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  • Hey there, I think its pretty cool that help out all these people!
    I am also the source of pretty much every new thing in system development.
    Nestharus had concepts for improvements on DDS, I perfected them. (But I dont use DDS myself so didnt make one for public use.)
    Xonok had concepts for triggered cooldowns, I perfected them. (I use them now in my project maps.)
    BPower had a missile system, I gave him the concepts of mine, he perfected his system (almost).
    sounds great! :) what are your project maps by the way? Would be interesting to play to me :)
    Well, the one I am currently most busy with is a Dungeon Crawler.
    I also have an AoS project but I switch between the two in development.
    >> I am working on my ow engine for various reasons and I must say that it is not as simple as it seems.

    Is it on github? I could use it as reference.
    Deleted member 219079
    Learning purposes :)
    Well... you wont understand a thing.
    But I can recommend you to just watch some tutorials and read some "Getting Started" stuff about it.
    I just started rewriting in LWJGL 3.0 (instead of 2.9). I might be uploading that one.
    Deleted member 219079
    I hope you tell me if you do!
    I couldn't find a replacement, I tried timers but they execute a function and I'll have to make tons of functions for that to work. Could you link me a system of this ?
    Hello Wiet, you helped me a long time ago with a code about gates opening and closing if you remember, I'd like your help once again if that's okay. I'm having quite a pickle with some JASS code, it's in the triggers & scripts forum (Teleport back and forth) if you can check it out.
    Actually, do you know how this ODE works? I wanted to try it myself but I don't get the syntax.
    // obejct data extract test
    //! LoadUnitData [rawcodes='hfoo'] fields='ugol'

    library xxxxx
    private function onInit takes nothing returns nothing
    local integer cost = GetUnitTypeGoldCost('hfoo')

    edit: made a mistake, updated code.
    hehe, I just like giving rep if people go the extra mile to help someone. In your case, you coded a whole system. That is pretty awesome.
    To modify a projectile pitch I would recommend:
    // Projectile pitch. Takes and returns radians!

    private real angleZ
    method operator pitch takes nothing returns real
    return angleZ

    method operator pitch= takes real theta returns nothing
    local real cos = Cos(theta)
    local real vel = velocity// GetVelocity(missile)
    local real acc = acceleration

    set velX = vel*Cos(angle)*cos
    set velY = vel*Sin(angle)*cos
    set velZ = vel*Sin(theta)
    set accX = acc*Cos(angle)*cos
    set accY = acc*Sin(angle)*cos
    set accZ = acc*Sin(theta)

    set angleZ = theta
    call Missile_SetUnitPitch(dummy, theta)// Set Animation Index.
    to avoid issues with 0 division.
    I'm working hard on my Missile system, going completly away from the way
    I dealt with horizontal and vertical motion before.

    Actually now it's very close to what you did in the first place.
    What will remain is the data structure MissileStruct module.

    Thanks for the pastbin link
    In your custom projectile system you should use
    Atan2 over Atan to calculate the facing angle.

    theta = Atan(velY/velX)
    theta = Atan2(velY, velX)

    Wiki link about Atan2

    I'm working on mine again and checked other existing projectile systems.
    You have shown me a map once, I think... in which you had some custom models from hive figures imported? :)
    Ahh, I understand, thank you! Then it should be fine when using it for a custom obstacle system
    or a talent tree where no interaction with other players occurs.
    So it is safe to create a function and within that function, use GetLocalPlayer to hide and show a unit ?
    If I call this function from another function and after returning, move the hidden unit,
    would this cause desync ?
    Or to go into detail, can I safely manipulate the units being hidden to certain players,
    like moving, scaling, killing, removing ... ?
    Hu, I knew of that method, but doesn't this easily cause desyncs ?
    Cause of GetLocalPlayer() ?
    Ah I see, thank you, that's some code to go through
    Custom interfaces should be visible for one player, then recreated for each human player so all players can be in the custom interface without having to see what player 1 is watching.
    Is there a tutorial for this or an explanation ? Never heard of this
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