Noticing that worker units ordered to Return Resources will hesitate to cross deep water.
- Have tested with Movement Type - Amphibious and Float.
- Have tested with Art - Model File Peasant and Human Transport Ship.
- Have tested with both Gold and Lumber harvesting. The problem still manifests.
- Have tested with Pathing - Collision Size: 0.00.
Although the unit eventually finds its way, it's awfully clunky.
Map requirement
- Gold gathering is done by merchant ships reaching distant ports over both deep and shallow water. Securing and harassing sea routes figures to be a major part of game play.
- Harvesting should be automatic after the initial order is given.
Please advise
- Any guesses as to why this is happening?
- Any possible workarounds to avoid this issue?
Update: Solved, moments later
Putting the resource in deep water fixes this problem. Units are then able to Return Resources over both deep and shallow water.
Hope this was instructive or, at the very least, amusing for others.
Playing with the Art - Elevation values helps make the resources visible when placed in Deep Water.
Would like to change the thread's tag from 'General' to 'Solved', but not sure how.
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