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Warcraft 3 Re-Reforged: Exodus of the Horde

This bundle is marked as director's cut. It exceeds all expectations and excels in every regard.


This project truly captured what was intended for the Reforged campaign
Kam - Blizzard Warcraft 3: Reforged Campaign Designer
InsaneMonster did what Blizzard now find's impossible. Created something out of love for the original game and honored its memory
DesignerDave - Blizzard Warcraft 3: Classic Game Designer


  • Actually remastered in-game cinematics, with angles, interface and style closely matching the ones shown at Blizzcon 2018
  • Reimagined maps and missions, with beautiful, easy to navigate terrain, modernized gameplay, redesigned quests and more meaningful events, often influencing following maps in interesting ways
  • Detailed and expanded lore, with a completely new interlude and epilogue, fleshed out characters and interactions, with many references from World of Warcraft
  • Rebalanced difficulty levels, to make the experience tailored and engaging to each player, with completely new AI scripts designed to give opponents a distinguishable personality
  • Multiple languages supported, including some voice acting for the additional dialogues, and all graphics mods compatible
  • New, lore accurate secrets and much much more... only waiting for you to play!


    All music comes from Blizzard's games, specifically World of Warcraft and all of its expansions. You can record any footage of this campaign and put it online without risk of copyright infringements.
    Heroes abilities are the same of the vanilla campaign and the main and only hero of the campaign is Thrall, just like in the original one. The experience system, however, is tweaked to be more rewarding. In other words, your hero needs to be personally involved to gain experience and a lot of killing is usually required to gain levels. Tomes of experience and creep camps to clear come in really handy, so make sure to search for them!
    The tutorial is expanded and improved in many ways, beside the fact that it is now fully skippable. While keeping the same core, the tutorial is more explicative of the game mechanics and more interactive. It also features more hints and a bunch of useful optimizations to its triggers. Moreover, the tutorial is now streched along the entire campaign. In other words, you can choose to play or not to play the tutorials on the first and second map and if you do play them, some additional hints and information will be displayed in following missions too. If you skip the tutorials, simpler hints will be displayed like in regular campaigns. If you know how to play I do recommend skipping the tutorial for a more immersive and overall enjoyable experience.
    They integrate the story. Specifically, the interlude describes the chase of the stolen ships by Admiral Daelin Proudmoore's fleet and the shipwreck caused by the storm near the Maelstrom, as seen by Sen'Jin during its vision. It shows the arrival of the orcs on Darkspear Island and the reason why humans are there, too. The epilogue shows instead the Horde sailing to Kalimdor while something sinister happens in Lordaeron...
    Not many, but I will list the few you might encounter:
    1. Opening the codex dialog while a cinematic is starting might have some weird effects on some cinematics. This is because the system I use to pause the game when the codex is opened just emulates Blizzard natives, which I can't use since that logic is hidden underneath the game engine. I will check if there is a way to prevent this, but it's very weird and low priority, so I can't promise on when it will be done. Don't report this bug to me because it's not really a bug, but just a very rare unintented behaviour that can be avoided very easily.
    2. Difficulty might not be retained between missions. Use the cheat code "howhard" to display the difficulty level of current mission. If it's not what you expect, just quit mission, select the new difficulty and then load it up again. Blizzard should have fixed this by now, but in case it happens again, you know how to deal with it.
    3. Sometimes facial animations of characters might stop working (partially or entirely). Usually restarting the game and reloading the map should fix the issue. It's also been noticed that facial animations tends to break more when alt-tabbing. This is due to Blizzard code, I can't fix it. If anyone knows a workaround, just let me know.
    4. In some locales, loading screen crest might be smaller or not fully centered. This is due to a bug in how the game client handles the loading screen crest, whose partially depends on the amount of text in the loading screen.
    5. If you reload a saved game, the crest might appear of the wrong race. Again, this is a Reforged issue, tell Blizzard about it.
    6. Some crashes might happen due to unpredictable circumstances. Just deal with them. It's not Re-Reforged, it's the game client.
    7. If the game crashes often, make sure to check your graphics settings, for Re-Reforged might be a bit heavier than vanilla Warcraft 3 Reforged:
      1. Reduce graphics quality in settings (make sure to not open options from in-game because, in rare cases, it could freeze the game);
      2. Set game to fullscreen mode;
      3. Close all other applications you can close, to reduce RAM and GPU usages.



Note: a greyed out flag means the translation is current in progress, so not yet completed for all missions or just missing some parts.


Note: I will feature as many showcases as possible (they may be too many to be all featured here, huge thanks to the creators nonetheless). Please notice that some may not be up to date or they can be localized in languages other than english.


About me

Custom assets

Custom systems

Voice actors



Patrons Hall of Fame

My name is Luca Pasqualini and I'm an italian software engineer and teacher. I was a researcher with a PhD in AI. I love developing games in my spare time.

I have partecipated to the Rock The Cabinet 2017: Co-op edition contest for Starcraft 2 and my map, Mercenary Business made it to the top 10.

I was hyped beyond any imagination for Warcraft 3: Reforged, and while the disappointment was there, I saw great potential in the art assets and in the few but key changes Blizzard made to the engine. Mostly for fun, I tried re-reforging the first map of the prologue with better cinematics and now... well, now here we are. I guess it's already been a long journey, and I am really excited of what's still ahead!

The following list is a definitely not comprehensive list of assets used in some form that you can find on Hive Workshop.
In general, many models are built specifically for Re-Reforged and you can extract them and use them so long you give credits. Many of the following models have also been edited/improved to better work within the Re-Reforged ecosystem. Let me know if you see some assets (models, textures, icons...) in the campaign that are available on this website in some form and that are not credited here, I'll immediately add them in the list and give proper credits to their authors.

All the model designed for Re-Reforged are made by Mr. Ogre Man (main modeler) and Furgrim (fixer and animator).
All the icons designed for Re-Reforged are made by Handclaw. The amazing loading screens are made by Dagren

  • LOA imtotallynotmute (english), Kentel (italian), Warglaive (spanish, europe), Lilmunsta (spanish, latino), Alexlei Negodaev (russian), 杰 (chinese simplified), Dariusz "Noktis"Ćwik (polish), MavByte (german), Akim Belkeir a.k.a "Shunrik" (french), Traner (Korean)
  • ACOLYTE ShadiHD (english), Alessandro "Dagren" Monti (italian), Warglaive (spanish, europe), Lilmunsta (spanish, latino), Feivurey (russian), 小白狮 (chinese simplified), Dariusz "Noktis"Ćwik (polish), MavByte (german), Alexandre Faller aka Ehlesgens (french), Traner (Korean)

  • ITALIAN Luca Pasqualini
  • RUSSIAN Buffalo
  • SPANISH Serena H.
  • LATINO Serena H.
  • FRENCH Alexandre Faller a.k.a Ehlesgens
  • GERMAN MicRaving
  • POLISH Patryk „Dark Mefisto” Ośka
  • CHINESE (SIMPLIFIED) 正电子海, 蓝蓝子, 斯美拉琪海露, 奥丁信徒, Eddy
  • KOREAN 고두러

  • AlexMSimenov for most early no-glow hero models.
  • loktar for the classic sound files in the second mission Departures. It was beautiful while it lasted... thanks!
  • DracoDirik for the overall support and beta-testing!
  • Tamplier777 for the insightful discussions about the World Editor, the overall help and beta-testing.
  • Zenmaster for the insightful discussions about the lore of Warcraft and the overall help.
  • Barorque for overall help and beta-testing.
  • ShadiHD for overall help and beta-testing.
  • Retera for making Retera Model Studio.
  • PaulH for beta-testing and the help on the lore and codex.
  • Serena H. for beta-testing.
  • Mr Ogre Man for his help with the models.
  • Knall for beta-testing and the collectible scrolls idea.
  • Spooki for overall help with the codex.
  • Zorrot for his help with the chinese community.
  • Warglaive for recording footage with graphics mods for the trailer.

For a comprehensive list of all the supporters, check out this page!

You all are amazing, thank you for your support!

























  • Released Mission 01 (Chasing Visions) [v1.0]

  • Updated Mission 01 (Chasing Visions) [v1.1]:
    - All creep camps now wake up when huts are attacked (if sleeping)
    - All creep camps spawn on harder difficulties is now bounded to the existance of the spawning hut
    - All creep camps spawn huts will immediately spawn their reinforcement if the relative hut is attacked
    - Improved the Sleeping Ogre camp
    - Fixed a bug which may cause the last cinematic to hang if a previous cutscene was skipped
    - Cleaned some triggers and removed some useless one

  • Released Mission 02 (Departures) [v1.0]
  • Updated Mission 01 (Chasing Visions) [v1.2]:
    - The tutorial is now optional and can be skipped with an appropriate dialog (no story content is lost if the tutorial is not played)
    - Added footsteps sounds during cinematics to all units
    - Increased the number of animated tree (thanks to additional trigger optimization)
    - Improved sounds variety and quality both during gameplay and during cinematics
    - Added visual effects to Medivh while morphing
    - Added lighting effects during cutscenes
    - Improved a bit the terrain
    - Improved tutorial in some points (with optimizations and additional indicators)
    - Added lore "hints" to display additional info about the Warcraft lore during the game
    - The ogre now has some personality and is quite of a challenge
    - Added a shaman and a war mill to the orc encampment for additional variety

  • Released Mission 02 Interlude (Maelstrom) [v1.0]
  • Updated Mission 02 (Departures) [v1.1]:
    - Removed hero glow from all heroes during cinematics
    - Added back lip-sync (animated portraits) to all characters during transmissions and cinematics
    - No more Hellscream™
    - Some little improvements to sounds, timings and overall terrain
    - Fixed some typos
    - Fixed some pathing issues
  • Updated Mission 01 (Chasing Vision) [v1.3]:
    - Removed hero glow from all heroes during cinematics
    - Added back lip-sync (animated portraits) to all characters during transmissions and cinematics
    - Fixed some typos

  • Released Mission 03 (Riders on the Storm) [v1.0]
  • Updated Mission 02 Interlude (Maelstrom) [v1.1]:
    - Improved terrain with a lot of small but important tweaks
    - Added custom models to Sen'Jin and Kul Tiras forces
    - Added scene showing the humans attacking the trolls
    - Now Nazgrel is the only raider in Thrall's group
    - Made it clear it is Sen'Jin vision all along
    - Other fixes and minor modifications according to the critiques I recieved when it was first released
  • Updated Mission 02 (Departures) [v1.2]:
    - Improved terrain with a lot of small but important tweaks
    - Added some additional dialogues to increase immersion
    - Added a Gnoll lore hint
    - Improved cutscenes with custom models and small fixes
    - Added a specific Warsong grunt model
    - Gar'Thok has now a more prominent role
    - Fixed some more typos
  • Updated Mission 01 (Chasing Vision) [v1.4]:
    - Improved terrain with a lot of small but important tweaks
    - Now Thrall leaves its tent on foot
    - Snowsong is a thing now
    - Added more sounds to the Horde's camp during the cinematic to make it fell more alive
    - Improved all the cinematics with small but important tweaks
    - Gar'Thok has now a more prominent role
    - Added some additional dialogues to increase immersion
    - Added an appropriate Ogre Mound to the sleeping ogre
    - Now the hidden potion secret is a much more appropriate Circle of Binding secret, summoning the potion

  • Updated Mission 03 (Riders on the Storm) [v1.0.1]:
    - Fixed a tree trunk on the way of a shaman to appease MasterBlaster OCD
    - Fixed some bugs with the trigger queue in the third cinematic (Healed Fountain), where queue was not cleared and the fountain itself was not healed if the cinematics was skipped

Note: this release represent the final release of the campaign, because of that the update is quite heavy on changes to pre-existing maps.

  • Released Mission 05 Epilogue (Beyond the Sea) [v1.0]
  • Released Mission 05 (Contdown to Extinction) [v1.0]
  • Released Mission 04 (The Fires Down Below) [v1.0]
  • Updated Mission 03 (Riders on the Storm) [v1.1]:
    - Fixed quite some bugs
    - Improved the overall design of the mission and the stability of it
    - Included the tutorial and cache to preserve game state
    - Reworked cinematics to look actually like Blizzcon 2018
    - Added localization
  • Updated Mission 02 Interlude (Malestrom) [v1.2]:
    - Reworked cinematics to look actually like Blizzcon 2018
    - Added localization
  • Updated Mission 02 (Departures) [v1.3]:
    - Fixed quite some bugs
    - Improved the overall design of the mission and the stability of it
    - Improved the tutorial and included cache to preserve game state
    - Reworked cinematics to look actually like Blizzcon 2018
    - Added localization
  • Updated Mission 01 (Chasing Vision) [v1.5]:
    - Fixed quite some bugs
    - Improved the overall design of the mission and the stability of it
    - Improved the tutorial and included cache to preserve game state
    - Reworked cinematics to look actually like Blizzcon 2018
    - Now the ogre and the trolls have more personality
    - Added localization

  • Updated Mission 05 Epilogue (Beyond the Sea) [v1.1]:
    - Music timings are now compatible with all localizations
    - Fixed a small bug in the spanish localization
    - Added WarCraft font for russian final text
  • Updated Mission 05 (Contdown to Extinction) [v1.1]:
    - Music timings are now compatible with all localizations
    - Improved general mission balance
    - Fixed an issue that could cause enemy base to aggro on the player
    - Fixed an issue that could cause Zar'jira taunts to be in the wrong order
  • Updated Mission 04 (The Fires Down Below) [v1.1]:
    - Music timings are now compatible with all localizations
    - Reworked Snowsong section to be more engaging
    - Fixed some pathing issues
    - Fixed a bug on normal and easy difficulty that prevent a Tome Wraith from spawning
    - Increased a bit the difficulty of the "Dagon spawn" section of the boss fight
    - Fixed some display issues for spanish localization
    - Fixed some glaring bugs for russian localization
  • Updated Mission 03 (Riders on the Storm) [v1.2]:
    - Music timings are now compatible with all localizations
    - Moved a troll in the third village so that a crate can now be accessed
    - Fixed a display bug in the trolls' villages counter
    - Fixed italian, spanish and russian localization about the trolls' villages counter
    - Added french localization
  • Updated Mission 02 Interlude (Malestrom) [v1.3]:
    - Music timings are now compatible with all localizations
    - Updated french localization
  • Updated Mission 02 (Departures) [v1.4]:
    - Music timings are now compatible with all localizations
    - Fixed an hint about building a second barracks displaying when you already had a second barracks
  • Updated Mission 01 (Chasing Vision) [v1.6]:
    - Improved a bit the last camera on the final cinematic
    - Some small performance improvements in the Horde's base cinematic
    - Music timings are now compatible with all localizations
    - Intro text has now proper russian WarCraft font
    - Fixed a small typo in the spanish intro text
    - Added german localization

  • Updated Mission 05 Epilogue (Beyond the Sea) [v1.2]:
    - Improved Kel'Thuzad animations a little bit
    - Improved russian localization
    - Improved russian voiced dialogues
  • Updated Mission 05 (Contdown to Extinction) [v1.2]:
    - Looping custom music is now restored when loading from save
    - Added codex system
    - Improved russian localization
    - Added french localization
  • Updated Mission 04 (The Fires Down Below) [v1.2]:
    - Looping custom music is now restored when loading from save
    - Added codex system
    - Improved russian localization
    - Improved russian voiced dialogues
    - Added french localization
  • Updated Mission 03 (Riders on the Storm) [v1.3]:
    - Added codex system
    - Improved russian localization
  • Updated Mission 02 Interlude (Malestrom) [v1.4]:
    - Improved russian localization
  • Updated Mission 02 (Departures) [v1.5]:
    - Added codex system
    - Improved russian localization
    - Added german localization
  • Updated Mission 01 (Chasing Vision) [v1.7]:
    - Added codex system
    - Improved russian localization
    - Added polish localization

Note: french translation, while made for all missions, is not fully tested, not voiced and has no codex entry for the majority of the mission. Thus, it's still in progress.
Also, note that on the map description in the custom games menu the wrong version is displayed. I've dropped versioning on the map description for the future and I will remove each one of them for the next update (it's long and I had to time in this update). To find out the map version, check the trigger editor of the map.

  • Updated Mission 05 Epilogue (Beyond the Sea) [v1.3]:
    - Added french localization
    - Added chinese (simplified) localization
  • Updated Mission 05 (Contdown to Extinction) [v1.3]:
    - Added chinese (simplified) localization
  • Updated Mission 04 (The Fires Down Below) [v1.3]:
    - Added chinese (simplified) localization
  • Updated Mission 03 (Riders on the Storm) [v1.4]:
    - Fixed layout of trees around fountain to avoid units to get stuck
    - Added chinese (simplified) localization
  • Updated Mission 02 Interlude (Malestrom) [v1.5]:
    - Added chinese (simplified) localization
  • Updated Mission 02 (Departures) [v1.6]:
    - Adjusted Hellscream head angle during cinematics
    - Improved human base decorations
    - Made the children invulnerable
    - Added chinese (simplified) localization
  • Updated Mission 01 (Chasing Vision) [v1.8]:
    - Fixed a typo in the english Forest Trolls codex
    - Added chinese (simplified) localization

Note: this update features quite a lot of bug fixes with respect to localizations (typos, inconsistencies, some missing localization, etc), english included. Beside that, I also did an optimization pass. Technically speaking, all maps now runs on native lua and are fully leak free. I also optimized many triggers by enabling them only when needed in order to get a bit of performance back. This may be successful or not, always consider though that the high quantity of HD assets on screen (especially during cinematics) will always be taxing for any PC.
This update also features improved facial expression through all cinematics. Let me know what you think of it. While subtle, it can be noticed mostly by looking at the eyes movements of the characters while speaking.
You an also expect minor fixes through all the maps, even if not listed down below.

  • Updated Mission 05 Epilogue (Beyond the Sea) [v1.4]:
    - Finished french localization
    - Finished german localization
    - Finished polish localization
    - Added spanish (latin america) localization
    - Added multiple models for the villagers of Andhoral
    - Improved a bit cutscenes animations
    - Fixed Kel'thuzad particle effect to be green
  • Updated Mission 05 (Contdown to Extinction) [v1.4]:
    - Finished french localization
    - Finished german localization
    - Finished polish localization
    - Added spanish (latin america) localization
    - Added system to auto target certain neutral buildings (e.g. creep camps)
    - Fixed a bug on the Kul Tiras base preventing a rifleman to exit his tent when the camp was under attack
    - Vastly improved AI (how the AI attacks, where it attacks, etc)
    - Fixed Zar'jira attack routines to make sure she attacks twice and comments twice before the final wave
    - Overhauled environmental fog both in game and in cutscenes
    - Improved some camera angles
    - Improved a bit cutscenes animations
    - Improved a bit gameplay animations
  • Updated Mission 04 (The Fires Down Below) [v1.4]:
    - Finished french localization
    - Finished german localization
    - Finished polish localization
    - Added spanish (latin america) localization
    - Added range indicator on the 3D world for the murlocs on Snowsong section
    - Improved a bit the Snowsong countdown mechanic system to be a bit less punishing (but still impossible to cheese)
    - Improved Murloc High Sorcerer AI so now it won't as often stop while casting
    - Overhauled environmental fog both in game and in cutscenes
    - Uniformed prisoners stats with player's one
    - Removed any visible boundary from the view
    - Improved a bit gameplay animations
  • Updated Mission 03 (Riders on the Storm) [v1.5]:
    - Finished french localization
    - Finished german localization
    - Finished polish localization
    - Added spanish (latin america) localization
    - Added system to auto target certain neutral buildings (e.g. creep camps)
    - Vastly improved AI (how the AI attacks, where it attacks, etc)
    - Overhauled environmental fog both in game and in cutscenes
    - Rebalanced the Ogres to be stronger than Grunts
    - Improved a bit cutscenes animations
    - Improved a bit gameplay animations
  • Updated Mission 02 Interlude (Malestrom) [v1.6]:
    - Finished french localization
    - Fixed height of the troll hut of the first scene in order to be on the ground
    - Improved a bit cutscenes animations
  • Updated Mission 02 (Departures) [v1.7]:
    - Finished french localization
    - Finished german localization
    - Finished polish localization
    - Added spanish (latin america) localization
    - Added multiple models for the villagers of Southshore
    - Improved and optimized the routines of the villagers of Southshore
    - Added system to auto target certain neutral buildings (e.g. creep camps)
    - Fixed a bug preventing certain neutral units (e.g. riderless horse) to be shown during cinematics
    - Vastly improved AI (how the AI attacks, where it attacks, etc)
    - Overhauled environmental fog both in game and in cutscenes
    - Removed any visible boundary from the view
    - Improved a bit gameplay animations
    - Improved a bit ambient sounds
  • Updated Mission 01 (Chasing Vision) [v1.9]:
    - Finished french localization
    - Finished german localization
    - Finished polish localization
    - Added spanish (latin america) localization
    - Added system to auto target certain neutral buildings (e.g. creep camps)
    - Removed some critters that were making hard to path through
    - Overhauled environmental fog both in game and in cutscenes
    - Removed any visible boundary from the view
    - Improved a bit gameplay animations
    - Improved a bit ambient sounds

Note: maintenance update to accompany the release of The Scourge of Lordaeron Act I.

  • Updated Mission 05 Epilogue (Beyond the Sea) [v1.5]:
    - Some typo and consistency fixes in all localizations
  • Updated Mission 05 (Contdown to Extinction) [v1.5]:
    - Some typo and consistency fixes in all localizations
    - Some minor improvements to AI
    - Changed gold mine model to reflect Sunken Ruins tileset
    - Some minor model fixes
  • Updated Mission 04 (The Fires Down Below) [v1.5]:
    - Some typo and consistency fixes in all localizations
  • Updated Mission 03 (Riders on the Storm) [v1.6]:
    - Some typo and consistency fixes in all localizations
    - Improved music to better reflect Alliance vs Horde theme
    - Changed gold mine model to reflect Sunken Ruins tileset
    - Some minor improvements to AI
    - General improvements to creep camps
  • Updated Mission 02 Interlude (Malestrom) [v1.7]:
    - Some typo and consistency fixes in all localizations
  • Updated Mission 02 (Departures) [v1.8]:
    - Some typo and consistency fixes in all localizations
    - Hellscream is back... sorry guys, cannot risk to anger Games Workshop
    - Improved music to better reflect Alliance vs Horde theme
    - Some minor improvements to villager models and Syndicate units color
    - Some minor improvements to AI
    - General improvements to creep camps
  • Updated Mission 01 (Chasing Vision) [v2.0]:
    - Some typo and consistency fixes in all localizations
    - General improvements to creep camps

Note: this updated is focused on translation. Some english typos have been fixed too around all various maps.

  • Updated Mission 05 Epilogue (Beyond the Sea) [v1.6]:
    - Improved french, russian and italian translation
  • Updated Mission 05 (Contdown to Extinction) [v1.6]:
    - Improved french, russian and italian translation
  • Updated Mission 04 (The Fires Down Below) [v1.6]:
    - Improved french, russian and italian translation
  • Updated Mission 03 (Riders on the Storm) [v1.7]:
    - Improved french, russian and italian translation
  • Updated Mission 02 Interlude (Malestrom) [v1.8]:
    - Improved french, russian and italian translation
  • Updated Mission 02 (Departures) [v1.9]:
    - Improved french, russian and italian translation
  • Updated Mission 01 (Chasing Vision) [v2.1]:
    - Improved french, russian and italian translation

  • Updated Mission 05 Epilogue (Beyond the Sea) [v1.7]:
    - Improved french translation
  • Updated Mission 05 (Contdown to Extinction) [v1.7]:
    - Improved french translation
  • Updated Mission 04 (The Fires Down Below) [v1.7]:
    - Improved french translation
    - Fixed some italian translation typos
  • Updated Mission 03 (Riders on the Storm) [v1.8]:
    - Improved french translation
  • Updated Mission 02 Interlude (Malestrom) [v1.9]:
    - Improved french translation
  • Updated Mission 02 (Departures) [v2.0]:
    - Improved french translation
    - Fixed bug preventing creep camp fires to turn off when the relative creep camp is defeated
  • Updated Mission 01 (Chasing Vision) [v2.2]:
    - Improved french translation
    - Fixed bug preventing creep camp fires to turn off when the relative creep camp is defeated

Note: this updated is focused on adding some more depth to the characters/factions, while bringing up to par with the human campaign all cinematics, back-end and front-end systems.
  • Updated Mission 05 Epilogue (Beyond the Sea) [v1.8]:
    - Light overhaul (added a rim light, improved all Day-Night-Cycle (DNC), fixed black faces of unlit characters during cinematics using also ambient light)
    - Removed low poly grass
    - Added animated natural doddoads
    - Improved chinese translation
    - General optimization, bugfixes and improvements
  • Updated Mission 05 (Contdown to Extinction) [v1.8]:
    - Cinematic overhaul (reduced fades to black, improved some camera angle)
    - Light overhaul (added a rim light, improved all Day-Night-Cycle (DNC), fixed black faces of unlit characters during cinematics using also ambient light)
    - Removed low poly grass
    - Added animated natural doddoads
    - Improved chinese translation
    - Updated all Kul Tiras unit skins with new improved skins much easier to recognize and tell apart
    - Fixed Kelen the Seeker eyes not being blue like other High Elves
    - Rebalanced the tidesage (made stronger) and the hydromancer (made a bit weaker)
    - Added resistant skin to Nazgrel since it's a demi-hero
    - Reduced the amount of messages on screen, especially when tutorial is disabled
    - General optimization, bugfixes and improvements
  • Updated Mission 04 (The Fires Down Below) [v1.8]:
    - Cinematic overhaul (reduced fades to black, improved some camera angle)
    - Light overhaul (added a rim light, improved all Day-Night-Cycle (DNC), fixed black faces of unlit characters during cinematics using also ambient light)
    - Removed low poly grass
    - Added animated natural doddoads
    - Improved chinese translation
    - Updated all Kul Tiras unit skins with new improved skins much easier to recognize and tell apart
    - Rebalanced the tidesage (made stronger) and the hydromancer (made a bit weaker)
    - Increased a bit the overall difficulty of the mission, especially in the last encounter (reduced Flame Strike cooldown, increased mana and damage of Dagon, reduced runes dropped by barrier Mur'Ghuls)
    - Reduced the amount of messages on screen, especially when tutorial is disabled
    - Added resistant skin to Snowsong since it's a demi-hero
    - General optimization, bugfixes and improvements
  • Updated Mission 03 (Riders on the Storm) [v1.9]:
    - Cinematic overhaul (reduced fades to black, improved some camera angle)
    - Light overhaul (added a rim light, improved all Day-Night-Cycle (DNC), fixed black faces of unlit characters during cinematics using also ambient light)
    - Removed low poly grass
    - Added animated natural doddoads
    - Improved chinese translation
    - Updated all Kul Tiras unit skins with new improved skins much easier to recognize and tell apart
    - Updated barracks, farm and altar Kul Tiras skins to be thematic and easy to recognize (more skins will come in the future for all buildings requiring them!)
    - Fixed Kelen the Seeker eyes not being blue like other High Elves
    - Fixed Kelen the Seeker not being able to use its Kelen's Dagger of Escape
    - Rebalanced the tidesage (made stronger) and the hydromancer (made a bit weaker)
    - Increased the strength of Sea Giant creep
    - Added resistant skin to Nazgrel since it's a demi-hero
    - Reduced the amount of messages on screen, especially when tutorial is disabled and also for what concerns the optional quest
    - General optimization, bugfixes and improvements
  • Updated Mission 02 Interlude (Malestrom) [v2.0]:
    - Light overhaul (added a rim light, improved all Day-Night-Cycle (DNC), fixed black faces of unlit characters during cinematics using also ambient light)
    - Removed low poly grass
    - Added animated natural doddoads
    - Improved chinese translation
    - Updated all Kul Tiras skins (also added new skins, hopefully now nobody will think the captain is Proudmoore...)
    - Fixed Kelen the Seeker eyes not being blue like other High Elves
    - General optimization, bugfixes and improvements
  • Updated Mission 02 (Departures) [v2.1]:
    - Cinematic overhaul (reduced fades to black, improved some camera angle)
    - Light overhaul (added a rim light, improved all Day-Night-Cycle (DNC), fixed black faces of unlit characters during cinematics using also ambient light)
    - Removed low poly grass
    - Added animated natural doddoads
    - Completely redone villagers AI, now much more effective and less heavy on performances
    - Improved chinese translation
    - Updated Warsong Grunt model to be much more unique
    - Reduced the amount of messages on screen, especially when tutorial is disabled
    - General optimization, bugfixes and improvements
  • Updated Mission 01 (Chasing Vision) [v2.3]:
    - Cinematic overhaul (reduced fades to black, improved some camera angle)
    - Light overhaul (added a rim light, improved all Day-Night-Cycle (DNC), fixed black faces of unlit characters during cinematics using also ambient light)
    - Removed low poly grass
    - Added animated natural doddoads
    - Improved chinese translation
    - Added new chinese logo
    - Reduced the amount of messages on screen, especially when tutorial is disabled
    - General optimization, bugfixes and improvements

Note: this update brings compatibility to W3R 1.34, while adding a small bunch of improvements.
  • Updated Mission 05 Epilogue (Beyond the Sea) [v1.9]:
    - General localization improvements
  • Updated Mission 05 (Contdown to Extinction) [v19]:
    - Improved Kul Tiras models
    - General localization improvements
    - Made all codexes easier to find
  • Updated Mission 04 (The Fires Down Below) [v1.9]:
    - Improved Kul Tiras models
    - Made the Murloc High Sorcerer a bit stronger to fight against
    - Now summoned units can't trigger the end game section
    - General localization improvements
    - Made all codexes easier to find
  • Updated Mission 03 (Riders on the Storm) [v2.0]:
    - Improved Kul Tiras models
    - Added thematic Kul Tiras buildings
    - Made the Kul Tiras forces more prone to attack and less strong in defense
    - General localization improvements
    - Made all codexes easier to find
  • Updated Mission 02 Interlude (Malestrom) [v2.1]:
    - General localization improvements
    - Improved weather effect during the storm
  • Updated Mission 02 (Departures) [v2.2]:
    - General localization improvements
    - Made Southshore codex easier to find
  • Updated Mission 01 (Chasing Vision) [v2.4]:
    - General localization improvements

Note: this is an hotfix to chinese translation.
  • Updated Mission 05 Epilogue (Beyond the Sea) [v1.9]:
    - Improved chinese localization
  • Updated Mission 05 (Contdown to Extinction) [v1.9]:
    - Fixed chinese Codex dialog and buttons appearing as Allies
    - Improved chinese localization
  • Updated Mission 04 (The Fires Down Below) [v1.9]:
    - Fixed chinese Codex dialog and buttons appearing as Allies
    - Improved chinese localization
  • Updated Mission 03 (Riders on the Storm) [v2.0]:
    - Fixed chinese Codex dialog and buttons appearing as Allies
    - Improved chinese localization
  • Updated Mission 02 Interlude (Malestrom) [v2.1]:
    - Improved chinese localization
  • Updated Mission 02 (Departures) [v2.2]:
    - Fixed chinese Codex dialog and buttons appearing as Allies
    - Improved chinese localization
  • Updated Mission 01 (Chasing Vision) [v2.4]:
    - Fixed chinese Codex dialog and buttons appearing as Allies
    - Improved chinese localization

- The entire prologue campaign is now bundled in a single .w3n (custom campaign) map file. This allows you to select difficulty in the game, select missions in the game and load saved game through game menus.
- The entire package is around 600 MB smaller than the previous version
- The custom campaign features a custom loading screen inspired from the default game one with the appropriate information about Hive Workshop and the project Patreon page
- File organization is reworked completely: all files (including most of the object related strings) are now contained in only one file, thus making translation and fixing backend much easier
- Object data completely reworked: all custom units are assigned as map-specific or campaign-specific and they are all organized with proper ids
- Chaos damage removed on all creeps where it makes no sense to have it
- Divine armor icon now properly displayed
- Items are completely reworked: they are reorganized, harder to kill and their values make more sense on a global scale
- Integrated some balance changes since 1.31 to Re-Reforged (like Sundering Blades, Prioritize Air and more) plus some other to improve gameplay
- Improved some codex and hint texts on all missions
- Now human scout towers have 1800 sight range on both day and night
- Made Death Pact and Death Ritual cost 0 mana (with longer cooldown, like the integrated Far Sight)
- Racial shops are redone according to the new items categorization system
- General improvements to all models (some are even new, other improved and optimized for 1.35)
- All ghosts now have a 15% transparency added to them beside the model fresnel effect
- Complete rework of all walking sounds (they loop correctly now in all cinematics)
- Music save/reload bugs now fixed
- Music overall randomization is better when default music is played
- Music doesn't include TFT tracks as default tracks anymore
- Fixed music sometimes not resetting correctly to the intended playlist
- dded new cheats: now "ggwp" (add "-cache" or "-nocache" to make it save the cache or not). You can also display current difficulty using "howhard" and you can enable all campaign buttons using "notimetowaste"
- Codex system UI reworked: now using icons, more space to display text and better hints to avoid issues with scrolling (please note, it's impossible to make it scroll from the start due to an engine limitation)
- Codex system interaction reworked: now codex scrolls give XP to heroes collecting them depending on how difficult they are to find. Their position is also reworked to be easier to find in all maps
- Added custom loading screens for all missions, reflecting how the missions are supposed to take place in the extended world of WC3 joined with the world from WoW
- Optimized and improved all trees animations
- Added some unit (mostly creeps) randomization to increase replayability
- Added some items randomization to increase replayability
- Reworked the final "thank you" screen to be more up-to-date
- Added intro cinematic you can play before playing the campaign, like in default campaign
- Added campaign logo
- Improved Re-Reforged logo both in maps and in the campaign menu
- Improved custom voice acting
  • Updated Mission 05 Epilogue (Beyond the Sea) [v2.0]:
    - Added more variation to the villagers
    - AI upscaled reslution of ships used in close-up shots
  • Updated Mission 05 (Contdown to Extinction) [v2.0]:
    - Now Snake Creature is a proper Naga Royal Guard (as per its stats)
    - Now the racial shop is already pre-built for the player
    - Some general environmental improvements
  • Updated Mission 04 (The Fires Down Below) [v2.0]:
    - Completely reworked stealth detections sytem: new graphics, better introduction and now more integrated with the game
    - Made Ancient Spirits encounter overall harder
    - Made the fight at the barrier overall harder
    - Made the fight with the Murloc High Sorcerer overall easier
    - Some general environmental improvements
  • Updated Mission 03 (Riders on the Storm) [v2.1]:
    - Improved some camera shots in various cinematics
    - The shop is now in-line with racial shops of the orc (within map tech-tree limits)
    - Made Ancient Spirit encounter overall harder
    - Some general environmental improvements
  • Updated Mission 02 Interlude (Malestrom) [v2.2]:
    - Reduced the amount of white in the dream sequence fades (now they are grey)
    - AI upscaled reslution of ships used in close-up shots
  • Updated Mission 02 (Departures) [v2.3]:
    - Added more variations to the villagers
    - Fixed peasant axing unappropriate stuff, now they axe wood
    - Some general environmental improvements
    - The mission now takes place nearby Southshore
  • Updated Mission 01 (Chasing Vision) [v2.5]:
    - Improved camp animations
    - Improved camp buildings scale
    - Now Medivh can't be selected in-game and its quest icon display the raven icon (why reveal his face earlier than the final cinematic?)
    - Now circles of power are hidden if not playing tutorial
    - Improved some tutorial hints
    - Some general environmental improvements
    - The mission now takes place in the Hillsbrad Foothills, at the boundary with the Arathi Highlands
    - Circle of Outer Binding renamed into Circle of Elements

- Removed all animated trees triggers (now it's done by fixing the models)
- Fixed some typos
- Added a missing loading screen (sometimes loading screens get removed by the editor when saving campaigns. In time I will understand the pattern to avoid that, but for now, just bear with me)

This version add localization in most languages, plus a bunch of fixes and improvements. As of now, only polish localization is still missing.
- Added french, spanish latino, spanish european, italian, chinese simplified, german, french and russian localization, consisting in UI, texts and full voice acting
- Added hydromancer adept/master icons
- Increased responsiveness of codex dialog buttons (when clicking on the text, now they are fully responsive)
- Removed most memory leaks in all maps
- Improved the loading screen graphics of Thoradin's Wall landmark
- Fixed some graphical issues on Kul Tiras buildings portraits
- Fixed detection aura moving around following the head of the model it was attached to
- Some minor improvements here and there

Hotfix, doesn't require map version change.
  • Updated Mission 05 Epilogue (Beyond the Sea) [v2.1]:
    - Fixed an optimization issue causing attack waves to not start

This version add localization in polish language, plus a bunch of fixes and improvements.
- Added polish localization, consisting in UI, texts and full voice acting
- Fixed some typos in french localization
- Fixed some typos in the english localization
- Magic damage is now added on all creeps where it makes sense to have it, including custom units (e.g. tome wraiths, etc)
- Improved some models, textures and animations (e.g. golems, ogre mounds)
- Added custom model to Scurvy Pirates and Phat Lewt
- Removed built-in crest from loading screens
- Improved some AIs
- Optimized AI routines and removed their leaks
- Reworked checkpoints to avoid bugs and improve their spreading within the maps

This version adds localization in korean language, plus a bunch of fixes and improvements.
- Added korean localization, consisting in UI, texts and full voice acting
- Fixed DNC reload on all maps
- Fixed some missing translated lines in polish and Italian
- Fixed some typos and grammar errors in english
- Added failsafe to cinematics in case of unexpected game overs
- Added checkpoint serialization (should prevent bugs in trigger queue due to checkpoint reload)
- Disabled all checkpoints by default (safety measure, checkpoints are not so safe to use in current version of Reforged, you can enable them if you wish)
  • Updated Mission 01 (Chasing Vision) [v2.6]:
    - Fixed Medivh not correclty flying to end position after intro cinematic
    - Added small reward for destroying Ogre Mound
  • Updated Mission 02 (Departures) [v2.5]:
    - Fixed a typo in the enemy AI script which was preventing it from working properly
    - Enlarged a bit some areas to enter houses for villagers in Southshore
  • Updated Mission 03 (Riders on the Storm) [v2.2]:
    - Add Glyph of Ultravision at First Home as additional reward
  • Updated Mission 04 (The Fires Down Below) [v2.1]:
    - Fixed a collision issue with a nasty column
    - Added summoned categorization to all lava spawns
    - Increased Tome Wraith creep level from 4 to 5
    - Added a bunch of visibility checks to make sure invisible wolf don't trigger weird stuff
    - Made the Spirit Shards invulnerable
    - Added custom icons for Predator Sense and a better one for the Orb of Spirits
    - Now the New Unit hint about Berserkers should be appropriately displayed as soon as you get one of them
    - Reduced a bit the HP of Dagon during the boss fight
  • Updated Mission 05 (Contdown to Extinction) [v2.2]:
    - Adjusted a bit the position of the starting unit in base, to help deal with initial assault
    - Fixed wrong SFX on failed Taz'dingo quest
  • Updated Mission 05 Epilogue (Beyond the Sea) [v2.1]:
    - Fixed (hopefully) a VFX issue on a grunt in the Epilogue

W3RR Exodus of the Horde (Campaign)

First of all: @InsaneMonster managed to Re-Reforge the campaign, there is no doubt about that. Everyone who followed Reforged way back then was hyped. We were promised cinematics on far with modern expectations, some of us have hoped for extra...
What can be said about this rendition of the Prologue that hasn't been said already? Everything that was promised by Blizzard didn't even come close to what's been presented here. A lot of the touch ups to even the tutorial missions are intuitive. The...
Level 20
Oct 16, 2021
I recently purchased Reforged exactly for this thing [and other RR campaigns] and I'm very not disappointed. I don't need or even want to play vanilla reforged campaign. This is way more polished and refined experience that comes with many things that Warcraft always lacked, and should be the very first thing that new warcraft players should go for. New cutscenes are lovely. As the lore-focused guy, I love the Codex, and in fact this is exactly what I want to implement in my own project as well. The only thing I'd add is more custom dialogues and voicework, that can be provided by ElevensLab. Human campaign is next in my queue.
I recently purchased Reforged exactly for this thing [and other RR campaigns] and I'm very not disappointed. I don't need or even want to play vanilla reforged campaign. This is way more polished and refined experience that comes with many things that Warcraft always lacked, and should be the very first thing that new warcraft players should go for. New cutscenes are lovely. As the lore-focused guy, I love the Codex, and in fact this is exactly what I want to implement in my own project as well. The only thing I'd add is more custom dialogues and voicework, that can be provided by ElevensLab. Human campaign is next in my queue.

The human campaign is still in the old format. You are not going to play the finalized version I can now provide thanks to the re-addition of custom campaigns.

Anyway, thank you!
Level 6
Mar 19, 2015
If anyone can please explain, can this be played with the classic mode graphics?

I love playing custom campaigns but i am not a fan of the HOTStorm-like graphics that Reforged mode graphics bring.
Level 4
Jun 13, 2011

Whenever I'm trying the custom campaign it says "this map has been saved by a more recent version of the editor. It may contain data which are not supported in this version. continue loading"

and then nothing happens whether i click yes or no

Whenever I'm trying the custom campaign it says "this map has been saved by a more recent version of the editor. It may contain data which are not supported in this version. continue loading"

and then nothing happens whether i click yes or no
You'll have to download a legal copy of the game, it's for 15€ right now due to Black Friday
Level 4
Jun 13, 2011
You'll have to download a legal copy of the game, it's for 15€ right now due to Black Friday
So the problem is due to uhh.. legality and not Quenching? I can run with hiccups on my uhh..less than legal version, its just with Quenching it won't work. If the uhh..legality checked version runs this with Quenching imma buy it asap, can anyone confirm?
So the problem is due to uhh.. legality and not Quenching? I can run with hiccups on my uhh..less than legal version, its just with Quenching it won't work. If the uhh..legality checked version runs this with Quenching imma buy it asap, can anyone confirm?

Quenching is not fully supported by the mod. But the request of using another version comes from the fact is was pirated more than on Quenching. My mod can work with Quenching, but you might have weird visual bugs or even errors in some imported files (like AIs).
Level 4
Jun 13, 2011
Quenching is not fully supported by the mod. But the request of using another version comes from the fact is was pirated more than on Quenching. My mod can work with Quenching, but you might have weird visual bugs or even errors in some imported files (like AIs).
So i got a legal copy and as of yet first 3 chapters have run flawlessly with Quenching 2.3

Thank you for this amazing campaign, I hope to play a .w3n of the Human campaign too before the year ends. ❤️
So i got a legal copy and as of yet first 3 chapters have run flawlessly with Quenching 2.3

Thank you for this amazing campaign, I hope to play a .w3n of the Human campaign too before the year ends. ❤️
Yeah, those lousy model artists need to get their shit together and finish the snowed buildings @InsaneMonster :ogre_hurrhurr:
Level 2
Nov 24, 2023
Hi, i download and try the human part, wich is really great btw 🙂 as for the prologue my game don't detect it, i check the faq but the only thing i see in my game file is that the prologue extension is W3N and the scourge of Lordaeron is W3X. I don't know if the problem come from that or if i did something wrong 😅
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Hi, i download and try the human part, wich is really great btw 🙂 as for the prologue my game don't detect it, i check the faq but the only thing i see in my game file is that the prologue extension is W3N and the scourge of Lordaeron is W3X. I don't know if the problem come from that or if i did something wrong 😅
W3N is for custom campaigns, you have to download it to the campaigns folder (and have at least version 1.36)
Level 2
Nov 24, 2023
Thanks for the answer, i already try this solution but the result was the same, i just put the prologue out the file i create for Re Reforged and it appears 😅
Level 4
Mar 24, 2014
My quick review. I love the details of the cinematics and the rework behind the mission is really great. Except one thing that is present from mission 3 to 5.

Why is every road so narrow? It's just horrible to move with your units anywhere. I was struggling a lot of times just to loot items, I'm not even talking about fighting. It's especially frustrating when you are fighting ennemies that ask a quick reaction like the Kul'tiran spellcasters and Zar'jira, and Dagon. Don't get me wrong, nothing is that hard, but hugh, I was really bothered by this.

I think enlarging the maps should be a focus in the future to make things more smooth to play. Also, the escape part after killing Dagon is really unecessary, it adds just two minutes to the mission for now reason because there is like five weak mobs in the road.
Level 2
Oct 1, 2022
I am genuinely so impressed with how well this has been done. You took the bones of the (Demo) campaign that Blizzard had and added substance and story to it that was, admittedly, there before but in a less expanded format. The enhancements you've made to the maps, to the objectives, the progression of these quests and the way you deliver those story beats are to be absolutely applauded. If this is the bar that you've set for continued Re-Reforgings, then you'll be doing even better than what Blizzard should have done from the very beginning.
@InsaneMonster can we get Thrall Calling Grom instead of Hellscream using the original audio?

that shit is really cut out and edited in all of his dialogue

It was originally, but since the project is very famous, I prefer not to have any trouble. Blizzard changed it for a reason, not because they wanted to do extra weird work, so I prefer to be safe on that regard.
Level 12
Feb 20, 2020
It was originally, but since the project is very famous, I prefer not to have any trouble. Blizzard changed it for a reason, not because they wanted to do extra weird work, so I prefer to be safe on that regard.
I really hope that Microsoft reverts this shit but i find it impossible at this rate and all i want is to see the company burn now.
Also, they only removed grom because of their hardon to make it relatable to Post WoD WoW, and the fact that this game as the RTS isn't even canon anymore after the shitton of retcons imposed by WoW post TBC and Stupid ass books and comic.
Behold, for this is probably going to be the last update (that is not a small bugfix or some adjustment to future patches)! This version adds polish localization plus a small amount of bug fixes and improvements!

Changelog (12/23/2023)
  • Added polish localization, consisting in UI, texts and full voice acting
  • Fixed some typos in french localization
  • Fixed some typos in the english localization
  • Magic damage is now added on all creeps where it makes sense to have it, including custom units (e.g. tome wraiths, etc)
  • Improved some models, textures and animations (e.g. golems, ogre mounds)
  • Added custom model to Scurvy Pirates and Phat Lewt
  • Removed built-in crest from loading screens (now they are correctly applied by the game)
  • Improved some AIs in all missions
  • Optimized AI routines and removed their leaks
  • Reworked checkpoints to avoid bugs and improve their spreading within the maps
Level 4
Sep 29, 2018
Yep, it's better than Blizzard campaign, great work, beautiful maps, well just perfect !
I also appreciate that I can play it in my father-langgue (Polish), One more time excellent work can't wait to see Human Campaign, also it would be great if you made some world editor tutorials ;)

I wish you the best and thank you for the chance to play a real remaster of my childhood game.
Yep, it's better than Blizzard campaign, great work, beautiful maps, well just perfect !
I also appreciate that I can play it in my father-langgue (Polish), One more time excellent work can't wait to see Human Campaign, also it would be great if you made some world editor tutorials ;)

I wish you the best and thank you for the chance to play a real remaster of my childhood game.

First of all, thanks! Then, there is the human campaign (but for now it's english only): Warcraft 3 Re-Reforged: The Scourge of Lordaeron and soon there will be first three missions of undead campaign.

I do lets dev on twitch where I develop the project live, if you are interested. You can find my twitch channel in the signature.
Level 2
Feb 6, 2024
Magnificent work has been done here. You know that horde campaing was just a small prologue. Well, this man remade it into something really bigger. 100% lore accurate, intersting side quests, fancy models, FINALLY NORMAL CUTSCENES and so much more. It feels not like a custom map by some fan, but like a true warcraft 3 reforged experience which we should have received from the blizard themselves.
Level 4
Apr 4, 2023
Captivating from start to finish - I went into this expecting cinematic and graphical reworks, what I found was so much more.

In mission one, the rework of the opening cinematic was as good as I expected, but I was pleasantly surprised when I could opt out of the narrated tutorial that the prologue offers - as an RTS veteran, this narration and guidance takes away from the immersion so that was an excellent quality of life improvement. Through the mission you are presented with three brand new cinematics that are reworks of what were originally just dialogue sequences. Another great addition are the codex entries scattered across the map, as a lore fiend myself I enjoyed taking in additional background and world building elements.

In my first playthrough, I accidentally had the campaign set to "Story" difficulty, which seems to be what Warcraft 3 defaults custom campaigns to. Upon switching to hard, you encounter additional creep spawns which helps to render what was once a skippable mission into something much more.

Mission two thankfully allows you to skip the base building tutorial as well, major win for veteran Warcraft 3 players! Another changeup that I was surprised by was the map was largely reworked from the original. The new layout felt more believable and Southshore was made to feel like a truly lived in town. There was also a nod to Jesse Morales in the graveyard, who was a Blizzard employee that is also honored in WoW in Southshore.

The cinematics are all reworked quite well, and the arrival of the Horde feels more believable and is presented as if some time has elapsed.

These missions of the prologue have always had a special place in my heart because two decades ago it felt like not many people even knew about their existence as they had originally only been available in the Warcraft 3 demo.

This was the first mission where the map was completely reworked and no longer bore any resemblance (terrain layout wise) to the original mission. The combat with the Humans is much more in depth and you have an added goal of saving troll villages along the way.

The Human Kul Tirans have custom unit models and their replacement for the priest, the Hydromancer, is a force to be reckoned with.

The more troll villages you save here, the more you'll have access to in mission five.

This mission opens up with something of a mini-game akin to the old StarCraft map "run zergling run" - although a bit more forgiving. This was an excellent break in the pacing and a fun start to the mission.

The map has a completely new layout from the original and is substantially more difficult. The mission ends in a boss battle that in some ways reminded me of a WoW raid. This was lots of fun and a great addition - although, Warcraft 3's pathing feels a bit clunky for the task at times (admittedly, I may have been spoiled on StarCraft 2's pathing over the years).

Mission five is the most intense "survive for X time" RTS mission I have ever played - which is a good thing! In the original game I went for a total annihilation of the enemy. As far as I can tell in Re-Reforged, completely destroying the enemy would not be in the cards.

The opening onslaught alone has to be carefully executed and each gold and wood is important. The fight to the end will keep you on your toes and optimizing each grunt, spearman, and even peon to achieve victory.

I would argue that Warcraft 3: Re-Reforged is the definitive way to play through the Warcraft 3 campaign in the modern age. I still appreciate, and at times prefer, the original graphics of the game - but there is no doubt that this modern cinematic rendering feels like Warcraft 3 has truly been reforged.

Cinematic comparison between Warcraft 3 Classic, Warcraft 3 Reforged, and Warcraft 3 Re-Reforged.
Last edited:
Level 1
Apr 12, 2024
Actually I'm just trying to reforge it for good...
Just played through the re-reforged prologue and am at a loss for words how awesome it was! Looking forward to playing the human and the act 1 of the undead campaign next. Bravo to you and your craftsmanship. If only you had a team, pay, and unlimited time. Would love to play through them all!
You really never stop updating! This version adds korean localization plus a small amount of bug fixes and improvements!

Changelog (04/15/2024)
  • Added korean localization, consisting in UI, texts and full voice acting
  • Fixed DNC reload on all maps
  • Fixed some missing translated lines in polish and Italian
  • Fixed some typos and grammar errors in english
  • Added failsafe to cinematics in case of unexpected game overs
  • Added checkpoint serialization (should prevent bugs in trigger queue due to checkpoint reload)
  • Disabled all checkpoints by default (safety measure, checkpoints are not so safe to use in current version of Reforged, you can enable them if you wish)
  • Updated Mission 01 (Chasing Vision) [v2.6]:
    • Fixed Medivh not correclty flying to end position after intro cinematic
    • Added small reward for destroying Ogre Mound
  • Updated Mission 02 (Departures) [v2.5]:
    • Fixed a typo in the enemy AI script which was preventing it from working properly
    • Enlarged a bit some areas to enter houses for villagers in Southshore
  • Updated Mission 03 (Riders on the Storm) [v2.2]:
    - Add Glyph of Ultravision at First Home as additional reward
  • Updated Mission 04 (The Fires Down Below) [v2.1]:
    • Fixed a collision issue with a nasty column
    • Added summoned categorization to all lava spawns
    • Increased Tome Wraith creep level from 4 to 5
    • Added a bunch of visibility checks to make sure invisible wolf don't trigger weird stuff
    • Made the Spirit Shards invulnerable
    • Added custom icons for Predator Sense and a better one for the Orb of Spirits
    • Now the New Unit hint about Berserkers should be appropriately displayed as soon as you get one of them
    • Reduced a bit the HP of Dagon during the boss fight
  • Updated Mission 05 (Contdown to Extinction) [v2.2]:
    • Adjusted a bit the position of the starting unit in base, to help deal with initial assault
    • Fixed wrong SFX on failed Taz'dingo quest
  • Updated Mission 05 Epilogue (Beyond the Sea) [v2.1]:
    - Fixed (hopefully) a VFX issue on a grunt in the Epilogue
Level 6
Jun 3, 2009
Having just won the third level, I'll say Level 3 is punishing... having a techtree of Grunts, Demolishers, and Shamans against whatever weird tier two Kul-Tiras has was not my jam. I like most of the changes so far but do think the cinematics run long now to take more angles.
Level 1
Jun 7, 2024
The typical hurrah:
Just absolutely the best kind of remastered content to enjoy, I mean the experience tweaks, the cosmetically different Kul'tirans, the absolute challenge on hard difficulty from just this campaign alone has gotten me so excited for the rest. The map design is just chefs kiss, with the type of detail and thematic presence that I hope to strive for on my own map projects. Hands down, the best experience and I hope it gets more recognition than it already has.

The "I'm bad at playing games" stuff:
I thought the sea witch at the very beginning of the last mission was a bit much, but the mission is still doable on hard so who am I to complain.
Level 25
Jul 26, 2008
Thought I would add some notes I wrote down from when I played this campaign:

It was very cool to have the Frostwolf clan flag (guessing that is it) next to the horde one.
The codex is great, the part about pigs being polymorphed victims which could indicate dangerous (magic casters) nearby was really good writing.
The close-up camera scenes were really good, and using normal lines from unit speech to increase dialogue in these new cinematics was a great idea.
Stuff like making more Gnolls come out of the huts makes the map have more interaction events. It definitely makes it more interesting for the player.
The cinematics with the Ogre and Golem show how strong those creatures are compared to grunts in terms of size, which we normally miss when looking at the game from top to down in RTS mode.

I like how map limit is set to just our base area - the human area is not relevant at the start.
Hotkeys are not qwerty?
The village cutscene makes it look more like a real village with the soldiers patrolling and the houses and civilians.
I like the burning guard tower in the background while Grom and Thrall talking.
Grom noticing the grunt walking towards them before Thrall does by turning his head first was a nice touch, since they wouldn't have both seen him at the same time (the Grunt who came to say the Horde was assembled)

I liked the new cinematic, showing the boats in the storm with the peons hammering away.
Also showing the shipwreck afterwards was nice.
The Troll scenes were all really good.

I really liked the AI sending waves at the villages, really good twist on the original map.
Glad to see the human hero teleported out-- never knew what happened to him when the Murlocs came to capture everyone.
The Murloc leader model looks awesome.

The Snowsong part of mission was great and was a far better way of explaining how Thrall escaped.
Regular Murloc waves were a good idea.

Good final push at the end, felt like the enemy forces really wanted to overwhelm me.
Having codexes in timed missions kind of sucks because I can't really search for them when I have a time limit base defense. Maybe having some kind of ping to show where they are or having them in my starting areas would help. Otherwise, people playing on harder difficulty will probably miss out unless they use cheats to find out where they are in advance.

Ending Cinematic Map
Great foreshadowing of the next campaign. I loved the acolytes trying to convert the villagers. That is a part of the wc3 storyline that we do not really see that much (the original corruption of Lordaeron, before the Undead started opening attacking everyone).

General points
I can definitely now see why everyone is really excited about this project. It is definitely the kind of thing that people originally wanted from Blizzard, and having you bring it to the community is pretty great of you. I feel embarrassed for originally thinking this was just another Blizzard campaign edit.

Level 1
Aug 26, 2024
Unrelated but does anyone knows why Extended Camera View (vanilla game setting, not a mod) does not work on Custom Campaigns? Everything is so zoomed-in it's hard to micro/macro things.
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Unrelated but does anyone knows why Extended Camera View (vanilla game setting, not a mod) does not work on Custom Campaigns? Everything is so zoomed-in it's hard to micro/macro things.

I constrained it. It would be problematic for off-camera elements otherwise.