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When we are seeing the new map moderator?

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Level 1
Dec 7, 2008
bounty hunter2 has gone for his holiday break. I was wondering who will be the new map moderator till he is back & when he will be announced? Any ideas by the staff?
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
I highly doubt any new moderator will be announced for the map section. I'm not sure when Bounty will be back, he didn't post anything in the Staff Holidays.
Level 17
Jun 17, 2007
I do not believe the staff has concluded on a replacement for bounty_hunter2. At one point it was thought to be Septimus, and most seemed to agree his English did not pose much of a problem.

I for one, would like a team of at least two map moderators (excluding Rui). This is a quick list of people I'd think could be considered. Granted, I haven't read many recent reviews since I've taken on the spells sections. Oh, and this list is quite large because I'm not even close to capably distinguish qualified from non-qualified members.

  • -Septimus
  • -CMarket (Cinematics?)
  • -CloudWolf(?)
  • -HFR (Melee Maps?)
  • -Linaze(?)
  • -Zelda.Alex(?)

Another possible solution would be to give a few other staff members the ability to moderate maps. Even if they rarely reviewed, it'd definitely help.
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
If you want to help out, posting reviews then linking them in the Map Resource Moderation section (say, in one big thread) can be incredibly helpful.

In the mean time, I've been busy all week and will be gone until Sunday, so I can't look into it until then, but at that point I'll see about working something out.
Level 24
Feb 28, 2007
So, do you suggest I create a thread in the Map Resource Moderation forum titled something like: "Map's Reviewed by Linaze", and basically I fill it with links to the various maps I have reviewed?
As soon as I get confirmation, I'll create such a thread.
Level 35
Dec 10, 2007
I somehow think that the Map moderator will have to test the map to check if those reviews are valid, so the workload is hardly decreased. Otherwise, if these reviews enjoy the staff's ultimate trust, we might aswell bestow a Moderator rank on the reviewing user.

It's quite a shame that we don't have enough qualified people to do the job, as being an active map moderator will obviously require a lot of time and work. I'd add redmarine and APProject to the list too though.



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
bounty hunter2 has gone for his holiday break. I was wondering who will be the new map moderator till he is back & when he will be announced? Any ideas by the staff?
I had another moderator in mind, but he's not as active as I thought he would be.

If you want to help out, posting reviews then linking them in the Map Resource Moderation section (say, in one big thread) can be incredibly helpful.
I'd prefer if you used the Map Mini-Jury. Using the Map Resource Moderation forum is just going to flood it, and the social group is inactive.
Level 35
Dec 10, 2007
Sure, we can bestow the rank at them. Then again, would they use the power they have been given at the right way?

Being a good reviewer doesn't mean a person have good responsibility.

We cannot see that unless they are promoted, as there's a large difference between being an advisor and an executor. Everyone has to adopt the new influence and responsiblity they suddenly recieve.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting to promote random people into moderators without surveillance, but in this specific case a rapid chain of actions should be taken.
Level 45
Jun 3, 2005
I dont think Septimus should be a mod. I think its disgusting seeing him boast about his maps and him continually putting down others/mocking in chat the users for their maps

eg for some off the head examples iv heard in chat for example "Hahah I saw his map, it just suck, i told him so but he just keeps spamming me demanding i show him respect. What a idiot! I map better than he ever could", "I told him his map just sucked, and he started trolling me, what a loser", "They have to face the fact their maps sucks no matter how hard they try. They should be able to take my critic even when I say it sucks."

In other words, map mods should never be bias or carry on some superiority complex, it disturbs a natural and balanced sense of judgement. He obviously doesnt know how to calmly handle and give critic, which create problems such as harrassment, down voting and fights, some of which iv seen and heard of, since Septimus constantly complains about them on his side.

And frankly, his English disturbs me.

My two cents.
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Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
It is very true that Map Moderators should not only be criticising, but also giving positive feedback and tell what are the good sites of a map. If a Map Moderator give only things that have to be improved, it doesn't give the Map Maker any power to continue. I for example demand that when someone is going to make a review, he should give negative and positive sides of the map. Then I know what are the good points and what have to be improved.

We also have to remember that Bounty Hunter have done same as Septimus(I know by experience). Septimus is not alone here. About Septimus' english, I don't see it is that bad because I also have bad english. We still can understand each other perfectly. But I know the feeling when someone speaks my own language and doesn't know how to speak it well...
Level 31
May 3, 2008
He obviously doesnt know how to calmly handle and give critic, which create problems such as harrassment, down voting and fights, some of which iv seen and heard of, since Septimus constantly complains about them on his side.

There is a clear line between constructive and non-constructive. I could accept everything the staff and rising_dusk told (Sometimes me and them would jokes with one another) whenever they critic my map simply because they know how to give a constructive review. How can a critism could be acceptable when a user barely say "It sucks" without any valid reason?

If you ever bother to visit the map section once in awhile, you would notice at the ample amount of resources that violate rules and user who do not bother to fix the errors upon being told to do so.

If you do not like the way on how I or somebody else review a resources, then you yourself should have volunteer to help instead of saying "oh, he is not qualified cause of bla bla bla". We need action at here, not a bloody useless chatting saying who are qualify to be the next mod and who isn't which are not happening at here.

As long as we have 1 active mod that would frequently check the resources, that would be fine. Do you have any idea how long it could took to even check 1 simple map?

And frankly, his English disturbs me.

Not everybody speak English as well as you do.

It is very true that Map Moderators should not only be criticising, but also giving positive feedback and tell what are the good sites of a map. If a Map Moderator give only things that have to be improved, it doesn't give the Map Maker any power to continue. I for example demand that when someone is going to make a review, he should give negative and positive sides of the map. Then I know what are the good points and what have to be improved.

A map moderator duty is just to point out the flaw of the map and ensure it was safe enough to be approve. Whether if it was good or not, the community itself would decide.
Level 45
Jun 3, 2005
There is a clear line between constructive and non-constructive. I could accept everything the staff and rising_dusk told (Sometimes me and them would jokes with one another) whenever they critic my map simply because they know how to give a constructive review. How can a critism could be acceptable when a user barely say "It sucks" without any valid reason?
Exactly, you say it sucks. Thats your problem to solve. My point is NOTHING.. I repeat. NOTHING to do with you receiving, I repeat again. NOTHING. READ what i wrote. =_=

If you ever bother to visit the map section once in awhile, you would notice at the ample amount of resources that violate rules and user who do not bother to fix the errors upon being told to do so.

irrelevant. Plus I dont really care that much.

If you do not like the way on how I or somebody else review a resources, then you yourself should have volunteer to help instead of saying "oh, he is not qualified cause of bla bla bla". We need action at here, not a bloody useless chatting saying who are qualify to be the next mod and who isn't which are not happening at here.

irrelevant. I have a right to criticize as its already a form of contribution if you dont notice.You seem to cause more problems when moderating let alone when you are reviewing user maps, thats my point.

As long as we have 1 active mod that would frequently check the resources, that would be fine. Do you have any idea how long it could took to even check 1 simple map?
I dont care. irrelevant to my point.

Not everybody speak English as well as you do.
I dont care. If you are going to represent an English site, talk proper English.
Level 45
Jun 3, 2005
Prove it or else it would just be a false claim by you.
Prove it? I think its pretty obvious with all the personal wars between you and your so called "review" targets. You whine and bitch about them constantly and they whine and bitch about you constantly.
And honestly, the site does not need this behavior at all. Id like for you to prove otherwise after I sample afew of your clients opinions.

And besides, you are making this far too personal. EVERYONE has a right to post their opinion about you as long as its constructive to the situation at hand, that being who becomes a suggested moderator or not.
Level 31
May 3, 2008
Prove it? I think its pretty obvious with all the personal wars between you and your so called "review" targets. You whine and bitch about them constantly and they whine and bitch about you constantly.
And honestly, the site does not need this behavior at all. Id like for you to prove otherwise after I sample afew of your clients opinions.

And you want prove? Sure, I have ample of evidence pointing to their opinion being invalid.

You want one? Here you go.

http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/1121116-post33.html (It was reply by other user http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/1122081-post34.html)

Notice : Most of the post no longer available as it was deleted by other staff due to flaming/trolling. I only manage to come up with 2 of it.

Honestly enough, do you want to see how many user flame bounty hunter2 as well?


This is 1 of the post that flame bounty hunter2 for rejecting their resources.

Ask firelord213 and MasterHaosis, how many times did they get flame/troll via pm, vm and their resources during the moderation time.

Those flamming/trolling that map staff always get in their vm/pm/thread are due to them rejecting resources. Those are not constructive comment that you are trying to accuse me of not being able to accept it.

Ask the other map staff, does they accept a comment with the intention of trolling/flamming/downrating and being unconstructive? Just look at this user profile at the user reputation list, even Rui does not accept it and I guess this already give a rather solid point about it.


You want to know what is constructive? I can give you ample of opinion that I deem as constructive.
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
I'd prefer if you used the Map Mini-Jury. Using the Map Resource Moderation forum is just going to flood it, and the social group is inactive.
Doesn't matter much to me either way, so if you want to try and get it moved there then go ahead.

I somehow think that the Map moderator will have to test the map to check if those reviews are valid, so the workload is hardly decreased. Otherwise, if these reviews enjoy the staff's ultimate trust, we might aswell bestow a Moderator rank on the reviewing user.

It's quite a shame that we don't have enough qualified people to do the job, as being an active map moderator will obviously require a lot of time and work. I'd add redmarine and APProject to the list too though.
I will naturally be reading them and possibly giving the map a peek.
It's quite a shame that these threads tend to receive a sufficient amount of drama, to release staff internal issues directly into the public and to shine in front of the general inefficiency regarding the discussion of the topic.

How, and i directly ask the Hiveworkshop's staff, do you dare to post lists with possible moderators candidates right into the public instead of discussing and watching those users with the other members of the staff?
I am completely sure that these users are already informed that they are named here.

Does this staff really think they could prepare those people for a possible later position as a moderator here if you throw them their possible future here right into their face?
How can you expect them to live up to expectations with the pressure created by this lists to survive the exigencies?
How can you even be sure that this person is going to help the Hive or aiming for the power and call related to this, now greatly announced, position since you directly stated that they are observed?

Neither bad English nor general incompetency may equalize the damage caused by moderators not making their job.
And their job is not only to approve/reject, rate and judge resources.
Their job does not only consist of merging, censoring, annihilating and moving.

It's their job to offer right the support, to represent the ideals stated on top of the Hive, simply ignored, to interact, react, cooperate and...teach.

And you...you are posting public lists with members for a moderator's position.
Here. Now. How can you dare?



Level 22
Apr 12, 2008
I for one, would like a team of at least two map moderators (excluding Rui). This is a quick list of people I'd think could be considered. Granted, I haven't read many recent reviews since I've taken on the spells sections. Oh, and this list is quite large because I'm not even close to capably distinguish qualified from non-qualified members.

  • -Septimus
  • -CMarket (Cinematics?)
  • -CloudWolf(?)
  • -HFR (Melee Maps?)
  • -Linaze(?)
  • -Zelda.Alex(?)

Another possible solution would be to give a few other staff members the ability to moderate maps. Even if they rarely reviewed, it'd definitely help.

Me? A melee map mod? I'm not so active, and it's a huge responsabilty but...


It's too much power for me.



Level 22
Apr 12, 2008
The fact is:

- I have dial up, so, I'm not so active (even having more than 1,700 posts).

- By having a bad connection, I can't download huge maps and I can't play online.

- Also, moderators are hated by the users who had their maps rejected.

- And being a moderator (even a mini-mod) requires a lot of work and patience.
Level 11
Feb 16, 2009
The map section is going trough a bit of a crisis, but we should not promote moderators out of a rush. If there would be a new mod, it would be a expeirenced member with some good maps and known for excelent behavior and the ability to give good constructive criticism.

Oh and Zelda.Alex, are you hoping to become a map mod trough this thread?
Level 11
Feb 16, 2009
No offense againt Zelda.Alex, Im sure he's a great reviewer and maybe even a great GUI/(v)JASS user but he has no resources and has only been here for 9 months. It is up too the mods to see whether he is capable of becoming a mod, but I'd rather see a more expierenced mapper like Septimus do it.
Level 1
Dec 7, 2008
The map section is going trough a bit of a crisis, but we should not promote moderators out of a rush. If there would be a new mod, it would be a expeirenced member with some good maps and known for excelent behavior and the ability to give good constructive criticism.
I fully agree.

Oh and Zelda.Alex, are you hoping to become a map mod trough this thread?
No. I just wanted to know if the staff had decided on someone. I had though Septimus or someone from Map mini-jury would have been chosen. The discussion about proposals of name just came up.

No offense againt Zelda.Alex, Im sure he's a great reviewer and maybe even a great GUI/(v)JASS user but he has no resources and has only been here for 9 months. It is up too the mods to see whether he is capable of becoming a mod, but I'd rather see a more expierenced mapper like Septimus do it.
I don't know a bit about world editor. Not a bit. Not one thing.

So, Alex is the guy. He reviews almost every map, sometimes even more than bounty.
That is a incorrect HFR.

Resources doesn't matter. He was some melee maps and is one of the most important user here.
No, I am not.
Level 11
Feb 16, 2009
Thanks for clearing up soem things Zelda.Alex. I think its very important for a map mdo to ahve extensive knowledge of JASS or GUI, as for most maps the coding is very important. But as we need help for the mods, I hope Zelda.Alex keeps up his great work.
Level 1
Dec 7, 2008
Thanks for clearing up soem things Zelda.Alex. I think its very important for a map mdo to ahve extensive knowledge of JASS or GUI, as for most maps the coding is very important. But as we need help for the mods, I hope Zelda.Alex keeps up his great work.
I understand that fully.

I was talking about Rui...
Yeah. You just edited your post. Yes, Rui is important member.
Level 1
Dec 7, 2008
So-so, really. There's quite a few good things going on now, so it's better than it was.. I'm inactive in the forums, and basically just use the chatroom at the moment.
I noticed that. But are there chances that it is going to change in near future?
Level 18
Sep 27, 2005
I had another moderator in mind, but he's not as active as I thought he would be.

I am certain we are thinking of the same person, I mentioned him to Poot allready. Yeah, he's a bit inactive.

People, I read up the thread, didn't see a lot. I can only tell you this, I hope to do some more work during the period I am still at home, but I as I said to the staff, I'm in the process of moving, and the new house is raw, so I am spending a lot of time painting and doing construction work there. And I also have exams, thou I don't have to learn a lot.

People, do you know how I became a map moderator? I made reviews. I made so many reviews that my head hurt. And Rui helped me improve them, and finally I was promoted after a month or so of work. I didn't ask anyone about the position, I didn't do anything about it. I wasn't "attacky" or whatever the English word for the therm is. Do the same, if you are dedicated enough you will surely be promoted. Rui has time now, so I'm sure there shall be more testing sessions, he will assist you in your reviews, since I can't at the moment.

You don't need resources, you don't need JASS knowledge, you need atleast average WE knowledge. You need hard work and dedication.
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