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Woodworkers 3.9.2


Jaina Proudmoore has sent you to this forested region to harvest lumber for her new palace. What seems like a simple mission will turn into a competition that will demand your full attention. Show Jaina that you are her most loyal follower!

In WoodWorkers the entire map is covered in trees. You need to find quick paths to strategically important positions, build a strong economy and keep your opponent from sending the required lumber faster than you. You will feel right at home, as most units are well known from the melee game. As the positions of the goldmines and neutral buildings are partially random, each match will play out differently.

This is a strategy and micro-intense map, with lots of opportunities for optimizing your play.

If you play it for the first time, I'd recommend to play 1v1 as it is the least hectic and most thoroughly tested (=balanced).

General Strategy​

You start with a Town Hall, four Farms, a Paladin, two Riflemen and a couple of Peasants. The goal is to send the required lumber to Jaina, and doing it faster than your opponent. Sending lumber is done by creating transports that automatically fly to Jaina, but beware: These can be intercepted by the opposing player! Here is a list of things you could do to claim victory:
  • Secure the goldmines close to you, and fight for the ones further away.
  • Find space to build farms and develop a good economy.
  • Remember to construct new lumbermills to increase your Peasants efficiency.
  • Destroy enemy offensive scout towers with your starting riflemen, otherwise you might soon have a Guard Tower right in front of you.
  • Raid the enemy economy by destroying their farms.
  • The map is initially unexplored, so use Scout- and Arcane Towers to reveal positions of the enemy and neutral buildings.
  • Try to intercept enemy transports.
  • Build a second Town Hall, so that your transports take a different paths to circumvent the enemy.
  • Use aggressive Cannon Towers to destroy opposing fortified positions.
  • Send lumber early on, as the first player to send 1000, 2000 and 3000 lumber respectively will receive a reward by Jaina.
  • Make clever use of neutral structures.
  • Use Milita to defend your base.
  • Use Magical Portals to portal to otherwise hard to reach points on the map.

Randomized Map​

Each game, the player starting positions are randomized. There are special base position spawns for 1v1 and 2v2. Positions of Neutrals are randomized, you might only have access to a subset of them. Trees and stones are also randomly generated on map initialization. All these factors lead to each game to play out differently. Maybe you are lucky and you find a quick path to a goldmine through the trees, or a goblin decided to setup its shop close to your starting location. The randomization is parameterized though, so it will not be unfair!


While the map is mostly trees, there are a couple of interesting things to find. These do not spawn in every game, but if you find one, you should consider to make use of it:
  • Goblin Shop: Sells items that could be helpful.
  • Mercenary Camp: Sells units that bring abilities your army normally lacks.
  • Goblin Laboratory: Sells Zeppelins and Shredders.
  • Fountain of Health: Heals nearby units.
  • Fountain of Mana: Recovers mana.
  • Resource Trader: Allows you to trade lumber for gold and vice versa, to a better price than your Arcane Vault.
  • Statue of the Forest: Respawns nearby trees in its vicinity.
  • Portals: Teleport you to a different part of the map. Portals can be attacked and destroyed, and doing so will also deactivate the partner portal.
  • Dragon Roost: Destroying it will spawn dragons, that will attack the Player that has sent the most lumber.
  • Shrine: Pray, pay gold, and you might receive a reward for the Paladin.
  • Golems: These are initally frozen. Killing them grants you a helpful item. But beware, every attack has a chance of waking it up!
  • Troll Hut: You can either hire the troll living there, or destroy the hut and try to kill the angry troll to receive the bounty.
  • Horses: There are pastures to the left and right of Jainas Palace. If you are lucky, you can find horses there to upgrade your Footmen to Knights.
  • Big Trees: Some trees are unusually large and can be harvested for a lot of lumber.
  • Ancient Protectors: These Night Elves Structures hinder you to harvest more Lumber. Destroy them!
  • Tinker: Sells Engineerings Secrets which enable you to build a Workshop.
  • Archmage: Sells Arcane Secrets which enable you ti build an Arcane Sanctum.
  • Earthquakes in the center of the map make it difficult to sustain structures.
  • Windmill: Generates gold for farms in its vicinity.
  • Orcish Barracks: Sells Demolishers and Peons.
  • Foresters Hut: Sells Lumberjacks Axe that can be used to cut down trees, and Magical Acorns to plant trees.
  • ....

Known Issues​

  • Players need to choose Human before game start, otherwise they get an off-race interface: Thread

  • Aal for testing, feedback, ideas, loadscreen and preview image <3
  • Quilnez, PurgeandFire for PathingLib v1.6
  • Hiveworkshop community for countless helpful threads that accumulated over the years.


- Added plenty of new bonus reasearches.
- Added a new random tree spawn system.
- Altar of Heroes can now be used to customize your Paladins abilities.
- Added new human building: Magical Portal.
- Paladin starts with randomized starting items.
- Re-Added more functionality of the human race.
- New Neutrals to discover in the woods.
- Reworked the Central Jaina Area.
- Added a Marketplace to the central area that sells random items.
- Loads of balancing.
- Code Cleanup.


- Reworked bonus system:
- Every time a player reaches 500/1500/2500/… Lumber, they receive a Research Point.
- A total of 1 + 2 * #players Research Points are available. E.g. in 1v1, a total of 5 points can be reached.
- Research Points can be used to research 11 additional upgrades that customize the human race according to your play style.
- Keep can now be upgraded to Castle.
- Arcane Vault sells Staff of Sanctuary and Scroll of Healing when reaching T3.
- A single Gryphon Aviary is now near Jainas Palace. It does not spawn as a random neutral anymore.
- Gryphon Aviary now also sells Dragonhawk Riders that can use cloud and shackle.
- Workshop may now build Gyrocopters.
- Arcane Sanctum may now build Spellbreakers.
- Added a second level for long rifles. Each level adds 100 range. Second level requires Keep.
- Added Animal War Training as an Upgrade in the Barracks.
- Can now place Town Halls close to goldmines, making them less of a pain to build
- Adjusted the way that goldmines are repositioned that are close to players.
- Mines between players will stay where they are (to fight for them)
- Mines replaced towards center are spread out
- Extended Range of possible Lumber Targets in settings dialog.
- Added new Neutral: Shrine. Paladin can pray there to receive a random Bonus.
- Trees 20->30HP.
- Loads of Fixes.
- Loads of balance updates.
- Code Cleanup.
- Removed Sacrificial Pit.


- Removed player-specific goldmines. Instead, spawns goldmines in a grid (every 1300 wc3 -meters, there is a goldmine with 400 gold).
- Instead of a plateau, there is now shallow water at the edges/corners of the map.
- Corners spawn either a Murloc Camp, or a human harbour that sells ships.
- New Neutral: Gryphon Aviary that sells Gryphons.
- New Neutral: Orcish Barracks, selling Demolishers and Peons.
- New Neutral: Foresters Hut, sells Lumberjacks Axe that can be used to cut down trees, and Magical Acorns to plant trees.
- New Neutral: Marketplace. Up to 4 Farms in its vicinity produce +1 gold every 20 seconds.
- Farms can be upgraded to Granaries.
- Added Sleeping Bears that spawn in the forest and drop mark of rejuvenation at death. They fall back asleep every 20s.
- Rifleman get a t2 upgrade: piercing bullets that reduce armor of attacked unit by 2
- Mechanical critter spawns a vulture, that is adept at scouting.
- Goblin shop sells ring of protection
- Paladin bash is now a passive unit ability.
- Instead has Thunder Clap as a hero ability.
- Reenabled gg-forfeit functionality.
- Removed APs.
- In 2v2, players now spawn 1122 instead of 1212.
- Added Goblin Sappers that can suicide to deal damage in an AOE. Available in Goblin Lab.
- GoblinShop now sells invisibility potions.
- Earthquakes in the center of the map penalize building too close to the palace.
- LOADS of balance updates.

- Increase portal pathing map.
- Neutrals don’t spawn on unbuildable points.
- In 2v2, players spawn 60 degree apart (48 before).
- APs don’t spawn on ramps anymore.
- GoblinShop now sells invisible potions.

- Fix testing setup.

- Scroll of town portal now sold in arcane sanctum.
- Buy Gold and Lumber stock maximum set to 2.
- Cannon Tower Lumber cost increased 250->320.
- Cannon Tower HP reduced 500->420.
- Guard Tower Lumber cost increased 150->170.
- Keep Lumber Cost increased 300 -> 350.
- Every about 60 seconds, there is an earthquake in the center of the map with a radius of 800-1100, dealing 5dmg/s to buildings for 7 seconds.
- Cosmetics for lumber dialog.

- Lumber Teleport nerfed.
- Rifleman hp increased by 20.

- Reactivated APs, but with less HP and damage.


- If a Dragon Roost is destroyed, dragons attack the player that has sent the most lumber (Random between ties).
- More Dragons are spawned, if more time is elapsed.
- Killing dragons will give no gold and only very little exp.
- Made portal teleport region smaller, hopefully making teleports always function.
- Increased far gold mine gold per player 1300->1500 and close goldmine gold 900->1000.
- Added an ability to Paladin, that can be used on units/buildings, and displays help for that unit (i.e. describe what horses do).
- New Neutral “Building”: Tinker, sells Engineering Secrets, that can be used to build a Workshop.
- New Building Workshop that trains Siege Engines. Requires Keep and Engineering Secrets.
- New Unit Siege Engine: As known from Melee.
- New Neutral “Building”: Archmage, sells Arcane Secrets, that can be used to build an Arcane Sanctum.
- New Building Arcane Sanctum that trains Sorceresses. Requires Keep and Arcane Secrets.
- New Unit Sorceress: As known from Melee, can cast slow and invis.
- Rifleman gold cost decreased 220->200.
- Fix Player Left bug in Multiboard.


- Removed Ancient Protectors
- In 2v2, players spawn alternately by teams, e.g. 1212 only on half of the map, so that starting positions are closer together.
- Starting Positions are generally further away from the center.
- Far goldmines (per player) always spawn towards center.
- Close goldmines always spawn clockwise (west if player is in the south) or counterclockwise (east if player is in the south) away from the respective player starting position.
- Increased number of small gold mines, gold reduced 400->300.
- Shredder Food Cost 2->3.
- Food Limit is now at 50.
- Jainas Towers are now invulnerable, so dragons will just fly over them.
- Reduced Horses Spawn at Jaina
- Spawn 4-8 horses around the map, just like the other neutrals.
- Fixed Dragon Roost HP (700).
- Troll Armor type from heavy to medium.
- Arcane Tower reveal Radius larger.


- Allows for 6 players, that can freely assign to teams.
- Map is about 4 times larger.
- Jaina is moved to the center of the map.
- Players are arranged in a circle around the center (distributed accounting for player numbers)
- In 1v1, players spawn relatively close to each other (but randomised if clockwise or counterclockwise).
- The required lumber per player can be selected at the beginning.
- The required lumber per team is then just the multiple of the team members.
- Two goldmines are created per player, where the closer one is randomly created on the circle around the player. The further one is created on a larger circle but making sure that no other player is closer to it.
- Neutrals are now spawned randomly on the map, in a distributed manner per neutral type, while making sure that the positions are not too close to players (depending on the neutral).
- New Enemy Faction: Night Elves
- At startup, Ancient Protectors are spawned (but quite far from starting positions) so that the map cannot be too easily harvested. Fewer players mean more APs.
- New Multiboard, that shows the required lumber per team.
- Can be extended in the future.
- Dragon Roosts made MUI. Dragons now always attack the other side of the map, while flying through the center.
- Statue of the Forest made MUI.
- “gg” functionality removed, needs more works to work properly for teams.
- Removed Earthquakes.
- Removed Crystals.
- Lumber Mill lumber cost increased 100->170.


- Dragon roost spawn region even more narrow.
- Spawns only 2 small dragons instead of 3.
- Removed scorched village, instead continue plateau.
- There is a ramp in the very south to get onto the plateau on both sides.
- Moved northern portal spawn area a bit south and outwards.
- In 50% of games, spawns the original cross portals. If that does not happen, has a 60% chance to create horizontal pairing between the upper portals, and a 60% (independent) chance to create a pairing between the southern portals.
- Merc Camp can be destroyed (1000 HP).
- Merc Wizard HP 350->400.
- Fewer Mercs available (Stock and replenish reduced).
- Troll gold cost slightly increased, damage slightly reduced.
- Added Berserk ability to Enforcer Merc. Removed Shadowmeld. Increased gold cost 280->300.
- Golem Wake up chance per attack increased 1/40->1/30.
- Lumber Teleporter HP reduced 600->500.
- Reduced shredder model and pathing size.
- Peasant and Militia HP increased 180->200.
- Reduced Shredder food cost 4->2, gold repair cost 200->100. Increased start delay and replenish rate.
- A player can type “gg” to forfeit and reveal the map.
- Item return rate 0.5->0.4.
- Added Fountain of Mana, spawns in south west and south east.
- Removed memory leaks of periodic functions.
- Instead of a single goblin shop, there can now spawn two, but a bit more south.
- In 40% of games, there are periodic earthquakes in the southern half of the map.

- Guard Tower Base dmg increase 17->19.
- Arcane Tower base dmg increase 2->3.
- Peasant Gold cost 30->35.
- Starting gold increased 300->400.
- Reduce Militia duration 45->40.
- Removed aura art on target by global auras.
- Lowered south goldmine gold (that doesn’t spawn in every game) 800->600.
- Paladin has same attributes as in melee, but changed gameplay constants, so that otherwise stats are nearly the same as before. (Slightly higher life and mana regen though).
- Troll inner fire stronger.
- Zeppelin HP increased 450->550.
- Frost Armor is reapplied every 10s for 300s.
- Rescaled holy light healing 140/280/420->200/280/360.
- Rescaled devine shield duration 10/20/30->12/24/36.
- Slightly repositioned Jaina to the south.
- Updated Quest Menu with description from HiveWorkshop.

- Rifleman HP reduced 300->280.
- Teleport Lumber gold cost reduced 20->10.
- Lumber Teleporter lumber cost reduced 300->250.
- Keep Upgrade cost increased 250->300.
- Sacrificial Pit init p 1/7 -> 1/5.
- Skeletons slightly weaker.
- Zeppelin move speed lowered.
- Zeppelin Lumber Cost increased 300->400.
- Zeppelin HP increased 350->450.
- Zeppelin start delay increased 240->500.
- Reveal in goblin lab gold cost 50->35.
- Fix top left terrain, now trees in the water are reachable.
- Removed mana regeneration from fountain of growth that was still there.
- Mountain in middle of the map a bit smaller.

- Rifleman gold cost 200->220.
- Long rifles increase gold cost 0->100.
- All blacksmith upgrades lumber base cost increased 150->200.
- Reduced top goldmine gold 800->600.
- If either player won/left, all units freeze and the map is revealed.
- Resource Trader has minimap icon.

- Lowered all dragons HP and damage.
- Lowered small dragons move speed.
- Dragon Roost spawn region narrower.
- Dragon Roost HP 700->800.
- Rifleman hp regen 0.25->0.5.
- Rifleman hp 250->300.
- Ensnare (used by troll and enforcer) can now target heroes (2.5s duration).
- Transport armor reduced 1->0.
- Brigand now uses poison weapons. Range reduced (500->400).
- Slightly adjusted Enforcer Stats and Goldcost (now faster, bit weaker, bit more expensive).
- Increased Paladin base mana regeneration 0.1->0.15.
- Removed resources Reward.
- New Reward: Increases tower damage by 25%.
- New Reward: Paladin gets Frost Armor for 300 seconds.
- Change ping goldmine icon.


- Worker renamed to Peasant.
- Peasant Gold cost increased 20->30.
- Militia base dmg increase 4->5.
- Increased small nearby and far goldmines init gold from 800->900.
- In 50% of games, spawn a goldmine just north of Jaina carrying 800 gold.
- Lumber mill hp reduced 400->250.
- Sacrificial Pit uses sac pit model again.
- Sac pit and dragon roost tooltip fix.
- Decrease Paladin base hit points 700->600.
- Paladin starts with new item: Hammer of Strength, granting +3 Strength and 25% chance to stun on attack.
- Adjustment of transport trigger to make it work with bash.
- Paladin food cost increased 3->5.
- Riflemen food cost increased 1->2.
- Players start with an additional Farm.
- Rocks HP increased 250->400.
- Required Lumber increased to 3000.
- Transport Lumber cost increased 600->650 (still carries 500).
- Sacrificial Pit init self destruct P = 1/10 -> 1/7. This is just uniform probability over 1…7 skeletons.
- Added a couple more plateaus and slightly adjusted neutral spawn regions accordingly.
- Riflemen HP increased 200->250.
- Riflemen can now be trained in barracks. Use same upgrades as footmen. Requires Blacksmith.
- Barracks can research long rifles to increase range of riflemen to 700 (base is 550).
- Riflemen base damage increased 7->9.
- Transport Armour Type from heavy to light.
- Transport Build time increased 40->50.
- Damage pierce vs light reduced 2x->1.8x.
- Lumber Teleporter HP 400->600.
- Fix militia sight radius.
- Fixed sight radius of many buildings.
- Big dragon armor type to light.
- New Unit Knight: Slightly stronger stats than footman, but much faster. Takes 4 supply. (Cant be build in barracks).
- New Item Magical Crystal. 0, 1 or 2 span randomly on the map. Can be brought to Jaina to receive a reward.
- New Rewards:
- Gain a Knight at 25% HP.
- Gain some Resources (100gold).
- One of the rewards (regen aura, MS aura, resources, knight) (more to come) are granted randomly (without replacement) when:
- First to 500 L
- First to 1500 L
- Crystal brought.
- There are pastures left and right of Jainas palace. These spawn 0-3 horses. When coming close with a footie, turns the footie into a knight.
- Rifleman move speed 270->240. (Footies 250).
- New Neutral: Troll hut. Can hire a troll like a mercenary, it has ensnare. Or destroy the hut, spawning an angry troll with bloodlust and inner fire. Spawn 0-4 randomly on the map.
- Keep now requires Blacksmith.
- Changed parameters for arrived lumber by transport calculation. Now full lumber at >80%hp, 250 lumber at 0.01 hp. Linear in-between. This means for a 2500max hp transport, it will still give full lumber at 2000hp, and less if it has lower hp.
- Increased Jainas gates HP 500->800.
- Paladin does not start with invisible potion. But is now sold at goblin shop (80g).
- Spawns 0-4 “Big Trees” on the map, that give 600 Lumber each.

- Fountain of health HP regen 0.003->0.002.
- Reduced wizard pathing (same as footie now).
- Tree density back to original 1/128^2.
- Removed some debug messages.
- Updated load screen and description.
- Reduced siege bonus damage to fortified 1.5->1.15. Effectively only nerfing cannon towers vs buildings.
- Updated tooltips of all towers.
- Footman HP regen reduced 1.5->1.
- Add trigger to inform player when other player leaves the game.
- Jainas towers won’t attack dragons, as it is unnecessary and causes memory leaks atm.
- Removed old farm pathing.
- Jainas blessing MS and AS decreased 0.5%->0.3%.
- Sacrificial Pit init self destruct P = 1/12 -> 1/10.
- Slightly altered merc camps and health fountain spawn regions.
- Added some shallow at the top. Can’t be build upon, but has trees that are not so easily reachable.
- Added a small, scorched village to both sides, that take away a bit of trees.
- Added plateaus to the southwest and southeast. These are overgrown with trees, but are only reachable via zeppelin.
- These changes are to make terrain more interesting, while also reducing the amount of harvestable lumber on the map. (To give more of an incentive to go into the center of the map).
- Fix golem creation bug.
- Defend now requires Keep.
- Second blessing is now an absolute 0.25hp/s.

- Arcane Tower Build time increased 35->60.
- Arcane Tower damage base decreased 3->2.
- Slightly increased tree density 1/131^2->1/129^2.
- Rifleman base damage increased 6->7.
- Rifleman range increased 500->550.
- Main “big” goldmines spawn slightly more outward.
- Top goldmine gold reduced 1200->800.
- “Small goldmines” gold increased 700->800.


- Arcane tower build time reduced 50->35.
- Arcane tower Lumber cost reduced 200->150.
- Arcane tower gold cost increased 20->30.
- Arcane Tower HP reduced 300->280 (same as scout, just different armor type).
- Arcane tower range increased 600->700.
- Dragon Roost HP reduced 900->700.
- Brigant start delay 0->300.
- Brigant replenish 220->300.
- Vollstrecker replenish 240->320.
- Wizard replenish 300->400.
- Merc camp, goblin lab and gates only spawn in 60% of games.
- New T2 Building Lumber Teleporter: 100G, 300L, 100s build time. Can send 100 Lumber to Jaina (additional cost of 20gold with a build time of 20 seconds).
- New Building Arcane Vault: Sells scroll of regeneration, mechanical critter, clarity potion on T1. On T2, lumber and gold can be exchanged (low amounts, and worse pricing than in resource trader).
- Keep upgrade time 60->80s.
- Paladin has a skill to ping all approximate goldmine and enemy positions.
- Worker gold cost increased 15->20.
- Added fountain of growth, that spawns in 60% of games between the players. Tries to grow a tree every 10 seconds in its vicinity.
- Slightly reduced tree density 1/128^2->1/131^2.
- Removed additional text from loading screen.
- Updated Quest-Log.
- Rocks use different model and can be destroyed (400HP).

- Guard Tower HP reduced 400->330.
- Dragons have more HP.
- Transports receive periodic order to move to Jaina

- Resource trader stock replenish interval increased 45->70s.
- Reworked Leaderboard, showing the Lumber that is still required.
- Moved goblin labs a bit more inward, to facilitate usage.
- Goldmines are now created via regions (little game play effect).
- Dragonroost ist now created via region.
- Disabled Creeps. Currently not fun imo. Need more clever mechanic.
- Jaina hints at positions of goldmines and enemy at beginning of the game.
- Add golems that are spawned anywhere on the map. They are “frozen”. Each attack has a chance of waking it up. When killed, spawns an item with two charges and “hurl boulder” ability.
- Two Riflemen now there from very beginning. A bit higher damage output than a single Brigant.
- Portals can be destroyed (1000 HP). If one of the pair is destroyed, the other won’t work any more either.
- Portals should if they are usable with the stand alternate animation.
- Portals are created dynamically. This will make it possible to create them at random.
- Added a beautiful load screen (<3 Aal).
- First Player to reach 1500 Lumber will be rewarded with a global regen aura.


- Reverted favour point system. First player to send 2500 Lumber wins.
- Sacrificial Pit has chance of 1/x to destruct on sacrifice usage. X starts at 12, and is decremented by 1 each time it is used. Thus, it becomes more on more likely to destroy itself with more usages.
- Changed sacrificial pit model to altar.
- Sacrificial Pit Spawn region moved to the south.
- Increased Vollstrecker HP 500->550.
- Jaina teleports two riflemen to your base after about 60 seconds.
- Merccamp moved a bit further away.
- Worker now cost 15 gold. (To make spamming peasants not so much of a no-brainer).
- Starting gold decreased 400->300.
- Brigant Stock replenish Interval increased 180->220.
- Brigant base damage reduced 16->14.
- Scout Tower HP increased 250->280.
- Lumber Transport HP reduced 3000->2500.
- Guard Tower base dmg reduce 19->17.
- Guard Tower HP reduced 450->400.
- Cannon Tower range increased 900->950.
- Cannon Tower base dmg reduced 25->20.
- Cannon Tower HP reduced 550->500.
- Barracks HP from 600->500.
- Blacksmith HP from 450->350.
- Farm HP 250->220.
- Goldmine model slightly bigger.
- Devine Shield Duration 10, 20, 30 -> 12, 24, 36.
- Holy Light Healing 150, 300, 450 -> 140, 280, 420.
- Spinnenseide 2->3 charges. Cooldown 20->15.
- Changed Portal pathing map. Portal ability slightly larger range.
- New Neutral Building: Resource Trader, where the Paladin can sell gold for lumber and vice versa (in limited amounts). Spawns somewhere between the players in 50% of games.
- Added a dragonrooster north of Jaina. For now always there, to have more chances of balancing/testing. If destroyed, spawns dragons that repeatedly attack the center of the map.


- Transport armor reduced 2->1.
- Transport now attacked as air.
- Transport repair time increased to 30->100, repair lumber cost increased 100->200.
- Town Hall Lumber cost reduced to 700.
- Barracks Lumber cost reduced to 200.
- Reduced Barracks Size.
- Added Goldmines carrying 700 Gold in the left and right, so that it is accessible roughly equally for both players by portal usage.
- Reduced Gold supplied by “main” goldmines 1600->1300.
- Reduced Gold supplied by small “side”-mines 800->700.
- Increased Zeppelin HP 250->350.
- Increased Brigant gold cost by 10.
- Reduced Wizard HP by 100.
- Wizard start delay increased 600s->700s.
- Cannon Tower base damage reduced 30->25.
- New Merc: Vollstrecker (kA wie auf Englisch…). Uses Ensnare and Evasion.
- Creeps slightly stronger. Give slightly more Bounty.
- In 50% of Games, spawns a goblin shop, selling vampirtrank, allwissenheitstrank, goblin land mines, and Spinnenseidenbrosche. Located somewhere between two “main” gold mines.
- Jains requires a total of 5000 Lumber.
- Transports carry a total of 500 Lumber as before, but strongly damaged (<70%HP) transports carry less. Minimum Lumber carried is always 250.
- Added a neutral, randomly generated (50%chance) sacrificial Pit, where Peasants can be sacrificed to get skeletons. Whenever a peasant is sacrificed, the pit has a chance of self-destruction. Located somewhere in the north (area between goblin labs).
- Goldmines are smaller/take less space.
- Goblin Labs are smaller/take less space.
- Chance (50%) to spawn Health Fountains that supply very low HP regen (0.3%/s) in top left and top right (if they spawn, they spawn in both corners!).
- Reduced Creep Aggro Range.
- Reduced Lumber Transport Build time 50s->40s.
- Town Hall can now upgrade to Keep (250lumber, 100g, 60s).
- Cannon Tower now requires Keep .
- Level 2 Upgrades now require Keep.
- New Building: Monument (requires keep, can only build one, 300 lumber, 300 gold). Does not do anything, but grant favour points in the end.
- In the end, a player wins by gaining more favour points. Points are granted by
- Sending lumber (this is the main factor. The others are rather slight modifiers). 6 points per 500 Lumber.
- Killing creeps. 1 Point per killed Creep.
- Penalty for using the sacrificial pit “Dark Magic”. Using it at least once loses you 2 points.
- Collecting Magical Crystals (Items that spawn randomly on map). Each Crystal is worth 1 point.
- Penalty for using many Mercenary “Bandits”. Using 2 or more: -2 points, using 5 or more: -4 points.
- Monument Building. Worth 7 Points.

- Moved southern portals a bit to the sides
- Jaina stands at the construction site in the far south. Does not teleport.
- Transports are now flying, automatically fly towards Jaina, can’t be controlled.
- Transports are very high HP.
- Removed armoured transport and workshop.
- Reduced sight range of towers to 600/800 for scout, cannon, guard towers and 800/1000 for arcane towers.
- Reduced attack range of arcane towers to 600.
- Reduced reveal AOE of Arcane Tower and Goblin lab to 600.
- Paladin can be revived in town hall at no cost, but takes 100s. Game no longer lost on Paladin death.
- Reduced lightning shield damage from 20 to 10
- Weak creeps are added in certain regions randomly.
- Zeppelins don’t lose HP over time any more.

- Slightly increased footman damage
- Slightly increased footman regeneration
- Jaina teleports herself between random points in a predefined region. The further the new point is away from the old, the longer the time she waits at the new position.
- All blacksmith upgrades take the same amount of time and resources.
- Removed starting towers.
- Added one more starting farm.
- New Building: Workshop (requires Blacksmith). Transports are now upgraded to Armored Transports in the Workshop.
- New Building: Cannon Tower. Requires Workshop. Siege Attack with long range. Effective against other Buildings.
- Reworked some tooltips.
- Fix bug with Arcane Tower Visibility.
- Added a bit of grassy + sandy terrain.
- Reduced hit points of Farm and Lumbermill.
- Add some plants around farms, that get removed when farms are destroyed.
- Removed gold cost from Defend upgrade, but increased research duration to 60s.
- Add upkeep 20%, 40% on gold and Lumber at 40 and 60 food respectively.


- Tips are now located in the Quest menu and do not show up periodically. Therefor more focus on Jainas messages.
- Jaina hints on first Transport created per Player.
- Blessing given after 500 Wood.
- New Mercenary: Wizard with magic damage Frost Armour and Lightning Shield.
- Reduce worker and militia hit points.
- Decreased militia damage.
- Increased footmen hit points.
- Increased footmen damage.
- New building: Blacksmith research center and used to upgrade transports to armored transports.
- New unit: Armored Transport, same as transport, but higher hit points and armor. Upgraded in Blacksmith from normal Transport.
- Melee damage upgrade moved to Blacksmith, only costs lumber.
- Wood upgrade moved to Blacksmith, only costs lumber.
- New Upgrade: Masonry
- Lumbermill smaller
- Zeppelin loses 1 hp over time, needs to be repaired. Slightly higher max hp. Reduced lumber cost. Reduced lumber repair cost, no gold repair cost.
- Holy light nerfed.
- Divine shield nerfed.
- Devotion aura nerfed.
- Reduced Farm HP.
- Reduced Paladin damage.
- New Building: Arcane Tower.
- Slightly randomised positions of merc camps, goblin labs, portals and mines.
- Sending a transport now triggers by coming in range of Jaina
- Add two scout towers to initial base

Woodworkers 3.9.2 (Map)

A nice little map but with few gameplay options and replayability. Purchase Gold Coin's description is in Deutsch. Teleport Lumber and Buy Lumber have the same icon. You could theoretically win in about 20mins with Blacksmith->Keep->Teleporter->Vault...
Level 2
Aug 15, 2014
"Really fun map, great PvP concept still needs some work.


The concept was easy to understand - 'cut wood, send wood, be fast.'

The different ways you can combat the other player are interesting, but you may need to see if some of them are too strong. The zeppelin tower build is a challenge, but I like the concept that you need to keep a lookout for what the other player is doing.

The random starting buildings for special units and items placed around the map are a good idea to change the strategy. You may need to inform the players about them, so they know how to counter against them and don't get blindsided by an overpowered build that keeps them confined and puts them way behind.

This game may require using build orders to stay in the fight. I don't know how I feel about it, but that may just be me as a bad macro player.


It may be progressing a bit too fast. The trees are getting cut relatively fast, and with the placement so close to the other player, you have to think about building combat units quickly. There's no possibility for economy-focused builds with a focus on sending wood rather than killing the player.

The resources are scarce. Having a finite amount of gold may be a good idea, but that means losing units and towers is expensive.

The ability to cut through the map may be too much. It requires a lot of micro, but that may be the idea.


Maybe a 2v2 mode where players control the same units or have distinct roles like an eco player and a combat player.

Maybe some more interaction with Jaina.

I will keep trying it out to see what I find, but I find it fun. Even if I lose every time to what I guess is the developer, I didn't feel like it was a fault with the game, but rather that I haven't fully learned the game yet. That may make it hard for new players, but I think that's the point of this PvP (StarCraft, normal Warcraft 3 games). I think it's going to end up being a fun game, and let's hope that we get some competitions out of it."

I may have missed somthing. and have a good day to the dev and who ever reads this. please go easy on me. XD


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
A nice little map but with few gameplay options and replayability.
Purchase Gold Coin's description is in Deutsch.
Teleport Lumber and Buy Lumber have the same icon.
You could theoretically win in about 20mins with Blacksmith->Keep->Teleporter->Vault and Lumber Gathering Upgrade without even needing to use a gold mine or construct a farm, tower or even barracks for troops if you are not being attacked and have some luck to get a fountain near you.


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Level 3
Jun 11, 2023
Thanks a lot for taking the time to review! I'll fix the issues you mentioned.

You could theoretically win in about 20mins with Blacksmith->Keep->Teleporter->Vault and Lumber Gathering Upgrade without even needing to use a gold mine or construct a farm, tower or even barracks for troops if you are not being attacked and have some luck to get a fountain near you.

In playtesting we found many different strategies to be valid, and that gameplay can be quite diverse. The strategy you mention can work if your opponent does not scout at all, but I'm sure even then there are faster ways to get to the required lumber.

If there were more people playing it, it would be quite interesting for me to see which strategy is the actual best. Though I guess that also highly depends on the random spawn of the neutrals. So if someone finds something that seems broken or just general balance ideas: Feel free to post!

Teaser: I am currently working on a 6 player version of the map, where players can freely assign themselves to teams, so that 1v1, 2v2, 2v2v2, 3v3 and FFA is possible. Coming soon ;)!



Level 1
Jul 19, 2023
Since I have tested this map a lot with the developer, my comment might be a bit biased. However, I really, really enjoy playing this map, because...

  • Every game is VERY different from another since the terrain is generated randomly. So are the many neutral structrures and goldmines which means you have to adapt your playstyle to the terrain. So there is not one strongest tactic or something and this also means in most cases the better/more clever player wins.
  • There are a lot of neutral structures, however, none of them seems to be overpowered and you have to make use of them cleverly
  • You always feel like you discover a new world and hope for a good roll of trees and goldmines. Still, the roll alone won't win you the game
  • New players get better very fast. This is because of most units are well known from the melee-game.
  • After many, many games I think the map is well balanced.

A little trivia: asdmueller (the dev) and me used to play a lot of melee, but it some point we got a little bored. Since we also love custom maps, mueller decided to create a map which is a mixture of a rather casual and a melee map and I think the mechanics are thoughtful and bit time serve this purpose.

If you want to play the map in a 2v2/3v3/FFA or have any questions don't hesitate to contact me/asdmueller. :)