have, and i'll do my best to make hard difficulty live up to its name :D

Thanks alot for the post and rating, i appreciate it, and ill keep this map updated if there are anymore interesting ideas and suggestions :grin:

A quick addendum to my "it should be more challenging to compensate for your new perks" comment-- I've just discovered some maps by someone with the name of Pyraeus and I think you may find they inspire some ideas. The changes this dude makes to campaign maps are insane.
Level 15
Jul 5, 2013
A quick addendum to my "it should be more challenging to compensate for your new perks" comment-- I've just discovered some maps by someone with the name of Pyraeus and I think you may find they inspire some ideas. The changes this dude makes to campaign maps are insane.
True, but his changes are not exactly to my taste for several reasons. TLDR version is that his maps are mostly tailored for 2 people to play (which i was never a fan of), thus he had to crank up stuff around the map to 11, so it presents a challenge. Besides, some of his ideas are hardly applicable to this particular map, especially since you command a single army. But i might consider ideas like destroying gateways and such from Illidan's side, or some similar idea to make map more interesting.

Thanks for info tho :)