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Vassals - Mini AI States v0.5.4

-Mini AI States-
Mini AI players that can be turned to your side!



Importing Into Other Maps

Whats New?




Authors Notes

Custom Maps I Recommend

Mini AI States:
Vassals are mini independent players that spawn randomly around goldmines that have no players next to them at the start of the map. These vassals can be attacked and will switch their allegiance to their attacker once their life reaches 20%.
Vassals who are subjugated by players will automatically harvest from nearby gold mines, taking the majority for themselves but giving you some in the form of taxation. Vassals will slowly build up their resources and attack their enemies and the enemies of their liege. The units vassals build are not controllable by the player, and can only be commanded by the vassal.
Vassals generate mana as they harvest from gold mines, this mana represents how much gold the vassal has, while vassals can generate mana slowly without a goldmine, having access to a goldmine will allow them to generate mana much faster and send attacks out more often. A vassal will send out an attack once its mana reaches its maximum.
While harvesting from goldmines, vassals slowly build up experience points and level up, the higher the level of a vassal, the more max life their units will spawn with. When a vassal is captured however, their level is reset to 1 and must be built back up again.
Vassals fully supports single player as well as multiplayer, melee AI will attack and capture vassals and their vassals will attack you and others.
Vassals are fully designed to be easily imported into other maps Simply import the object data and then the trigger data over to any map you like. No further action required! vassals will auto spawn around the map next to empty goldmines without any further action needed on your end.
If you use vassals in your maps please leave a link so other people can make use of this resource.

How Vassals Interact With The World:

Vassals will attack players they consider their enemies as well as other mini vassal states. If a vassal successfully invades another vassal, they will form an alliance and will no longer attack each other. Vassals making alliances with each other can seem complicated as there isn't any direct way for you as the player to see these alliances, however in practice, you will see they attack each other less over time as they form alliances and start attacking players more. once a player subjugates a vassal all their alliances are broken and they become loyal to you and lose their existing allies. This is primarily to simplify their gameplay once owned by a player. Once a vassal state has been subjugated, they will become allies with their conqueror as well as their allies and other vassals. From here, the vassal will attack their lords enemies as well as subjugate other vassals for their lord.
Vassals will build basic defensive structures and will use their army to defend themselves should they be attacked. Over time Vassals will spawn patrol units, these units will patrol a vassals territory. Defending it from its enemies. Once subjugated, these patrols will defend an area of the map for their owner.
At the start of the game, vassals will act more independently from players and be busy attacking each other and forming alliances, becoming stronger, while later on as the game progresses and vassals are subjugated by different players they become more tools of control and a show of force for the bigger players. Be prepared to run into clashing armies around the map were active wars are taking place.
Having vassals on the map allow you to fight with as well as against factions you would normally not encounter while still enjoying the melee experience, fight alongside naga witches, draenei Sages, gnoll overseer's and launch your attacks alongside sneak attacks from your bandit vassals.

How Vassal Players Are Implemented:

Vassals are controlled by separate computer players, any slots not used by the setup screen will be put into a list of potential vassals for the vassal system to use. (This can be players that are not shown on the map setup screen, so don't worry about leaving player slots blank for vassals to appear.) These players will then spawn around free goldmines on the map. No action is required on the part of the player to make vassals appear.

Implementing Vassals into other maps:

Vassals are fully designed to be easily imported into other maps, simply import the object data and then import the trigger data over to any map you like. No further action required! vassals will auto spawn around the map next to empty goldmines without any further action needed on your end.

Video preview of version 0.4.3 from The Nightmare Book

  • 10 Vassal types.
  • Melee AI Support.
  • Vassals Level up and gain experience, becoming stronger over time.
  • Vassals Have Heroes who will patrol their territory and attack enemy bases.
  • Embassy buildings give you access to unique abilities and commands for your vassals.
  • Vassals will attack their enemies and use formations when creating a new army. (Newly formed armies will try and stay in a formation until they reach their attack target)
  • Ping notifications of what vassals are sending attacks and vassal attack targets.
  • Vassal diplomacy: Vassals will form alliances with each other when they are independent entities.
  • Vassals will slowly build defensive structures to defend themselves over time.
  • vassals will send out patrols to defend their territory.
  • Vassals can use air transport to move their troops if setup within the map their on.
  • Easily imported into other maps. Simply import the object data and then import the trigger data to any map you like, No further action required! vassals will auto spawn around the map next to empty goldmines.

There are 2 ways you can import vassals into other maps.

Custom Object Edition​

1- open up one of the vassal maps from this page and export the object data and the trigger data. Then open the map you would like vassals to appear in and first import the object data, and then import the trigger data, its important you import the object data first so the triggers know what they are interacting with. No further action is needed on your part, vassals will spawn around empty goldmines that have no players next to them at the start of the map.

Easy Import Edition​

2- Importing Vassals into maps that already uses custom object data, such as custom units or abilities can cause clashes when importing the object data for vassals. In this case i have created a separate version of vassals that uses no custom data. This version only requires the vassals trigger folder to be copied into any map you like with no further action needed on your part. Just be aware this version does not use embassies.
Download The Easy Import Edition: Here

Whats New?:

Update 0.5.4


Almost 800 Downloads! Thank you everyone for trying out Vassals in your melee games! :grin:
To celebrate I've implemented a new vassal type to the mix; Forest Trolls. These guys are powerful ranged fighters with a Warlord who's presence buffs the ranged attacks of other Forest trolls around him.

Update 0.4.9

Honor Guard

Honor Guard allows you to make use of unique elements of other factions within your own army. The Honor Guard ability will spawn 3 units from the vassal's faction to follow and support your chosen hero. Human vassals can lend you their healing ability through priests, undead the power to raise skeletons, Draenei their bloodlust and orcs their powerful Tauren.
This update also adds support for melee AI to use all vassal abilities through the embassies. Melee AI players will now send extra attacks using bandits and Gnoll vassals and will use the new Honor Guard ability of others.

Update 0.4.3

The Embassy


Each vassal has an embassy structure within its town. This structure is controlled by whoever owns the vassal.The embassy allows the owner of the vassal to interact with their vassal. By selecting the embassy you will see a description of what the vassal type can do, as well as an option to upgrade the vassal. In the next few updates vassals will be receiving unique abilities and actions that can be performed through this structure.
Currently, you can upgrade your vassals, upgrading the vassal will allow that vassal to contribute more gold in taxes to you as well as allow them to better protect themselves from future attacks by increasing their tower limit.
Embassies are fully supported by Melee AI players.

Update 0.4.0

Centaurs and Items


Centaurs function similar to draenei in that not only can they attack your enemies but they have the ability to send units to defend their owner. The units the centaurs send however are far fewer but much more powerful units. Having a few powerful Centaurs between you and your would be attackers can mean the difference between defeat and victory.
When a vassal hero first spawns and every time it is revived after, the hero has a chance to find a piece of equipment as well as up to 2 consumable items. The first 4 slots of a heroes inventory is dedicated to their equipment, where as the last 2 slots is for their consumable items.
When a vassal hero dies, it has a chance to lose a random item it was carrying. Over time vassal heroes will slowly change their equipment as they lose items and find new ones.

New items can be added to the system with ease, any custom items you make can be found and used by the vassals provided you add them to the array above. Heroes have basic AI to make use of these items as described in the trigger image above.
Items make vassal heroes much more stronger and unpredictable, you could come up against an archmage with a book of the dead for instance. Or a bandmaster with an invulnerability potion. This also makes them much better and more interesting allies, fighting side by side with vassal heroes will now bring you a much greater advantage.

Update 0.3.7



The draenei vassal type offers up a new gameplay mechanic, when they spawn their forces to attack their enemies, they will also spawn a secondary force of units, this secondary force is dedicated to protecting their owning player and will patrol their starting zone, attacking any enemies that come near. The number of units spawned to join this patrol force is based on the number of draenei huts the vassal has.
The Patrol force the draenei spawn will be transported to the owning players starting zone via zeppelins. Once they arrive they will begin their patrol, protecting your lands.
The draenei hero, is particularity powerful and has access to both bloodlust and raise dead spells. On top of this the hero is permanently invisible, revealing himself only when attacking or casting spells. You'll never know if hes part of an attack force or if hes patrolling his territory until you run into him.
to make up for all of this utility the draenei take slightly longer to attack than other vassals, requiring 70 mana.

Update 0.3.4



Bandits much like Gnoll's, bandits don't have a hero. Instead they build up slowly by constructing more tents, allowing them to recruit more bandits to their cause. Bandits unlike other vassal types can choose to attack via zeppelins as well sending traditional ground armies towards their enemies. A high level bandit vassal can sneak a whole army of bandits into enemy bases. To make up for this versatility however, bandits will only offer their owners a meager +5 gold in taxes compared to other vassals and are fairly limited in their damage types.

Update 0.3.3



The next vassal type is here alongside a new map i will update alongside the others.
The Naga have fairly powerful forces and so usually send smaller more versatile attacks than other vassal types, once they reach level 9 however they will add the even more powerful myrmidon and siege turtle to their forces allowing them to take on even the main factions battling for the land. All Naga units can swim and so they can take much quicker routs through maps. This allows them to attack from directions you wouldn't normally worry about. If a naga state is present on the map, you may want to reinforce any shores along your base.
The Naga have the powerful Sea witch as a hero, the sea witch can cast Frost shield on herself and her allies providing massive buffs to Armour as well as slowing down their attackers. Her forces are then more than capable of picking them off from their protective barrier.
Riverrun is a great map to see how versatile the Naga can be, You can truly be attacked from any direction providing the Naga are present, no deep water is safe.

Update 0.3.2

Air Transport


Vassals can now use air transport to attack players and other vassals. For this feature to function in a map, map makers are required to add specific goldmines that they consider inaccessible from land to a specific group of goldmines (Easily done and explained within the comments at the top of the vassals trigger folder). Once setup, vassals who spawn next to these goldmines will use zeppelins to attack their enemies, and other vassals will send zeppelins to attack them.
The map "Booty Bay" makes use of this system and is a great example for vassals using air transportation. The goal with air transport is to allow vassals to function in any melee map regardless of how it is traversed. Other vassals in future may even use air transport as their default attacking method.

Update 0.2.8



Vassals will now spawn a hero once they reach level 5. Heroes are persistent and will be revived over time if they are slain. Vassal heroes have unique spells to aid themselves and their lords. The death knight for example can raise skeletons to keep his front line full of troops. Where as the Archmage can cast various spells from buffing his own troops to hindering his opponents with curses and slow. Information on what each hero does has been added to the quest log.
In the image above you can see an undead DeathKnight hero attacking the territory of an orc vassal that has a BladeMaster hero, the deathknight has ran into the patrol of the orc vassal before he can reach his base. The DeathKnight has brought several raised skeletons with him from his previous skirmish and has started raising more corpses in this fight. On the other side, the defending BladeMaster has started casting Bloodlust on his troops as well as himself.
Heroes behave independently from other vassal units, they will patrol a vassals territory and will occasionally join a vassals attack group. If they decide to join an attack, the hero will notify their lord of their intentions.

Not all Vassal types have heroes, Gnoll's instead can build even more huts to expand their raiding parties and have a bigger patrol group size to make up for not having a hero.

The hero update has been a massive implementation and I'm happy with how heroes have turned out. Having allied heroes running around casting spells truly makes vassals feel like mini independent allies and having a vassal reach level 5 feels like an accomplishment. Having heroes use unique spells they normally would not have access to was a choice to make fighting alongside vassal heroes more interesting, fighting beside an Archmage for example who will actively buff your units as well as his own while de-buffing your enemies feels great. I also wanted them to feel different from normal heroes when it comes to ability power levels, they are the heroes of vassal states after all, not full blown faction heroes that the player possesses. That said, running into a bloodlusted BladeMaster can be a tough challenge.
Heroes currently do not make use of items, although this is a feature I'm currently looking at implementing with a lot of cool ideas in the works already.

Update 0.2.6

Vassals will now spawn patrol armies to patrol their territory. These patrol armies will attempt to lock down the portion of the map they consider their territory. If the vassal is attacked, these patrols as well as their attacking armies will be recalled to defend themselves. This not only makes vassal harder to subjugate, but also makes vassals much more useful once they are subjugated. As they will now defend a portion of the map for their owners.

Update 0.2.4

New Vassal Type:


Gnoll's attack very quickly (Roughly sending 2 attack waves for every 1 attack wave of other vassals) The downside is their attacks start off very weak. Their unique feature however allows them to slowly build up by constructing more gnoll huts over time. Every Hut the vassal builds and maintains adds another gnoll to their attack forces.
Although starting off as a little more than an inconvenience, they will over time slowly build up their forces into a horde if not stopped.

[10-06-2024] CHANGES
- Added: Forest Troll vassal type.
- Fixed: Corrected several spelling mistakes.

[16-04-2024] CHANGES
- Added: vassal heroes can now use the scroll of protection item.
- Added: vassal heroes can now use the stone totem item.
- Added: vassal heroes can now use the scroll of restoration item.
- Improved: Units summoned by vassal units that are patrolling will now join their patrol.
- Improved: vassal heroes now have the opportunity to use items while casting spells.
- Changed: renamed "Launch Attack Early" command to "Launch Attack Now!".
- Fixed: Honor Guard ability now correctly resets its cooldown if the player doesnt have anough gold to cast the ability.
- Fixed: Corrected spelling mistake on the "Launch Attack Now!" Command when trying to launch an attack before vassals were militarily activated

[02-04-2024] CHANGES
- Changed: Unified how vassals send out attacks.
- Fixed: Transfer Ownership ability is now correctly transferred to upgraded embassies.
- Fixed: Players are now properly prevented from using the “Attack Early” ability for vassals before vassals are militarily activated.
[01-02-2024] CHANGES
- Added: Ability to transfer vassals to allied players using the embassy.
[29-01-2024] CHANGES
- Added: More items for vassal heroes to use.
- Improved: Changed the color of the vassal upgrade description to make it easier to read.
[26-01-2024] CHANGES
- Added: Honor guard ability for vassals.
- Added melee AI support for all embassy abilities.
[21-01-2024] CHANGES
- Improved: Vassals will now use zeppelins when creating new attack groups if their attacking a location in close proximity to an enemy vassal that would require the use of zeppelins to get to. (This is explained in the description of the manual targeting ability).
- Improved: Separated off the part of the (Vassal Targeting AI) trigger to only be used when manual targeting is enabled.
[21-01-2024] CHANGES
- Added: Added the abilities to tell vassals where to send their troops as well allow vassals to take control of their troops back to the embassy.
[21-01-2024] CHANGES
- Fixed: Bug where embassies were not correctly transferring to new players once they have been upgraded by an AI player.
[20-01-2024] CHANGES

- Fixed: Bug where embassies were not correctly transferring to new players once they have been upgraded.
- Added Embassy ability; Launch Attack Early.
- Fixed: Player owned vassals now correctly take other vassal embassies for their liege.
[19-01-2024] CHANGES
- Added: The embassy.
[18-01-2024] CHANGES
- Improved: enabled more items for use with vassal heroes.
- improved: Added basic line of site to all vassal main structures.
[17-01-2024] CHANGES
- Added: Vassal heroes can now find and use items.
- Added: Centaur Vassal Type
- Improved: Re-wrote hero revival trigger.
[16-01-2024] CHANGES
- Improved: Bandit names revamped.
[15-01-2024] CHANGES
- Added: Draenei Vassal Type
- Improved: New patrol system for liege lords territory.
- Improved: Vassal buildings such as huts and tents now spawn at a random angle.
[14-01-2024] CHANGES
-Changed: Slightly increased the time it takes for vassals to militarily waken
-Fixed: Undead vassal now has the correct tax rate.
- Added: Bandit Vassal Type.
- Added Vassals now have a tax rate, different vassal types can give more or less gold in tax to their owners.
- Improved: Added and changed gnoll vassal names.
- Improved: Human vassal names.
- Changed: Lowered most vassals gold tax to +10 instead of +20. Night Elfs remain at +20.
- Fixed: Bug where vassal units did not have the correct level.
- Added: Naga vassal type.
- Added: Vassal heroes can now be given custom names.
- Improved: Attack forces will now fallback to defend their main structure if it comes under attack once again. They will not do this if they have been loaded into a transport beforehand however.
[10-01-2024] CHANGES
- Added: Vassals can now use air transport provided this is setup within the map editor(easy instructions to follow within the notes at the top of the vassals trigger folder)
- Improved: neutral hostile enemies are now cleared before vassal is created, this should prevent vassals from appearing inside goldmines rarely.
[07-01-2024] CHANGES
- Improved: Orc vassals now only gain access to siege at level9.
- Improved: Human vassals now only gain access to siege at level9.
- Improved: Undead vassals now only gain access to siege at level9.
[05-01-2024] CHANGES
- Added: Notes to top of trigger folders for quick information on transferring the system to new maps.
- Fixed: Vassals should no longer have issues with their alliances being set, when some are captured by a players vassal and the players themselves.
[05-01-2024] CHANGES
- Added: A timer for vassals to militarily awaken.
- Changed: Slightly reduced orc attack units.
- Improved: Made vassal ceacefire effect not use the stop command on all units in the battle area when changing sides. Instead a new system using localized invulnerability and vassal only stop commands.
- Improved Description of gnoll vassal to talk about huts self-destructing.
- Added: Vassals now have a hero, this hero can only spawn once the vassal reached level 5. Heroes spend their time patrolling their territory as well as occasionally joining attack groups. If a vassal has its level reset, it wont be able to revive its hero until level 5. Heroes will notify their owners if they decide to join an attack.
- Changed: Gnoll's can now construct an additional tent as well as having a larger patrol group to make up for not having a hero.
- Changed: Expanded range at which vassals will patrol.
- Changed Vassals will now create patrol groups to a size half the level of the vassal. (A level 10 vassal will have a patrol group of 5 units)
- Improved: Trees and destructible are no longer killed around Tavern structures.
[02-01-2024] CHANGES
- Added: Vassals now spawn units that patrol their territory.
- Changed: The default number of vassals created at the start of the map without taking into account the number of players is now 6 instead of 4.
- Improved: Vassal buildings now regenerate life.
- Improved: combined vassal naming triggers into 1 trigger.
- improved: organised triggers and variables to make things easier to read.
- Improved: Changed structure of triggers.
[31-12-2023] CHANGES
- Added: Vassals will now use their units to defend themselves if their base comes under attack.
-Fixed: Vassals now correctly target enemies when there is only 1 enemy available to them.
-Fixed: Memory leak's in trigger (Spawn Vassals).
-Fixed: Memory leak's in trigger (Vassal Targeting AI v3).
-Fixed: Memory leak's in trigger (Vassal Switch Owners).
-Fixed: Memory leak's in trigger (Vassal Harvest Resources).
-Fixed: Memory leak's in trigger (Vassal Building Logic - Vassal Building Logic Defense).
-Fixed: Memory leak's in trigger (Attack Wave triggers).
[30-12-2023] CHANGES
-Added: New Vassal type; Gnoll.
-Improved: Vassals can now be given structures to build.
-Changed: Removed all vasal name variables per faction. Names are now handled inside respective triggers.
-Changed: Removed all max units variables for vassal types and replaced it with an array.
-changed: Slightly less vassals will spawn if there are not enough gold mines for expansion on the map for all players (Taking into account number of players in game).
[30-12-2023] CHANGES
-Changed: Vassal gold mines now have extra gold added to them.
-Improved: Vassals now regenerate life again slowly.
-Fixed: Vassals now correctly remove trees around their spawn point.
[30-12-2023] CHANGES
Added: Vassals now slowly build defensive structures to defend themselves.
Changed: Vassals now clear Creeps around their spawn zone.
Improved: All custom objects have been removed, you now only have to copy and past the trigger folders to add vassals to any map you like.
Fixed: rare bug where vassals could spawn around neutral buildings.
[30-12-2023] CHANGES
Completely re-wrote most systems.
[27-12-2023] CHANGES
Improved: Re-wrote vassal targeting AI. Vassal armies should no longer stand around for a while on games with many players.
This should also fix vassals occasionally pinging the wrong attack locations.
Added: Vassals now have experience and levels.
Added: Units spawned by vassals have improved life based on the level of the vassal.
Improved: Vassal units will now reset their orders when a player attempts to order them
Improved: Vassals can now only harvest from 1 gold mine at a time.
Improved: Vassals now kill trees around their spawn points so AI can expand near them.
Improved: Units summoned by vassal's will now join that vassal's attack group.
Fixed: Removed backpack research from undead vassal.
Added: New vassal Type; Orc.
Added: New vassal Type; Undead
0.1.1 - Initial Release
Added: New vassal Type; Night elf.
Added: Vassals now notify their owners of their attack.
Improved: All vassals now belong to a unit group array. (Vassal_Group)(0).
Improved: Vassal harvesting now uses the vassal group unit array. (Vassal_Group)(0).
Improved: Vassal armies now use a unit type array instead of a string array.
Improved: Systems - Naming vassals, Army arrays.
Improved: floating text for vassals harvesting gold.
Improved: vassals now deplete gold mines slower.
Added: Ability to human vassals that explains what they do and how they function.
Changed: Updated map to latest melee data.
Changed: Added even more time for vassal armies until they despawn. (They should last until just before a new army can spawn)
Changed: decreased time it take for vassals to update their unit orders.
- Rofus on the forums for this map description BBcode.
- cleavinghammer Map Feedback.
- deepstrasz - Map Feedback.
- The Nightmare Book - Map Feedback.
- Daratrix- Map Feedback.
Thanks for taking the time to look at this system, the core idea behind vassals is making melee map environments feel more alive and active. You will run into clashes between vassal states as you explore , and much more fighting is now done out in the field as opposed to inside of people's bases. Vassals present dynamically generated points of interest on the map, you will want to explore and scout out goldmines to see what vassal types exist each match. Finding bandits or naga on a map might make you want to re-think your defense. Capturing them gives you access to mini players who will help you fight your enemies as well as fund your war.
Although its fully playable as intended on the maps i have uploaded, ultimately the goal is to create something players can easily place into their own maps or any map they want to play with vassals. All you are required to do, to add vassals to other maps is to import the object data and then import the trigger data to the map you want to add them to. Vassals will automatically be added to the map and function as intended no further action required.
I'll be adding more features and vassal types over time so be sure to check back.
This section is dedicated to maps that either already use the vassals system or maps i have played that i have personally imported vassals into and played perfectly when used with this system.

Maps i recommend that require vassals to be imported:

You will need to export the object data as well as the triggers from one of the (vassals-mini-ai-states) maps and import them into these maps to play.
Maps i recommend that can be easily modded with vassals:
1 - Drake Nostrum
This wonderful 1v1 map by Btp|Lancer fits the vassals system perfectly due to the many goldmines present for a 1v1 and the fairly open environment around each goldmine.

Booty Bay Vassals 0.5.4 (Map)

Gold Rush Vassals 0.5.4 (Map)

Ice Crown Vassals 0.5.4 (Map)

Sanctuary Vassals 0.5.4 (Map)

Riverrun Vassals 0.5.4 (Map)

Spider Falls Vassals 0.5.4 (Map)

Stromguarde Vassals 0.5.4 (Map)

Vassal icons should look passive for proper immersion. I clicked on one thinking it was an upgrade or something. Also, if you're not the race the captured vassal building belongs to you can't upgrade it. These buildings could look different as not to...
Level 8
Dec 9, 2023
Tried exporting the triggers to another map and it works fine (although since the map in question is Ice Crown, the vassals sometimes drain 2 mines at a time).
Thanks for testing this :) Just updated to 0.1.4
Improved: Vassals can now only harvest from 1 gold mine at a time.

Everything worked when they were harvesting from 2, they would get even more mana and give you more in taxes but this probably made them a little too powerful. Having more Goldmines nearby is still a bonus now as it will let them function at peek capacity for longer before running out of gold.


The next concept being worked on is vassal levels and progression.
Last edited:
Level 8
Dec 9, 2023
New Update:

Vassals will now slowly gain experience as they harvest gold from gold mines, the higher a vassals level the more max life their units will spawn with. Be careful as vassals will reset their levels when captured by another player.

Vassals units will display the level of their owner.


Players are now further prevented from meddling with vassal units, a vassal unit that is given an order by a player will now tell that player they are not their commander and continue their last orders.

Got a bug on a different map with the imported triggers where I killed every enemy (the spawns didn't have anywhere to go to so they stayed at their towns) but victory didn't trigger.

In this case I had 12 players, maybe that had something to do with it?
This may be the Melee initialization script not correctly being setup on the new map? Is this the Ice Crown map your playing? I'll run a game and find out whats happening. edit: I've added the Ice crown map to the map section.

Added: Vassals now have experience and levels.
Added: Units spawned by vassals have improved life based on the level of the vassal.
Improved: Vassal units will now reset their orders when a player attempts to order them
Last edited:


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
  1. Vassal icons should look passive for proper immersion. I clicked on one thinking it was an upgrade or something. Also, if you're not the race the captured vassal building belongs to you can't upgrade it. These buildings could look different as not to create confusion with regular melee mine expansion main buildings.
  2. Not sure if the night elf vassal has time to reach 50 before 6pm since if it has 30 mana troops will spawn and then start from 0.
  3. Vassal troops can be moved and put under a control group. I even quickly attacked something specific.
  4. These units could have been custom ones. I'd rather have neutral camp/neutral hostile/creeps based ones than regular troops you can train yourself anyway.
It's a nice idea but rough around the edges.
Approved. Hoping for more creative updates and quality of life improvements. You could make use of non-controllable players if you don't intend to make it work on 24 player maps.

If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange!


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Map Thread Guide
Map Description Making: Good & Bad
Map Description - Templates
Map Description Generator [1.2]

How to Add a Screenshot to your Map Description

  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

M A P - C R E A T I O N - G U I D E S

If you're not satisfied with the review and wish another opinion, contact the other reviewers or use the staff contact:
Level 8
Dec 9, 2023
  1. Vassal icons should look passive for proper immersion. I clicked on one thinking it was an upgrade or something. Also, if you're not the race the captured vassal building belongs to you can't upgrade it. These buildings could look different as not to create confusion with regular melee mine expansion main buildings.
  2. Not sure if the night elf vassal has time to reach 50 before 6pm since if it has 30 mana troops will spawn and then start from 0.
  3. Vassal troops can be moved and put under a control group. I even quickly attacked something specific.
  4. These units could have been custom ones. I'd rather have neutral camp/neutral hostile/creeps based ones than regular troops you can train yourself anyway.
It's a nice idea but rough around the edges.
Approved. Hoping for more creative updates and quality of life improvements. You could make use of non-controllable players if you don't intend to make it work on 24 player maps.
Thanks for the review and the helpful feedback! I appreciate the time you spent reviewing this system. Just so I know what I'm working with, were you playing on version 0.1.6? I thought I fixed commanding vassal units but maybe not? I'll double check it. Edit: I believe i fixed the commanding vassals bug in version 0.1.6, i cant seem to replicate the bug using command groups, i may have uploaded a new version after you downloaded a version for the review.

- vassals create armies in different sizes based on the mana they have at the time of day where they spawn their armies. I'll look into making it more clear or change the system. At the moment its 30 mana = a small army, 50 = a large army. Providing they have access to a goldmine they should be able to reach 50 but I'll double check this.

-Icons should be easy to change and would make it alot clearer for the user that it's a description, thanks for pointing this out.

-Vassals can't be upgraded, but their units can use the upgrades a player researches if they are the same race, this was intended, to make different players want certain vassals over others depending on the race they play. But I can see how this would be confusing, I'll look at changing their functionality.

-Vassals support up to any number of players in a map, the system is designed to be easily imported to play on any map people like. I've created another map that used other player slots as vassals, unfortunately this makes it harder to import as well as prevents players from setting up teams when creating a game, as vassals need to be locked to ai controlled players. Locking certain players seems to prevent others from setting up teams in the map setup screen.

-I'm currently looking at adding more unique vassals to the mix that incorporates units not available to the player, such as bandits and creeps. Alongside a unique hero system for vassals to use. Quality of life is the top priority at the moment, trying to find different ways of informing players how vassals function and fixing bugs such as being able to control a vassals troops.

I want to try and integrate vassals into the base game as much as possible so anymore feedback anyone has I'd appreciate it thanks :thumbs_up:
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Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
Just so I know what I'm working with, were you playing on version 0.1.6? I thought I fixed commanding vassal units but maybe not? I'll double check it. Edit: I believe i fixed the commanding vassals bug in version 0.1.6, i cant seem to replicate the bug using command groups, i may have uploaded a new version after you downloaded a version for the review.
I've downloaded the first map yesterday shortly before testing and writing the comments.
-Vassals support up to any number of players in a map, the system is designed to be easily imported to play on any map people like. I've created another map that used other player slots as vassals, unfortunately this makes it harder to import as well as prevents players from setting up teams when creating a game, as vassals need to be locked to ai controlled players. Locking certain players seems to prevent others from setting up teams in the map setup screen.
I guess a trigger checking which player is a user and which isn't could help sort this out without needing to lock players to slots and teams/forces. The trigger can then activate/run the AI for those non-user players.
If possible, I'd suggest tinting vassals a different color on creation, it would help distinguish them from normal units.
Yes especially if the idea is to go more after your current race vassal capture points.
Level 8
Dec 9, 2023
I guess a trigger checking which player is a user and which isn't could help sort this out without needing to lock players to slots and teams/forces. The trigger can then activate/run the AI for those non-user players.
Unfortunately without the player slot being set to an AI player, the units / heroes wont use their abilities or items, although this is how it works now anyway. The idea of checking for a user in a slot and then dynamically dedicating the slots that are empty to Vassal players is a really good idea though, it will probably be worth doing even if the AI wont cast their abilities. The only problem i see is it would limit the number of players that can play if you want vassals to appear in your map, but i'm not sure there are too many maps using all 24 player slots elseware?. I'll come up with a working prototype of this system later and see how it looks thanks for the suggestion :thumbs_up:

If possible, I'd suggest tinting vassals a different color on creation, it would help distinguish them from normal units.
This is a good idea and should be easily possible, i'll add it into the next update thanks for suggesting it :thumbs_up:
Level 8
Dec 9, 2023
I've downloaded the first map yesterday shortly before testing and writing the comments.

I guess a trigger checking which player is a user and which isn't could help sort this out without needing to lock players to slots and teams/forces. The trigger can then activate/run the AI for those non-user players.

Yes especially if the idea is to go more after your current race vassal capture points.
I've just uploaded version 0.2.0, with this version I've tried to implement as much feedback as possible. vassals now have the following features:
  • Vassals are controlled by computer players.
  • Vassals can attack each other and form alliances.
  • Info on vassals is given in the form of the quest log instead of abilities.
I've updated the main post with more in-depth information on how these new vassals work, including alliances and such.
If possible, I'd suggest tinting vassals a different color on creation, it would help distinguish them from normal units.
Each vassal now uses their own color to represent them although i may try to tint them more towards the owning players color.

I'm still testing these features and hopefully I've ironed out all the bugs, but most things had to be rewrote to accommodate these massive changes.

Providing everything is functioning correctly i'll be working on adding new vassal types next with unique units. Or possibly having vassals construct a few buildings.

Edit: You no longer need to export / import object data to add vassals to other maps, simply copy and paste the (Vassals) folders and they will work as intended on any map you add them into.
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Level 8
Dec 9, 2023
Update 0.2.4

New Vassal Type:




Gnoll's attack very quickly (Roughly sending 2 attack waves for every 1 attack wave of other vassals) The downside is their attacks start off very week. Their unique feature however allows them to slowly build up by constructing more gnoll huts over time. Every Hut the vassal builds and maintains adds another gnoll to their attack forces.

Although starting off as a little more than an inconvenience, they will over time slowly build up their forces into a horde if not stopped.
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Level 1
Jan 2, 2024
Is there anyway you can put more vassals in a map? I am only ever getting 4 in a match. It sounds crazy but I feel like it would be fun with way more vassals in each match or some way to customize how many.
Level 8
Dec 9, 2023
Is there anyway you can put more vassals in a map? I am only ever getting 4 in a match. It sounds crazy but I feel like it would be fun with way more vassals in each match or some way to customize how many.
How many players are you playing with? Vassals are limited based on the number of players / goldmines on a map. This is to try and give each player a goldmine to expand to. By default the system will spawn a vassal for each player as well as 2 extra.

Vassal Setup.png

You can manually change this by simply disabling this trigger in the "Vassals Setup" trigger. You can fill up every free goldmine on the map with vassals if you like. Simply change the max_vassals_spawnable also shown in the image above to any number you like :)

That said, i may increase the default number in the maps i upload so you can have more vassals when you have less players too.

Edit: I've just uploaded a new map:

Gold Rush Vassals 0.2.6

This map uses the newer vassals system i'm currently working on (But should be bug free) but features 6 vassals spawning by default :)


Also just a quick update; in the next patch vassals will defend themselves with a small militia of units that will patrol their region. This means that vassals will be harder to capture but once captured can help lock down parts of the map better.
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Level 8
Dec 9, 2023

Update 0.2.8



Vassals will now spawn a hero once they reach level 5. Heroes are persistent and will be revived over time if they are slain. Vassal heroes have unique spells to aid themselves and their lords. The death knight for example can raise skeletons to keep his front line full of troops. Where as the Archmage can cast various spells from buffing his own troops to hindering his opponents with curses and slow. Information on what each hero does has been added to the quest log.

In the image above you can see a vassal undead DeathKnight hero attacking the territory of an orc vassal that has a BladeMaster hero, the deathknight has ran into the patrol of the orc vassal before he can reach his base. The DeathKnight has brought several raised skeletons with him from his previous skirmish and has started raising more corpses in this fight. On the other side, the defending BladeMaster has started casting Bloodlust on his troops as well as himself.

Heroes behave independently from other vassal units, they will patrol a vassals territory and will occasionally join a vassals attack group. If they decide to join an attack, the hero will notify their lord of their intentions.

Not all Vassal types have heroes, Gnoll's instead can build even more huts to expand their raiding parties and have a bigger patrol group size to make up for not having a hero.

The hero update has been a massive implementation and I'm happy with how heroes have turned out. Having allied heroes running around casting spells truly makes vassals feel like mini independent allies and having a vassal reach level 5 in order to spawn their hero feels like an accomplishment. Having heroes use unique spells they normally would not have access to was a choice to make fighting alongside vassal heroes more interesting, fighting beside an Archmage for example who will actively buff your units as well as his own while de-buffing your enemies feels great. I also wanted them to feel different from normal heroes when it comes to ability power levels, they are the heroes of vassal states after all, not full blown faction heroes that the player possesses. That said, running into a bloodlusted BladeMaster can be a tough challenge.

Heroes currently do not make use of items, although this is a feature I'm currently looking at implementing with a lot of cool ideas in the works already.
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Level 8
Dec 9, 2023
Spawns need balancing, I'm seeing things like 4 raiders, a grunt and 3 catapults when I have a level 1 hero and maybe half a dozen units. Granted, this may be because of the level (Spider Falls) having little opportunity to kill creeps.

Are gnolls supposed to send waves or whatever units they have at hand?
I've just implemented a timer for vassals to "Wake up" militarily. This should give you a bunch of time before they begin sending attacks out. I've also made the orc attacks slightly less intense. This should hopefully allow people to build up adequately before the more powerful vassals wake up. Thanks for testing! It can be hard to pick up on on these things alone when testing for so much :thumbs_up: I'll upload the new version once i've played a game to test it.
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Level 8
Dec 9, 2023
Gnoll extra huts appear to self-destruct when changing owners, is that intended?

When switching owners, there seems to be a general Stop order given to all units nearby, presumably so they stop killing each other. Problem is, units following another (casters, flyers etc.) are also hit with it, and stop following their unit.
Gnoll buildings should self destruct when capturing them, they will slowly build them back up. I will double check this is working as intended now and also add it to their description. This is intended as their unique feature is the ability to attack so regularly, i felt it was overwhelming before after capturing one and having it send out a mini horde of Gnoll's without having to build up.

You'r right there is a stop action being performed, i'll change this to make it only effect vassal units, i'll also make the vassal invulnerable for a split second to force all units to stop attacking each other in the are around the vassal, vassals recall their attack force when attacked so we shouldn't need to change anything outside the current battle.
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Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
Vassals can, and do, attack other vassals even when they belong to the same player. The defeated vassal still belongs to the owner player at least, but it resets their levels and keeps sending "allied hero dead, allied base under attack" messages.

On a 10-player FFA game (me and 9 AIs on Raging Stream), I beat all the enemy players but there was no victory (possibly the game considered all the vassals to be other players I hadn't beaten yet, since they were all busy enthusiastically killing each other).

As a sidenote, maybe add to the instructions to copy the trigger folder and set the map to "use lastest patch", I keep forgetting to do that when modding a map to a vassal version.
Level 8
Dec 9, 2023
Vassals can, and do, attack other vassals even when they belong to the same player. The defeated vassal still belongs to the owner player at least, but it resets their levels and keeps sending "allied hero dead, allied base under attack" messages.

On a 10-player FFA game (me and 9 AIs on Raging Stream), I beat all the enemy players but there was no victory (possibly the game considered all the vassals to be other players I hadn't beaten yet, since they were all busy enthusiastically killing each other).

As a sidenote, maybe add to the instructions to copy the trigger folder and set the map to "use lastest patch", I keep forgetting to do that when modding a map to a vassal version.

Did you copy version 0.2.9 to raging streams? Vassals attacking each other who are owned by the same liege lord seems like a bug i fixed in the latest patch, but it looks like it has persisted. And if vassals you own are attacking each other and consider the defeated player their ally then this would absolutely stop you from winning the match, this can only be due to an error in the Changing Owner trigger i'll look at re-writting it. Thanks for the feedback :thumbs_up:

Edit: I've just tested several scenarios and ran into this issue. I believe the trigger may mistake the player for a vassal player, and this would be causing this issue. I'll look into re-writing it now :thumbs_up:
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Level 8
Dec 9, 2023
Ah no, it was 2.8 (although vassals attacking vassals could be an interesting hard-mode option, I get the impression experience gets shared from those kills).

In that case maybe this one got fixed as well: vassals with gold mines aren't sending gold.
I've just tested and the gold mines should be fixed as of version 0.3.0 i just uploaded however i'll keep testing just in case. This version should fix all the bugs you mentioned in the last post as well as add notes to the top of the triggers folder about transferring the system :thumbs_up:

Interestingly, due to how i have re-written the triggers, other players could easily be captured as vassals when they are defeated, however they would act like normal computer players allied to you. I may look at adding this in the future as an optional feature players can turn on / off.
Level 8
Dec 9, 2023
That's a good idea, I'll look into overhauling how vassals add units to their attack spawns soon, adding higher level units to vassals based on their levels would be a good incentive to protect them / attack them.
Level 8
Dec 9, 2023

Booty Bay Vassals 0.3.2


A new beta vassal map has been uploaded to show off a new feature i'm currently working on. In this map, if vassals spawn on islands inaccessible to other players, they will use flying transports to traverse terrain. This also goes for vassals on the mainland that are attacking other vassals on the islands.

Currently only booty bay will use version 0.2.3 while i test this feature.

To get this transport system working on other maps requires a little more work on your end (Although very easy to do), you will need to manually place goldmines in a list so the system knows what goldmine locations are accessible by land and what aren't. I will add instructions on how to very easily do this once 0.3.2 is out of a beta stage. If you don't need vassals to use this system then you can simply continue continue to copy and paste the system without worrying about it.


If you cant wait simply open the "Vassal Island Goldmines" trigger and add any goldmines you like. Vassals that spawn at these goldmines will use the air transport system. Other vassals attacking them will also use air transports.


Alternatively you can simply set the variable "VassalForceAllUseTransport" to true. And all vassals will use transports regardless of who they are attacking. Useful for water heavy maps or maps that require different traversal methods.

This should (Hopefully) allow vassals to be compatible with practically any melee map available.
Level 8
Dec 9, 2023
I've been looking into converting a bunch of the back-end stuff to Lua to clean up the trigger folder and maybe add some more powerful functions into the system, however i'm now aware that Lua cannot work in the same maps that make use of Jazz scripts. I may just keep this system using triggers to allow it to be imported more easily. This is always an option for a future branch maybe.

--create initial array
Vassal_Name_Suffix= {}
Vassal_Name_Prefix= {}

-- Humans

Vassal_Name_Prefix[0] = {} -- Create Entry
Vassal_Name_Prefix[0][1] = "Kingdom Of "
Vassal_Name_Prefix[0][2] = "City Of "
Vassal_Name_Prefix[0][3] = "Empire Of "
Vassal_Name_Prefix[0][3] = "Bastion Of "
Vassal_Name_Prefix[0][4] = "Town Of "

-- Sufix
Vassal_Name_Suffix[0] = {} -- Create Entry
Vassal_Name_Suffix[0][1] = "Towell"
Vassal_Name_Suffix[0][2] = "Ederon"
Vassal_Name_Suffix[0][3] = "Illeross"
Vassal_Name_Suffix[0][3] = "Ontburgh"
Vassal_Name_Suffix[0][4] = "Frormouth"
Vassal_Name_Suffix[0][5] = "Shimmerwood"
Vassal_Name_Suffix[0][6] = "Riverhorn"
Vassal_Name_Suffix[0][7] = "Deermount"
Vassal_Name_Suffix[0][8] = "Craghill"
Level 8
Dec 9, 2023

Update 0.3.3



The next vassal type is here alongside a new map i will update alongside the others.

The Naga have fairly powerful forces and so usually send smaller more versatile attacks than other vassal types, once they reach level 9 however they will add the even more powerful myrmidon and siege turtle to their forces allowing them to take on even the main factions battling for the land. All Naga units can swim and so they can take much quicker routs through maps. This allows them to attack from directions you wouldn't normally worry about. If a naga state is present on the map, you may want to reinforce any shores along your base.

The Naga have the powerful Sea witch as a hero, the sea witch can cast Frost shield on herself and her allies providing massive buffs to Armour as well as slowing down their attackers. Her forces are then more than capable of picking them off from their protective barrier.

Riverrun is a great map to see how versatile the Naga can be, You can truly be attacked from any direction providing the Naga are present, no deep water is safe.

The next vassal type will probably be one that can make use of air transports by default.

Edit: Normally i would not upload 2 big updates in 1 day. however i spotted a bug in the last update where vassal units were not correctly having their levels applied so i'm pushing the bandit update out today to fix this bug. ENJOY!

Update 0.3.4



Bandits officially bring the vassal types up to 7! and provide much more diversity to how vassals interact with the world.

Bandits much like Gnoll's, don't have a hero. Instead they build up slowly by constructing more tents, allowing them to recruit more bandits to their cause. Bandits unlike other vassal types can choose to attack via zeppelins as well sending traditional ground armies towards their enemies. A high level bandit vassal can sneak a whole army of bandits into enemy bases. To make up for this versatility however, bandits will only offer their owners a meager +5 gold in taxes compared to other vassals and are fairly limited in their damage types.
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Level 8
Dec 9, 2023

Update 0.3.7

Vassals Dre.png

The draenei vassal type offers up a new gameplay mechanic and brings the vassal count up to 8. When the draenei spawn their forces to attack their enemies, they will also spawn a secondary force of units, this secondary force is dedicated to protecting their owning player and will patrol their starting zone, attacking any enemies that come near. The number of units spawned to join this patrol force is based on the number of draenei huts the vassal has.

The Patrol force the draenei spawn will be transported to the owning players starting zone via zeppelins. Once they arrive they will begin their patrol, protecting your lands.

The draenei hero, is particularity powerful and has access to both bloodlust and raise dead spells. On top of this the hero is permanently invisible, revealing himself only when attacking or casting spells. You'll never know if hes part of an attack force or if hes patrolling his territory until you run into him.

to make up for all of this utility the draenei take slightly longer to attack than other vassals, requiring 70 mana.
Level 8
Dec 9, 2023
Tried 0.3.5 and as far as I can tell it works, including the zeppelin drops (didn't get any myself, but I sometimes saw them with the allies' bases, and on Riverrun some of the outliers will build forces but they seem to forget there's a waygate).

Maybe name bandits "X Gang" instead of "Gang of the X".
Bandit Names.png

Thanks for testing and great idea with the bandit names! I've just quickly implemented this and it will be in the next version, looking much better :thumbs_up:

Waygates should be working correctly as its baked into the pathfinding with the new reforged updates. Are you seeing attack forces or defensive patrols? I'll do some testing with a full game and check whats happening there, could possibly be a targeting issue with the attacking ai.
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Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
Had a thought: Have the town sell an item that serves as a one-time rally point for their next attack, it could make for more involved gameplay than simply hoping their next attack will go in the direction you're attacking.

Similarly, a item that makes patrol units rally to your hero but needs to be reused when new units emerge.
Level 8
Dec 9, 2023
Had a thought: Have the town sell an item that serves as a one-time rally point for their next attack, it could make for more involved gameplay than simply hoping their next attack will go in the direction you're attacking.

Similarly, a item that makes patrol units rally to your hero but needs to be reused when new units emerge.
These are some good ideas on how to implement the systems, I've thought about implementing a custom structure for each vassal (the embassy). The embassy would be owned by whoever owned the vassal and would give the player info on the vassal as well as basic orders in the form of custom spells that could be cast from the embassy. One spell would allow you to set a unit that patrol units would follow and defend, another would set an attack target area and so on.

Each embassy could also have unique ability's. Paying for bandits to send out a quick sneak attack on the spot, or picking a spot for a draenei vassal to setup a defensive camp with towers and patrols for example.

This unfortunately would require the use of custom abilities. As of now the entire vassals system can be imported into any map by simply copying the trigger folder. However once custom units / abilities are used, users will have to also export / import the object data which could make it harder for people to play with vassals on maps they like.

Right now the plan is to bring the vassal types up to 9 (We're already at 9 with the next update, with the 9th being Centaurs) and then creating a new "Advanced Vassals" system, where object data and triggers are used.

Having access to object data would allow some pretty cool additions and really change how vassals function, for example we can have custom heroes for each vassal, more unique spells, deeper interactions between vassals and their owning player. One feature i want to add is having vassals send spellcasters to follow your hero as a kind of honor guard, however without creating custom abilities there isn't a user friendly way to enable this function( What one of your heroes should they follow? ). I have a lot of ideas for Advanced Vassals which will really change up the gameplay, while other people if they wanted could fork off this version of vassals to make the system go in another direction.
Level 8
Dec 9, 2023

Update 0.4.0

Centaurs and Items


Centaurs function similar to draenei in that not only can they attack your enemies but they have the ability to send units to defend their owner. The units the centaurs send however are far fewer but much more powerful units. Having a few powerful Centaurs between you and your would be attackers can mean the difference between defeat and victory.



When a vassal hero first spawns and every time it is revived after, the hero has a chance to find a piece of equipment as well as up to 2 consumable items. The first 4 slots of a heroes inventory is dedicated to their equipment, where as the last 2 slots is for their consumable items.

When a vassal hero dies, it has a chance to lose a random item it was carrying. Over time vassal heroes will slowly change their equipment as they lose items and find new ones.

Items tr.png

New items can be added to the system with ease, any custom items you make can be found and used by the vassals provided you add them to the array above. Heroes have basic AI to make use of these items as described in the trigger image above.

Items make vassal heroes much more stronger and unpredictable, you could come up against an archmage with a book of the dead for instance. Or a bandmaster with an invulnerability potion. This also makes them much better and more interesting allies, fighting side by side with vassal heroes will now bring you a much greater advantage.
Level 24
Jun 11, 2017
Dammit, there is a new version already!


I played it yesterday and found the cute and likable concept for normal melee maps. It strangely reminds me of another map, where players can subjugate other players. As vassal mini-players overtake goldmine spots, maybe it would be a nice idea to allow players to invest in vassals, like increasing income output.
Or, instead of investing if it sounds strange, I'd suggest adding vassal contracts: that vassal focuses himself on defending, that gives more gold than the army, etc...

And 1 more suggestion, if you mind - some chat commands of vassals like "Going here", "pushing there", and "I need aid". You can inspire yourself with Starcraft 2 AI commands in group melee gameplay.

Anyway good idea and nice realisation, like it! Maybe post a small walkthrough in future ;)
Level 8
Dec 9, 2023
Dammit, there is a new version already!


I played it yesterday and found the cute and likable concept for normal melee maps. It strangely reminds me of another map, where players can subjugate other players. As vassal mini-players overtake goldmine spots, maybe it would be a nice idea to allow players to invest in vassals, like increasing income output.
Or, instead of investing if it sounds strange, I'd suggest adding vassal contracts: that vassal focuses himself on defending, that gives more gold than the army, etc...

And 1 more suggestion, if you mind - some chat commands of vassals like "Going here", "pushing there", and "I need aid". You can inspire yourself with Starcraft 2 AI commands in group melee gameplay.

Anyway good idea and nice realisation, like it! Maybe post a small walkthrough in future ;)
Thanks for the review! And I really appreciate the feedback :thumbs_up: I think the embassies update I'm working on would really bring a lot of your suggestions into reality. Embassies will be buildings that are part of a vassals settlement that can be directly controlled by the player who owns the vassal. This will allow custom abilities and such to control how a vassal behave.

I like the idea of being able to invest in vassals to improve their income and such in the long run, this could possibly be a one off fee to (Upgrade) a vassal, possibly increasing their tax as well as providing another tower / more Patrols?

Asking vassals to specialise into things such as generating resources / attacking / defending is also something embassies can accomplish. And I'll look at implementing something like this.

Text commands for vassals is somthing I may implement for shortcuts to the embassy building. When it comes to interacting with your vassals I'd like it to be as simple and user friendly as possible. Hence why I'm looking at giving players a building interface for commanding vassals. Attack here, patrol there and so on, this will all be done by checking the building in their settlements. Text commands could possibly allow you to bulk command your vassals?

I'll write up an in-depth walkthrough into how vassals function after the next update as it will add some fairly deep interactions between players and their vassals.

Thanks again for the feedback and I hope you'll stick around for future updates :thumbs_up:
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
Or a spellbook ability on the Embassy (attack here right now/next spawn, rally to this unit, get back to base, etc.).

Also an ability to directly inject gold to increase their mana (expensive and a long cooldown).

Gnoll main huts have zero LoS, so you can't actually monitor their camps until they build towers (might be an issue with the other ones if you base their structures off the NP buildings).
Level 8
Dec 9, 2023
Or a spellbook ability on the Embassy (attack here right now/next spawn, rally to this unit, get back to base, etc.).

Also an ability to directly inject gold to increase their mana (expensive and a long cooldown).

Gnoll main huts have zero LoS, so you can't actually monitor their camps until they build towers (might be an issue with the other ones if you base their structures off the NP buildings).
Thanks for catching this! I've just uploaded a new version and all vassal HQ structures should now have a basic line of site :thumbs_up: Upgrading Vassals will hopefully be the first feature of the Custom object data build.

I'm just playing through maps now and trying to find any bugs, barring any bugs though this should hopefully be the last version of vassals that doesn't use custom object data. I will upload "Vassals - Easy Import Edition" As a separate project on the hive workshop. Easy import edition will essentially be this version of vassals that only makes use of a single trigger folder for easy importing into other maps. Having it as a separate project will allow me to update it and fix any bugs if people run into any.

This project page will continue with the use of custom object data and such, still open source, it will just require an extra step to import into other maps. I've also added some more documentation to the system for people who want to edit it and mess around with adding new vassals or just generally want to see how things work.

A quick view of the embassy:

The embassy is a building that all vassal states have, this structure allows their owning players to interact with them in a deeper way. When a vassal is captured, control of the embassy building is given to their new owners, giving their owners access to custom abilities and orders.

Not only will you have access to custom abilities at the embassy but you can also check what the vassal does in a user friendly way. The first update will probably include an upgrade button at the embassy to allow you to invest resources into upgrading your vassals increasing the number of towers they have as well as the resources they generate.
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Level 8
Dec 9, 2023
(on 4.2) Dunno if it's intentional or a bug, but I had an allied Draenei camp keep sending zeppelins into my base. Had to kill one because he landed in just the right spot to prevent my casters from leaving the base, but other than that no problems.
Draenei and Centaurs will send units to patrol your base as well as attack your enemies. in the latest version 0.4.3 Embassies have been implemented that will show you a description of what each vassals does in a user friendly way. Your also able to upgrade your vassals in the latest patch. :thumbs_up:

The zeppelins they send you should die 5 seconds after dropping off their last unit, did the draenei not move at all? that would be a bug.


I've just released version 0.4.4, this update introduces the launch attack early ability for the following vassals:
  • Bandits
  • Centaurs
  • Gnoll's
This ability makes the vassals that have no heroes more useful as you can directly funnel gold into them to make them launch attacks.
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Level 8
Dec 9, 2023
Here's my humble showcasing video, it was on 0.4.3 version cause you're updating them so quick ;)
Thank you this is absolutely brilliant! It would have taken me ages to pinpoint that bug also! :grin: The upgraded embassy wasn't being correctly added back into the array used to link embassies to their chosen vassal. Mind if i embed this video into the project page? :)
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Level 7
Aug 8, 2010
Hey this is really neat! One small issue i found in the latest version though, when the a Vassal is allied to a Computer player, their Embassy will never change to future conquerors.

To clarify:
  • When conquering a neutral Vassal, the Embassy properly switch control
  • When a Computer player conquers the Vassal of a User (human-controlled) player, the Embassy switches to the Computer player Control.
  • When conquering a Vassal controlled by a Computer player, the Embassy doesn't switch owner, so it is still controlled by the original Computer player

This is a pretty major issues because Vassals will try to target the invulnerable Embassies, and they usually don't switch target so they are just stuck moving back and forth doing nothing.
Level 8
Dec 9, 2023
Hey this is really neat! One small issue i found in the latest version though, when the a Vassal is allied to a Computer player, their Embassy will never change to future conquerors.

To clarify:
  • When conquering a neutral Vassal, the Embassy properly switch control
  • When a Computer player conquers the Vassal of a User (human-controlled) player, the Embassy switches to the Computer player Control.
  • When conquering a Vassal controlled by a Computer player, the Embassy doesn't switch owner, so it is still controlled by the original Computer player

This is a pretty major issues because Vassals will try to target the invulnerable Embassies, and they usually don't switch target so they are just stuck moving back and forth doing nothing.
Hey thanks for giving feedback! :thumbs_up: Are you using version 0.4.4? I uploaded version 0.4.5 a little earlier today so its possible you may have downloaded 0.4.4. 0.4.5 should have fixed this issue. I'll do some more testing now to double check everything is working as it should be just in case. the issue in the case of the bug in 0.4.4 was upgraded embassies no longer being attached to their vassals once upgraded.

Also just a quick update, the next patch will allow players to select targets for their individual vassals to attack as well as letting them go back to deciding their own targets.