• Listen to a special audio message from Bill Roper to the Hive Workshop community (Bill is a former Vice President of Blizzard Entertainment, Producer, Designer, Musician, Voice Actor) 🔗Click here to hear his message!
  • Read Evilhog's interview with Gregory Alper, the original composer of the music for WarCraft: Orcs & Humans 🔗Click here to read the full interview.
  • It's time for the first HD Modeling Contest of 2025. Join the theme discussion for Hive's HD Modeling Contest #7! Click here to post your idea!


  1. Jhoannes19

    Hero Unit Scale up while levelling

    Hello everyone, first tread for me. As the title says I am trying to make a trigger to scale-up of a certain value a unit, which is a hero, and when it is levelling up. I made this trigger: (sorry if I can't post the proper pics but I don0t know how to do it XD) Hero size growth Events...
  2. Teitan

    [Solved] Need a map's terrain edited - will pay

    someone did it for me, thanks for your attention though
  3. Unholy0ne

    [Solved] Potion of Vampirism

    Hello, I'm currently in the process of converting droppable consumables in my rpg from one generic model to a line of distinct models for visual fidelity and clarity. So far KAIL333XZ's Icon to Model Pack and KAIL333XZ's Some Custom Items Pack have been of tremendous help, but even searching...
  4. Kakerate

    UnitRemoveAbility returning false

    Hi, I'm having trouble removing an ability from a unit. Can someone describe circumstances in which an alive unit cannot have an ability removed? Thanks.
  5. some dude

    Floating obelisk

    Hello, can someone please make me a simple model of a floating obelisk with some energy-thing on top? must include a death animation (maybe a slight up-and-down hovering anim too), i need to use it as a tower. Nothing fancy, an edit of the generic gray-concrete obelisk found in the cityscape...
  6. Daliox1

    [Solved] Moving/attack unit

    Hey there, I'm new with triggers, starting and trying stuffs. I did try many possbilities, but I cannot find which "Action" I need to use to do what I want. So what I wanna do is that my unit is moving from point A to point B after spawning in point A. That's the easy part that I can do. So I...
  7. Veracius

    [Solved] Last created unit in unit group loop

    Good afternoon, I am trying to do this loop, where I cast aerial shackles on all units in this unit group. Aerial shackles has been modified to be able to be cast on the units, cost no mana, no casting time, no tech needed, increased range, etc. The thing is, one unit is actually being...
  8. Daliox1

    Corrupted Map

    Hello, I've been working now on a map since april and unfortunately, my map crashed while World Editor was open. Lucky me, I saved it before the crash but very unlucky me, my map seems to be corrupted now. Everytime I'm trying to open it in the WE, it says : "Unable to load file...
  9. paleto123

    [Solved] fire bomb like spell

    so i got a blood mage to cast a spell(thunder clap). and then 2 seconds later all affected units will receive another damage. it didnt go well, i cant get a working trigger to detect all the units. i need a little help
  10. biridius

    Particle emitter not working in game

    I tried to make a projectile's Death animation have a larger explosion. Edited it in war3 Model Editor, everything seems to display fine in the W3ME. But after importing it in my map, the yellow flash in the middle of the blast (particle emitter BlastFlare) does not work. This makes the...
  11. paleto123

    [Solved] how to disable hero after a player picked it?

    Probably been asked many times, but the search filter gave too many answers that i gave up I got a hero tavern that I want only 1 hero per game, not per player. How do I do that?
  12. Captain Bacon

    Request for a certain creep respawning system

    (EDIT) I've found someone to help me, thank you!
  13. Astrella

    [Solved] Accessing the Blizzard campaigns?

    So now with Reforged being out, what the way you can extract and look at the Blizzard made maps these days?
  14. KPC

    [Orb] Percentage Armor Reduce

    An orb that reduces armor by 25%. Similar to orb of corruption. I'm trying to make it using damage engine. Damage Engine Event is when unit loses hp Condition Hero manipulating Item - Orb I'm using Item armor bonus with multiple levels and negative values: Lvl 1: 0 Lvl 2: - 1 Lvl...
  15. Tim Tran

    Remains of special effects

    Hi there! Did somebody experienced that special effects are not completely removed / destroyed? I use the FreezingBreathTargetArt to symbolized frozen enemies which were paused by my spell. After the timer expires it looks (everytime) as shown here: I could live with that, but if there is a way...
  16. Dreamshock

    Spell Request - Negative Spirit Link

    Hello guys, i am creating an rpg style map with alot of heroes, however im not the best when it comes to triggers, and i wanted to make spell that is like Spirit Link but vice-versa. I want this spirit link to be able to target enemies and self, however i want when the Caster (Hero) takes...
  17. DieBieneFranz

    [Solved] New Movementspeed Bug since latest Patch?

    Hey, I am having a Problem setting a low movementspeed for units in my map. Before the patch I had no Problem with it. For example, I want to set the MS for a unit to 10, it is supposed to be very slow. But it then still moves too fast, even as fast as when I set it to 80 or 100. So there seem...
  18. DieBieneFranz

    [Solved] Turn on the ability to auto attack with Ability for defined time

    [Solved] Attack interval is buggy to triggeror something. I solved the problem with this (see Attached File). Original message: Hey, I want to make a spell that a specific hero CAN auto attack. So by default he should not be able to attack.By pressing the ability (instant selfcast) he should...
  19. Cribsoffer

    [Solved] Crash after several uses of a trigger

    So basically I have a trigger that spawns a circle of power in a circle around the casting unit (in this case a town hall). Before it spawns the circle of power, I check the Z value of the terrain and check for structures that are too close. Its working real well, except after casting the...
  20. Le_Flemard

    Scrollable quest requirements?

    Hi o/ I'm editing a map atm, and trying to add unlockable lore information. The way I started it is that made a "fake" side quest named Lore with quest requirement texts as "--- undiscover ---" for each unlockable lore of the map, I use the quest - change requirement description upon Lore...
  21. Shaddark

    [Trigger] Dialog problem

    I'm making a Menu options in my single player game, its like this: Menu: Camera Settings Color Settings Exit If the player selects Camera Settings open another dialog: Camera Settings: Fixed Camera Unfixed Camera Camera Distance 1 Camera Distance 2 Camera Distance 3 And for some reason the...
  22. Evolex

    Storing and managing a specific unit

    Hey guys! I was wondering if there is a cleaner or more efficient way on handling a specific unit throughout the game. I am currently working with a unit-group array that has a unit group for every player in which the main hero of every player is stored. Here's the way I'm storing them: Unit...
  23. moonturtle

    [Trigger] How do I create blocks for ex. when if else

    It looks like this when I'm trying to create blocks. I want the result to look something like this. if (conditions == true) then do {insert event} else do {insert event} The GUI is sort of forcing me to put in so much things all at once, and I feel like I can't even find everything at...
  24. Shunpomaster

    [Solved] Mark Above Target for one Player

    So i have an ability that deal damage based on target missing health, if target is low health it always Crit. Is it possible to show a mark or any other thing on target or units around the hero with 30% health or less? Or if it is possible to show Health Percentage above target even if all time.
  25. Boar

    [General] Special effects no longer appearing as of 1.31b

    Hey all! Special effects aren't appearing anymore for a project I've been slowly working on. Here's an example of code that no longer functions: private constant string SFX_ORA_STRIKE = "war3mapImported\\IceNova.mdl" ... local real casterX = GetUnitX(this.caster) local real casterY =...
  26. Kurnelia'zooz

    [General] Blind Lame Priest

    Anyone who has played AOE 1 campaign might know a unit named blind lame priest. He will cast heal on any unit which inside his cast range, no matter whose that unit belong to. I want to make that kind of unit on my map, but I don't know how to make it cast heal with a fixed amount on any single...
  27. TheFibrewire

    Can anyone help me to replace Default Grunt Model?

    Hi I want to replace the Default grunt model with WC2_Grunt Default Model path is Units\Orc\Grunt Model Name: Grunt Model by: Pyramidhe@d, Deolrin Texture by: Mr.Goblin Whenever I use the WC2_Grunt I get invisible model with shadows. I am able to open in Model editor, WC3 Viewer, Matrix...
  28. Rahko

    [Solved] Trigger not adjusting camera angle and FoV correctly

    Hey! This may seem a bit silly, but I am having a strange problem. What I'm trying to do is adjust the camera's angle and FoV with triggers, but they don't seem to be working. I've stripped the triggers to be as simple as possible, looking like this: Angle plus Events Unit - A...
  29. IamFierce

    Memory Exhausted

    When I am saving my map, I am now getting the error: Memory Exhausted. Disabling Jass Helper keeps the error from occurring, and allows me to save. Is this an error of the World Editor or innficent hardware spec of my computer. Meaning: this wouldn’t happen if my computer had better memory or...
  30. D

    [Trigger] How do I create spell tooltips that update with time ?

    Something similar to the shadow fiend's necromastery in DotA. When I pick up an item, the spell's description changes to something else .
  31. Astrella

    [General] Question about the new World Editor changes.

    So, hey, it's been ten years since I did some Warcraft III mapping. Now with Reforged having been announced though there seem to have been some major updates to the editor. Vjass seems to be a core part of the editor itself now even? Can anyone fill me in a bit or point me to the right direction?
  32. Shunpomaster

    [Solved]About Removing Leaks

    If i want to remove Location or Group leak with custom script i always put it at the end of the trigger but i am not sure if it is right so i made 2 triggers now just to show what i mean. On this one the removelocation is at the end not in the picked group Troll Boss 2 Loc Events...
  33. SSJ7107

    Unsummon Spell

    How do I change the model for the Undead Unsummon spell? I can't seem to find it in the object editor.
  34. Hankxiety

    [General] Pathing Issue: Returning Resources over deep water

    Noticing that worker units ordered to Return Resources will hesitate to cross deep water. Troubleshooting Have tested with Movement Type - Amphibious and Float. Have tested with Art - Model File Peasant and Human Transport Ship. Have tested with both Gold and Lumber harvesting. The problem...
  35. paleto123

    [Trigger] need assistance on item pickup coding

    the "soul ball" considier it an item. but i wanted certain hero unit type to be able to pickup the special item only. but it doesnt work
  36. TheBrohman

    [Solved] Need Help with my Custom Campaign

    Hello! I am having some issues with my map for my campaign. For some reason, my trigger for the last part of the map (the trigger that will finish the game and send it on to the next map/make the next part of my campaign visible from the screen) won't work. Anyone who can help? EDIT: Nevermind...
  37. Payton Tate

    AoE Entangling Roots

    So, I've seen plenty of threads asking about this but I've never seen a thread actually explain how to do it, I had the idea of using the Blizzard ability and swapping out the slow effect with an Entangling Roots effect, and that seems to be what most people attempted. The roots will be applied...
  38. xRockx

    [Trigger] Change Unit Owner to Random Player

    Hey Guys, I'm working on a Map where you have 10 players and each player has a hero, after a certain amount of time the ownership of heroes is swapped at random but at all times every players should always control only 1 hero. This is exactly where the problems start since often enough 1 player...
  39. Lord_Marrowgrath

    [Solved] AOE SPELL CRASH

    On that lines, I get error ''out of memory'' everytime when I cast spell. Can someone tell me how to fix it.
  40. Plunders

    (SOLVED) Request: Orc/Green Villager

    Hey guys. So in my search for some good horde rpg models I'm still having trouble on the orc. I've tried peon versions but they just look so wierd xD Request: I would like a model that's based of a Villager, turned green skin and possiply swapping the face/mask of the unit to a more orcish...
  41. InSaNe_97

    Potion that restore mana/hp by percent of users max mana/hp?

    Hello everyone. I need to make mana potion which when used restore mana of hero for 150+20% of his maximum mana. How I can do it? I try with: "Events: Unit - A unit Uses an item Conditions: (Item-type of (Last created item)) Equal to Mana Stone Actions: Unit - Set mana of (Triggering unit) to...
  42. Jaina Proudless

    Crossbow [solved?] Model Editor Anim Bug?

    Hello I want to make more crossbowmen. I noob and I use anim transfer program to transfer animations of the footman crossbowman from here to the rifleman model. Most animations work but not the crossbow. What I want to try is to get the rifleman using the crossbow so that you can see the arrow...
  43. Ravensong93

    Multi Unit Training > Make them properly work with rally points

    hi there! I'm struggling a bit with having my buildings training multiple units at once. Well not really, that part wasn't hard. What is though, is figuring out, how I get the additional units to behave just like the original, in regards to rally points: Run Mult Train Events Unit...
  44. MyScorpion42

    Get unit model path

    Being naive, I'd like to ask if there's any function to get the model path of a unit without defining it first, like there is for spells and effects if I'm not mistaken.
  45. nicolas97p

    Destroyer form payment bug

    I have an issue with a bug regarding the payment for an ability based on "Destroyer Form" (which transforms a unit at the cost of resources). The spell costs 50 gold in my map, and works just fine if you have for example 200 gold and upgrade 1-4 units. BUT; if you upgrade more units than you can...
  46. Standhaft

    [Solved] What mpq viewer should I use to edit official campaigns?

    I'm something of an amateur editor. Playing a few fun campaigns like the Arthas Campaign where official campaign missions were edited gave me a few ideas I want to try out. I searched how to do this and found that I need some kind of program to view mpq but all threads/links that I found were...
  47. nerub

    [Solved] Shared Cargo Hold

    How does one go about making a shared cargo hold system in GUI triggers? What do i mean by that? Well, you know that the ability used by transport units allows you to store up 6 units at a time, with the size editable. However what if i want the same 6 units to be available at another unit? For...
  48. Inspexor

    [Spell] Unit not casting spell

    [PROBLEM SOLVED] I've been a casual mapper for a pretty long time but i'm still an amateur and i'm quite ashamed to post a simple question like this, but can somebody tell me why the unit won't cast any spell? It just stands there and does nothing. It has enough mana to cast the spell, I'm...
  49. Sephy

    [Spell] GUI Animation doesn't go off

    I feel like this is sort of a noob-question, but I'm clueless on how to solve it. Jump Timer Player 1 Events Time - JumpTimerPlayer1 expires Conditions Actions Unit - Pause on Sportler1 Unit - Hide Sportler1 Unit - Create 1 Sportler (flying) for...
  50. SouLost

    [General] How to reduce map size?

    Hi guys, i have create the map "Azeroth The Third War" and now i want relase version 1.5 The size of the latest version (1.5) is 8.466 mb but i will add more features in other version. how can i reduce the size of this map? I have try to use vexorian mapoptimizer in version 1.4 and 1.4.5 but it...